Godly System Moralizes the World



0"Saint Master?!"    


Seeing Xiao Tian's figure, the twisted figure suddenly trembled and let out an ear-piercing noise.    


As one of the witnesses to the battle countless of eras ago, Miasma had similarly seen the strength of Saint Master, so towards the True Spirit's aura, Miasma would even more so not dare to forget.    


The Xiao Tian who had suddenly appeared looked different from the Saint Master from before, and the aura he gave off was far inferior to the Saint Master from before, but the aura of the True Spirit did not change at all, how could the Miasma not recognize it?    


Xiao Tian was expressionless, as if he did not hear the Miasma's voice. His hand was covered with a layer of faint fluorescence, and directly penetrated through the miasma, landing on the Miasma's body!    


The Miasma's twisted figure was instantly cut apart, but its body that had been cut off only squirmed a few times before fusing back together again without leaving any traces of injury.    


"So it's only the reincarnation of the True Spirit. I really thought it was the Saint Master from back then!"    


After taking on Xiao Tian's attack, the Miasma let out a sharp laugh, and its entire body was filled with miasma, making it seem extremely relaxed.    


"I heard about the reincarnation of the Saint Master from Phantom before, but now, it seems like you still haven't reached the level of your Saint Master back then!"    


The Miasma's twisted body suddenly had countless tentacles condensed from miasma appear, thrusting towards Xiao Tian from all directions.    


If he was hit by the tentacles, even if Xiao Tian's strength was amazing, he would probably suffer a lot!    


Facing the Miasma's attack, Xiao Tian's expression became a lot more serious.    


Miasma and Xiu Yi were different. Although Xiu Yi was a bit stronger than the Miasma, he was not as difficult to deal with as the Miasma.    


But against the Miasma, it was impossible!    


If the miasma tentacles that filled the air were sliced into pieces, they would turn into thick miasma that pervaded the air. It was miasma that even True Self Realm experts were afraid of, and even the Saint Master from back then could not find any way to restrain it.    


However, Xiao Tian had yet to reach the level of Saint Master back then. Wanting to expel the Miasma and the surrounding space was still very difficult for the current Xiao Tian.    


The bitter bamboo Bamboo Branch appeared in his hand. Xiao Tian's figure flashed as he continuously dodged the miasma tentacles. Only when he was really unable to dodge them would he choose to use the bitter bamboo Bamboo Branch to split the tentacles.    


"Unfortunately, the 'spirit' is not here, or else I wouldn't be so passive!"    


Looking at Xiao Tian who was constantly dodging the tentacles, 'Lei' sighed and seemed a little regretful.    


'Spirit 'was one of the weakest of the eight True Self Realm experts in the Seas of the heavens. She stood guard in the valley of the stars, and even though' Spirit 'was the weakest of them all, her ability was extremely effective in suppressing Miasma.    


If their 'spirit' was here, it would undoubtedly save them a lot of effort to deal with the Miasma!    


If they knew that 'Yue's' opponent was the Miasma, they would not have directly rushed to the Silvermoon Forest. Instead, they would have went to the Valley of the Stars to help 'Spirit' deal with her opponent, then brought 'Spirit' to deal with the Miasma!    


"Elder Brother Xiao, I'll leave this to you and Yue. I'll go to the Valley of Stars to help Ling Yi finish off her opponent!"    


Lei's entire body was covered in lightning as he said to Xiao Tian.    


As long as the 'spirit' is brought to the Silvermoon Forest, Miasma will not be a threat!    


"With me here, the Miasma can't do much!"    


Xiao Tian's figure flashed and appeared behind the Miasma. With a wave of the black bamboo Bamboo Branch, it split the Miasma into two.    


Seeing this, 'Thunder' didn't say anything more and directly disappeared into a streak of lightning.    


"Get help?"    


The Miasma let out a low laugh, and countless miasma spread out from its body, sealing off the space around Xiao Tian and 'Yue'.    


"Then we'll take care of the two of you first!"    


Along with the Miasma's voice, the miasma instantly rushed towards Xiao Tian and Yue. Inside the miasma, there was a black shadow rushing towards' Yue 'with a terrifying killing intent!    


"This aura …"    


Xiao Tian slightly frowned. A flash of inspiration quickly passed through his mind and he immediately shouted, "Taki, be careful. The inner demons are coming!"    


"I smell it!" Two crescent moons circled around her, isolating the miasma surrounding her. She said in a deep voice, "That disgusting aura, even a thousand miles away, can still easily smell it!"    


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. To think that the famous' Taki 'would actually remember my aura. I am truly honored!"    


A black shadow instantly appeared in front of 'Yue'. His hands turned into claws and directly tore apart the two moons surrounding 'Yue'. Then, he used his fingers as a blade and pierced towards' Yue '' s chest!    


If he was hit by this attack, even if 'moon' was powerful, it would pierce through his heart and kill him on the spot!    




Demonheart let out a loud, complacent screech. His body was suffused with a thick baleful aura that mixed together with the miasma around him, causing cracks to appear in the surrounding space.    


"What a boring trick!"    


Faced with the attack of the demonheart, 'Moon' let out a cold snort. His eyes narrowed slightly, and killing intent surged within them.    


"It seems like the lesson I taught you back then wasn't enough!"    


A cold voice reverberated in the sky above the Silvermoon Forest, followed by countless moonlight that fell from the sky. They transformed into sharp spears that pierced through the miasma, piercing through the heart of the demons that was charging towards her!    


The moonlight long spear instantly exploded, directly blowing the heart demon to smithereens!    


"Jie Jie Jie, you actually killed my clone. Seems like you have been in a stalemate with the Miasma for a hundred years. Your strength has not lost much!"    


The figure of the inner demon appeared in the sky. Looking at the 'moon' from afar, it let out a strange laugh and said, "This is good as well. Only by killing you like this will I feel more accomplished!"    


With that said, the figure of the inner demon turned into a black cloud and sped towards' Moon '!    


However, before he could even get far, a white-clothed figure suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking him. The bitter bamboo Bamboo Branch in his hand had a faint flow of energy as it directly pierced into the heart demon's body.    


"Your opponent is me," Xiao Tian stopped the inner demon and said with a calm tone.    


"Reincarnation of the Saint Master?"    


"I am not trash like Xiu Yi, even the Saint Master back then could not do anything to me. If you scram now, I can let you live a few more days, or else, I will not mind getting rid of you first!"    


Hearing the words of the inner demon, Xiao Tian's face did not show any expression. He lowered his eyes and a cold glint appeared in them.    


"It looks like you've grown more arrogant after so many eras of not seeing each other …"    


Xiao Tian lowered his eyes and stared at the inner demon. His tone was a bit cold, "Since that's the case, then let me see if your current strength can match up to your tone!"    




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