Strongest Replication

C62 Greed

C62 Greed

1On the high platform:    


Chu Tianyun's eyes were filled with praise as he watched Chu Zhongtian walk down.    


This time, the Chu Family turned out to be the biggest winner. Now, they could get at least 30% of the annual profits. This was a huge honor that the Chu Family had never achieved in decades.    


Honestly, it wasn't the profits that excited Chu Tianyun most—it was Chu Zhongtian's amazing growth.    


Although Chu Tianyun did not know exactly what happened during the Hunting Contest, since Chu Zhongtian could obtain 38 plates and even keep them safe till the contest's end, he had to be ridiculously strong.    


As for how strong he truly was, from the fact that Liu Yongjun and Qi Yiloong couldn't snatch his jade plates, he had to be about as strong as a Level-8 Qi Refiner.    


Otherwise, Liu Yongjun, who had a domineering personality, and Qi Yiloong, who was good at scheming, wouldn't have allowed Chu Zhongtian and the others to reach the safe zone without a hitch.    


No matter how outstanding and eye-catching he was in the eyes of others, Chu Zhongtian remained as calm as ever after returning to his group.    


He was aware that not only had he made unbelievable gains thanks to the contest, but he had also made numerous enemies. Now, he was no longer in the dark, and his enemies could target him anytime.    


He knew that he would have to face unknown challenges and assassinations in the future. Was he afraid of these future assassinations and plots? Nope; quite on the contrary, he was actually looking forward to them.    


After all, one only grew stronger in life-threatening situations.    


After the commotion caused by Chu Zhongtian's 38 plates calmed down a bit, Liu Yongjun took a few simple steps forward and stopped a distance away from the high platform.    


He wasn't as polite as the three disciples from the Chu Family. Instead, he directly wrapped his 20 jade plates in spiritual power and threw them onto the table.    


"Liu Yongjun from the Liu Family, 20 jade plates!"    


In order to ensure fairness, the statistician arranged by the four families was from an ordinary family, who couldn't cultivate at all. As a result, he didn't dare to voice out his anger over Liu Yongjun's overbearing and rude behavior. Instead, he had to give Liu Yongjun a polite smile.    


"The allegedly strongest expert of the Qi Country's younger generation only obtained 20 jade plates. Truly inconceivable!" Everyone below the platform erupted in whispers after the statistician mentioned Liu Yongjun's number of jade plates.    


"Tch! Like hell, is he the strongest person of our generation. I'm afraid now the strongest person of our generation isn't Liu Yongjun, but Chu Zhongtian from the Chu Family!" said a man who had been robbed by Liu Yongjun just now.    


"Impossible! Even a Level-8 Qi Refiner couldn't defeat Liu Yongjun, so what makes you think a mere Level-4 Qi Refiner can defeat him?!" refuted some other guy who worshiped Liu Yongjun.    


“Humph! What Level-4 Qi Refiner? Have you ever seen a Level-4 Qi Refiner who can kill a Level-7 Qi Refiner with no more than two strikes? If Liu Yongjun could really defeat Chu Zhongtian, he wouldn't have retreated from the passageway just now," said Chu Zhongtian's supporter.    


"You!!!" Liu Yongjun's admirer was instantly rendered speechless by the rebuttal.    


What could they say? It was the truth. Liu Yongjun indeed retreated when faced with Chu Zhongtian's overbearing request. Not only did the Liu Family's disciples find it hard to believe, but even the bystanders also couldn't comprehend why he did that.    


After Liu Yongjun handed his jade plate, Qi Yiloong, who was standing below the high platform, clenched his fists tightly. The anger in his chest was slowly crossing new heights.    


Of the 100 total jade plates, he only had nine.    


With just nine plates, let alone winning the contest, he couldn't even enter the top three.    


Since his loss was now a fact, Qi Yiloong decided to hand over his plates in an even more overbearing way to express his anger.    


He first used his spiritual power to envelop the jade plates, then shot the jade plates in a way of shooting a hidden weapon toward the statistician directly.    


In his anger, Qi Yiloong forgot that the Hunting Contest in Qi Country every year was presided over by the four big families. His actions just now might have been directed at the statistician, but in the eyes of the others, It was a challenge to the dignity of the three great families.    


Don't forget that...    


Apart from the statistician, there were also the patriarchs of the Liu, Wang, and Chu families on the platform. Especially if you considered Patriarch Wang's mood, you would know how foolish Qi Yiloong's actions were.    


The contest had ended, but the Wang Family disciples were still nowhere to be seen. There was no denying it now. Wang Hai knew that they might have met with a misfortune. Although his heart ached for them, there was nothing he could do.    


Every year, apart from getting a portion of the annual profits, the families also used the contest to kill disciples from various other families. If you were not strong enough, you would be killed. You could only accept your fate.    


However, the loss of more than 40 elite disciples... Especially the loss of Wang Chao, the leader of the Wang Family's younger generation, made Wang Hai extremely furious. So, when he saw that Qi Yiloong was challenging the rules set by the four families, he immediately found a way to vent his anger.    


He stretched out his finger and flicked it lightly. A powerful wisp of spiritual power hit the jade plates. Then, the nine jade plates did a 180 degree turn and shot toward Qi Yiloong at an even faster speed.    


Qi Yiloong's expression changed when he saw the nine jade plats shooting toward him like arrows.    


Wang Hai was a peak Level-10 Body Refiner, so even a casual attack from him could spell disaster for a Level-8 Qi Refiner like Qi Yiloong.    


"Wang Hai, what do you think you are doing?" The Chu Family's outstanding performance and the disappearance of the Yan Country's two elites had left Qi Heng at a loss for a while. Therefore, he didn't notice Qi Yiloong's rash actions at the beginning.    


When Wang Hai attacked, the fluctuation of his spiritual power broke Qi Hang out of his reverie. When he saw the nine jade plates powered by Body Refining realm power shooting toward his son, he quickly waved his sleeves. Then, an even stronger spiritual power rushed toward the nine jade plates.    


Just as Qi Heng was about to swing out the spiritual power to block Wang Hai, Liu Xiaozong, standing at the side, suddenly made his move to stop him.    


"Liu, what do you mean by this?" Seeing Liu Xiaozong blocking his attack, Qi Heng furiously roared.    


"My king, it was Yiloong who broke the rules set by our four families first, so he must be punished," Liu Xiaozong said with an indifferent expression.    


Although Liu Xiaozong looked calm and indifferent, as if he didn't care about winning or losing, he also felt very depressed deep down.    


Although Liu Yongjun wasn't his biological son, Liu Xiaozong attached more importance to Liu Yongjun than his own son due to Liu Yongjun's pure bloodline and very outstanding talent. He even personally guided Liu Yongjun on the cultivation path. Therefore, he was very clear about Liu Yongjun's strength.    


Not to mention the young generation of Qi Country, even if it was the young generations of the surrounding kingdoms, Liu Yongjun could at least be ranked in the top three.    


He had such formidable strength, and the Liu Family was his backer. So, how could he only obtain 20 jade plates? How was it possible that the three disciples from the Chu Family got so many jade plates? Consequently, Liu Xiaozong felt depressed and wanted to question Liu Yongjun as soon as possible. Just what the hell had happened?    


Liu Xiaozong stopped Qi Heng from helping Qi Yiloong, and Chu Tianyun controlled the eunuch in charge. No one could stop those jade plates now, so Qi Yiloong could only grit his teeth and take out his spirit weapon. He used all his strength to activate the spirit weapon, hoping to block the plates with it.    


Although Qi Yiloong couldn't unleash the spirit weapon's true power, just its scarps were enough to counter Wang Hai's casual attack.    


Wang Hai looked at the spirit weapon in Qi Yiloong's hand, and a trace of greed flashed across his eyes.    


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