Hidden Billionaire Son-in-law

C33 Zhang Tianhai's Misfortune

C33 Zhang Tianhai's Misfortune

4Although Wu Zheng did not fully understand Lin Yin's words, he nevertheless nodded his head in response. After pondering on those words for a short moment, he gradually felt that it made more sense.    


Director Lin was indeed a true man. Despite possessing his widely-known reputation as a useless son-in-law, he never failed to remain calm and collected when he was truly wronged by others.    


Thus, Wu Zheng promised himself that he would follow Director Lin with an honest attitude no matter what.    


Lin Yin put out his cigarette and lobbed it outside the window. Seeing Zhang Qimo's smile from a distance, he walked over with a face full of joy.    


He immediately stood straight up and opened the door to the back seat of the car. Zhang Qimo then got into the car and sat down.    


"Are you happy today?"    


Lin Yin asked with a smile.    


"I am beyond happy! Today feels like a wonderful dream!" Zhang Qimo exclaimed as her eyes sparkled with excitement.    


"In fact, I never would have thought that the jewelry I designed could actually be sold for 100 million yuan!" Zhang Qimo said with utmost delight. "Furthermore, today was the first time that so many well-known media outlets wanted to interview me! It's as if I'm some sort of celebrity!"    


Today, she had lived through the scene that she could only fantasize about in the past. In addition, the piece of jewelry that she personally designed was recognized and praised by many famous experts in the jewelry industry. How could she not be emotional after experiencing the dream she had been longing for her entire life?    


What else could make her happeier than her dream coming true?    


"I wonder who that Mr. 9527 was. What a mysterious person. I would love to thank him in person," Zhang Qimo thought about it and said.    


"Your work is perfect. That's why that person was willing to pay 100 million yuan for it," Lin Yin said.    


"Hmm..." Zhang Qimo wondered for a moment before recalling something. "By the way, Lin Yin, you haven't told me how you found the King of the World yet."    


"I have a friend who works as a private detective," Lin Yin said plainly. "I asked him to investigate the disappearance of the pendant last night, and he managed to find the whereabouts of the King of the World. Since he also discovered evidence of the theft, he also got the King of the World back in time."    


"A private detective?" Zhang Qimo repeated after him, curious about the private detective. "Is your friend that good? He found the thief in one night and even demanded him to return the pendant?"    


Of course, Lin Yin would not tell Qimo that the friend he asked for was the famous Third Master Shen of the Southern City.    


"After all, he is a professional," Lin Yin replied. "I was just trying my luck by getting him to investigate. Who knew that he would really find it in the end."    


Zhang Qimo was skeptical and asked, "But you must have spent a lot of money to entrust him to do so, right?"    


"Not much. A few thousand yuan for the investigation fee," Lin Yin said. "But since he found concrete evidence and even got the pendant back, I ended up paying him one hundred thousand yuan."    


"One hundred thousand?" Zhang Qimo smacked her lips. "How are you so rich?"    


Not only did Lin Yin buy a car worth several hundred thousand yuan earlier, but he even took out a hundred thousand yuan to ask someone to investigate the disappearance of the King of the World.    


He must have used quite a bit of his personal savings for these things.    


Lin Yin said, "I managed to save up a decent sum of money since I don't usually spend much."    


"Alright, since you did me a favor this time, I will return you the 100,000 yuan later," Zhang Qimo said seriously. "However, that will have to wait until we get back to the company. According to the company's rules, I will be able to receive a lot of money for the auction of the King of the World this time."    


"You are my direct superior, so isn't it right for me to work with you?" Lin Yin stated with a smile. "Besides, you have already made a name for yourself in the jewelry industry of East Sea Province. Since profits will be pouring from all sides towards you in the future, I will also receive the opportunity to make a lot of money with you. Wouldn't that be more than enough for me?"    


"This is this, and that is that. I want to return this money to you. As for this car, you can take it back and drive it yourself after I earn enough money to buy one myself," Zhang Qimo stated clearly.    


"In that case, I will listen to you," Lin Yin nodded.    


"Oh, by the way..." Lin Yin mentioned as he took out a recording pen from the pocket of his shrit. "This is evidence we discovered from the investigation. It seems like Zhang Tianhai was the main culprit behind this incident."    


"What?! It was Zhang Tianhai all along?!" Zhang Qimo exclaimed with surprise and anger. "I knew something was off about the entire situation. After all, only someone from the company would be able to turn off all the cameras at night without looking suspicious. But I do not understand the reason for his actions. How could Zhang Tianhai be so vicious towards someone with the same blood as him?"    


Zhang Qimo fumed with rage for a moment before asking seriously, "Lin Yin, what happened after that? After getting the evidence, what happened to the thief and Zhang Tianhai? Did you let them go just like that?"    


After all, the theft of a piece of jewelry worth tens of millions would harbor severe consequences!    


"After discovering solid evidence of the theft, the thief himself returned the pendant as he was afraid that things would get out of hand," Lin Yin said slowly. "It was also the thief who bailed out on Zhang Tianhai and stated that he was the one who instigated the theft."    


Zhang Qimo nodded slightly upon hearing his explanation. She tapped her fingers and began reflecting on those words.    


Lin Yin seemed to be speaking the truth. The thief was afraid that things would get out of hand and decided to return the pendant to the original owner. This way, there would be no way to convict him. Furthermore, he even pointed out that Zhang Tianhai was the main culprit behind this particular incident.    


"Qimo, don't think too much about it," Lin Yin said in a gentle voice. "Besides, the King of the World has been successfully brought back and even auctioned off for 100 million yuan."    


Lin Yin said seriously, "Of course, we will definitely not let Zhang Tianhai go easily. I have already sent a copy of this recording to Zhang Tianhai's house."    


"What? You sent a copy of the recording to Zhang Tianhai's house?" Zhang Qimo exclaimed in a worried tone. "Aren't you afraid that their family will take revenge after knowing that you have seen through their scheme?"    


Lin Yin said, "Zhang Tianhai has done so many despicable things to you and Dad over the past years. Now that one of their weaknesses has been exposed, we must use the opportunity to take him down!"    


At that moment, Lin Yin chuckled, "Just wait and see. Zhang Tianhai's family will personally come over to apologize to you."    


"This...?" Zhang Qimo looked suspicious. She did not know what Lin Yin was thinking.    




At the same time, on the other end...    


In the villa area of Seagull Manor, a luxuriously decorated villa was brightly lit.    


This was the home of Zhang Hongxuan, one of the leaders of the Zhang Family in Qingyun City.    


"Ah! Dad, stop hitting me! If you beat me up again, I, your son, am going to die!"    


In the western style villa, miserable screams shocked past its thick walls into the area outside.    


"You unfilial son, did you not know how much trouble you caused for our family the last time you offended the Ning Family of the East Sea? Do you know how much property you caused your family to lose?" A middle-aged man in an expensive suit shouted furiously. He held a stick in his hand and kept cursing, "Don't you know how much humiliation I suffered because of you? As if that wasn't enough, you still went and caused such a big problem outside the family? Will you not be satisfied until the entire family falls into ruins, you shameless brat?!"    


*Thump! Bang!*    


During his scolding, the middle-aged man swung his staff down again, causing the young man to roll on the ground and scream in agonizing pain.    


"Forget it, Hongxuan, stop hitting him. Tianhai is your only son. What are we going to do if you end up beating him to death?" A graceful, poised woman persuaded Zhang Hongxuan and pulled him to the side.    


"Will you stop spoiling this brat already? If you hadn't spoiled him during his childhood days, would he have ended up as such a worthless person?" Zhang Hongxuan exclaimed in utter rage. "Look at all the stupid things he did. Not only did he steal a piece of jewelry worth tens of millions from the company, but his conversation that incited the thief to do so was even recorded! If this matter goes public, he would end up in prison!"    


"Mom, Dad, I really never expected such things to happen! After all, I even asked for assistance from Master Kun in East City! Who knew that Xie Kun's subordinates were so unreliable that the evidence somehow ended up in Zhang Qimo's hands!" Zhang Tianhai said with a face full of grievance. At this moment, his face had been beaten up to a pulp while bruises filled his entire body.    


He really could not figure out how Zhang Qimo found the King of the World or how the recording evidence of him instigating Rat was sent directly to their house.    


When Zhang Tianhai came out of his house this morning, he was immediately caught and severely beaten up by Rat and his lackeys. After receiving countless hits, his face had already swollen up as if he was stung by a hive of bees. Just as he returned home, he was suddenly beaten up by his father for a reason unbeknownst to him then.    


He really did not know why he had suffered such misfortune!    


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