Strongest Replication

C57 The Force

C57 The Force

4Chu Zhongtian noticed Chu Zhongba's expression and understood what was going on in his head.    0


He didn't want Chu Zhongba to have inner demons in the future, so he reminded, "Zhongba, don't think too highly of Liu Yongjun. In fact, his true strength is not as scary as you think."    


Speaking up to this point, Chu Zhongtian looked at Qi Yiloong and continued with a relaxed tone, "Zhongba, Qi Yiloong didn't lose to Liu Yongjun because he was weak; he lost because he hadn't fully adapted to his new strength."    


"Had Qi Yiloong spent even ten days consolidating his strength before fighting him, I'm sure the outcome would've been much harder to determine then."    


Chu Zhongtian's words were 90% correct. The part about Liu Yngjun having the upper hand because Qi Yiloong hadn't adapted to his strength was accurate.    


As for the other part... Well, it was a lie. Qi Yiloong would've lost even if he had spent 20 days consolidating his cultivation base. However, a few aspects of the battle would've changed then. For starters, Liu Yongjun's victory wouldn't have come that easily. He would've had to fight with all his strength only to gain victory by a narrow margin.    


Perhaps it was because he trusted Chu Zhongtian too much, but his explanation had weakened the trauma in Chu Zhongba's heart.    


Chu Zhongtian knew that Liu Yongjun's influence on Chu Zhongba was too great since he couldn't expel the darkness completely even after hearing a perfect explanation.    


Chu Zhongtian wasn't worried about this. He would use the Hidden Dragon Pavilion to jump into the next level and then defeat Liu Yongjun in front of everyone. This would break Liu Yongjun's victory streak and disperse the shadow in Chu Zhongba's heart.    


"Let's go!" Since Qi Yiloong was defeated by Liu Yongjun, the passageway to the center was still being controlled by the Liu Family group. It seemed like a conflict with the Liu Family group was unavoidable if they wanted to reach the center.    


Since even a Level-8 Qi Refiner like Qi Yilooong was no match for Liu Yongjun, everyone couldn't help but feel a sort of fanatical worship toward Liu Yongjun. In their minds, he was an undefeatable force, and 90% of the alive participants thought he would get the champion's spot.    


Meanwhile, Chu Zhongtian was leading the Chu Family group toward the passageway; it attracted everyone's attention.    


Noticing that Chu Zhongtian, a Level-4 Qi Refiner, was leading the Chu Family group, the surrounding audience couldn't help but feel shocked. Why was a Level-7 Qi Refiner following a Level-4 Qi Refiner?    


Chu Zhongtian was a mere Level-4 Qi Refiner, but he himself knew exactly how strong he was. Only he could kill a peak Level-7 Qi Refiner with just two strikes; only his group knew that.    


Only the Chu Family group knew that among all the contestants, if there was someone who could cause Liu Yongjun some trouble, it was Chu Zhongtian.    


Looking at Chu Zhongtian and the others who were slowly walking toward them, the Liu Family disciples didn't show any change in their emotions. They were different from the other spectators. Their admiration for Liu Yongjun had already penetrated deep into their bones. They believed that no one among the young generation of the Qi Country was a match for their idol.    


Unfortunately, they weren't paying attention to Liu Yongjun's expression. Otherwise, they would've long since lost their calm.    


Chu Zhongtian walked to the entrance of the passageway and looked at Liu Yongjun, who was more than ten meters away. He said in a stern tone, "Move aside!"    


Chu Zhongtian's domineering attitude and stern tone made Liu Yongjun's face turn ugly. His breathing gradually became heavier, and he began calculating the odds.    


Although Liu Yongjun was nicknamed Violent Bear, he was actually quite cautious by nature. If you thought he is reckless, you are as far from the truth as Snyder's from his own DC universe.    


Liu Yongjun had actually seen Chu Zhongtian kill Tu Shen, but that didn't worry him. After all, Lu Yongjun could also defeat Tu Shen just as easily.    


He was hesitating now because two days ago, he unexpectedly encountered two top experts from the Yim Country.    


The Liu Family had a special relationship with Yim Country's royal family, so even though he sparred with these two experts for a while, they did not fight to the death.    


Since they were acquaintances, Yan Yongjin told everything he knew about Chu Zhongtian to Liu Yongjun. Before leaving, he even repeatedly warned Liu Yongjun.    


Yan Yongjin told Liu Yongjun that if he were ever to meet Chu Zhongtian, he should avoid him as best he could. Yan Yonhjin believed that Liu Yongjun would be no match for Chu Zhongtian since he had mastered the force. Also, Yan Yongjin believed that Chu Zhongtian was a ruthless man who killed all his opponents unless they could convince him otherwise.    


Yan Yongjin thought that if Liu Yongjun provoked Chu Zhongtian, Chu Zhongtian would use the Hunting Contest to kill Liu Yongjun. It was precisely because of Yan Yongjin's warning that Liu Yongjun fell into a dilemma.    


'Fuck it!'    


After considering for a while, Liu Yongjun decided not to fight Chu Zhongtian for the time being. After all, he was also in awe of this unknown power called the force.    


He would use the Hidden Dragon Pavilion to jump into the next level and then defeat Chu Zhongtian in front of everyone. There, he could also practice the advanced martial skill he had just obtained. Then, he would show Chu Zhongtian who really was the strongest.    


After making up his mind, Liu Yongjun immediately relaxed his body, but the spiritual power that he had been suppressing began to riot.    


Now wasn't the time for him to break through, so Liu Yongjun forcefully suppressed the violent spiritual power. After that, he waved his hand, signaling his subordinates to make way for Chu Zhongtian and the others.    


Since Liu Yongjun had temporarily given in, Chu Zhongtian remained calm, but there was actually a trace of worry in his heart.    


Not many people knew about the force. Apart from the Chu Family participants, only Yan Yongjin knew that he passed that power. Chu Zhongtian was well aware that Liu Yongjun was letting them go not because of their strength but because of the force. 'Yan Yongjin obviously talked about me with Liu Yongjun. Since Yan Yongjin didn't even tell Qi Yiloong about the force, the Yim and Liu family must have some sort of friendship.'    


'Damn! The Qi Country's inner turmoil is getting worse!'    


After a single Hunting Contest, Chu Zhongtian had seemingly completely matured. He was now aware of far too many secrets, secrets that he didn't even want to know.    




The initially calm Liu Family disciples couldn't help but panic. They had thought that Liu Yongjun, their idol, would beat some sense into the arrogant Chu Zhongtian and let him know who was the strongest younger generation cultivator.    


However, Liu Yongjun unexpectedly took the initiative to give in. This was something that they simply couldn't accept.    


"What? Didn't you hear what I said?" Liu Yongjun had always been an easy-going person; when his fellow disciples didn't listen to him, his expression changed for the first time. He was like an enraged wild bear, roaring furiously.    


"Get out of the way!" Seeing Liu Yongjun getting angry, the disciples of the Liu Family didn't dare neglect him and immediately moved out of the way.    


"Thank you!" Chu Zhongtian cupped his fist toward Liu Yongjun and thanked him. He quickly led the Chu Family disciples through the passageway and headed toward the safe zone on the tall platform.    


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