Godly System Moralizes the World



3During the time Zhao Yun and Sun Ce were interacting, the fleet also relied on Zhou Yu's spell to follow the river and quickly left the Port Quai.     0


Due to Sun Ce's rampage within the Port Quai last night, the current Port Quai were all in ruins. A large number of the Ku Ah Shou Army were leaning against the wind as they slept, their weapons scattered on the ground.    


The few soldiers that were in charge of the night watch were dozing off with weapons in hand. They only realized this after Zhou Yu and the rest drove the warship into their faces!    


Before he could even shout the word "enemy attack", a few soldiers were knocked unconscious by Sun Ce. Afterwards, the three thousand water bandits quickly got off the ship and quickly controlled Qu A Shou Army, who had just woken up.    


As for Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai, who was fighting with Zhao Yun on Port Quai last night, Yan Baihu, who stopped Sun Ce, and Yan Yu, none of them were within the Port Quai.    


As for the two Zhu Family Worldly Immortals who suppressed Zhou Yu, they had disappeared without a trace. After Zhou Yu and the others later found out from Gu Ah Shou's army that Zhou Yu's group had withdrawn, the two Zhu Family Immortals angrily rushed towards Wu County.    


After hearing this information, Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun couldn't help but look at each other and instantly understood each other's intentions.    


"Bo Fu, immediately lead our brothers towards the Quaking!" Seeing that his Port Quai was fully in his grasp, Zhou Yu immediately turned and said to Sun Ce.    


"Didn't we say to let the brothers rest?" Sun Ce frowned, and said in a deep voice: "With their current condition, if they were to exchange blows with someone in Quaking, it would simply not be advantageous!"    


"Bo Fu, don't worry," Zhao Yun couldn't help but laugh when he heard this, "We won't be able to fight this time. At most, Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai will stay in the Quaking to confront us, and Yan Baihu and Yan Yu will definitely retreat."    


"Zi Long is right," Zhou Yu nodded his head lightly and laughed, "Originally, Zhu Family and Zhou Tai were horns on one another's shoulders, helping each other out.    


As for Yan Baihu, Yan Yu and the rest, they were all bandits so they were not proficient in water battles. If they stayed in Quaking, they would only be a burden for Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai.    


Originally, Yan Baihu and the rest only stayed in Quaking to support us, but now that Zhu Family is heading towards Wu County to question Zhang and Gu family, with no leader in the group, Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai do not dare to fight us in this kind of situation! "    


Hearing that, Sun Ce nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Since that's the case, then I will bring two thousand brothers to Quaking and face Jiang Qin Zhou Tai. Gongjin, you will lead a thousand brothers to guard Qu Ah.    


Also, Zi Long, if I could trouble you to make a trip to Lu River, please ask Grand Guard Lu to send troops to guard Qu A, then work with senior Wang Yue to take over Wu County! "    


"There's no need to go through all this trouble," Zhao Yun shook his head and said seriously, "As a hussar general, I can make a decision on the spot with the decree of the Son of Heaven.    


Bo Fu, according to what we had discussed before, you should just directly use the title of 'Overlord's successor'. "    


Originally, they planned to take over Wu County and then use their status as the successor of Tyrant Lord Sun Ce to control Wu County. At the same time, they planned to gather the hearts and minds of the people in Jiangdong but Wu County has at least four Worldly Immortals overseeing it now.    


Since that was the case, he might as well have let Sun Ce raise the flag early and see if he can attract some of the more talented individuals from the Jiangdong to come and serve him.    




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