Strongest Replication

C4 Repairing Meridians!

C4 Repairing Meridians!

1Despite having an appetizing aroma, the Meridian Herb was no delicacy, tasting like the most bitter vegetable imaginable. Fortunately, a bitter herb was the least of Chu Zhongtian's worries.     1


Moments after the herb entered his body, Chu Zhongtian felt a tearing pain assaulted him. Under the pain, his expression changed drastically. He knew that repairing his meridians would definitely hurt, but he had no idea that the pain would be so intense.    


It was the kind of pain that made one wish for death. And all this pain was thanks to a single Meridan Herb. He wanted to howl in pain, expecting it to ease the pain a bit. However, he knew that he wasn't the only one in this courtyard, so he could only endure the pain by clutching onto the bedside with both hands as if clutching to his dear life.    


Fortunately, Chu Zhongtian's tenacity allowed him to endure the pain. His strong willpower helped him bear the pain without howling like crazy and stay awake during the entire repairing process.    


Unbeknownst to Chu Zhangtian, the pain from the meridian repair was also tempering his willpower. This kind of tampering wasn't of any use in a short period. But in the future, he would slowly understand and experience the benefits of this tempering.    


A cultivator's meridians were the base or foundation for his entire cultivation strength. Thanks to the pain, Chu Zhongtian now had a complete mindmap of his meridian network. This map would be incredibly beneficial to his cultivation and future breakthroughs.    


The energy contained within a five-year-old Meridian Herb wasn't much, so it was depleted in just a few minutes. That energy was barely enough to heal a single meridian.    


Initially, Chu Zhongtian estimated that he would need at least 100 five-year-old Meridian Herbs to completely repair his meridians. However, after his recent attempt, he was sure that 100 herbs would at most repair a quarter of his meridian network.    


In other words, if Chu Zhongtian wanted to completely repair his meridians, he would need at least 400 Meridian Herbs.    


'No! 400 is far from enough! I'll need 500, all things considered. After all, there is this resistance that human bodies form if the same kind of drug is consumed for a long time. Right now, one herb can heal about one-thirtieth of a meridian branch, but in the later stages, getting one to fix just one-sixteenth would be a monumental task.'    


For the time being, Chu Zhongtian decided to ignore it.    


After all, there wasn't anyone or anything that could heal his meridians in the entire Qi Country. So, there was nothing he could've done to repair his damaged meridians if he didn't have the "copy-paste" power. Now, Chu Zhongtian had a glimmer of hope in his heart; even though the hope was very, very, very small—it was there.    


Now that Chu Zhongtian could replicate Meridian Herbs with inferior spirit stones, he could heal himself wholly as long as he had enough inferior spirit stones.    


Although inferior stones were also a type of spirit stones, they were useless to anyone above Qi Refining Level-4. Instead of using inferior stones, they all preferred to use low Level-10 spirit stones. Consequently, inferior stones weren't a rarity in the Eternal Continent. As long as one had money, they could easily buy an inferior stone.    


After the last trace of energy within the Meridian Herb vanished, Chu Zhongtian rested for a while; he then ate another two herbs.    


Although 31 Meridian Herbs weren't a lot, Chu Zhongtian still rested for more than half an hour every time he ate three herbs to avoid excessive mental and physical strain.    


By the time he was done with all 31 herbs, it was already close to dawn. After an entire night of repairing, his meridians were now about 1% healed.    


Although he didn't sleep for the whole night, Chu Zhongtian's spirit was excellent. He even felt like he was glowing. After washing up, he got up and walked to the shop in the courtyard.    


Now, Chu Zhongtian had no intentions of conquering this world. But... the heavens did transmigrate him and gave him a game-breaking cheat, he couldn't disappoint the one above, now could he? So, he decided to treasure this opportunity. Otherwise, it could be considered being disrespectful to the heavens.    


"Tiger Head Herb, eight years old. Ordinary medical herb; a single piece is worth seven copper coins."    


"Grass Ginseng, fifty years old. Ordinary medical herb; a single piece is worth ten copper coins."    


"Elephantopus Scaber, twenty years old. Great efficiency; a single piece is worth three silver coins."    


Now that there were hopes for his cultivation path, Chu Zhongtian's mentality changed considerably. He now had a clear goal and a strong motivation. His first plan was to make a fortune.    


In one day, Chu Zhongtian made over 20 trades. Since the townsfolk's lacked knowledge about herbs and had quite the eagerness to sell every strange-looking herb in their backyard, he made quite the profit. Apart from making ample profits for the shop, he, too, made more than ten gold coins that day.    


Regretfully, he didn't encounter any herb that could heal his damaged meridians.    


Obviously, no shop allowed their employees to make profits like this. However, Chu Zhongtian couldn't care less about that now that he had a way to heal his meridians. If swindling ten gold coins helped him heal his meridians a day earlier, he sure as hell would do it.    


Furthermore, Chu Zhongtian was the only seller on the entire first floor. There were guards in the backyard, but he was—obviously—making "his profits" discreetly. So, for the time being, he wasn't too worried about being caught.    


More importantly, if Chu Zhongtian could recover his meridians, he could use his peak Level-8 talent. Then, even if he were to be caught, the Chu Family, who cherished talents, wouldn't give him too severe punishment.    


Due to all this, Chu Zhongtian fearlessly continued to make "his profits."    


After sunset, basically, no visitors arrived at this store. So, Chu Zhongtian closed the door, greeted the guards in the backyard, and then walked toward the west street.    


"Brother Wang, are you free?" After leaving Chu's Pharmacy, Chu Zhongtian came to a weapons shop with the Wang family sign. A 20 something youth stood at the counter, and Chu Zhongtian greeted him.    


"Aren't you Chu Zhongtian from Chu Family's pharmacy? Why the late visit, Mr. Genius?" Wang sneered when he saw Chu Zhongtian. Chu Zhongtian looked very thin and weak, but he still had his unusually delicate and pretty face.    


Thanks to his damaged meridians, Chu Zhongtian couldn't cultivate. However, he didn't spend his years drowning in sorrow because of it. Instead, he spent the time learning.    


Also, Chu Zhongtian had a delicate and pretty face, and he had the aura of a scholar on him. He was well-liked by women, especially the young ones. Consequently, he was now the target of many Luolin town youths' hostility.    


"Brother Wang, if you have time, I would like to treat you to a meal." Although Chu Zhongtian felt a little uncomfortable about Wang's sarcasm, he still had a smile on his face as he spoke.    


"No, I still have something to do later. If you have anything to say, just say it!" Wang waved his hand and said impatiently.    


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