Strongest Replication

C92 The Assassins Have Arrived

C92 The Assassins Have Arrived

4Endless Forest, within the territory of the advanced level-10 Strange Beasts.     1


Perhaps it was because of the Lunar New Year or the climate over the past few days, but very few cultivators could be seen exploring within the Endless Forest at this time. Having stayed in the territory of the advanced level-10 Strange Beasts for two days, Chu Zhongtian only encountered five advanced Strange Beasts but did not come across any human cultivators.    


Chu Zhongtian tightened the bandages on his arm and looked around for a decent hiding place where he could rest for a while.    


Although he had only encountered five Strange Beasts during his past two days of training, dealing with those five Strange Beasts were nevertheless quite strenuous on his body. When facing the fourth Strange Beast he came across, the Lion Scorpion Beast, Chu Zhongtian was unfortunately stabbed by its tail.    


If it wasn't for the Low-rank level-9 Detoxification Pill that the Grand Elder gave him in advance, Chu Zhongtian would have lost his life to the huge pincer of the Lion Scorpion Beast. Although both his physical body and spiritual Qi were exhausted, he had still gained a lot. Not only did his combat experience increase rapidly, but he also began showing signs of breaking through to the next stage.    


At the start of his training, he was only at the Inital Seventh Level of the Qi Refining Realm. But after two whole days of killing, he had already broken through to the Intermediate Seventh Level of the Qi Refining Realm and was on the verge of reaching the Advanced Seventh Level.    


That was also the reason why Chu Zhongtian was looking for a secluded place: apart from recovering his energy, he wanted to try breaking through.    


And sure enough, it did not take him much time to break through. In just 20 minutes, he had sucessfully reached the Advanced Seventh Level of the Qi Refining Realm.    


After eating some of the dried food he had prepared in advance, he leaned against the tree and rested his eyes for a while.    


After sleeping soundly for around an hour or so, Chu Zhongtian suddenly opened his eyes and quickly climbed up to the top of the tree next to him. Concealing himself in the dense leaves, he focused his mind and looked down at the ground below.    


During his sleep, he suddenly detected danger approaching with his six senses. Without any hesitation, he immediately went into hiding.    


Around a minute later, a man clad in black suddenly appeared under the big tree.    


'He's someone from the Wang Family!' Chu Zhongtian could easily guess the man's identity based on the symbol on his weapon.    


Despite having left Lu City for only three days, the experts sent by the Wang Family had already caught up to him. This could only mean that the Wang Family had received the news the moment he left the Chu Family. As such, Chu Zhongtian felt extremely dissatisfied with the Chu Family's ability to maintain secrecy.    


Carefully analyzing the strength of the man in black, Chu Zhongtian discovered that he was only at the ninth level of the Qi Refining Realm and thus he heaved a sigh of relief.    


He then quietly drew out his steel knife and circulated the spiritual Qi in his Dantian. Just as the man in black walked to the bottom of the tree, Chu Zhongtian dropped down from the top.    


Still midair, he concentrated his spiritual Qi on his steel knife and enveloped the man in black with his Force.    


Since Chu Zhongtian did not know how many people were chasing after him or whether there were any Body Refining Cultivators among them, he did not dare to waste any time, so he used all his strength to try and kill the man in black with a single strike.    


Despite being an Advanced Seventh-level Qi Refining Cultivator, his combat strength was equivalent to that of Ninth-level Qi Refining Realm Cultivator. Taking the momentum of his attack into account, his strike at that moment rivaled that of one at the Tenth-level of the Qi Refining Realm.    


Launching a sneak attack on the man in black, Chu Zhongtian did not give him any time to react whatsoever before slicing his head off.    


Quickly searching through the corpse of the man in black, he found more than twenty Low Rank Eighth-level Spirit Stones, three High Rank Tenth-level Qi Replenishing Pills, a signal flare, as well as a pill that could increase one's strength in a short period of time. However, that pill would result in great side effects.    


After Chu Zhongtian stored all these items into his Storage Bag, he divided the corpse of the man in black into many pieces and hid them in different locations before advancing deeper into the Endless Forest.    


From the looks of things, since the Wang Family had already sent their experts out to hunt him down, Chu Zhongtian reckoned that the Liu Family and the Royal Family would definitely have done the same. From now on, he would have to prioritize getting rid of as many of them as possible.    


As he journeyed further into the depths of the forest, he started encountering even more strange beasts. Naturally, he found it increasingly more difficult to deal with them. At first, he could rely solely on his own strength to overpower the weaker ones. But now, he had no choice but to use everything at his disposal to fight against them. Even then, he was barely able to kill the High-Rank Strange Beasts he came across.    


Arriving at a stream, Chu Zhongtian took some time to clean himself up. After that, he hid himself in a crack under a huge boulder to sort out the items he had obtained over the past few days.    


Ever since he killed that one black-clothed expert of Wang Family, he had not encountered any other assassins in the past three days, which made him slightly disappointed. Fortunately, he had encountered many powerful strange beasts during this period. After killing these strange beasts, not only did he gain combat experience, he also obtained a large amount of pills that he could use to increase his potential.    


Moreover, he discovered yet another lair of a strange beast he killed and obtained quite a few precious medicinal herbs and spirit fruits.    


Before him was a Red Sage in shape of a human, as well as a fist-sized Wolfberry.    


The Red Sage was a spiritual herb that contained a rich amount of spiritual Qi within and was used by cultivators to break through to the next realms. Furthermore, its quality would be determined by how long it had lived. Normally, the longer the Red Sage, the higher its quality.    


This particular Red Sage in front of him was the size of an adult's palm, around 500 years old. In terms of quality, it should be a Ninth Grade Spiritual Herb that could be used by Advanced Qi Refining Cultivators to break through.    


On the other hand, the Wolfberry was a Low Rank Level-9 Spirit Fruit. It contained the energy to purify one's blood and was suitable for the cultivators of the Eighth Level of the Qi Refining Realm or above to use.    


After three days of continuous killing, Chu Zhongtian felt as if his comprehension had surpassed the Seventh Level of the Qi Refining Realm and reached a level where he could break through to the Eighth Level of the Qi Refining Realm. But in order to increase his potential to the maximum, he deliberately suppressed his breakthrough for the time being.    


Traveling deeper into the territory of the High Rank Tenth-level Strange Beasts, Chu Zhongtian could tell that the strange beasts were getting increasingly stronger with each one he defeated.    


When he first arrived in their territory, he had encountered a Scarlet Wind Horse that could not only move as fast as the wind but could also lash out attacks extremely troublesome to deal with. Moreover, its strength was also equivalent to that of someone in the Peak Tenth Level of the Qi Refining Realm.    


If it weren't for his strong defense and the Semi-Spirit Tools protecting his body, he would have been killed by it long ago.    


At this moment, Chu Zhongtian felt that it would be very difficult for him to keep going deeper into the forest with his current cultivation level. Even so, there were still a few days until the trial ended, and he did not want to give up just like that.    


Furthermore, he also had to worry about the experts sent by the Wang Family to assassinate him. The strength of those experts could very well be at the Peak Tenth Level of the Qi Refining Realm, or perhaps even the Body Refining Realm. If he turned around and returned to Luolin Town now, the possibility of coming across them would be very high. Thus, Chu Zhongtian planned to continue with his training and wait until he broke through before making his return.    


Having discovered a very secluded place where he should be safe for a short period of time, he planned to break through to the Peak Seventh Level of the Qi Refining Realm. Then, he would continue pushing his potential to the limit before ascending to the next level after.    


The Red Sage in his hand would provide him with just enough spiritual Qi to break through!    


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