Strongest Replication

C55 Qi Yiloong Has Broken Through!

C55 Qi Yiloong Has Broken Through!

2Thanks to his powerful armor and Level-7 Qi Refining realm cultivation base, Chu Zhongba could kill those three Level-6 Qi Refiners quickly.     2


When he looked around, he saw Chu Zhongtian's expressionless face and was scared for some reason. Then, without any hesitation, he rushed into the crowd of Tu Family disciples with his steel knife.    


Since Chu Zhongtian and Chu Zhongba had killed the four strongest men from the Tu Family's group, the Chu Family group was now only at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. However, the situation was basically a draw since the Chu group had a Level-6 Qi Refiner, Chu Yuping. He alone had even held back four cultivators from the Tu Family.    


When Chu Zhongba joined the fight, the Tu Family's fate was sealed. Therefore, Chu Zhongtian was too lazy to make a move.    


No one from the Tu Family's group could last more than a minute in front of Chu Zhongba, a Level-7 Qi Refiner. In just a few minutes, more than 30 disciples of the Tu Family were slaughtered.    


Not only did the Chu Family not lose a single disciple, but they also didn't suffer any injuries. This was a truly shocking outcome.    


The Chu Family was famous for its pills, not its martial strength. So, when did it become so strong?    


Without waiting for Chu Zhongtian's order, a few weaker Chu Family participants began collecting their spoils of war. The Tu Family wasn't listed as one of the four big families, but their strength and wealth had already reached that standard. Therefore, the dead Tu Family disciples left quite the wealth for their killers.    


Not long after the Chu disciples were done collecting the spoils of war, they consciously placed all the spoils in front of Chu Zhongtian.    


Only then did Chu Zhongtian realize that the Tu Family's wealth was truly beyond his imagination.    


In front of him were three jade plates, over 30 low Level-10 Qi Increasing Pills, five intermediate Level-10 Qi Increasing Pills, three intermediate Heart Tranquilizing Pills, over ten bottles of top-tier healing pills, and a bunch of level nine and ten spirit stones.    


Chu Zhongtian only took the three jade plates from the spoils and ordered them to split the rest among themselves.    


It wasn't that he didn't want to take the spoils of war. After all, that many level nine and ten stones could really help his cultivation. He just didn't want them to think he was a selfish and greedy fellow since he wanted to turn them into his loyal subordinates.    


After taking the jade plates, he didn't put them in his pocket. Instead, he took out 12 more jade plates from his bag. Then, he gave two of them to Chu Zhongba, making his total ten again. As for the remaining 13 plates, he gave them all to Chu Yuping.    


"Tian, what are you doing?" Chu Yuping was touched and puzzled when he saw the 13 jade plates.    


Chu Zhongtian shook his head and did not explain much. It was one of those things that one had to experience themselves to understand. Putting it into words just didn't have the desired effect.    


Chu Zhongtian's selfless action made all the Chu Family disciples feel very touched. They felt that Chu Zhongtian was the real leader of their generation. This, in turn, made Chu Zhongba depressed and jealous to no end.    


He knew that Chu Zhongtian gave Chu Yuping those 13 jade plates so that Chu Yuping could enter the top ten or even the top six. So, how could he not be envious of Chu Yuping?    


Meanwhile, he had no idea that Chu Yuping already had 10 jade plates in his hands. So adding these 13 jade plates, he had a 70% chance of entering the top three.    


After everyone got their share of the spoil, Chu Zhongtian took a deep breath to achieve a peak mental state. Then, he led everyone to the center.    


Before they could reach the center, they had to cross a checkpoint. And to cross that checkpoint, Chu Zhongtian had to defeat Liu Yongjun.    


Chu Zhongtian had already made preparations for his fight with Lu Youngjun.    


Chu Zhongtian and the group hadn't walked for long before Chu Zhogntian stopped and turned his head to look behind him.    


When the Chu disciples saw Chu Zhongtian's unexpected action, they also turned their heads to look back. About ten seconds later, they found a group rapidly approaching the center.    


"Qi Yiloong..." Looking at the person leading the way, Chu Zhongtian murmured with a serious expression.    


Right now, Qi Yiloong was no longer a Level-7 Qi Refiner, but he had broken through was now a Level-8 Qi Refiner. And Chu Zhongtian had a guess as to how he achieved that breakthrough.    


After all, with Qi Yiloong's mid Level-8 talent, it would be impossible for him to become a Level-9 Qi Refiner so soon. Obviously, the royal family had made some sneaky arrangements related to the contest.    


Then again, Qi Yiloong wasn't the only one who got some help from his family. Chu Zhongtian only found the Cinnabar Fruit because of the map he got from Chu Fann. Thanks to the Cinnabar Fruit, he could gain his current strength.    


Chu Zhongtian wasn't the only one who felt Qi Yiloong's breakthrough. Any Level-4 or above Qi Refiner could feel the violent aura around Qi Yiloong's body.    


The violent aura was so strong that it was almost corporeal. This was a simply terrifying concept.    


However, Chu Zhongtian and his group had no such fears. Since Chu Zhongtian already had strength equivalent to a Level-8 Qi Refiner, no one was worried. Also, Qi Yiloong had obviously just broken through, so his cultivation was still a bit unstable. In summary, he was definitely no match for Chu Zhongtian.    


Instead of Qi Yiloong's newfound Level-8 cultivation, Chu Zhongtian was more concerned about those two experts from the Yim Country. However, after taking a closer look, Chu Zhongtian discovered that Yan Yongjin and his companions weren't staying by Qi Yiloong's side.    


'Has Yan Yongjin and his companions already left the hunting grounds?'    


'Had he told Qi Yiloong about the force?'    


Thankfully, Qi Yiloong's next action answered Chu Zhongtian's doubts immediately. It seemed like Yan Yongjin hadn't told Qi Yiloong about his strength. Otherwise, Qi Yiloong would've challenged Chu Zhongtian after becoming a Level-8 Qi Refiner; instead, Qi Yiloong had challenged Liu Yongjun.    


Chu Zhongtian was very happy that Qi Yiloong had decided to challenge Liu Yongjun first.    


After all, given Chu Zhongtian's exhausted state, he would've certainly been no match for Liu Yongjun by relying on his strength alone. Chu Zhongtian would've been forced into using the force to defeat him.    


However, if he could sense Liu Yongjun's strength and attack pattern from his fight with Qi Yiloong, he could prepare a victory plan.    


He would try to use only his cultivation base and not the force to fight Liu Yongjun to a draw. If he could do this, he could gain a lot of combat experience and recognize his inadequacies.    


Then, he brought the Chu Family group a thousand meters away from the center, not far from where Qi Yiloong and Liu Yongjun were fighting. There, he carefully observed the battle between the two of them.    


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