Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C147 Arriving at the Fang Residence

C147 Arriving at the Fang Residence

1Saturday, the birthday of the chairman of Faang family, Fang Qiren, shook the entire Z City. Gold medal reporters from all major newspapers and magazines were hoping to get first-hand information. However, the Fang family had spread the news to the public and claimed that there would be a mysterious guest coming at that time. At the same time, they were very cautious of the reporters.    


This incident in the Faang family had caused many reporters to be dissatisfied. They felt that the Faang family was maliciously putting on airs.    


Although Faang family was one of the four big families in Z City, due to their lack of experience and having always attached themselves to Yi family, many people wanted to watch the show. The more it was like this, the more the Faang family could not take the risk to expose any loopholes.    


The Birthday Feast started at eleven and a half. At ten o'clock, guests arrived one after another as scheduled. Just the millions of luxury cars alone had filled up the parking lot outside the Fang residence. Many reporters were waiting and secretly taking photos. Most of the photos were taken by wealthy merchants and nobles. To the Faang family today, these people were just small fries.    


There were also many reporters who wanted to sneak into the Fang residence and secretly take photos. However, the security of the Fang residence today was abnormally strict.    


It was almost eleven o'clock when Yi Haoen's family arrived late. The sharp-eyed reporters hurriedly went forward to take photos. Yi Rui'er, who was sitting in the car, raised her chin and had a proud look in her eyes. Clearly, she was used to this kind of thing.    


Yi Lanyou furrowed her brows and felt a little repulsed. The flash outside the window made her a little annoyed. It was as if the embarrassing scene from her previous life had hit her face again. Yi Lanyou could not help but feel flustered.    


It was the Faang family who arranged for people to disperse the reporters who surrounded them and had people lead the way in front. They drove the Yi family's car into the Fang residence's built-in parking lot, cutting off the reporters' desire to catch up and ask a few questions.    


"Damn it. " Many reporters were frowning and complaining.    


Yi Lanyou turned around and looked at the reporters who could not catch up. Her face was cold. It was the same in her previous life. The Faang family was heavily guarded. In the end, a few reporters with ulterior motives sneaked in and even took pictures of her embarrassing state.    


"What are you looking at?" Yi Rui'er saw Yi Lanyou and got angry, "You are very disappointed that you were not taken by the reporters?"    


Yi Lanyou turned around and gave Yi Rui'er a cold glance. Then she looked up and found that Yi Haoen also seemed to be looking at her from the rearview mirror. Yi Lanyou then said, "They look. . . Quite pitiful. "    


"Chi. " Yi Rui'er rolled her eyes. This Yi Lanyou was really hypocritical. At this time, why did she pretend to be the Holy Mother of the White Lotus. Thinking of the information that Fang Fang revealed, Yi Rui'er's lips curled up. Today she would let Yi Lanyou live a life worse than death and tomorrow Yi Haoen would bring her to the amusement park to play. Thinking of this, Yi Rui'er felt proud in her heart.    


Remembering the matter of Yi Haoen not meeting her the last time, Yi Rui'er still felt very wronged. Yi Haoen would go and buy Yi Lanyou a school bag, attend Yi Lanyou's parent-teacher conference, and even personally receive Yi Lanyou. But what about her, this official Miss Yi?    


The matter that she finally agreed to was easily overturned. She and Fang Fang stood at the entrance of the amusement park for an entire afternoon. They saw other children and their parents smiling as they walked in and out of the amusement park, eating colorful cotton candy. Taking the balloon from the clown's hand. . . That scene was too glaring, and gave her a dull slap in the face. It didn't matter if she went to the amusement park or not, what she wanted was Yi Haoen's concern. Yi Haoen valued her! She, Yi Rui'er, was Yi Haoen and Fang Fang's daughter!    


Yi Haoen's biased behavior deeply hurt Yi Rui'er's self-esteem. She hated and felt wronged.    


Ever since Yi Lanyou, an outsider who had nothing to do with her, broke into her world, she felt that everything that originally belonged to her was going to be destroyed and taken away. Her sky was also going to collapse.    


The more she hated, the more afraid she felt. . .    


However, all of this was temporary. Soon, it would become the past. After today, she would still be the publicly acknowledged Eldest Miss Yi. After this, no one would look up to Yi Lanyou and no one would even remember Yi Lanyou. . .    


This wonderful thought lingered in Yi Rui'er's heart. Her mood became clearer and the smile on her face also became brighter and brighter. And this kind of state could only be maintained until she officially entered Yi's mansion.    


As soon as she stepped into the Yi's mansion, people from all walks of life crowded around her. Their flattering attitude, the words of praise. . . All of these seemed so sudden and reasonable at the same time.    


Yi Rui'er's face was dark and she clenched her fists tightly. She gritted her teeth and her eyes were like a sharp knife. She wished she could dig out Yi Lanyou's tender flesh, blind her bright eyes and shave her smiling face. . .    


Realizing Yi Rui'er's anger, Fang Fang gently placed her hand on her shoulder. With a smile on her face, she used a voice that only the two of them could hear and said, "Bear with it for a while. Her arrogance can only be seen now. "    


"En. " Hearing Fang Fang say so, Yi Rui'er then let go of her tightly clenched fist. Her eyes were still filled with hatred as she stared fixedly at Yi Lanyou.    


"Let's go. Mommy will bring you to celebrate grandfather's birthday. " Fang Fang suggested. Anyway, standing here was just adding fuel to the fire. Yi Haoen was called away by her big brother the moment he came in. It seemed like they were discussing some business matters.    


"Okay. " Yi Rui'er nodded her head and glared at Yi Lanyou before leaving the living room with Fang Fang. She walked up the stairs and the two maids bowed politely to greet her. After a while, Yi Rui'er gradually calmed down. Did you see that?    


Not only in Yi's mansion, but in this Fang residence, she was also an esteemed guest. That Yi Lanyou could not be compared to her at all.    


As for Yi Lanyou, who was surrounded, she did not have the time to talk to Yi Rui'er. She had just used her ability to listen to them and knew the reason why these people seemed to be "familiar" with her.    


It was not because she was Yi Lanyou. It was not because she was Miss Yi. It was because she was the daughter-in-law of Loong family.    


It had to be said that although it was tiring to deal with so many people with ulterior motives, it was much easier than guarding against other people's framing. It seemed that it was wise for her to make a deal with Long Tianqi back then. At least Long Tianqi's "big net" helped her filter out a lot of "small fish and shrimp" that were not eye-catching and jumping around.    


With this thought, an arm suddenly reached out from behind her and pulled her into his arms. Yi Lanyou turned her head and saw Long Tianqi looking at the crowd with a warning look. The corner of his mouth was always slightly raised. No one could tell what he was feeling. "Sorry everyone, I want to stay alone with my fiancee for a while. "    


"Young Master Long, do as you please. " Seeing this, everyone tactfully moved aside. They exchanged glances with each other. It was unknown whether they were envious of Yi Lanyou's good life. After all, it was not a good thing to openly hug someone in the Birthday Feast. However, he was Young Master Long after all. Everyone had seen him before, so it wasn't a big deal.    


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