Godly Talent Duplicate System

C10 Rank 1 Vicious Beast Red Ant

C10 Rank 1 Vicious Beast Red Ant

2"Sister Qianqian, there's something here!"    


Xiao Wei cried out.    


All five members of the Willow Leaf Team, upon looking towards the the direction of Xiao Wei's voice, spotted a large python flying towards them.    


The large python grew up to three meters in length, causing goosebumps to emerge from one's skin and sending shivers down one's spine.    


Ye Chen paid close attention to and began analyzing the python's movements. Though it was abnormally large in size, its speed was not to be taken lightly. The wild beast slid swiftly around the branches of the forest in a planned-out manner while preparing for its attack on its prey. Compared to this beast, other normal pythons found on Earth simply could not compare to its size nor demeanor.    


"Wild Beast: Large Python"    


"Talent: None"    


"Level: 7"    


Data regarding the Vicious Beast appeared in Ye Chen's vision.    


"Sister Qianqian, what should we do?" Xiao Wei cried out in a panic, never before encountering such a large python in the wild.    


Wang Hai and Zhang Xiaoshi felt the same way. Lacking experience of hunting in the wilderness, they stood petrified on the ground, not knowing how to react in such a situation.    


Before Liu Qianqian could relay a single command, one of the members from Willow Leaf Team dashed towards the three meter long python.    


That person was Ye Chen!    


The few of them gawked in awe and surpise as they saw Ye Chen land a barrage of attacks with his bare fists onto the python's skull.    


After letting out several miserable screeches, the large python laid dead on the ground with its shattered skull. Ye Chen's attacks were meticulously executed. While dodging the first few retaliations from the python, he still managed to find the openings in its defenses and carry out his attack swiftly and efficiently. It was as if Ye Chen had read the python like a book.    




Liu Qianqian, Wang Hai, Zhang Xiaoshi and Xiao Wei stood paralyzed like terracotta statues upon witnessing this one-sided battle.    


"It's just a level-seven wild beast," Ye Chen said as he looked the other way. "Let's spare the idle talk and get going."    


Level 7 wild beasts had strength rivaling that of a Seventh Layer Body Tempering Cultivator. In certain cases, however, level 7 wild beasts were generally more powerful than a cultivator of that level.    


After defeating the large python, Ye Chen managed to accumulate 70 points on the score-keeping device he wore on his wrist.    


"Brother Ye's really is too powerful," Zhang Xiaoshi said in admiration.    


Wang Hai and Xiao Wei also wore expressions of respect on their faces.    


"Ye Chen, how many points did you get?" Liu Qianqian asked curiously.    


"70 points," Ye Chen said.    


Wang Hai, Zhang Xiaoshi, and Xiao Wei were overjoyed.    


"Oh yeah, we should see what items we received in our backpacks," Liu Qianqian said. "You never know whether or not we might have received something useful."    


As said previously, each student in the field exam reeived a backpack contianing random items prior to entering the forest.    


All five members of Willow Leaf Team opened their backpack, hoping to receive something of use.    


"Ye Chen: Eight-fold Telescope."    


"Liu Qianqian: Alloy sabre."    


"Zhang Xiaoshi: An axe."    


"Wang Hai: A Nepalese Army knife."    


"Xiao Wei: Three days worth of compressed biscuits and compressed water."    


Ye Chen played around with the eight-fold telescope in his hand and realized that it could be used to spot the figures of a wild beast in its vision.    


The attributes of a martial artist were much better than that of an ordinary person. Naturally, the same was true for their vision as well. With the addition of the eight-fold telescope, a martial artist would feel like an eagle flying around in the air looking for its prey.    


"There are giant ants in that direction, many of them!"    


The four other member of the Willow Leaf Team looked towards the direction of the Ye Chen's pointing finger.    


"Let's go," Ye Chen said softly.    


With that, the Willow Leaf Team moved quickly towards the direction of the giant ants.    


At this moment, the Willow Leaf Team stood just dozens of meters away from the giant ant nest, the size of a small hill.    


"Wild Beast: Giant Ant"    


"Level: 2"    


"Talent: None"    


Although the ants were only level-two beasts, they assembled in large numbers. If all of them were to gather together, they would accumulate numbers large enough to fill up the mountains and the seas.    


"Brother Ye, Sister Qianqian, how is it?" Wang Hai said with a slightly wavering voice.    


Zhang Xiaoshi and Xiao Wei also felt chills sent down their spines.    


"Ye Chen, there might be thousands of those ants here. We should leave immediately, or our lives could be placed in jeopardy." Liu Qianqian said to Ye Chen.    


Ye Chen nodded in response. Although he didn't want to leave, he refused to simply toy around with the lives of his others teammates. This is not a game; this is real life.    


Suddenly, a red ant, the size of a human, appeared in front of the five Willow Leaf Team members.    


This ant's entire body, covered with its crimson red armor, was truly a sight to behold.    


"Stage One Vicious Beast: Crimson Red Ant!" Xiao Wei exclaimed in a panic.    


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