Strongest Replication

C66 Three Requests

C66 Three Requests

3Chu Family, meeting hall:     1


Since Chu Zhongtian wasn't willing to sit down, Chu Tianyun didn't continue to persuade him. Instead, he returned to his patriarch's seat and said in a solemn tone, "Chu Zhongtian, this time, our Chu Family will get immense benefits thanks to your stellar performance in the Hunting Contest. You have contributed greatly. I now thank you on behalf of our entire Chu Family."    


"Patriarch, you are too polite. This is what I should do as a disciple of the Chu Family." When Chu Zhongtian saw Chu Tianyun standing up to thank him, he hurriedly cupped his fists and bowed.    


Chu Tianyun sat down again, gesturing for Chu Zhongtian to listen carefully. "After discussing with the elders, I have decided to give you a chance. You can make three requests, and the family will do its best to fulfill them."    


"Tian, as long as the three requests are not too excessive, we will agree to them."    


After Chu Tianyun mentioned his reward, the three free use requests, although Chu Zhongtian seemed calm on the surface, he was actually jumping with excitement inside.    


'Three requests!'    


It might seem to some that the reward was very ordinary; in fact, the reward was exceptionally generous.    


For example, even if he asked for thousands of Level-8 spirit stones, Chu Tianyun and the others would readily agree since that was by no means excessive for someone who was literally sitting on a spirit stone mine.    


And that was actually a low price. Asking for just spirit stones would be like wasting one of the three requests. After all, the reward for being first in the contest alone gave him a lot more + 5,000 low Level-8 spirit stones.    


Moreover, he had killed many young generation elites during the period of the Hunting Contest. So, he had obtained a huge amount of spirit stones from those elites. Just his loot was enough to support his cultivation for a long period.    


Most importantly, these three requests weren't just generous offers but also a test. This was to test his temperament and see if he was worthy of being nurtured by the family.    


After lowering his head and thinking for a while, Chu Zhongtian already had an idea in his mind. He looked up at Chu Tianyun and said, "Patriarch, elders, for the first request, I hope the family can exempt Chu Zhongba from any punishment he might receive for his mismanagement."    


There were 12 people in the hall; Chu Zhongtian's first request stunned every single one of them.    


They had all expected him to ask for numerous spirit stones or advanced pills that could assist in cultivation; unexpectedly, his first request was a plea for Chu Zhongba.    


Since Chu Zhongba was Chu Tianyun's son, only Chu Tianyun, not the 11 elders, could decide whether Chu Zhongtian's request was accepted.    


"Tian, the loss of the Chu Family disciples this time is too great. Zhongba will have to bear more than 90% of the responsibility. Punishment is necessary to teach him a lesson. So, I hope you can take back your request."    


It was impossible for Chu Tianyun not to feel sorry for Chu Zhongba since his son was a genius with a slightly worse talent than Chu Zhongtian.    


According to the Chu Family rules, Chu Zhongba should be stripped of his identity, deprived of his treatment, and imprisoned for half a year due to his crimes.    


A punishment like that would easily be the cruelest thing Chu Zhongba could endure right now. It might even delay his future cultivation.    


Although Chu Tianyun also felt very uncomfortable, his family came above his son as the Chu Family's patriarch.    


The mistake Chu Zhongba made this time was too serious. If he wasn't severely punished, it would definitely cause dissatisfaction among the family, which would be detrimental to the unity and development of the family.    


Now, Chu Zhongtian was actually willing to use one of his three requests to get rid of Chu Zhongba's punishment, so how could Chu Tianyun not be moved? Still, he had to remind Chu Zhongtian of how precious the three requests the family had given him were.    


Shaking his head, Chu Zhongtian said firmly, "My request will not change. I hope that the patriarch and the elders will agree to it."    


"Okay!" After seeking opinions from the 11 elders, Chu Tianyun nodded in agreement. Then, when he looked at Chu Zhongtian, his eyes were filled with gratitude.    


"Patriarch, my second request is related to the family's library. I was complete access to all floors and books of the library, and I hope that I can enter and leave it freely anytime."    


For any family, weapons crafting methods, cultivation manuals, books related to pill refining, knowledge about the many secret realms and so on were all essential treasures. All this knowledge was the only thing that was down as inheritance—it was a family's foundation.    


And the library was, in a way, the house of this foundation.    


As a family that had been passed down for centuries, the Chu Family's library wasn't just large—it was massive. It housed a good deal of precious cultivation techniques, martial skills, secret scriptures, pill refining formulas, and many arcanums related to this very world.    


Secrets and knowledge like this absolutely couldn't be narrated to a Qi Refining disciple, so Chu Zhongtian's request left everyone in a difficult position.    


Chu Tianyun, who was deep in thought, seemed to have suddenly received an order from someone. He closed his eyes and appeared to be listening to something. Then, he opened his eyes and immediately agreed to Chu Zhongtian's second request.    


Since he had been staring at Chu Tianyun the whole time, Chu Zhongtian had seen his reaction clearly. Although Chu Zhongtian looked calm on the surface, his heart was rolling like waves.    


Chu Tianyun was a peak Level-10 Body Refiner and the number one expert in the Chu Family. Now, there was actually someone who could influence his decision and make him accept it willingly. Who was this person? And just how strong was this person?    


Although his heart was filled with curiosity, Chu Zhongtian didn't reveal it. Instead, he suppressed the curiosity in his heart for the time being.    


"Thank you, patriarch! Thank you, elders!" The right to freely enter and exit the library was probably the greatest reward his family could give him for winning the contest.    


There were only two people in the Chu Family who could enter and exit the Chu Family's library freely: the patriarch who determined the fate of the family and the grand elder who controlled the library.    


Now that Chu Zhongtian had obtained the same right, he became the third person in the entire Chu Family with this power. If this were to spread out, many people would think that Chu Zhongtian would be the next patriarch of the Chu Family.    


Fortunately, the twelve people in the meeting hall were the big shots of the family. They wouldn't easily spread this news out.    


"You're welcome. This is what you deserve." Chu Tianyun waved his hand to show his gratitude to Chu Zhongtian, indicating that he didn't need to thank anyone.    


Actually, the one Chu Zhongtian should be thanking was the person behind Chu Tianyun, not Chu Tianyun.    


Had that person not agreed, Chu Tianyun and the 11 elders had no right to say otherwise.    


"Patriarch, for my third request, I want to enter my Chu Family's secret realm to cultivate."    


The royal family possessed the secret realm called Hidden Dragon Pavilion, and the Chu Family, which was equally famous as the royal family, also had the secret realm.    


Before, Chu Zhongtian had no idea what was special about the Chu Family's secret realm.    


Now, he knew much more about the secret realm thanks to Chu Zhongba. Not only did Chu Zhongba give him the incomplete Eight Trigrams Six Joint Fists skill, but he also told him about the secret realm. The Chu Family's secret realm would be opened on the 15th day of the new year, and...    


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