Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C4102 External Head External Head It Was Almost Dawn

C4102 External Head External Head It Was Almost Dawn

1"Huh?" Holding his phone, Wan Xingke couldn't believe what he had just heard. "Brother, are you serious?"    


After getting Wan Xinghao's answer, Wan Xingke hung up the phone and stood up. He glared at Wu Sanshao and quickly left the living room.    


"Hmm?" Being stared at, Wu Sanshao was a little confused.    


Who did he offend by drinking tea?    


"Patriarch Wu. " Yi Lanyou and Long Tianqi walked back to the living room. "I'll leave Wang Sanshao to you. "    


"Matriarch of Long Family, have you thought it through?" Patriarch Wu's eyes lit up. He had been thinking about how to make Yi Lanyou let go, but he did not expect Yi Lanyou to take the initiative to hand over Wang Sanshao.    


"What request does Matriarch of Long Family have?" Wu Sanshao looked at Yi Lanyou and asked.    


According to his many years of understanding of Yi Lanyou, Yi Lanyou was definitely not a kind person. Wu Sanshao felt that it was not that simple to take the initiative to befriend someone.    


"It's a request. . . " Yi Lanyou thought for a moment and said, "I hope the Wu family can resolve the matter of the Third Young Master Wang as soon as possible and send him back to the Wang family. "    


"Did Wang patriarch contact you?" Patriarch Wu immediately guessed something.    


"En. " Yi Lanyou nodded and said, "Wang patriarch offered a very suitable bargaining chip. "    


"As expected. " Wang Sanshao snorted.    


He knew that Yi Lanyou, this thousand-year-old fox, was not that easy to deal with. It seemed that he had gotten some benefits from the Wang Family.    


"Ah - -"    


At this time, a scream came, startling everyone in the living room.    


"This is bad!" Wu Sanshao immediately stood up and rushed to the guest room where Wang Sanshao and Wang Qi were resting.    


As soon as he reached the staircase, Wu Sanshao saw Wan Xingke walking towards him with an unhappy expression.    


"Wan Xingke! You!" Wu Sanshao thought that Wan Xingke had secretly executed the Third Young Master Wang, so he immediately became furious and wanted to arrest Wan Xingke.    


"Get lost!" Wan Xingke said unhappily. "If you have time to block the road, why don't you go and call an ambulance for that club of the Wang family? If you are lucky, you can call an ambulance. Those two legs can still be used as ornaments. "    


After saying this, Wan Xingke snorted and left with large strides.    


Hearing Wan Xingke's words, Wu Sanshao quickly rushed into the guest room. As soon as he entered, he saw Wang Sanshao rolling on the ground with his knees crossed in pain. Wang Qi anxiously stood at the side, not knowing what to do.    


Seeing this, Wu Sanshao immediately called for an ambulance.    


On the other side, Wan Xingke greeted him and left Lei Family with the Wan Family.    


"Bye bye ~" Standing at the door, Xiang Jiu'er waved her arms and watched Wan Xingke leave.    


After Wan Xingke left, Wu Sanshao ran back to the living room with a solemn expression. "patriarch, Wan Xingke broke Wang Sanshao's legs. He has called an ambulance now. "    


"Yes. " Patriarch Wu answered.    


Wang San young master dared to kidnap Patriarch Wan's mother. Breaking both of his legs was already letting him off easy.    


"Uncle Lei, it's getting late. We're going back too. " Yi Lanyou said to Patriarch Lei, "I will visit you another day. "    


"Okay. " Lei's father nodded and smiled.    


"Youyou, are you leaving too?" Xiang Jiu'er asked reluctantly.    


"Yes. " Yi Lanyou replied, "Coming so late at night and disturbing your rest, I am really sorry. "    


"No, it's nothing. " Xiang Jiu'er smiled and said, "I'm very happy whenever you come. I won't disturb you at all. "    


"Hehe. " Yi Lanyou laughed lightly and then looked at the unhappy Lei Liting and nodded her head. After greeting him, she took Long Tianqi's arm and left Lei Family.    


The rest of the matters would be left to the Wu family.    


After a night of torture, Yi Lanyou felt her entire back stiffen and there was a slight pain at the back of her head.    


As expected, she was old. After enduring the night, she already felt tired and uncomfortable.    


Leaning her head on Long Tianqi's shoulder, Yi Lanyou looked out the window and said, "Tianqi. "    


"Huh?" Long Tianqi answered.    


"It's almost dawn. " Yi Lanyou looked at the horizon and said.    


Long Tianqi's eyes followed Yi Lanyou's line of sight and saw that the horizon was turning white. "Yes, the sky is about to brighten. "    


A sense of exhaustion assaulted her and Yi Lanyou felt her eyelids becoming heavier and heavier. She could only struggle as she slowly blinked her eyes twice before falling asleep.    


Hearing Yi Lanyou's well-proportioned breathing, Long Tianqi lowered his head and kissed Yi Lanyou's forehead.    


This night had finally passed.    


On the other side, for Wang Sanshao, who was hurriedly carried into the ambulance, this was just the beginning of another painful life.    


At the same time, in the nursing room of the hospital, Wang Zhien, who had not shown any signs of waking up, moved his eyelids. The numbers on the instruments beside him also gradually became normal.    


It was a good sign.    


In the brightly lit laboratory, Zhang Ya leaned against the table and took a deep breath. Her eyes fell on the needles on the table.    


The sleeping potion concocted according to Shen Xiangyang's body data was finally ready.    


She could only wait for the injection to enter Shen Xiangyang's body.    


Whether they succeeded or lost, they had no way to turn back.    


Zhang Ya clenched her fists by her side and her determined face was full of determination.    


At the same time, in the single ward of another hospital.    


Gao Feifei, whose head was wrapped in bandages, opened her eyes in the darkness and Yi Lanyou's words echoed in her ears.    


She had a feeling that Shen Xiangyang was not dead.    


He must not be dead.    


If Shen Xiangyang died, what would she do?    


Those who did not die were definitely not dead!    


The more she thought about it, the brighter Gao Feifei's eyes lit up.    


Shen Xiangyang wasn't dead, he definitely wasn't dead.    


As long as she got into Jingdu University, according to their agreement, she would wait at Jingdu University. Shen Xiangyang would definitely come and find her.    


This was what they had agreed on.    


Her pinky hooked, and Gao Feifei seemed to be able to recall the touch she felt when she hooked her pinky with Shen Xiangyang.    


That's right, they had agreed on it.    


Shen Xiangyang would definitely come.    


After all, she was Shen Xiangyang!    


With this belief in her, Gao Feifei only fell asleep when dawn broke. Her head felt a little stuffy and she felt a little dizzy.    


When Gao Fei's father brought breakfast to see his mother and Gao Feifei, he saw that her mother didn't sleep well. When he saw that Gao Feifei still hadn't woken up, his heart ached.    


"You don't have to worry about this side. Go to work first. " Gao Fei's mother said, "I've already applied for leave. I'll take care of Fei Fei for the next few days. "    


"Okay. " His father replied in a low voice, "If you have anything you want to eat, tell me on your phone. I will go to work first. I'll come to see you after work. "    


"Okay. " After sending Gao Fei's father off, Gao Fei's mother turned back to look at Gao Fei and sighed heavily.    


"Xiangyang. . . " Muttering this name, Gao Feifei's tranquil sleeping face gradually filled with sorrow and melancholy. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and crystal clear tears flowed down her cheeks.    


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