Planned Love



1Ling Yue, an existence that caused the Hangcheng business circle to become terrified upon hearing this. This person had only appeared in the Hangcheng for a few years, and had caused several tens of established private enterprise owners to all go bankrupt.     4


Ling Yue is the holder of an underground bank and casino with Hangcheng. Through the form of constantly attracting gamblers and then lending usury to them, he quickly amassed a fortune. Then, he quickly extended his evil claws towards the gambling-loving entrepreneurs.    


In recent years, many companies had suddenly gone bankrupt in the middle of the night because of this person.    


No one had ever seen his true face. Just this name alone was enough to cause countless people to tremble in fear.    


According to the rumors, he was tall and big, with the arrogant appearance of a green dragon and a white tiger on the left and a white tiger on the right. What I didn't expect was that he was not only completely unrelated to the rumors, but also so beautiful that he couldn't even be compared to a woman.    


"You know me. Very well." He reached out his white hand and drew it back and forth across my face.    


"Why are you looking for me? "How did Rou know you?" I couldn't help but ask.    


When I asked this question, I suddenly realized that I had asked it in vain. Rou had stayed at Hangcheng for such a long time, so naturally, she had dealt with all sorts of people. The bar was bustling with business. Nothing had changed in the past few years, so there must be a 'protective umbrella' behind it. Otherwise, it would be hard for her to survive for such a long time as a woman who was a foreigner.    


"If you are useful, I will naturally come knocking on your door," he smiled charmingly, then added, "Tomorrow at noon, I will hold a banquet at Qian Kun Palace, so you must bring Tai Feng here."    


"And if I don't?" I asked, listening to his assured tone.    


"I've heard that you also have a son who is about to reach the age of one," he narrowed his eyes slightly and moved closer to me, saying softly, "I don't mind it at all. He will be my gift boy, and I can slowly nurture him."    


I shivered.    


I know this person looks weak, but he's capable of anything.    


"You investigated me?" I couldn't help but ask.    


He smiled and raised my chin. "Do I need to investigate the person I'm looking for?"    


"Why are you looking for Tai Feng?" I couldn't help but ask, "If you want to kill him, then you definitely found the wrong person!"    


"Attack him?" He shook his head. "No, I just want to be friends with him."    


The alcohol had yet to wake me up. My head felt a little dizzy, but it was still clear.    


How did Rou know I was in the light boat? Had she been waiting on the shore? I met Sheng Yun, did he tell Rou?    


My heart was filled with questions. I didn't know why Ling Yue suddenly found me and Tai Feng to be friends, nor did I know if Rou brought me here because Ling Yue wanted to see me or if she intentionally brought me in front of Ling Yue.    


I don't really want such a vicious character to appear in my life. I know that the more feminine a character seems, the more difficult it is to mess with. Once you get to know him, you either have to work for him, or he will treat you as a thorn in his side.    


I was just starting my career when Rou brought me to this person. It was difficult to ensure that he would not "nail" me from then on, becoming an inescapable nightmare for me.    


Moreover, he still wanted to see Tai Feng, what exactly did he want to do? Why did he want to see Tai Feng? Was he going to make a move on him?    


With Tai Feng's position, he shouldn't be afraid of such a person, right?    


"There is a saying that goes, 'one cannot do things according to one's will'. "If you really want to get to know Tai Feng, you can get to know him by your own means, so why make things so difficult for me." I said firmly.    


"If I could get to know him by my own means, do you think I would find you?" He suddenly grabbed my chin again and said coldly, "I'm very polite to you now, but... You'd better not refuse a toast. "    


He suddenly clapped three times loudly.    


The door was pushed open and Rou and the two men who had tied me up came in. Rou held a tray in her hands, and I didn't know what was on it.    


He slouches back against the sofa again. Rou sets the tray on the coffee table, and when I glare at her, she gives me a coquettish smile.    


"This is my first time meeting you. This is the dinner I have prepared for you. This dinner is worth quite a sum. " He glanced at me with his long, narrow eyes and said.    


"Shubei, this is a VIP treatment. "It seems that you are deeply favored by A Yue!" Rou smiled sinisterly.    


I couldn't help but look at the tray, which contained a plate of salad and a glass of water, and a packet of white powder.    


At first glance, it was nothing special. I didn't understand why they had bothered so much until my eyes were focused on the white powder, and then I thought about how one or two women would shake their heads madly on stage every time I went to ON … Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat and he immediately understood his intentions.    


"Is this poison...?" I looked at Ling Yue and asked.    


Before I could finish my sentence, he smiled sinisterly. His smile was extremely charming, ten times more charming than a woman's smile.    


"Darling, after this dinner, I'm sure you'll have a great night tonight." he said with great charm.    


My face changed.    


I've read a lot about D, and I know that once it gets infected, it'll be ruined for the rest of my life, and I'll never be able to make a comeback.    


"Ling Yue, Rou, what exactly do you want?" I asked, looking at them.    


"A'Yue kindly invited you to dinner. Why are you trembling?" Shubei, this is a top quality product. You can't get it through normal channels. I think A Yue really thinks highly of you. " Rou said with a smile.    


"Here, try it, baby." Ling Yue stood up again and scooped a spoonful of salad. He leisurely walked in front of me and said with a smile, "It's delicious. Here, I'll personally feed it to you."    


His face was smiling the entire time, the collar of his pajamas were open, revealing his fair skin. His fingers were white like jade under the light, and his head of silver hair made him look even more noble.    


"I won't eat these unless you let me die." I said, glaring at him.    


"Let you die?" He lifted my chin, and his voice was soft and long. "Wouldn't it be a pity to let you die? "If it wasn't for you having children, I would have taken you in tonight, a woman with pride in her bones and skin like you."    


"Ling Yue, what exactly do you want?" I asked, staring into his eyes.    


"As long as you cooperate, I won't do anything to you. But if you don't cooperate... "Hehehe …" His smile was so wicked that it made my hair stand on end.    


"Come on, be a good girl and open your mouth!" he said to me, pinching my chin.    


I tried to turn my head away, but he pried open my mouth and put a spoonful of salad in my mouth. I was about to throw up when he suddenly slapped me on the back and the salad slid from my mouth into my stomach.    


I didn't expect him to have such great strength!    


I choked and coughed a few times. My whole body went pale, and I shuddered at the thought that I had probably inhaled D's.    


When he saw my nervous reaction, he burst into exaggerated laughter! His smile was extremely bright, but the more he smiled, the more frightened I became.    


"What did you give me to eat?" I couldn't help but ask.    


"Beauty, don't tell me you don't even recognize fruits?" He lifted my chin and kicked me hard, but he darted behind me, caught me by the neck from behind, and whispered softly in my ear, "Beautiful, you're so bad. You almost broke my groin."    


"Are you sure you still have a lifeline? "A man wouldn't do such a dirty thing to a woman!" I shouted excitedly.    


I don't know when Rou left, but Ling Yue walked in front of me and said with a smile, "It's normal for men and women to talk about love, how can it be so dirty? You are a young married woman who has given birth, why are you still so unrelenting? "    


His hand subconsciously moved towards my chest. His hand was ice-cold. I couldn't help but shake it and shout, "Don't be reckless!"    


This is the first time I've met such a man. He has both the softness of a woman as well as the ruthlessness of a man. He doesn't seem to be in the dark, but behind his slovenliness, there is a kind of malevolence that frightens the hearts of the people.    


"Relax, relax …" He smiled and let me go, then said lightly, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to eat my dinner. Just bring Tai Feng to me obediently. "If I don't see anyone tomorrow afternoon, then I'm afraid that even if you beg my grandma to buy my dinner, I won't sell it to you."    


"I'll never eat your dinner in my life." Of course I knew what he meant by dinner, I said.    


"Don't be so sure, who knows, tomorrow … What would happen? Maybe by this time, baby, you're already in my bed, "he laughed again, and then he touched my face with his hand again, and when I tried to turn my head away, he gave me a nonchalant smile, and then he patted me on the shoulder and said," Well, I won't tease you anymore. D's are very expensive. I won't give them to you for free. What you just ate was just ordinary salad. You and I, even if we do get to know each other like this. "    


"I can leave now?" I asked, looking at him in disbelief. I thought the odds were against me, but I didn't expect him to let me go so easily.    


"Of course, could it be that... You want to stay the night? " He raised his eyebrows and asked me with a smile.    


"I don't want to!" "No," I answered firmly, and without hesitation went to the door. Who knows, his long hand fished over, he once again scooped me into his arms, gently said to me, "Darling, suddenly I can't bear to part with you... I haven't met such an interesting woman in a long time. "    




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