Strongest Replication

C30 Requests

C30 Requests

3Living room, Tranquil Elegant Courtyard:    


"Eighth Uncle, what brings you here today?" Noticing the shock on Chu Fann's face, Chu Zhongtian acted indifferently despite feeling quite proud in his heart.    


Just now, he deliberately pretended as if he couldn't restrain his aura in time, hoping that Chu Fann would discover his cultivation level through his aura.    


Because only through Chu Fann's mouth could the patriarch and the elders know his true value. And only then could he receive a higher and better treatment in the future.    


Then, even if he made some difficult requests, they would try their best to fulfill it.    


"Oh, it's because..."    


Chu Zhongtian'squestion brought Chu Fann back to his senses. He forcefullysuppressed the shock in his heart and explained, "Close to New Year, Qi Countryannually holds a Hunting Contest. The young generation of dozens of forceswill participate in the said competition. I'm here to seek your opinion. Areyou willing to participate in this year's Hunting Contest?"    


After saying this, he continued with a slightly hesitant expression, "Tian... I'll suggest that you don't participate in this Hunting Contest."    


There was a reason Chu Fann didn't want Chu Zhongtian to participate in the Hunting Contest.    


Actually,before coming to the courtyard, he wanted Chu Zhongtian toparticipate in the contest. After all, if a cultivator wanted to grow quickly,they had to trade on the fine line between life and death constantly.    


Although Chu Zhongtian's talent was very high, he couldn't reach the apex without the tempering of blood, sweat, and tears. Therefore, he sincerely hoped that Chu Zhongtian would participate in the contest. Well, at least he did before coming here.    


However, after seeing Chu Zhongtian's new cultivation level, he started hesitating.    


This wasbecause the Hunting Contest was very cruel. It would be moreappropriate to call it a competition among the younger generation instead ofsaying that it was a contest for hunting strange beasts. In simpler and cruelerwords, it was a fight to the death (battle royale) among the youngergeneration.    


Although Chu Zhongtian's talent was excellent, he had wasted an entire year without cultivating for a second. Consequently, among the youngsters partaking in the contest, his cultivation level would be the lowest.    


If Chu Zhongtian waitedfor another year, he would definitely become an advanced Qi Refinerwith his talent and cultivation speed. Then, he could fight for supremacy.Therefore, Chu Fann hoped that Chu Zhongtian wouldrefuse to participate in the competition.    


"Eighth Uncle, I want to participate in the Hunting Contest." After hearing Chu Fann, details regarding the Hunting Contest flashed across Chu Zhongtian's mind.    


Qi Country was founded by a cultivator, so it advocated fighting.    


In fact, in the entire Eternal Continent, no matter if it was a kingdom, a dynasty, or an empire, most of them revolved around cultivation. They ruled with cultivation, and they flourished with cultivation.    


In thepast few decades, the imperial family of Qi Country had beenrather weak. Consequently, various forces in the country refused to actsubserviently in front of the imperial family. Among them, the forces representingthe three great families constantly provoked the imperial family, evengoing as far as to declare their intentions of taking over the country openly.Therefore, Hunting Contest had resulted in countless casualties fromboth sides, the three great families and the imperial family, in thepast ten years.    


Chu Zhongtian was now a Level-3 Qi Refiner, but he was as strong as a Level-5 Qi Refiner. And that wasn't just speculation; he had actually tested it out with some guards.    


There were still 15 days left until the Hunting Contest.    


Since it was impossible for him to become a Level-4 Qi Refiner in this period, he decided to strengthen his dantian with the help of his "copy-paste" ability. Simultaneously, he could use the Qi Increasing Pill and the remaining Level-9 stones to increase his strength before the Hunting Contest began.    


He was sure that by then, he would be as strong as a Level-6 Qi Refiner and would be much more capable of protecting himself.    


With a working plan in mind, Chu Zhongtian decided to participate in the Hunting Contest.    


"Tian, the internal turmoil within Qi Country is getting tenser with each passing day; consequently, the Hunting Contest is bound to reach a new level of dangerousness each year. Since you've started cultivating a year after everyone else, it's okay if you want to participate next year." Seeing Chu Zhongtian's firm attitude, Chu Fann regretted ever coming here. Sadly, now he could only insistently persuade him into giving up.    


Shaking his head, Chu Zhongtian, too, stubbornly refused to budge.    


"All right! Looks like I can't sway you. However, since you're participating in the Hunting Contest, you must be prepared in advance. Do you have any requests?" After a while of back and forth, Chu Fann relented in the face of Chu Zhongtian's firm attitude.    


Afterthat, he changed the topic to Chu Zhongtian's strength. Naturally, thestronger Chu Zhongtian was, the greater his chances of survival.As for whether Chu Zhongtian could win the contest...Well, Chu Fann never once thought about it.    


Chu Zhongtian had already planned to make a request. Now that Chu Fann was actively becoming his lampless genie, there was no way he was letting this opportunity go.    


Besides, the Hunting Competition was full of danger, so this was not the time to be polite.    


"Eighth Uncle, I remember a certain rule of our family. It went like this: as long as a disciple (of the family) with Level-8 or above talent breaks through Level-3 of the Qi Refining realm, they can apply for a Dantian Cultivating Pill. Is that true?" Now that he had a genie, Chu Zhongtian wasn't in a hurry to make all his requests.    


"There is indeed such a rule." As an elder with real power in the family, Chu Fann was very clear about this rule.    


Furthermore, he had also consumed a Dantian Cultivating Pill after becoming a Level-3 Qi Refiner. It was precisely because of this that his strength far exceeded that of ordinary Level-8 Body Refiners.    


"Then, I'll have to trouble you with helping me apply for it." Chu Zhongtian, no doubt, had a status similar to Chu Family's direct descendants, but that didn't mean he had any real authority or connections within the family. In summary, he had almost no right to speak in the family.    


If he applied for the Dantian Cultivating Pill, he would get it... but it would take years. This was something Chu Zhongtian couldn't allow. However, If Chu Fann helped him apply for the pill, he would get it in ten minutes.    


"No problem. I will go to the warehouse to get it later." Chu Fann did not know what Chu Zhongtian was thinking. Besides, he valued Chu Zhongtian very much, so he was happy to help.    


If Chu Zhongtian could survive this Hunting Contest, he would've also survived a few life and death situations. Then, his cultivation speed would surely increase, and he would be stronger than ever,    


"Eighth Uncle, besides the Dantian Cultivating Pill, I'll also need a better ten times refined steel blade." After returning to the family, he did get a ten times refined weapon, but it was of ordinary quality.    


Moreover, now that he was a Level-3 Qi Refiner, the mediocre steel knife could no longer support his massive spiritual power. A good weapon could actually increase a cultivator's strength by three levels. Therefore, he had to exchange it for a better bade before participating in the hunt.    


"No problem, I'll help you with that too." Chu Fann had seen the steel knife used by Chu Zhongtian and knew that its quality was anything but the best. So, he understood why Chu Zhongtian wanted to change his weapon.    


"My last request is that I need more spirit stones. It would be best if they are low Level-9 ones." Chu Zhongtian made this request after a good while of consideration.    


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