The Slum Girl and Her Billionaire Husband

C3421 Insincere

C3421 Insincere

1The nearest hotel.     1


Nanxing Chuan opened the door and immediately turned on the air conditioner to warm up the room.    


Xie Zhen's face turned pale from the cold and his lips turned purple.    


Nan Xingchuan fiercely frowned and let her sit on the bed. He wrapped the blanket and then took out his phone and ordered someone to bring the girl's clothes up immediately.    


She relaxed for a while before feeling that her hands and feet were not so cold.    


It was already so cold in the north of November.    


Xie Jingzhen sniffed and looked in the direction of the bathroom.    


Nan Xingchuan was testing the temperature of the water for her. When he came out, he said, "Go take a hot shower. Don't catch a cold."    


Xie Jingxuan wanted to say that it was actually not so troublesome. It was more convenient for her to return to the dormitory.    


But no one knew what she had thought of. Her fingers curled up.... " Alright. "    


She still wanted to give it a try, so she decided to give it one last try.    


She wanted to see what Nanxing Chuan meant.    


She went to the bathroom and Nanxing Chuan walked out. He stood in the hallway and smoked a cigarette. He looked at the rain outside and felt that it was getting lighter.    


He finished smoking the cigarette and threw it into the trash can. Someone sent him clothes and a set of his clothes.    


He went in and his body was extremely wet. He planned to change into a set of clothes and go out.    


Just as he was about to change, he glanced to the left and his line of sight stopped.    


The bathroom door was made of polished glass. Xie Jingzhen's action of taking off her clothes was clearly seen.    


It was half covered and half covered. It was the most enticing.    


Nanxing Chuan's mouth and tongue were dry. His lower abdomen tightened and he immediately retracted his line of sight. He could not continue watching. After changing his clothes, he walked out again.    




Xie Jingzhen's bath had always been very slow. After she took a hot bath, she felt much more comfortable and her body was warm.    


After she finished bathing, she walked out to take a look. The room was empty and empty.    


She subconsciously looked outside and found Nanxing Chuan standing in the corridor outside the door. He was wearing a black coat and his shoulders were thin and wide. He was smoking with one hand.    


The rain stopped a little and fell in a straight line. It was a blur in the distance.    


He was smoking, and the pale smoke rolled out of his thin lips. He narrowed his eyes and looked straight ahead. His expression was casual, and no one knew what he was thinking.    


For some reason, Xie Jingzhen felt that his back had a lonely and lonely feeling.    


When the cigarette was extinguished, Nan Xingchuan extinguished it and was about to throw it into the trash bin beside him. He turned his head and saw Xie Jingzhen who had just finished bathing. The cigarette butt made a "Zi" sound and went out.    


Nanxing Chuan walked towards her. Looking at Xie Jingzhen's wet hair, he said, "I'll go get you a hairdryer."    


Xie Jingzhen pursed her lips and pointed at the wound on his brow and mouth. She said, "Treat the wound."    


It should be when he pulled the rack just now. His face was hit twice.    


Nanxing Chuan was opening his closet to look for a hairdryer. He was startled when he heard that and smiled. " Mm."    


At this moment, they seemed to have returned to their initial warmth.    


Actually, everyone knew that this was merely an illusion.    


Xie Jingxuan took the white hairdryer and started to blow her hair.    


Nanxing Chuan took out a medicine box from under the bed and sat beside it, then started to treat his wounds.    


Xie Jingxuan saw that Nanxing Chuan was ferociously and randomly applying medicine on her face. She really could not stand it anymore. With a "Pa," she pressed the switch on the hairdryer and looked at him. "Let me do it."    


Nan Xingchuan passed the medicine to her. Xie Zhen took it and applied the medicine on him.    


As a medical student, Xie Jingxuan was undoubtedly professional and skilled in applying medicine. She dipped a cotton swab into iodine wine and lightly touched the wound on his brow bone before moving it to the corner of her lips.    


There was only the sound of two people's breathing in the room. Xie Jingzhen applied the medicine seriously.    


Nanxing Chuan looked down at the woman in front of him from above. The clothes prepared by the waiter did not fit her body, and her sleeves were too long and had to be rolled up twice, revealing her arms that were like white lotus roots.    


The white hair shook and messed up his breathing.    


Rain poured in from outside the window. Xie Jingzhen was wearing a large pair of slippers, and her white toes shrank a little.    


Nan Xingchuan felt an itch in his throat, and his eyes were filled with emotions.    


In fact, he knew that he had crossed the line today.    


He shouldn't have gone to find Xie Jingzhen again.    


But he had gone.    


He was indeed an insincere villain.    


Xie Jingzhen inadvertently raised his eyes and collided with his gaze in midair.    


Her eyes were still clear and quiet. Her lips were slightly red, but her expression carried a natural charm.    


"It's done."    


Nan Xingchuan withdrew all of his thoughts and once again returned to being a cold person.    


He shouldn't have touched this pure white and flawless flower.    


Xie Jingzhen should have been protected by others since birth, and not dragged into the mud by him.    


He picked up the car keys at the side, and before he left, he couldn't help but instruct a few more words, "If this kind of thing happens again today, don't foolishly come forward."    


She was so delicate, what could she withstand?    


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