Strongest Replication

C59 Dark Horse (Part-1)

C59 Dark Horse (Part-1)

4After Liu Yongjun was done frisking all the contestants, not many hours were left before the end of the contest.    0


Currently, Liu Yongjun only had 20 jade plates in his hands. This many jade plates didn't give him the slightest hint of confidence for winning the contest.    


Liu Yongjun unwillingly brought the Liu Family group to the safe zone; then, he turned his eyes to Qi Yiloong.    


Liu Yongjun suspected that Qi Yiloong had a large number of jade plates in his possession. If not, Qi Yiloong wouldn't have hesitated and exposed his spirit weapon just to get into the safe zone. Liu Yongjun believed that it was all the royal family's plot to win the contest.    


Liu Yongjun had no idea Qi Yiloong was just wearing a calm facade; internally, he wasn't much better than Li Yongjun.    


When Qi Yiloong participated in the Hunting Contest, he didn't get much time to collect jade plates since his primary targets were the Phoenix Flower and the spirit weapon.    


His entire game plan relied on becoming a Level-8 Qi Refiner by using a Phoenix Flower; then, he would be the strongest contestant in the Hunting Contest. Relying on his power, he would block the passageway entrance like Liu Yongjun and snatch jade plates from the other contestants.    


Unexpectedly, he couldn't defeat Liu Yongjun even after becoming a Level-8 Qi Refiner. Since all his plans were interlinked, all of them failed after the first one failed.    


Right now, he only owned nine jade plates.    


With just nine plates, let alone winning the contest, he would be thankful even if he got in the top six.    


Now that the contest was in its eleventh hour, Qi Yiloong's anxiousness was peaking.    


This time, besides the pressure from the three great families, the three spots for the Hidden Dragon Pavilion given by the Qi Family were also related to the Yim Country's royal family.    


The Qi Family had grown increasingly weak in the past few decades since each new generation had lesser geniuses than the last. On the other hand, the Liu and Wang families were producing more geniuses each generation, so their strength was constantly rising.    


Right now, the Qi Family's true strength was at best similar to the Liu Family, and they could barely match up to the Chu Family in resources. To avoid being replaced by someone else, the Qi Family had deliberately contacted the Yim Country.    


The Yim Country's royal family, the Yan Family, differed from the Qi Country's royal family since it had absolute control over the empire. Also, they had numerous geniuses in their family.    


The Qi Family had to pay a heavy price to get the Yan Family on their side. They had to pay the Yan Family in Hidden Dragon Pavilion's spots to get out of this crisis.    


Of the three quotas, Qi Yiloong naturally took one, and the remaining two were given to the disciples of the Yim Country's royal family. Of course, the Qi Family would not give up the quota of the Hidden Dragon Pavilion for nothing. They had some agreement with the Yan family.    


One of the agreements was to let two elite disciples of the Yim Country help Qi Yiloong win the contest. This was also one of the reasons Qi Yiloong was so confident in finding the Phoenix Flower and the spirit weapon. Since he thought those two elite disciples would collect the jade plates for him, he spent most of his time breaking through.    


According to the strength of those two elite disciples from the Yim Country, they should have returned to the safety zone well before him. However, there were only 15 minutes left before the contest's end, but they could be seen nowhere. Qi Yiloong was a little worried, worried that something had happened to them.    


In the middle of the hunting ground:    


Since there were only 15 minutes left before the contest's end, almost all the participant families' alive disciples now stood in the safe zone.    


After every family's patriarch arrived at the center, the first thing they did was look around the safety zone from the tall platform and search for their own disciples.    


As Chu Zhongtian and the others were the first to arrive at the safety zone, they were the closest to the tall platform, and it was also the place where they were the easiest to notice.    


When Chu Tianyun arrived at the center, he immediately looked at the Chu Family disciples, especially Chu Zhongtian, who was standing in the center of the Chu Family group.    


After seeing Chu Zhongtian, Chu Tianyun secretly heaved a sigh of relief.    


This time, Chu Tianyun did not hold much hope for the Chu Family group to win the Hunting Contest competition. As the patriarch, he was well aware of the number of geniuses in his family—it was a truly pitiful number. Moreover, even their geniuses were nothing compared to the geniuses of the Wang and Liu families.    


He only hoped that the Chu Family disciples could quickly improve their strength through this cruel competition. During the entire runtime of the contest, he kept on praying to God for Chu Zhongtian. After all, with Chu Zhongtian's talent and potential, he was bound to become the strongest pillar of the Chu Family.    


So, Chu Tianyun was very pleased to see Chu Zhongtian alive and well. His breakthrough to Level-4 was also kinda like the cherry on the cake.    


He shifted his gaze away from Chu Zhongtian and saw Chu Zhongba, Chu Yuping, and the other eighteen Chu Family disciples. When Chu Tianyun and the elders realized that they had lost two-thirds of their family's participants, their expressions turned gloomy.    


The loss of two-thirds of their elite disciples was probably the heaviest loss the Chu Family had suffered in the past ten years.    


After seeing the heavy loss, Chu Tianyun and the other elders simultaneously looked at Chu Zhongba, their eyes filled with anger. As Chu Zhongba felt the murderous eyes, he couldn't help but inch toward Chu Zhongtian.    


After the contest's end, whether he would get a reduced punishment or avoid it entirely depended on Chu Zhongtian. At the very least, he had to bear half of the responsibility for the loss this time.    


Since Chu Zhongtian was the only one who could help him, he couldn't help but look at him with anticipation.    


Chu Zhongtian also saw the patriarch and the elders' reaction. This time, Chu Zhongba would definitely be punished.    


However, when he saw the anticipation in Chu Zhongba's eyes, he was reminded of Chu Zhongba's changed attitude after he let go of his arrogance. Finally, Chu Zhongtian's heart softened, and he nodded in agreement.    


"After the competition ends, I will ask the patriarch and the elders for help. However, our losses this time are too great. You will have to bear at least half of the responsibility, so the punishment cannot be avoided. I can only try to make that punishment less severe." Chu Zhongtian did not understand the patriarch and the clan elders' thoughts, so he couldn't say anything with absolute certainty.    


"All right, as long as you are willing to come forward, no matter what the punishment is, I am willing to accept it." Chu Zhongba excitedly expressed his gratitude after Chu Zhogntian agreed to help him.    


Chu Zhongtian didn't know much about the patriarch and the elders, but he knew one thing very well.    


The patriarch and the elders valued and cared for the geniuses very much. Consequently, they would definitely value Chu Zhongtian's opinion, especially since Chu Zhongtian was a once-in-a-century genius.    


If Chu Zhongtian sincerely asked them, Chu Zhongba's punishment would be very light, or they might even forgive him.    


"Kid, tell me, why haven't the Wang Family's disciples arrived yet?" Just as Chu Zhongba was thanking Chu Zhongtian, an angry voice attracted Chu Zhongtian's attention.    


He raised his head and saw that it was a powerful elder of the Wang Family. Right now, he was glaring at some disciple and questioning him.    


Since there were less than 15 minutes left before the contest's end, basically all the surviving participants had arrived at the safe zone.    


Even the heavily injured Chu Xing was already standing beside the Chu Family group in the safe zone.    


However, the disciples of one of the four big families, the Wang Family, hadn't shown up until now. This made the elders of the Wang Family very worried.    


Had Wang Chao and the others been completely wiped out?    


"I don't know." The angry Wang Family elder glared at him. This disciple of some small family was scared and couldn't speak a word.    


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