Hidden Billionaire Son-in-law

C10 Chief Designer Officer

C10 Chief Designer Officer

0"Sister Ning, you... you were the one who rejected all my previous drafts?" Zhang Qimo asked in utter disbelief of the turn of events as she revealed a conflicted expression. Despite the feeling of shame lingering through her mind, her heart surged with grievance and rage.    2


Zhang Zining's merciless words were simply too much.    


"Even now, you want me to leave without even taking a glance at my design drafts?" Zhang Qimo questioned.    


"I already rejected it! What can you even do? With your current level, I won't even need to look at it before throwing it into the trash can," Zhang Zining stated without a care in the world.    


Zhang Qimo bit her cherry lips tightly as her anger began surfacing on her face.    


The reason why the design drafts that she submitted over the past few years have always sunk like stone into the sea was all because of Zhang Zining? What's more, she even rejected every single one without even taking a single glance at them?    


Why would she do that? The tremendous amount of hard work put into the drafts day and night were all casually thrown into the rubbish bin?    


All her previous drafts were simply trampled by her due to her mere contempt?    


"What's wrong? Are you still unconvinced?" Zhang Zining sneered and revealed a proud expression. "Are you actually doubting my words as a professional designer? I am one of the top jewelry designers in Qingyun City. On the other hand, you have yet to produce any sort of results! If I say you are trash, then you are trash!"    


"Alright, that's enough. You may take your leave now. This is the office of the management department. You are not qualified to enter this place," Zhang Zining said casually as if she was satisfied by the outcome.    


"Zhang Qimo, I advise you to have some self-awareness and bring your useless husband away. Don't make a fool of yourself here any more than you already have," Sunn Heng said impatiently.    


"What are you all arguing about?"    


Suddenly, a deep and dignified voice sounded through the office.    


In that instant, the entire management department concealed their expressions as the office immediately quieted down.    


At that moment, Wu Yang walked out of the office and slowly swept his gaze over Zhang Zining and Sunn Heng.    


Sunn Heng and Zhang Zining's momentary confidence had immediately been replaced by a great sense of nervousness. In the presence of Wu Yang who had just descended from the Ning family, the two of them did not dare to act rashly.    


After all, both of them had seen Wu Yang's strength with their own eyes. While their father had managed to overcome this obstacle with great difficulty, the third brother of the Zhang Family, Zhang Hongxuan, had yet to recover his strength from the recent crisis.    


"Chairman Wu, it's nothing. It's just a small matter. Since there are some people who do not understand the rules of the company, I was simply taking the liberty to teach them a lesson," Sunn Heng said.    


"Oh?" Wu Yang looked at Sunn Heng and asked, "Who are the ones who do not know the rules?"    


Sunn Heng quickly replied, "She is a small clerk in the marketing department, called Zhang Qimo. She came to the office of the company's higher ups without permission. Thus, I am currently scolding her."    


"I was the one who asked to see me. Do you have a problem with that?" Wu Yang said calmly.    


"Also, let me make it clear that this is an office. As a senior leader, what do you think you're doing by causing a ruckus in such a place?"    


Under the barrage of Wu Yang's words, Sunn Heng's expression turned ugly.    


"I do not want anyone to make any unnecessary noise in the office. If a similar situation takes place in the future, the two of you may move away from the office," Wu Yang said seriously.    


After saying that, Wu Yang looked at Zhang Qimo with a smile.    


"Lady Zhang Qimo, right? I saw the design idea you gave me yesterday and was quite impressed. Come to my office, and we'll talk about your design details," Wu Yang said.    


"Okay. Thank you, Chairman Wu." Zhang Qimo said earnestly.    


No longer paying any attention to Sunn Heng and the others, Wu Yang took the initiative to lead Zhang Qimo and Lin Yin into his office for further discussions.    


"Humph!" Zhang Zining snorted coldly as she looked at Zhang Qimo and Lin Yin's back with a furious expression.    


"She simply got lucky. With her current skills, how could she manage to design jewelry that even Chairman Wu would take a fancy to?"    


"Heh, Chairman Wu didn't come from a background with knowledge of jewelry. How would he know anything about jewelry design? He's simply picking up a piece of trash and treating it as a treasure," Sunn Heng said in a low voice.    


Both of them did not expect Chairman Wu to help Zhang Qimo and even embarrass them in front of the entire office.    


Having just ridiculed Zhang Qimo for her worthless designs, Zhang Zining could not help but feel extremely embarrassed after Chairman Wu praised Zhang Qimo for her designs in front of so many of the higher-ups of the company.    


"Sister Ning, with Zhang Qimo's standards, it would be a miracle if Chairman Wu ended up offering her an internship with her current standard." One of the senior executives of the Zhang Family said in an attempt to curry favor. "No matter what happens, Zhang Qimo will still have to listen to your orders in the end."    


"That's right, Sister Ning. You are the company's Chief Jewelry Designer. When the time comes, you will be able to teach Zhang Qimo what a real jewelry design is," One of the managers of the design department added.    


"Ha, wanting to rely on jewelry design to stand out in the company is simply a dream. If she manages to enter the design department, I will be teaching her a lesson," Zhang Zining said with a cold smile.    


After all, she was placed as the deputy director of the company's design department and even as the Chief Jewelry Designer. Thus, she had absolute authority in the area of jewelry design.    


If Zhang Qimo wanted to rely on her jewelry design skills to make a name for herself in the company, she would simply be digging her own grave.    




In the chairman's office.    


Wu Yang personally prepared and poured coffee for Zhang Qimo and Lin Yin.    


This made Zhang Qimo feel a little overwhelmed as she thought that her creative design had caught Chairman Wu's attention.    


"No need to be so formal. Just relax," Wu Yang returned to his seat and said with a kind expression. "I am very satisfied with the design of the 'King of the World'. The draft I have received from you has been one of the most impressive ones that I have seen so far."    


"Thank you, Chairman Wu." Zhang Qimo thanked him before introducing Lin Yin. "The King of the World was designed by both me and Lin Yin, the man sitting next to me."    


"Oh?" Wu Yang said casually. "Could I assume that he is your husband?"    


"Umm..." Zhang Qimo hesitated for a moment before nodding.    


Wu Yang smiled and said, "I invited you over today because I wanted to tell you that your jewelry design has already been accepted by the Board of Directors, and the company will be producing the finished product. At that time, I hope you will personally supervise its development and research. You will be fully responsible for everything related to that product."    


"I will be personally responsible?" Zhang Qimo was taken aback by the unexpected proposal. She could personally supervise the production process of her own jewelry? This was something she did not even dare to think about.    


One must know that if she followed her design strictly, the production cost of the King of the World will amount to more than ten million yuan!    


Furthermore, she had never been in charge of a project of such a high level before.    


"But I am only an employee of the marketing department and has no experience in this area either..." Zhang Qimo muttered with a hint of disappointment.    


"You don't have to worry about that," Wu Yang reassured. "As the acting chairman of the Zhang's Jewelry Group, I will officially announce that your creative design has met my standards. Thus, I will hire you as the director of the company's design department and the Chief Design Officer."    


"I have already drafted the document. As long as you agree, I will announce it in the name of the Board of Directors," Wu Yang said clearly. "As a matter of fact, you can already move into the director's office today if you want to."    


"Chairman Wu, you want to hire me as the Chief Design Officer?" Zhang Qimo's cherry lips gasped slightly open as she could not believe his words and felt as if she was dreaming.    


Chairman Wu not only wanted her to be the director of the design department but also as the Chief Design Officer? These were important positions with the highest authority in the company's design department!    


Before arriving here, she would never have dreamed of attaining such opportunities. Her initial biggest hope was for Chairman Wu to hire her as a mere jewelry designer. She would have already been more than satisfied with that position.    


However, she never thought that she would be able to reach the heavens and rise up to the top of the company.    


"That's right. However, you will just be placed as the acting director for the time being. Only after you successfully complete the King of the World Project will you be able to fully attain the position," Wu Yang said with a serious expression.    


"Of course, you will still be able to enjoy the authority of your position. After all, if your project succeeds, it will definitely bring huge profits to the company, as well as a strong brand effect. Thus, I'm very optimistic about the hidden potential of this project. Moreover, it just so happens that the company currently needs an exclusive high-end jewelry product to increase its influence in the jewelry industry of East Sea Province."    


"In my opinion, your current skills in jewelry design are more than enough for this position," Wu Yang said. "Don't worry. Just go ahead and give it everything you have. I will be here to provide you with the greatest support."    


Overwhelmed by the sheer amount of excitement, Zhang Qimo took a deep breath to regain her composure.    


After calming herself down, she then said, "Chairman Wu, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity of a lifetime. I will do my best to make this project a complete success!"    


"You don't have to thank me," Wu Yang smiled and glanced at Lin Yin.    


"Seeing how your husband designed the King of the World with you, it appears that he too possesses great skills in jewelry design. Would you also like to join the jewelry design team?    


Zhang Qimo looked at Lin Yin and blinked, "What do you think?"    


Lin Yin replied with a smile, "I don't have enough professional knowledge to be a jewelry designer. However, I can be your assistant and give you advice."    


Zhang Qimo nodded and swept her gaze back to Wu Yang, "Chairman Wu, can Lin Yin be my assistant?"    


"You don't need to ask me about that," Wu Yang responded. "I will not doubt your choices. Since you are hired as Chief Design Officer, you will be in charge of the jewelry design team. Thus, you can choose your personnel yourself."    


Two minutes later.    


Wu Yang and Zhang Qimo walked out of the office in a jovial manner.    


Seing their joyful expressions, the higher-ups of the company wondered what could have been discussed in the office.    


"Alright, everyone, stop what you are doing immediately," Wu Yang faced the senior executives in the office and exclaimed.    


Suddenly, all the senior executives of the company stood up from their office chairs and looked in his direction.    


Wu Yang then stated with a serious expression, "I now officially announce that, in the future, the jewelry design team of the company will be led by the newly promoted acting Chief Design Officer, Director Zhang Qimo. Furthermore, she will now be fully in charge of the design department. Everyone, please treat her well and get to know each other."    


Upon hearing those unexpected words, the higher-ups present stood petrified as they looked at Zhang Qimo in disbelief.    


"What? Chief Design Officer? Does she have the ability to hold such a position?" Zhang Zining exclaimed with a shocked expression after hearing Chairman Wu's words.    


This sudden news struck through her mind like a clap of thunder.    


Over the past few years, despite being the deputy director of the design department in name, she had always been the head of the department in actuality. After Zhang Qimo's promotion to director of the design department, would she not have to act in accordance with her orders in the future?    


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