Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C4078 Outside of the Country I Went Back on My Word

C4078 Outside of the Country I Went Back on My Word

2"Damn it!" Wang Sanshao saw the bullet brush past Shen Xiangyang's arm and almost hit Zhang Ya's head. He cursed, "Are they all blind?! Don't hurt Patriarch Wan's mother!"    0


. . . "" When his subordinates heard that, they all looked troubled.    


Shen Xiangyang's movements were so fast that he did not seem like a human. It was already very difficult for them to control Shen Xiangyang's movement trajectory. They also had to be careful not to hurt the person in her arms.    


This was even more demanding.    


At this time, one of his subordinates reported, "Third Young Master, the other side is ready. "    


"Very good. " Wang Third young master sneered and said, "Lure her over. "    


"Yes. " After receiving the order, everyone increased their firepower.    


Shen Xiangyang noticed the change in the firepower and immediately rushed forward with all his might. He ran to the side of the wall and protected Zhang Ya with one hand and exerted strength with the other hand and legs. Very quickly, he climbed up the wall.    


Just as she was about to cross the wall, a huge net pounced on the mask and knocked Shen Xiangyang down the wall.    


Realizing that he was about to fall to the ground, Shen Xiangyang instinctively wanted to flip over and land on the ground, but there was still a person in her arms. If he wanted to land safely, he had to throw the person in his arms away.    


Although she did not know who this person was, she knew that this person was very important and could not be lost.    


Suppressing his instinct to protect himself, Shen Xiangyang held Zhang Ya tightly in his arms and forcefully fell backwards. His head hit the ground and made a muffled sound.    


Pain. . .    


This feeling was pain.    


[Hum -]    


Shen Xiangyang frowned.    


A crack seemed to have appeared in the dark world, and light shone in.    


Hum -    


Shen Xiangyang's head hurt so much that it felt like it was going to explode. He gritted his teeth, and his arm, which was hugging Zhang Ya, was shaking.    


Buzz ~    


Light and darkness intertwined in his mind. The feeling of drowning made her unable to move.    


[Hum -]    


The world before her eyes was sometimes clear and sometimes blurry. Sometimes, she would lose consciousness as well.    


"Hmph. " The Third Young Master snorted and laughed as he looked at Shen Xiangyang, who was trapped. He raised his leg and kicked Shen Xiangyang on the side of his waist. "Run? You should keep running!"    


Indeed, to deal with this kind of monster, he had to use a method to catch wild beasts.    


Once a beast trap was set up, even an experimental monster like Shen Xiangyang would have to be obedient.    


Fortunately, he remembered that when he hid this plane, there was a large net outside. It was useful to get to know one another, so he threw it over here, just in time to catch monsters.    


"When we get there, I'll teach you a lesson!" Wang Sanshao's kick did not ease his hatred, but he knew that time was precious. He did not want to waste it: "Get on the plane, let's go. "    


"Yes" He grabbed Shen Xiangyang and Zhang Ya and trapped them in the huge net. He carried them onto the helicopter as if he was carrying prey.    


At this time, Martha also returned.    


Seeing the injured Third Young Master Wang, Martha was also stunned. "Young Master, you!"    


"Me, what me! If I really hope that you will come back to save me, I might as well wait for you to collect my corpse!" Even though he knew that he was the one who sent Martha out, Wang Sanshao was filled with anger. He didn't care about anything else and only scolded Martha before he snorted and walked towards the private plane.    


Martha's heart was filled with self-blame. She lowered her head and followed Third Young Master Wang onto the plane.    


After being thrown on the plane, Shen Xiangyang frowned.    


The roar of the propeller made her ear hurt. Her head hit the ground, causing her physical discomfort. Her stomach twitched and she wanted to throw up.    


Shen Xiangyang's eyes moved under his eyelids. He slowly opened his eyes. The world in front of him also turned from blurry to clear.    


The pilot of the plane was operating. Wang Sanshao and Martha were sitting not far away. The door of the plane was not closed yet, as if they were waiting for the final confirmation.    


If they didn't run now, they wouldn't have a chance.    


Shen Xiangyang struggled to lift his hand to tear the net on his body, but he could not exert any strength.    




Shen Xiangyang gritted his teeth. At this time, he absolutely could not sit still and wait for death!    


No matter what the result was, she would accept it. She absolutely could not let these people take her and Zhang Ya away.    


If she died, she would be dead. After eight years old, her life would be stolen from the heavens.    


But Zhang Ya was different.    


Even if she lost consciousness this time and would forever fall into a frenzied state, she would still admit it.    


But. . .    


A smiling face appeared in his mind, and a hint of determination flashed in Shen Xiangyang's eyes.    


Fei Fei, farewell.    


I'm sorry.    


I broke my promise.    


[Hum -]    


. . .    


At this moment, Wang Sanshao was looking outside the plane unhappily. Such a small private plane was not good at all. It was not as comfortable as a normal plane, but it was good that it was small and not easy to be discovered. International control was not that strict either.    


Finally, all the systems had been adjusted. The door of the plane was closed, and the sound of the propellers became much louder. The body of the plane slowly became heavier.    


It rose from the ground.    


"I'm finally going to leave this damn place. " The corner of Wang San's mouth curled up.    


As long as the result was satisfactory to him, he didn't care about the process.    


At this time, noises came from outside the factory. The plane rose to a certain height. He saw the cars and people outside the factory, and the smile on his face became even wider.    


What was the use of chasing at this time?    


They had already taken off. Even if these guys had wings, they would not be able to catch up!    


At this moment, Wang Sanshao suddenly heard a sound behind him. Realizing something, Wang Sanshao's expression changed. He turned his head abruptly, and before he could see clearly, he felt a blur in front of his eyes. Immediately following that, his nose felt an indescribable ache, and two streams of heat flowed out along his nose.    


His nose was broken by Shen Xiangyang's punch.    


"Young master!" Martha was also shocked by this sudden event. She immediately came back to her senses and threw a punch at Shen Xiangyang.    


Shen Xiangyang dodged Masha's punch. He raised his hand and grabbed Masha's wrist, pulling her to the other side. Masha jumped over the seat and hit the cabin wall, causing the cabin door to cave in. The entire body of the plane shook.    


The pilot of the private plane turned around and said something in foreign language, probably to remind the back not to shake like this.    


This private jet was only a few times bigger than a normal helicopter. It could not be compared to a civil aircraft, and it was not stable either. It was convenient to escape at the last minute, but it was not very safe and could not withstand the torment.    


Shen Xiangyang immediately jumped up and punched Martha in the face. This punch made Martha see stars, and she could not recover from it for a long time.    


Shen Xiangyang came back to his senses and carried the unconscious Zhang Ya on his shoulder. He looked down the plane window and saw that the plane was about seven or eight meters away from the ground.    


Without any hesitation, Shen Xiangyang kicked the originally sunken door away. He used one hand to protect Zhang Ya and the other to grab the large net that was originally used to trap her. He used the net to hook the side of the damaged door of the helicopter cabin and jumped down.    


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