Godly System Moralizes the World



4Hearing Zhao Yun's words, Liu Bian felt reassured. He then smiled and said, "If that's the case, then I won't worry about Gu Yong. Zi Long, Shi A, I'll leave Gu Wei's safety to you guys."    


"Your Highness, rest assured, as long as the clouds still have one breath left, no one will be able to harm Your Highness!" Zhao Yun patted his chest and said with a face full of confidence.    


According to Huang Xu's previous description, he alone could fight against ten Great Perfection of Internal Qi experts!    


After all, he cultivated the "Nine-cycle Indestructible Body" that Xiao Tian had taught him, and the spear techniques that his third uncle had taught him were top tier spear skills as well.    


Furthermore, his current control over both domains was at a level of perfection. Relying on the domain implanting and the means of both domains, in the Great Perfection of Internal Qi realm, he really did not have many opponents!    


Although he hadn't fought against the world-renowned Lv Bu, Lu Feng, he was confident that he would have a fifty percent chance of winning against Lv Bu!    


"With the help of Zilong, I can rest easy now!" Hearing Zhao Yun's words, Liu Bian couldn't help but laugh, and at the same time sped up his footsteps, heading towards the Yuan Ancestral Mansion.    


Very quickly, the group of four arrived outside the Yuan Ancestral Mansion. Unexpectedly, Yuan Feng, with a group of Yuan Family disciples, stood respectfully at both sides of the gate of the Yuan Ancestral Mansion, forming a line to welcome them.    


Originally, he thought that Yuan Family would close the door tightly, forcing him to break in!    


"Sinner Yuan Feng pays respect to Your Highness!" Seeing Liu Bian appear, Yuan Feng quickly took two steps forward, walked in front of Liu Bian and said respectfully.    


"Yuan Sikong doesn't need to be so courteous," as the saying goes, one does not need to hit a smiling person with his hand. Liu Bian did not have a good temper when he saw Yuan Feng put on such an attitude, so he could only nod at Wu Tie and speak plainly.    


On the other hand, Shi A and Zhao Yun, who were standing on Liu Bian's left and right side, looked at Yuan Feng with vigilance, as if they were afraid that Liu Tie would suddenly attack Liu Bian.    


Seeing the actions of Zhao Yun and Shi A, Yuan Feng was also slightly angry in his heart, but who knew that Yuan Family had already been set on fire?    


Yuan Feng could only pretend that he did not care at all. He nodded at Zhao Ziloongson and Shi A and smiled, "I assume these two are the rumored Changshan Zhao Ziloongson, Zhao Ziloong, as well as the Sword God Wang Yue's disciple and sword master Shi A, right?"    


Zhao Yun and Shi A nodded expressionlessly. Seeing this, Yuan Feng could not help but feel even more angry. With his status, even a Regional Stinger would have to be respectful in front of him. Zhao Yun and Shi A were just two juniors, yet they dared to ignore him like this!    


He really had no manners!    


But no matter how much the anger in his chest raged, Yuan Feng did not dare to flare up, as he was afraid that just because of a moment of passion, he would attract the annihilation of his entire clan for the Yuan!    


"Heh heh, Yuan Sikong, I guess you've already guessed the reason why I came here personally, since I don't like to beat around the bush."    


Liu Bian looked at Yuan Feng and said coolly, "As long as Yuan Sikong gives me an explanation, I can let it pass if I can satisfy me. However, if it doesn't satisfy me, then I can let it pass."    


Liu Bian paused and looked at Zhao Yun.    


Zhao Yun understood and released the Gun Region, instantly enveloping a radius of several meters. At the same time, a terrifying pressure rushed towards Yuan Feng.    


Unprepared, Yuan Feng was forced back four or five steps by Zhao Yun's pressure. He staggered and almost lost his balance.    


Seeing Yuan Feng's sorry state, the corner of Liu Bian's mouth curled up into a sneer. He said in a deep voice, "A proud soldier under the command of Yuan Feng would never sit idly by and watch a thief who plotted to get away scot-free!"    




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