Imperishable War God

C173 Demonic Fog Astral Soul Thunder Leopard

C173 Demonic Fog Astral Soul Thunder Leopard

2Not long later, Shi Moyan from Fire Cloud Valley and a few of her junior brothers also entered the training grounds.    


Different from Frozen Soul Sect, Xuan Qingfeng, Xue Biyan, and the others who were behind Shi Moyan were like eggplants that had been frozen, unable to even raise their heads.    


Team after team entered the training field, but everyone was still waiting.    


Finally …    


Ye Chenfeng, the Ye Family, and the Nangong Family slowly walked over.    


What was shocking was that Master Qiu Zan actually followed behind Ye Chenfeng!    


With a swoosh, everyone in the stands stood up!    


"Chen Feng, thank you for destroying the Blood Demon Cult!"    


Someone suddenly shouted.    


In an instant, the entire martial arts practice field erupted!    




Countless people raised their arms and shouted loudly, "Thank you, Chen Feng! He is the hero of our Scarlet Flame Mountain Range!"    


"Thank you, Morningwind, for eliminating this poisonous tumor of the Blood Demon Cult!"    


"Good morning, sir!"    


Compared to the matter of defeating Shi Moyan, exterminating Blood Demon Cult was obviously more maddening.    


After all, this was a matter that concerned the safety of all the families in the four cities!    


People in the stands were crazily shouting Ye Chenfeng's name.    


The group of people closest to the aisle below were getting large amounts of flower petals from who knows where. They were continuously sprinkling them at the group of people from the Ye and Nangong Families!    


The group of Ye family members were all full of pride. They puffed their chests up and strutted with their heads held high!    


As for the three elders of the Ye family, their faces were glowing red, as if they had aged for dozens of years. They waved their hands to the left and right to show their respect.    


In the stands, Xiao Tianya was slowly playing with the jade thumb ring. There was still a smile on his face.    


However, his eyes were as cold as a cold pond.    




Under the waves of cheers, Ye Chenfeng sat in the VIP seats.    


The ruckus had finally died down.    


Not long later, one or three elders with auras as deep as the sea arrived at the center of the battle stage.    


A ruddy old man cleared his throat, raised his voice and said, "Everyone, welcome to the triennial competition of the four cities. As usual, this time's competition of the four cities is based on the random rules of drawing lots, which two people's numbers are drawn, and which two people will fight on stage to determine the victor?"    


"There are a total of eight platforms. All eight platforms will be held at the same time"    


"The martial arts competition is a system of points. Every participant is originally divided into 5 points. Each match will have 2 points, and the battle will have 1 point. After the points are deducted, the contestants will be eliminated!"    


"Alright, I believe that everyone has been waiting for so long. They are also a little anxious …"    


"Let's not talk too much. The duel of the four cities has officially begun!"    


With that, the Tenglong City's martial arts practice field flared up once again, the waves of the voices soared to the heavens.    


On the edge of the platform, teams of guards with powerful auras maintained order. The deacons of the four cities oversaw each other and began to arrange for participants to draw lots.    


"First battle, White Three against Black Three!"    


"The second arena, White 6 against Black 6!"    


"The third platform, White Twelfth against Black Twelfth!"    


All of the martial artists who had been called out walked up onto their respective platforms and began to fight their opponents.    


Because there were Frozen Soul Sect and Fire Cloud Valley's people present, everyone was putting in all their effort, trying their best to defeat their opponent.    


One battle after another, it was much more exciting than the battles in the past.    


In the stands, Ye Chenfeng watched until he was about to fall asleep.    


Suddenly, Leng Canyue lightly patted Ye Chenfeng's shoulder, "Chen Feng, it's your turn."    


"Ah?" "So fast?" Ye Chenfeng raised his head.    


Leng Canyue patted her chest in relief and said, "I was just praying that I didn't run into you …" Whoever meets you will be out of luck. "    


"You make me sound like a bane." Ye Chenfeng rolled his eyes and got up to walk down.    


"You're even scarier than the Bane, hahahaha!" Leng Canyue laughed out loud like a laughing great-aunt, as if there was no one around.    


Not far away, Nangong Xiuer's gaze swept over them before quickly withdrawing her gaze.    


When Ye Chenfeng and a burly young man walked onto the stage, the entire Martial Arts Practice Grounds erupted with noise and excitement.    


For this time's match between the four cities, Ye Chenfeng was the biggest attraction.    


In the stands, the Frozen Soul Sect's Tan Fengyu slightly frowned and asked: "Ye Chenfeng caused a sensation on stage, so who is that big guy carrying a blade and a sword? The people of Cloud Water City seem to have high hopes for him? "    


One of the Frozen Soul Sect disciples immediately said: "That person is Lei Bao, he is from the number one clan in Cloud Water City, the Lei Clan."    


"This person is talented, he possesses a sixth stage Spirit Demon Fog Astral Soul, his blade and sword are both unique. Martial Uncle Zhang has already called for him to enter the Frozen Soul Sect."    


Tan Fengyu's brows relaxed. "Oh?"    


The Frozen Soul Sect disciple continued, "Although this Lei Bao looks like an idiot, he's actually extremely smart."    


"He walked a fierce and overbearing path, but unfortunately, he has an unfathomable demon fog Astral Soul, which can then be used multitasking. With a sword in his left hand and a blade in his right, he is a rare genius."    


"At the beginning of last year, our Frozen Soul Sect had the intention to take him in as an outer sect disciple, but this brat is extremely arrogant, entering the inner sect as soon as he wants to. He actually rejected the sect's invitation."    


"Oh?" Tan Fengyu laughed. "Interesting!"    


The Frozen Soul Sect disciple continued, "According to our records, a month ago, Cloud Water City held a competition. When he defeated Mo Qingtong, he was still an Earth Origin Stage Fourth Layer cultivator."    


"However, three days ago, he had already advanced into the Earth Origin Stage."    


"If Ye Chenfeng didn't appear in this time's competition, then the first place should have been decided between him and Nangong Xiuer."    


Tan Fengyu was slightly taken aback. "Based on what you said, this Lei Bao is a good seedling. However, Nangong Xiuer …"    


The Frozen Soul Sect disciple immediately replied, "That Nangong Xiuer is also a proud daughter of the heavens. Her fame back then was no less than Junior Brother Tian Ya's!"    


"However, I don't know why, but I've gotten a strange disease."    


"From then on, my cultivation has not improved at all."    


"I heard that a few days ago, Ye Chenfeng helped him cure this strange disease. Coupled with Master Qiu Zan's Origin Strengthening Pill that day and the pure and generous power that Liu Tie injected into her body, in a few short days, she had already advanced into the Earth Origin Stage."    


"Among these young talents from the four cities, there are currently five people who are at least at the Earth Origin Stage. Including Ye Chenfeng, there are a total of five people."    


"Ye Chenfeng will definitely be number one. As for Lei Bao and Nangong Xiuer, they will probably fight for the second round."    


Tan Fengyu nodded slightly. "I see."    


After that, he tilted his head and said, "Tian Ya, this Nangong Xiuer is extremely beautiful. She is a match made in heaven with you. If you can capture her heart, it will definitely be a golden destiny!"    


The corner of Xiao Tianya's eyes twitched as he smiled bitterly: "Senior Brother, don't laugh at me …"    


"I am obsessed with the martial way, and only wish to follow Senior Brother to revive the Frozen Soul Sect, to create a path, and create a whole sky."    


"It's difficult to achieve great things in a girl's life."    


Tan Fengyu nodded, seemingly very satisfied with Xiao Tianya's answer.    


At this moment, on the middle platform, Lei Bao was like an iron tower, standing in front of Ye Chenfeng.    


"Chen Feng, I, Lei Bao, have not submitted to anyone in all these years. However, I am truly convinced and prostrated before you!"    


Lei Bao said in a low voice, "You, who are only seventeen years old, brought people to flatten Blood Demon Cult. Moreover, you fought with Lord Shi Moyan from Fire Cloud Valley, so as to not reveal your defeat … Just with these two things alone, in the entire Kingdom of Zi Yun, no one can compare! "    


"You're too kind." Ye Chenfeng nodded slightly.    


Lei Bao continued, "Before I came here, many people told me that if you were unlucky enough to meet Ye Chenfeng, you must admit defeat immediately."    


"They told me that admitting defeat in front of you is not a disgrace."    


"They even told me that if I were to fight against you, I would only be bringing about my own disgrace."    


"I also know that you were able to remain undefeated in front of Lady Shi Moyan, who was at the late stage of the Sky Origin Stage. You are no longer on the same level as us …"    


"However, I am still standing in front of you. Furthermore, I am not prepared to admit defeat!"    


"Wow!" Everyone in the surrounding stands was taken aback.    


"This big black guy really wants to have a big fight with Ye Chenfeng?"    


"To say that he is bringing shame upon himself is not exaggerated in the slightest … He was still in the Earth Origin Stage, but Morning Wind was already in the Sky Origin Stage Realm, and he was not even in the early stages of the Sky Origin Stage! The difference between the two is like heaven and earth! "    


"It's normal for Lei Bao to say something like that. That's exactly how he is. Years ago, he encountered a Rank 4 Fire Python … That fire python, even the Sky Origin Stage's expert would circle around it when they saw it, actually rushing forward without any regards to his life, and ultimately chopping that fire python into pieces! "    


Just as people were discussing amongst themselves.    


Lei Bao continued, "To retreat without a fight, this is not my style of martial arts."    


"I will do my best in this battle. I will let everyone know that besides Ye Chenfeng, Scarlet Flame Mountain Range has Lei Bao!"    


"Clang clang!"    


As Lei Bao spoke, he stretched his hands out and pulled out the swords on his back.    


Left hand sword, right hand blade.    


"Morning Wind, please give me your guidance!" Lei Bao crossed his swords, creating a first-rate spark from the friction.    


Ye Chenfeng nodded and smiled. "I also look forward to fighting with you."    


"The path of martial arts is not a smooth one. Going against hardships and slashing through the thorns is also my martial arts!"    


"Life and death are uncertain, and it's hard to tell who will win or lose. If I give it my all, I'll show the true colors of a man!"    


With a "clang", Ye Chenfeng pulled out the Black Underworld Soul Devouring Sword.    


Once the Black Underworld Soul Devouring Sword appeared, countless people in the surrounding grandstands immediately widened their eyes!    


Facing Shi Moyan who was at the peak of Sky Origin Stage, he did not even draw his sword.    


Unexpectedly, Ye Chenfeng had pulled out his sword against Lei Bao!    


"Thank you!" Lei Bao's eyes revealed a hint of emotion.    


He also knew that the disparity between the two was enormous, to the point that it was almost impossible to overcome.     2


Ye Chenfeng drawing the sword was the greatest respect to him!    


Lei Bao took a deep breath. With a thought, he shouted softly, "Chen Feng, my Astral Soul is the Fog Astral Soul. You... Be careful! "    


As soon as he finished speaking, a surge of mist was released from Lei Bao's body.    


The mist churned and churned. In an instant, it had covered the entire arena.    


Immediately, the thick fog began to swirl around like a hurricane, and Lei Bao disappeared from the spot!    


Ye Chenfeng struck twice with his left hand, and after sensing it carefully, he couldn't help but be surprised: "As expected of the demonic mist! It's actually impossible to disperse! "    


"This demonic mist is spinning crazily. Not only is it emitting a sharp sound that can disturb one's mind, it also prevents one from sensing Lei Bao's movements and steps through the fluctuations of air currents …" This guy, is really capable! "    


Facing an enemy like Lei Bao, Ye Chenfeng's fighting spirit rose.    


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