Super Dragon slaughtering System

C1 Welcome to the Super Dragon Slaying System!

C1 Welcome to the Super Dragon Slaying System!

2"Zhang Tian, how dare you betray me! I will never let you get away with this even if I become a ghost!"    


With a ferocious roar that shook the land, Ning Qi’s eyes suddenly popped open. Right away, an intense pain overwhelmed his body. Tenderly, he touched his body and was shocked to find himself still alive.    


Little did he know at the time that he would be betrayed by his most capable subordinate, Zhang Tian, be pushed down the cliff, and end up surviving.    


"Haha! Zhang Tian, you traitor, I’m coming for you right now to seek my revenge on you. Nothing will stand between me and my wrath!"    


Uncontrollable laughter burst from Ning Qi’s mouth, his laughter so blindingly loud that it caused a rippling sensation to move over his wounds, forcing him to grimace in pain.    


"Look at him. The bastard appears completely crazy!"    


Two men with pity apparent on their faces stood staring at Ning Qi with cold expressions.    


It was at that moment that Ning Qi realized that something was off. Because he fell off the cliff, shouldn’t he still be in the wilderness? If not, then the hospital? Where was he then? What sort of place was this? Was that over there a fake mountain with water flowing from it? Could this be a garden?    


Why did those two fellows standing in front of him look so strange? And what did they mean by bastard? Were they in some sort of ancient drama? This would explain their odd appearance.    


In that instant, a sharp pain drilled inside his head. One after another, memories of another lifetime surged into his brain. It was as if he was experiencing someone else's life himself. He attentively watched the scenes passing by as if he was watching a movie, not missing one single detail!    


"This land is known as the Dragon Continent. I am at the Champion Marquis Mansion of Qintang Empire. My father is the Champion Marquis himself. My mother was the servant of the previous First Madame. That means, I am a bastard?"    


"My mother died after giving birth to me. So I have always been living a dog's life."    


"My father treats me coldly like a stranger and the First Madame is no better - seeing me as an enemy she must vanquish. The entire Champion Marquis Mansion treats me like garbage and no one here views me as the Young Lord. Even the lowliest branch disciples and servants can go out of their way to humiliate me without any repercussions."    


"Darn it! I was only picking up a handkerchief out of the goodness of my heart when the First Madame’s servant actually tried framing me for having ill intentions towards her. I was hanged and beaten for ten days and ten nights and only once I lost my breath was I thrown out the door of the courtyard. That bitch! I must kill you! No one can frame me, Ning Qi!"    


"This is a land of wonder. Demonic Beasts run rampant in this world. And humans have the power to cultivate as well. Yet, no matter how much power humans amass, they can not overcome the Giant Dragon Race. The true ruling class of the Dragon Continent is the Dragon Clan!"    


Right at that moment, Ning Qi accepted these memories and allowed them to merge with his consciousness.    




"The Super Dragon Slaying System is activating. Host, please stand still."    


"1%... 12%."    


"W-what’s going on?" Ning Qi was baffled by the voice that mysteriously appeared in his mind.    


"Activation of Super Dragon Slaying System at 100%."    


Host: Ning Qi.    


Level: First Rank of Body Tempering Stage. (Body Tempering is divided into ten ranks: Fighter, Batter Master, Great Battle Master, Battle Spirit, Battle King, Battle Emperor, Battle Ancestor, Battle Sovereign, Battle Saint, Battle Emperor.)    


Experience Points: 0/20    


Cultivation Technique: Low-grade Yellow Rank Body Tempering Art    


Martial Skill: None    


HP: 1/20    


Dragon Slaying Coin: 0    


At this time, you don’t have access to the Shopping Center System. Please obtain Dragon Slaying Coins as soon as possible in order to activate this system.    


"Why were such things appearing in my mind? What is this Super Dragon Slaying System?" Ning Qi suppressed the urge to cry out as he got up from the ground. Putting aside the mocking gazes of the two servants, he limped with heavy feet towards the courtyard where he lived. Only one room presided in this courtyard. In all the lavishness of the Champion Marquis Mansion, his living space was actually very similar in style to the courtyard of the servants. If it wasn’t because of the very reason that the Champion Marquis’ blood ran through his body, he would have trouble even obtaining this.    


Shuffling through the items in his living space, he finally found a small wooden box from out his hiding spot underneath the bed. Inside was a small porcelain bottle. After opening the bottle, a fragrance entered his nostrils. This was the Healing Pill that Ning Qi had secretly stored in his room for the past 15 or 16 years. After tossing a pill into his mouth, he then proceeded to carefully hide the remaining pills back in its spot underneath the bed.    


After swallowing the pill, his health bar increased to 10/20, recovering nine health points.    


This confirmed that the Super Dragon Slaying System wasn’t some sort of illusion. That it indeed really existed. Ning Qi’s heart began to burn with an irrepressible passion. He knew that the more strength you have, the more power you have in this world. Champion Marquis himself was a Three Star Battle King. Therefore, the stronger he was, the more respect he would be able to garner.    


Humans in this world dropped like flies. Every day, people would die in battle. In the Champion Marquis Mansion, it was not uncommon for seven or eight corpses to pile at the back door every month. Some of them were servants sentenced to death, while the others died under mysterious circumstances.    


Just like Ning Qi’s fate, if he had not transmigrated in time, the owner of this body… The person that shared the same name and surname as him would’ve ended up as one of the seven or eight corpses!    


Even those with Champion Marquis’ bloodline could not escape death. Only those with great strength could have a fighting chance.    


"The Body Tempering Art the former owner of his body practiced is the lowest cultivation technique in this world. How can I go about obtaining a higher level cultivation technique… Hmm? Experience points? Will that do? Experience points will allow me to level up. Is it entirely possible that as long as I collect enough experience points, I will be able to level up, becoming a Fighter, a Battle Master?"    


Ning Qi thought it would do him good to test out his theory. At this time, a mouse raced across his feet. Ning Qi could recall the creature from his memory, an old resident in the yard.    


"Sorry, my friend, but I’ll have to sacrifice you."    


Using his two feet, he stomped the rat to death.    


"Congratulations, host, you have killed a Low-grade First Rank Demonic Beast. Five experience points are now yours."    


"Since this is the first time the host has killed a Demonic Beast, the system is commemorating the occasion by rewarding you with a big gift bag. Please check your prize carefully."    


In the Attribute Panel, a small gift bag appeared, spinning on its axis. Ning Qi used the power of his mind to click on the icon.    


"Congratulations, a bottle of Low-grade Yellow Rank pills called Revival Pill are now yours. There are a total of 12 pills and each of them can replenish 20 health points."    


"Haha, who knew I could be so experienced? My instincts have even led me to obtain an entire bottle of Revival Pills. It's effect is much more better than my previous pills! The HP meter is only 20 points. Yet I have the ability to amass more health points than I know what to do with!"    


Ning Qi found it hard to contain his excitement.    


His eyes suddenly fell on a Buddhist shrine in the corner of the room and sadness overcame him. Slowly he walked up to the front of the Buddhist shrine and looked at the black urn containing his mother’s ashes. He said, "Mother, I will prove myself to everyone. That I’m not just some bastard. That I will become even more powerful than the Champion Marquis one day. And when that day comes, I will make him kneel in front of you. I will force him to kowtow and apologize to you!"    


"Hahaha, what a joke!"    


Ning Qi spun around at the sound of the voice to see a young man clutching his stomach in a fit of laughter.    


"Ning Loong, why are you here? You know you are not welcome here."    


Ning Qi said this coldly, unable to keep the frostiness out of his voice.    


This man was the son of Champion Marquis’ seventh brother. He was the offspring of a branch of the Champion Marquis Mansion. However, from what he could recall, Ning Loong always lorded over his status, even going out of his way to bully those under him. And that included Ning Qi. Over the years, Ning Qi had sustained a hundred internal injuries and at least thirty to forty of them were caused by Ning Loong!    


"It is my fortune to come here today and hear those outrageous words come straight from out of your mouth. A bastard can only be a bastard. If First Madam or Lord Marquis heard these words, you will be in dire trouble!"    


Ning Loong could not help but sneer.    


"Oh, before I forget. The maidservant Yuan you flirted with is my lover. You even dare touch someone who belongs to me? First Madame’s men did not kill you. Today, I am here to finish where they left off!"    


After Ning Loong said this, a ball of bright red light burst from out of his body. The light was coming from his Battle Power.    


Only One-star Fighter would possess Battle Power!    


Once he was hit by the full force of the power, Ning Qi was sent flying across the room, smashing a few pieces of furniture in the process. Ning Qi's HP quickly plummeted, falling to 3/20 in an instant.    


A sweetness welled up in his throat and he turned his head to spit out a mouthful of blood.    


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