Super Dragon slaughtering System

C6 Beating the Enemy with One Swift Move

C6 Beating the Enemy with One Swift Move

0Beating the Enemy with One Swift Move    4


Ning Qi did not put his guard down as he looked at them vigilantly. His hand continued to slowly turn the roasted meat over the spitting fire.    


When the old man saw Ning Qi’s face, a flash of recognition sent a wave of shock through him. Ning Qi looked very familiar as if he had occasionally passed him by previously at the Champion Marquis Mansion before!    


If he was not mistaken, he seemed to be the son of Champion Marquis, Ning Hongtian!    


“Tell me, which son of Champion Marquis are you? My name is Loong Er and I am a servant of the Loong family. If you can recall, we have met once in the Champion Marquis Mansion. These other two with me are direct disciples of the Loong family. I hope you find it in your heart to save them!”    


“Loong family?”    


Ning Qi’s memories began flooding into his mind. This was a well-known family in the Qintang Empire. The patriarch of the Loong family was also a Battle King. Though he didn’t have any official position, he was a distinguished guest of the Divine Martial Duke. In regards to influence, his impact might be even more widespread than that of his cheap father, Champion Marquis!    


“Ah, you are…” Loong Er finally put a name to the face. The word ‘bastard’ was on the edge of his tongue, but he did not dare to speak it. Though it was obvious he was trying to suppress it, a panicked look spread across his features, nonetheless.    


“So it happens we came across trash. But now that the Great Battle Master of Blood Killing Sect is here, I can’t make a mistake. Otherwise, my death will be a given. I hope the Champion Marquis’ name still has some influence over him.”    


Loong Er thought this to himself. Next, he grabbed the hand of the two children and hid behind Ning Qi.    


The Great Battle Master dressed in a red robe stood in full stature in front of Ning Qi. He looked down at Ning Qi, smiling coldly at him. “You are Champion Marquis’ son? For the Champion Marquis’ sake, I recommend you keep out of my business and don’t get yourself mixed into affairs not your own!”    


Hearing his words made Ning Qi squint his eyes testily. “For the Champion Marquis’ sake? That old thing and I have nothing to do with each other. And you don’t have to do it for his sake. Besides, I hate it when people threaten me the most. To send a message, I’ll have to break your arm. After that, you can just get lost.”    


Once he got closer, the old man’s attributes revealed themselves through the system.    


Blood Killing Sect: Xueshou.    


Level: One-star Great Battle Master    


Cultivation Technique: Middle-grade Profound Rank Blood Flame    


Martial Technique: Middle-grade Profound Rank Blood Slaughter Nine Strikes.    


HP: 1,500    


No experience points or Dragon Slaying coins could be seen in his attributes.    


However, he could see that there were names, origins, and cultivation techniques and martial skills listed! Even his health points were lower than his by 850 points!    


Xueshou was completely taken aback for one moment as if he never expected Ning Qi to react in this way. After recovering, he sneered and said, “Such arrogance needs to be taken down a notch. So what if you’re from the Champion Marquis Mansion? My Blood Killing Sect is not afraid of you! Today, I will kill one more person as an example!”    


After having said that, the dark red combat power on Xueshou’s body exploded with a blinding light. He slashed viciously at Ning Qi with his long blade. Nine Blood Slashes!    


Seeing this, Loong Er immediately ran away with the two little ones. Recognizing that Ning Qi would end up dying for sure, guilt flashed across his heart. Since he was going to die anyway, it was a good thing that he could buy them some time in the meantime!    


Ning Qi planned to settle things with this ungrateful person later. Currently, he had his eyes on the experience bag in front of him! From his point of view, taking down Xueshou would be equivalent to taking down a Tier 3 Demon Beast! The experience reward would be exponential!    


“Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms!”    


The silver combat qi instantly erupted from his body and turned into Silver Dragons as it charged at Xueshou.    




His blade was broken in half and his opponent was wounded!    


Xueshou clutched at his chest as he flew backwards after being struck by the blow. After stumbling to the ground, he struggled to get to his feet, looking at Ning Qi with fear in his eyes. “Mutated combat power! No, it can’t be. You’re only a four-star Dou Shi. Even if you are a mutated Dou Qi, it would be impossible for you to injure me in one fell swoop. What kind of martial skill did you use against me?”    


Xueshou was a one-star Great Battle Master and he was actually defeated in one swift move. Never in all his years had he seen this before.    


A third of the Haemal Strand on his head was disappearing with only a thousand health points left in his system!    


With just one maneuver, the Third Level Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms had elevated Ning Qi to higher ranks with more powerful fighting skills. After just one palm strike, he had managed to subtract 500 health points from a First Star Great Battle Master. No wonder. This was certainly a God Level martial skill!    


“You really want to know? Unfortunately, your life is not yours to find out.”    


Ning Qi’s face held a hideous grin on it as he made his way slowly to Xueshou. Seeing that his life was in danger, Xueshou immediately gritted his teeth and with a bang, his body exploded into a shower of Blood Mist and flew away.    


From afar, his voice could be heard, “To that nobody from the Champion Marquis Mansion, your actions have offended the Blood Killing Sect today. I, Xueshou, swear on my companions’ dead bodies that I will not rest until I have burned your bones and scattered your ashes. Even the great Champion Marquis won’t be able to save you!”    


Ning Qi, who was unprepared for the spectacle in front of him, could only stare blankly as Xueshou disappeared from sight. He couldn’t believe such a coward would dare threaten him!    


“Blood Killing Sect, just you wait. If you don’t come to find me, I’ll be the one to go after you. No one threatens me, Ning Qi. Two dragons have been slaughtered by my own very two hands. In the face of that, you are nothing in comparison. How can I be afraid of you?!”    


Ning Qi stared at the fading figure of the Blood Mist, saying this coldly.    


Soon after, he turned around and gave chase after Loong Er.    


How dare he hide behind him for protection? And then after seeing that Ning Qi didn’t have a fighting chance, abandon him and run away? Who did he think he was? A duke? When Ning Qi found Loong Er, he was hiding with the two kids.    


“Come out now!”    


Ning Qi shouted this out coldly.    


No movement could be detected from inside.    


Ning Qi unleashed the Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms at the upper half of a tree causing it to explode into a million pieces. Loong Er and the two little brats looked out from their hiding places with embarrassed expressions on their faces.    


Loong Er, shocked by Ning Qi’s abilities, subconsciously checked behind Ning Qi and asked him, “What happened to the assassin from the Blood Killing Sect?”    


“Him? He ran off.”    


Ning Qi spoke matter-of-factly.    


“Ah, then many thanks to you, sir, for saving me!” Loong Er pulled the two brats from out of their hiding spot in the tree hole and helped them dust the debris from off their bodies. He then proceeded to bow to Ning Qi, continuing to thank him obsequiously.    


“I was mistaken earlier. I thought you were the Champion Marquis’ 13th son at first, the bastard. But now I know I was wrong. You must be Champion Marquis' son, Ning Yan, to be able to victoriously defeat a First Star Great Battle Master assassin of the Blood Killing Sect. You are renowned for your fighting skills and I have heard of your great name for some time already. When I return to the Loong family, I will definitely report this to the patriarch. They will be sure to reward you handsomely!”    


Loong Er said all this with a smile on his face. He happily sighed, feeling great relief. Out of their group of a dozen or so people traveling together, now only three of them were still alive. If it wasn’t because their aggressor wanted to play around with them, they would have been dead long ago. Now that the danger had passed, he felt relieved that he still had his life and once more, hope and optimism made their way into his heart.    


“Ning Yan? You are mistaken. My name is Ning Qi.”    


Ning Qi turned to Loong Er with a faint smile on his face.    


“Ning Qi?” Loong Er could not help but frown. Then looked at Ning Qi up and down with a shocked expression on his face. Ning Qi? This meant he was the 13th son of the Champion Marquis, the bastard that he had just mentioned.    


It was rumored that this trash had only cultivated a Low-grade Yellow Rank Body Tempering Art and was even lowlier than a servant. With such a status, how could he have possibly defeated a First Star Great Battle Master with his abilities?    


“What’s going on in that mind of yours? Yes, indeed, I am the bastard that you just mentioned.”    


Ning Qi said this with a smile on his face.    


“Misunderstanding. This is only a misunderstanding…” Loong Er subconsciously pulled the two kids back a few steps away from Ning Qi.    


Ning Qi said, “You managed to lure the enemy into my path, then ran away using me as a distraction. How should we settle this? I beat the Great Battle Master of Blood Killing Sect and saved the lives of the three of you in the process. How should we settle this score?”    


Loong Er was at a loss for words. “This…”    


Ning Qi said, “Cut the nonsense. Each of you will give me fifty thousand taels of silver for payment for your lives. The three of you will owe me one hundred and fifty thousand taels of silver in total. Let’s set up a contract.” Ning Qi pulled out some rabbit skins he had accumulated over this period of time and threw them directly at Loong Er’s feet.    


Loong Er could not hide his shock. “One hundred and fifty thousand taels of silver?” Then he saw that Ning Qi was unmoved. He was afraid that Ning Qi would do something stupid, so Loong Er tried to bargain some more. “Well, my life isn’t worth much. Can you lower the price?”    


Ning Qi said, “If your life is not worth anything, then I will kill you. Then I will take your dead bodies to the Loong family to ask them for money.” After having said this, he gestured at the two brats to convey that he was being serious.    


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