Strongest Replication

C100 The Problem with Beauties

C100 The Problem with Beauties

2Within the lair of the Jade White Python.    


Having consumed three Mid Rank Ninth Grade Red Sages, with the help of the spirtual Qi, Chu Zhongtian had successfully broken through to the Eighth Layer of the Qi Refining Realm. After first solidifying his cultivation base, he then turned his head and looked at Dongfang Yun'er who was still laying on the ground.    


Although she was still unconscious, he realized that the aura on her body had become much stronger, and her breathing was slowly returning to normal. As such, he knew that her injuries were slowly recovering.    


Not paying anymore attention to the unconscious Dongfang Yun'er, he turned his head around and continued focusing on strengthening his cultivation base while cultivating the Realm Concealing Technique.    


Now in secluded cultivation, Chu Zhongtian eventually lost track of time. But when he heard a light cough, he opened his eyes and could barely make out Dongfang Yun'er's eyelashes trembling with what little was in the cave. As her delicate hands began twitching slightly, Chu Zhongtian knew that she was about to wake up.    


At that moment, he quickly activated his Realm Concealing Technique and disguised himself as an Initial Seventh Layer Qi Refining Cultivator before walking towards Dongfang Yun'er, who was about to regain consciousness.    


After cultivation the technique for a period of time, Chu Zhongtian had completely grapsed the essence of the secret technique and could now conceal his cultivation realm for as long as he wanted.    


However, the secret technique would deactivate for a short period of time every time he breaks through a minor realm, which was the only weakness of this secret technique.    


Just as Chu Zhongtian concealed his realm as an Initial Seventh Layer Qi Refining Cultivator, Dongfang Yun'er finally opened her eyes.    


Since the lair was located under a hill, not much light permeated through the cave. Although Chu Zhongtian had lit up the place slightly with some luminous pearls in advance, it was still rather difficult to see anything at all inside.    


"Where am I?" Dongfang Yun'er asked instinctively with a weak voice as she opened her eyes, still half-conscious.    


"Princess, this is the lair of the Jade White Python," Chu Zhongtian answered as he stood up and walked towards her.    


"Who are you?" Dongfang Yun'er asked upon hearing the voice of a man. Feeling rather nervous, she subconsciously tightened her grip on both her dress and the silk veil on her face.    


Fully aware of her own beautiful appearance and attractiveness, those actions were done instinctively.    


Although Chu Zhongtian could understand the reason for her actions, he could not help but feel somewhat uncomfortable as she made him out to be like some sort of sex fiend in her eyes.    


But when she realized that the silk veil on her face and the clothes on her body remained untouched, Dongfang Yun'er secretly let out a sigh of relief. At the same time, she began analyzing the face of the man amidst the dimly-lit cave.    


The longer she looked at him, the more familiar he seemed to her, as if she had met him somewhere before. But now matter how much she tried to remember, she simply could not recall his identity. As such, she could not help but let out a slight frown.    


"We've met before in the Hidden Dragon Pavilion of the Royal Family of the Qi Country." Chu Zhongtian said when he noticed Dongfang Yun'er frown and figured that she could not remember him.    


Although he was somewhat irritated by her forgetfulness, the irritation dissipated slighty as soon as he saw the cute expression on Dongfang Yun'er's face.    


"You are a disciple of Chu Family!" When Dongfang Yun'er heard Chu Zhongtian's words, she finally remembered who he was!    


He was the young disciple of the Chu Family who was forced out of the Hidden Dragon Pavilion by her personal guard!    


"That's right, I am the disciple of the Chu Family whom you had chased out of the Hidden Dragon Pavilion." Although he did not want to lose his temper at Dongfan Yun'er, he could not help but mock slightly upon recalling how she had ruined his opportunity to get stronger and was also the reason why he was forced to take the risk of training in the Endless Forest.    


"Sorry, I shouldn't have..." Dongfang Yun'er quickly apologized upon hearing Chu Zhongtian's mocking tone. However, her emotional state agigated her injuries and made her cough continuously.    


"It's already a matter of the past, so you don't need to apologize to me," Chu Zhongtian replied and quickly stepped forward upon seeing her cough non-stop. He originally intended to help her out by patting her on the back. But when he was about two meters away, he suddenly stopped in his steps.    


Although there was no rule in Eternal Continent that men and women could not get close to each other, Dongfang Yun'er was the princess of Heavenly Dragon Empire after all. With her noble status, she would definitely not allow a man to casually touch her body. Therefore, he could only stay where he was.    


"You were the one who saved me!" Dongfang Yun'er said in a calm tone after she stopped coughing.    


"It's pretty obvious that I was the one who saved you." Seeing Dongfang Yun'er's sudden change in attitude, Chu Zhongtian shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly.    


"When I return to Heavenly Dragon Empire, I will find an opportunity to return the favor!" Dongfang Yun'er said as she sat up on her knees. Then, she took out some sort of pill that emitted a rich and unusual fragrance and consumed it.    


Seeing Dongfang Yun'er's attitude towards him turn cold once again, Chu Zhongtian naturally understood what she meant.    


Basically, she was hinting at him to leave this area first while she tends to her own injuries. Upon hearing those words, he let out a bitter laugh before turning around to leave.    


Looking at Chu Zhongtian's departing figure, a complicated expression suddenly appeared on Dongfang Yun'er's face. However, that expression quickly disapppeared as she returned to her original cold attitude.    


With that, Chu Zhongtian returned to the place where he originally broke through and began familiarizing himself with his newly-attained power.    


Now that Dongfang Yun'er had regained consciousness, he could neither consume the pills that increased one's potential for the time being not practice any of his combat techniques. Thus, he could only focus on getting used to his newly-attained strength.    


Around two hours later, Dongfang Yun'er suddenly stood up and walked to Chu Zhongtian. "My injuries have pretty much recovered, so I should leave now!"    


"Is that so? In that case, allow me to send you off!" Chu Zhongtian said in a calm voice. However, he was rather shokced in his heart regarding her speed of recovery.    


She had suffered such a serious injury, yet it only took her two hours to recover completely? Just what kind of pill did she consume just now?    


From the looks of things, it should be at the very least a High Rank Ninth Grade Pill, or perhaps even an Eighth Grade Pill.    


Such was the benefit of being born into the royal family!    


Chu Zhongtian took down one of the luminous pearls placed on the walls of the cave and guided Dongfang Yun'er out to the entrace of the lair with the help of the dim light.    


But when Dongfang Yun'er saw the skeleton streching over a hundred meters long in the lair, she could not help but stand petrified for a few seconds. Then, just like Chu Zhongtian, she also revealed a hint of pity on her face.    


After arriving at the entrance of the cave, Chu Zhongtian cupped his fists and said, "Princess, since you've fully recovered, we'll be parting ways now. We shall meet again in the future if fate allows it."    


As the princess of the Heavenly Dragon Empire, Dongfang Yun'er possessed a noble status and an extraordinary temperament. Moreover, her elegant appearance could easily attract the gaze of any normal man. Naturally, she would also a magnet to all kinds of trouble.    


Since Chu Zhongtian wanted to prioritize his safe return to Luolin Town, he did not want to cause any trouble before then.    


More importantly, Chu Zhongtian felt rather uncomfortable around Dongfang Yun'er's arrogant demeanor. Thus, he ended up choosing to part ways with her after leaving the cave.    


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