Strongest Replication

C782 Increasing the Grade of the Physical Body

C782 Increasing the Grade of the Physical Body

2Within Heaven Barren Secret Realm!     1


Chu Zhongtian continued to weaken the defensive power of the Token, allowing the Desolate Qi to enter the defensive layer.    


At the same time, he circulated the first level of the Overlord Spell with all his strength, like a gluttonous beast, devouring all the Heavenly Desolates Qi that entered the defensive layer of the Token.    


Thirty seconds later, after devouring nearly two hundred streams of Desolate Qi, the cultivation technique of the first level of the Overlord Spell began to release the refined energy.    


Strands of refined energy began to merge into his muscles, bones, blood vessels, meridian and organs. The energy that was continuously released by the cultivation technique made Chu Zhongtian feel that the hardness of his body had been strengthened. The grade of his body was increasing.    


The defensive power of the Token was restored, and it temporarily blocked the infiltration of the Sky Desolating Qi. After absorbing all the energy of the Heavenly Desolates in the first layer of the Overlord Spell, Chu Zhongtian started to absorb the energy of the Token. He wanted to increase the grade of his body with all his strength.    


After absorbing all the energy that was transformed from the technique, Chu Zhongtian didn't let the Heavenly Desolates continue to permeate into his body. Instead, he controlled the vital spirit in the Dantian to form seals with his fingers, forming a secret technique that could test the strength of a Physical Body Level.    


Looking at the pillar that was floating in front of him, Chu Zhongtian took a deep breath, then he circulated all the strength in his body and struck the pillar with a True Hook Fist.    


After that, the number engraved on the pillar gradually lit up.    


Seeing the number used to test Physical Body Level finally light up, Chu Zhongtian's face revealed a trace of joy. Although it was only the lowest number amongst Physical Body Level, as long as the number lit up... It meant that there was no problem with his body, and it also meant that the Overlord Spell skill could enhance his body. It had a very obvious effect.    


After dispersing the pillar used to test Physical Body Level, Chu Zhongtian took a deep breath. He lowered the power of the Token's defense to the extent that the Desolate Qi could penetrate into it, then started cultivating the first level of the Overlord Spell. Absorbing the Desolate Qi that had entered the defensive barrier, and using the energy that was converted from the body tempering cultivation technique. He would use all of his strength to strengthen his physique, and also increase the grade of his fleshly body.    


Chu Zhongtian, who was silent in his cultivation, seemed to have forgotten about time. All of his mind was used to attract the energy from the cultivation technique, and all of his energy was used to increase the grade of his body. He didn't even notice that one of the five marks on the Token was missing.    


He waited until the energy from the first level of the Overlord Spell cultivation technique had no effect on the improvement of his body before he finally came back to his senses.    


Looking at the marks on the Token, Chu Zhongtian was surprised to find that the original five marks were missing three marks, and the fourth mark was starting to dim.    


When he obtained the reward from the Token, Jiao Enjun had once introduced it to him. It was said that the first mark on the Token meant that you could stay in the Heaven Barren Secret Realm for a day. The five marks represented five days of time. This was also the time when he participated in the competition for the disciples of the Outer Sect. Highest reward.    


According to the remaining marks on the Token, there was still more than a day left until the end of the Heaven Barren Secret Realm. Chu Zhongtian felt that his body was still in a state of extreme desire to improve. He didn't want to leave the Heaven Barren Secret Realm so soon.    


If he wanted to stay in the Heaven Barren Secret Realm and continue to absorb the desolate Qi in the Heaven Barren Secret Realm, he had to rely on Elder Huang, who had a lot of knowledge and experience. Therefore, he couldn't help but call out to Elder Huang in a low voice.    


"Elder Huang! Elder Huang!" After calling out three times, there was no response from Elder Huang in his mind. Chu Zhongtian knew that he was still trying his best to sense the location of the formation.    


Thinking of Elder Huang's instruction to sense the location of the formation, Chu Zhongtian forcefully suppressed the urge to continue calling. He decided not to disturb Elder Huang for the time being.    


The first level of the Overlord Spell skill absorbed the energy of the Desolate Qi, and the effect of it wasn't very obvious on the improvement of the body. Therefore, Chu Zhongtian planned to first confirm the grade of his body, and then decide whether he should continue circulating the first level of the Overlord Spell. It was still the cultivation technique of the second level.    


Once again, he formed another seal and sent out a pillar that was used to test Physical Body Level. Then, he punched the pillar with his True Hook with all his strength. The number instantly lit up, followed by the number two. The number three didn't stop at all. It quickly lit up, but when it reached the number four, the number four also lit up. However, the brightness was far from the first three numbers.    


Through the test just now, it showed that although his body had improved a lot, he was still far from breaking through to the Level 9. He had just barely reached the Level 10 Intermediate.    


Regarding this, Chu Zhongtian wasn't discouraged. He immediately read the Overlord Spell skill that Elder Huang had given him, and began to comprehend the content of the second level of the skill.    


Although he knew about the Overlord Spell skill, because it was different from a human's physique, it was very difficult to truly comprehend it, but he believed in his own comprehension ability. He believed that with his comprehension ability and talent, he would be able to comprehend it in a very short period of time. Cultivation. Success! The cultivation technique of the second level of the Overlord Spell.    


However, when he finally started to comprehend the cultivation technique of the second level of the Overlord Spell... But then he realized that no matter how he tried to understand it, he couldn't control how it worked. In other words, he couldn't use the second level of the Overlord Spell to absorb the energy of the Heavenly Desolates.    


What was going on?    


Ignoring the fading Token marks, Chu Zhongtian fell into deep thought. After pondering for a while, he began to comprehend and understand the first level of the Overlord Spell.    


After meditating and comprehending the second level, Chu Zhongtian gradually realized that his understanding of the first level was not deep enough. He had not reached the level where he could master the first level of the technique.    


At the same time, after a deep understanding of the first level of the technique, combined with the grade of his body, Chu Zhongtian felt the level of the Overlord Spell skill. In fact, it was the same as the Physical Body Level, when the Physical Body Level hadn't broken through to the Level 9. He would also not be able to master the second level of the skill.    


Thinking of this, Chu Zhongtian temporarily gave up on the second level of the Overlord Spell cultivation technique. Instead, he chose to comprehend the first layer of the cultivation technique while weakening the power of the Token's defensive layer. He continued to absorb the energy of the Heavenly Desolates, increasing the grade of his body.    


As he gained a deeper understanding of the first level of the Overlord Spell cultivation technique, the effect of the energy conversion which was originally very weak gradually increased. At the same time, the speed at which he absorbed the energy of the Heavenly Desolates was getting faster and faster, and the grade of his physical body was also increasing rapidly.    


Initially, he was worried that he would miss the time to wake Elder Huang up because of the lack of the Token mark. However, as he absorbed and refined the energy with all his strength, he gradually forgot about the passing of time.    


"Chu, wake up!" When the fifth mark began to dim for a period of time, and Elder Huang's voice rang out in his mind, he finally woke up.    


"Elder Huang, can you sense the location of the formation?" Chu Zhongtian, who was awakened by Elder Huang, lowered his head and looked at the mark on the Token in his hand. When he found out that the fifth mark on the Token had dimmed by nearly half, he immediately felt a sense of urgency.    


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