Godly System Moralizes the World



4Wu Tie nodded his head, his gaze landing on the stage below. During the time that he had spoken to Yu Xiaogaang, the seven people of the Shrek Academy and the Hall had already ascended the stage.    


The people from Shrek Academy were the Seven Monsters from Shrek, while the seven people from Martial Soul Hall's team were no different from the ones in the intelligence reports, without any changes.    


"Please release the Martial Soul s from both sides within one minute."    


Following the judge's announcement, both sides released their Martial Soul and for a moment, the entire audience burst into exclamations.    


Although Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, and the remaining five people, one yellow, one purple, one black, one red, and the seven monsters of Shrek, the ten thousand year old Fourth Soul Ring had long been revealed to everyone, upon seeing this scene, the spectators in the audience could not help but be amazed.    


Furthermore, the ratio of Soul Ring in the first group of Martial Soul s wasn't bad. Although they couldn't compare to the Shrek's Seven Monsters, they still had the best ratio of Soul Ring, especially the lead Shura, whose Soul Ring s had reached an exaggerated six!    


A Soul Emperor with six rings!    


The remaining six people were all five-ringed Soul King. Compared to the previous sessions where the strongest warriors were only Soul King or even Soul Master, this year's Advanced Soul Master Competition had too big of an impact on the audience.    


"Advanced Soul Master Competition, the first match of the semifinals, Shrek Academy against Martial Soul Hall, begin!" Seeing that the two parties had released their Martial Soul, the judge immediately shouted.    


As soon as she finished her sentence, the third Soul Ring suddenly lit up behind Xiao Wu. Its slender figure instantly disappeared from where it was. Before anyone could react, Xiao Wu had already appeared in front of Luo Cha. The second Soul Ring quietly lit up.    


From what she understood, among Luo Cha and Yaksha, Luo Cha's close combat ability was stronger, but his mental strength was weaker than Yaksha's. After all, evil spirits and Martial Soul s tended to fight in close combat while dead spirits and Martial Soul s tended to fight in close combat.    


Her second Soul Techniques's Charm had the greatest effect on targets with weak mental powers. In order to be safe, Xiao Wu naturally set her sights on Luo Cha, who was much easier to deal with.    


Luo Cha was shocked when he saw Xiao Wu's sudden appearance. He subconsciously wanted to push her away, but it was precisely because of this action that he happened to meet Xiao Wu's flirtatious crimson eyes.    


Luo Cha felt as if a heavy hammer was hammering down on his head. His entire body felt dizzy and his consciousness became extremely blurry.    


When the other members of the Martial Soul Palace saw this, their expressions changed. The Soul Ring behind them lit up and attacked Xiao Wu at the same time.    


"Tch ~" Xiao Wu snorted in disdain, the Fourth Soul Ring shone brightly, and a layer of faint golden light enveloped her within. The attacks of the other people in the Martial Soul Hall all landed on her body, but they were all blocked by that layer of golden light.    


This was Xiao Wu's Fourth Soul Skill, invincible golden body. Within the duration of the invincible golden body, no attack below the Divine level could harm her for five seconds.    


Although the Martial Soul Palace Team One was not weak, they were only the Spirit Emperor Soul King. How could they break through the defense of the invincible golden body?    


Taking advantage of the duration of the invincible golden body being unable to injure himself while Luo Cha was still under the control of Charm, Xiao Wu's slender legs bent slightly as she jumped into the air and landed right on Luo Cha's shoulders. Her legs were placed on Luo Cha's shoulders, her hands supporting her on the ground, at the same time her first Soul Ring lit up.    


As the Soul Ring lit up, Xiao Wu's slim figure elongated, as if she had bent herself into a full drawn out bow.    






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