Godly Talent Duplicate System

C12 Yang Feng United with 26 Other Teams

C12 Yang Feng United with 26 Other Teams

3Holding the alloyed blade, Ye Chen spun like a tornado in an unwavering manner, slicing apart any ants within his path.     4


The army of ants, charging into his direction, were shredded to the point where you could no longer tell that it was once a living thing.    


Upon seeing his actions, Zhang Xiaoshi and Wang Hai followed Ye Chen's example and began whirling around with their axe and Nepalese Army Knife.    


Without further ado, Liu Qianqian and Xiao Wei, realizing the effectiveness of this strategy, proceeded to do the same. Though the three other members were only at the Body Tempering Tenth Layer, they still managed to keep up with the pace of both Liu Qianqian and Ye Chen.    


While they did not know how many ants they have killed, their point-keeping devices constantly let out beeping sounds, each one indicating a fixed increase in points.    


After realizing their grave mistake of entering multiple eyes of the storm, the ants had no choice but to retreat back to their humble abode.    


"Hahaha! Sit down, you disgusting ants!" Wang Hai burst into laughter, wiping the sweat off his face.    


"I now have 200 points!" Xiao Wei said in surprise as she looked as the point device wrapped around her wrist.    


Consequently, the other members too looked at their devices and discovered that they had accumulated a total of 1500 points as a team, all from spinning around like lunatics.    


"I didn't expect to get so many points from that from that marvelous performance," Liu Qianqian said in a sarcastic manner as her fair face shone brightly with a big smile, contrasting the dark, gloomy mood of the forest.    


Spinning around for their lives was certainly no easy feat as it consumed much of their energy. Thus, the Willow Leaf Team made the wise decision to make camp in the area and rest for a while.    


Upon setting up camp, Xiao Wei distributed the compressed biscuits and compressed water in her backpack equally.    


"Brother Ye, with you and Sister Qianqian here, our Willow Leaf Team will have no troubles placing first in this field training," Wang Hai declared with a smile.    


After resting and eating their fill, they prepared to set off again to find more wild beasts to kill.    


"Huh?" Wang Hai uttured as he looked through his binoculars. "Isn't that Li Qiang and the others?"    


Li Qiang was a member from one of the other two squads in their class.    


Knowing that they are part of their class, the Willow Leaf Team approached Li Qiang's group with their guards down.    


Li Qiang was at the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering while the other four members in his group were at the Sixth Layer of Body Tempering.    


"Li Qiang, how many points did you obtain?" Wang Hai asked out of curiosity.    


Li Qiang looked at the the team approaching him and suddenly began crying.    


"Brother Ye... Qianqian... wuu…" After bawling like a child for a while, Li Qiang calmed down and muttered softly. "I've finally found the two of you..."    


"What happened?" Liu Qianqian asked with a worried face.    


Li Qiang began talking furiously, "Yang Feng joined forces with all the teams, not from our class, and stole our hard-earned points."    


Upon hearing Yang Feng's statement, the Willow Leaf Team was infuriated and felt their blood boiling within them.    


"Despicable!" Liu Qianqian shouted in a hostile manner.    


Ye Chen, however, remained calm and steady. Knowing Yang Feng's personality, Ye Chen had already predicted that he would unite the other teams in order to target the ones from Ye Chen's class.    


"Such a thing has never happened in the field training before! Yang Feng is such a cheap, despicable person!" Xiao Wei shouted out, motivated to avenge her classmates.    


"Brother Ye... you have to be careful," Li Qiang said with a discouraged voice while looking at Ye Chen. "Even after he stole our King Kong Squad's points, he began insulting us harshly and said... said how..."    


Li Qiang paused for a few seconds, then continued: "Said how he would not only steal the Willow Leaf Team's points but also attack Brother Ye to the point of crippling him!"    




Hearing that despicable declaration, all five members of the Willow Leaf Team burned with fury.    


"Brother Ye, Sister Qianqian, now that the other 27 teams are looking for your team, you guys have to proceed with caution. Otherwise, we'll be leaving now."    


Upon finishing his words, Li Qiang led the King Kong squad out of the area.    


"Ye Chen, how do you think we should proceed?" Liu Qianqian said, wondering what he could be processing in his mind.    


Zhang Xiaoshi, Wang Hai, and Xiao Wei also looked at Ye Chen, curious to know what Ye Chen would say.    


Pondering for a few seconds, Ye Chen came up with a plan and said with a vengeful look on this face, "Yang Feng joined forces with all the other teams to target me. Since they are now hunting us down to steal our points, why not turn the tables and strike the iron while it's hot? Let's hunt down the hunters"    


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