Strongest Replication

C52 Tricking Chu Zhongba

C52 Tricking Chu Zhongba

0Chu Zhongtian now had 46 jade plates; although he was certain he would win the competition, he didn't let his guard down.    4


Since there was still a few days left until the end of the competition, he couldn't say for sure that some unexpected change wouldn't occur.    


So, Chu Zhongtian's next course of action relied on how many jade plates Chu Zhongba had.    


After collecting Wang Chao's jade plates, Chu Zhongtian turned his attention to Chu Zhongba.    


Of course, there was a trace of coldness in Chu Zhongtian's eyes since Chu Zhongba had deliberately refused to join forces with him to fight Wang Chao. Chu Zhongtian also had some idea that why Chu Zhongba refused.    


In the past few decades, the number of geniuses the Chu Family gave birth to dwindled considerably. Currently, even some second-rate families had more geniuses than the Chu Family.    


Let alone the normal cultivators of the Chu Family's younger generation, even the elites of their younger generation were pitifully weak compared to the other three families.    


Someone like Chu Zhongba, who took two years to become a Level-7 Qi Refiner despite having a mid-Level-8 talent, was considered a genius here. Moreover, since he was the patriarch's only son, it was very likely that he would succeed his father.    


Now that Chu Zhongtian had risen from the dead and showed his true potential, he had seriously threatened Chu Zhongba's position. So, it wasn't too weird that Chu Zhongba hoped that Chu Zhongtian would die in Wang Chao's hands.    


Although Chu Zhongba did make Chu Zhongtian very uncomfortable, he couldn't kill Chu Zhongba because of this.    


Putting aside the fact that Chu Zhongba was Chu Tianyun's only son, he was also the leader of the Chu Family's younger generation. So, he couldn't decide Chu Zhongba's fate in front of everyone here.    


Since he was quite unhappy, Chu Zhongtian didn't suppress his emotions. With a gloomy face, he asked, "Chu Zhongba, how many jade plates do you have now?"    


"What?" Chu Zhongba couldn't help but take a few steps back when he saw Chu Zhongtian walk toward him with a gloomy face and a blood-stained blade.    


This scenario was utterly out of Chu Zhongba's expectations.    


Chu Zhongba never expected the once-cripple-trash Chu Zhongtian to be this terrifying. Chu Zhongba was a good distance away from where the fight took place; he was still scared shitless when Chu Zhongtian unleashed the force.    


Chu Zhongba had an armor that could protect him from even a Level-8 Qi Refiner, but that only protected his upper half. It provided no protection to his head and neck.    


In other words, Chu Zhongtian could very easily take Chu Zhongba's head.    


When Chu Zhongba saw the coldness in Chu Zhongtian's eyes, he was terrified and worried that Chu Zhongtian might kill him on impulse.    


"Don't talk nonsense. Answer my question now!" To teach Chu Zhongba a lesson, Chu Zhongtian kept his gloomy expression, and his tone became even more sinister and scary.    


Noticing Chu Zhongtian's increasing impatience, Chu Zhongba took out 12 jade plates from his cloth bag in his arms. He stuttered, "I o-only ha-have 12 jade plates ."    


"Trash!" Chu Zhongtian could not help but ridicule him when he could only take out 12 plates.    


While ridiculing Chu Zhongba, Chu Zhongtian did some calculations in mind.    


Currently, Chu Zhongtian had 46 jade plates, Chu Yuping had 10 jade plates, and Chu Zhongba had 12 jade plates. So, out of the 100 total, 68 plates were in the hands of the Chu Family. All the other families combined had a mere 32 jade plates.    


Even if Liu Yongjun or Qi Yiloong had collected all 32 of them, they couldn't win the contest. This time, the champion of the competition would definitely be Chu Zhongtian.    


When Chu Zhongtian thought of this, he felt much better and didn't think about killing Chu Zhongba for the time being.    


Apart from getting ridiculous amounts of spirit stones and pills, the Hunting Contest's champion, this time around, could also stay in the Hidden Dragon Pavilion for three days.    


Chu Zhongtian was confident that he could increase his strength by leaps and bounds in those three days. Then, he would become the strongest among the Qi Country's entire younger generation.    


Chu Zhongtian couldn't deal with Chu Zhongba for the time being, but no one would say anything if he made him suffer for a while. Therefore, Chu Zhongtian clenched his grip on the blade and took steady but slow strides toward the now terrified Chu Zhongba.    


"W-what d-do you wan-want now?" Chu Zhongba was affrighted by the murderous look on Cu Zhongtian's face; he was actually missing the gloomy look now. He immediately turned to the remaining seven disciples and looked at them with eyes full of pleading.    


Chu Zhongba's previous actions had actually disappointed all seven of those disciples. Therefore, when faced with Chu Zhongba's pleading eyes, they all lowered their head and looked at the ground as if there was some treasure there.    


"All right, don't worry. I won't kill you." Noticing Chu Zhongba's apparent lack of courage, Chu Zhongtian decided to stop “teasing” him. Even he was somewhat disgusted by Chu Zhongba's pitiful display, so he straightforwardly said, "I'll only take four plates, okay. Don't cry, all right?"    


Chu Zhongtian wasn't sure if the remaining 32 jade plates were held by a single guy or distributed among many. After considering the maximum and minimum distribution of those 32 plates, Chu Zhongtian deduced that leaving Chu Zhongba with eight plates could give him a spot in the top ten, and even the first six.    


Chu Zhongtian didn't take those four plates because he wanted them. No, he took them so that he could improve the rankings of some deserving Chu Family disciples. For example, Chu Yuping.    


Chu Yuping now had ten jade plates in his hand. If Chu Zhongtian gave him another 12 jade plates, Chu Yuping could easily enter the top three.    


If Chu Yuping could enter the top three, he could also win some time inside the Hidden Dragon Pavilion. The thick spiritual Qi concentration inside the pavilion could help achieve a breakthrough. With his low Level-8 talent and peak Level-6 cultivation base, he might actually achieve more than a single breakthrough. Then, there would be another top expert in the Chu Family.    


"All right, I'll give it to you." When Chu Zhongba heard that Chu Zhongtian only wanted the jade plates in his hand—not his life—he quickly nodded his head and handed all the jade plates to Chu Zhongtian.    


"No need. You can keep the remaining eight." Chu Zhongtian did not take all the jade plates; he only took four of them.    


After taking the four jade plates, Chu Zhongtian decided to leave.    


However, before he left, Chu Zhongtian thought of something and said to Chu Zhongba, "The remaining eight jade plates are enough for you to enter the top ten."    


Chu Zhongtian's tone changed, and he threatened sinisterly, "However, if you end up losing them before the rankings are declared, I'll tell the patriarch everything that happened here, and you'll have to bear the brunt of all the deaths then."    


After saying that, Chu Zhongtian turned around, walked toward the seven Chu disciples, and said indifferently, "There is still one more day before the end of the competition. All of you better follow by my side."    


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