The Strongest Magic Doctor in City

C9 Doctor Malicious

C9 Doctor Malicious

3The other two youths walked over to Lee Yifann with a snicker.    


The woman saw what was to unfold. Her expression changed and she immediately said, "Run Young man, run!"    


Lee Yifann shook his head, "I'm not going to run."    


"They will beat you to death! You have to run! This is not your problem, it doesn't concern you!" The woman was kind and didn't want to implicate Lee Yifann.    


"Auntie, you'll see, I will help you seek justice." Lee Yifann took a deep breath. He stood up, and coldly looked at the two gangsters coming towards him.    


"Kid, you are inviting death! Don't you want to live anymore!"    


The two thugs with hideous smiles cracked their knuckles. The cracking noise was so loud, it gave a shiver down people's spine.    


They both swung their fists at Lee Yifann's head.    


Lee Yifann raised his leg and kicked them and shouted coldly, "Get lost!" The kick carried an acute wind which was very quick and fast. Unfortunately, the two gangster couldn't dodge it.    




The gangster on the left was kicked in the chest. He went flying into the concrete floor.    


The other gangster was shocked but quickly attacked Lee Yifann again. He was kicked in the chin.    




The sound of his jaw breaking was loud, his face swelled up. He spat out the blood that was in his mouth along with a few teeth. It was very painful. His hands covered his chin while he screamed in pain.    


Seeing this, Blondie got really scared. His body started trembling. There was not an once of strength in him to escape.    


Lee Yifann's auro was quite powerful, making Blondie have fear in his eyes.    


"You asked for it!" Lee Yifann reached out his hand and grabbed Blondie's neck, then he threw Blondie to the ground as if he was tossing out rubbish. He then took back the three hundred yuan from him. He also took the opportunity to search the three gangsters and took all their money. "I'm warning you, don't let me see you in here asking for protection fees ever again! If you ever dare come here again, I will take your lives! Now scram!"    


The three gangsters scrambled out and ran away, fearful for their lives.    


"Auntie, it's alright now. I fought them and they ran away." Lee Yifann said and took a deep breath.    


"Sigh!" The woman wasn't too happy. She sat on the ground with a bitter face and heaved a long sigh, "They are gangsters that come here to collect protection fees. Now you provoked them, you won't be able to have a peaceful life."    


"So they are gangsters, big deal! These street rats should be beaten up, one by one!" Lee Yifann wasn't too concerned. He cleaned up those gangster quite easily. Those gangsters were just all just talk. They looked fierce, but the fact is, they did not even have the ability to fight. They were far worse than Zhao Hu and Zhou Kai.    


He was able to deal with those gangsters.    


The woman shook her head, "Sigh! You don't understand, those people are from the triads. They have a powerful background! No one in this area dares to offend them. Please, you can't stay here anymore. You need to go and pack. Hurry up! You need run."    


Run? That's what cowards do. I'm not running." Lee Yifann shook his head without hesitation.    


The woman suddenly became quite anxious, "Young man, why don't you listen to persuasion?"    


Auntie, you don't have to worry about me, they are not going to hurt me," Lee Yifann said confidently and handed all the money he'd taken from the gangsters to the woman, "Auntie, you take this money."    


The woman was surprised and shook her head to refuse, "I can't take this money. You just took it from them. You should keep it."    


"Auntie, you should take it and use it to treat your child!" Lee Yifann forced the money into her her hands. "You said your child is sick and need to have organ transplants, right?"    


The woman hesitated for a moment and reluctantly accepted the money. She was in desperate for money at this moment after all and also, she didn't have time to think about her pride. She thought a bit about what Lee Yifann had said and sighed dejectedly, "I do need to treat my child but it is still not enough. The transplant costs a few hundred thousand yuan and I don't have that much."    


She couldn't afford such a large amount of money for the surgery, in which was equal to indirectly sentencing her son to death.    


Lee Yifann frowned. He wanted to see if there was anything he could do using his medical skills but if there really was a need for a transplant, then he wouldn't be much help.    


The woman grasped the money tightly, "I already asked the doctor to come. He'll be here shortly."    


"A doctor?" Lee Yifann was surprised. That was probably why the woman was so anxious when the money was taken, it must be the doctor's consultation fee.    


In the middle of their conversation, a man wearing a white coat with his assistant walked into the room. When the woman saw the doctor, she quickly got up from the ground, went over and greeted him. went up to him, "Doctor Zhang, you've arrived! Please, my child is sick again."    


"Wang Cuifen, aren't you supposed to be taking good care of your child? How is he sick again?" The middle aged doctor questioned. Not happy after hearing what the woman said. He frowned and walked towards the child's room which was the smallest room amongst the three bedrooms.    


After hesitating a bit, Lee Yifann followed them into the bedroom.    


In the bedroom, on the bed laid an eleven or twelve year old boy. His was pale as a ghost and he looked semi-unconscious. However, from time to time, he would let out a low painful cry.    


Doctor Zhang Cheng put down the things he brought with and quickly checked on the fragile little boy.    


In anxious voice, Wang Cuifen asked "Doctor Zhang, how is he?"    


"Not too bad. However, Wang Cuifen, I will have to charge you double for this consultation," Zhang Cheng said very solemnly.    


"Double the consultation fee? Why? It has always been three hundred yuan per consultation!" Wang Cuifen asked in distress. She was never advised by the doctor earlier, this consultation fee would be doubled.    


"This is an exception. You urgently asked me to rush over here so I had to cancel a few appointments I had with the other patients. Charging you double is already considered very little." Zhang Cheng seeing Wang Cuifen was in a panic, he smiled slightly and explained, "If I had known your child's condition this time was not that serious, I would not have cancelled the other appointments. Since I had already cancelled them, I have lost a few thousand yuan."    


Wang Cuifen was frozen in place. She clenched her teeth and said, "Alright, as long as you can stabilize my Child's illness."    


With no other choice, she agreed to Zhang Cheng's request. After all, her child's illness was serious and there was no time to hesitate. If her child's illness was not stabilized quickly, it is very likely something more serious would happen.    


Zhang Cheng nodded his head in satisfaction and said, "Actually, your child's condition is an old chronic illness. You are aware of his condition too. I've brought the medicine with me. I will give him some medicine in a liquid form and it will help his condition to stabilize. Please know, his illness can only be controlled. There is no hope of a cure."    


"I know." Wang Cuifen is actually very aware of her son's condition. All these years, after taking him to different hospitals, the diagnosis result given by the various hospitals was all very similar. Her son was able to withstand the illness was because of all the expensive medicines.    


Unfortunately without the operation, the cost of buying the medications was never ending.    


Then the doctor's assistant said, "Doctor Zhang, the patient's temperature is a little low and he has some hypoglycemia symptoms."    


With that diagnose, Zhang Cheng said, "Okay, inject him with glucose to improve his blood sugar level. Low blood sugar will cause great damage to his heart."    


Lee Yifann, who was observing the whole thing, suddenly frowned.    


After he had started in learning the Medical Saint Scripture, he had reached the first stage: Vision. By observing the condition carefully, he would be able to know where and what the illness was with just a glance. .    


With the help of the Medical Saint Scripture, he was able to clearly see the boy's semi-coma symptoms were signs of an allergy reaction and not hypoglycemia as the assistant said.    


Seeing the assistant picking up the glucose and was going to give the injection to the little boy, Lee Yifann quickly shouted, "Stop, he does not have hypoglycemia."    


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