Sky War Soul

C823 He was slightly tempted and found it difficult to recover from this.

C823 He was slightly tempted and found it difficult to recover from this.

4"Hahaha, Norton, oh Norton, back then, you failed to kill Ben Wang. Today, it's Ben Wang's turn to kill you!"    


Light exploded in Mu Tu's eyes. This feeling of victory was extremely fascinating to him, and he was unable to extricate himself from it.    


In that battle, he was beaten up by the Ghost Knight Norton to the point that he couldn't even lift his head. From the beginning to the end, Norton had only used a finger to defeat him.    


That time, Mu Tu was lucky enough to escape, and was severely injured, almost losing his life.    


After lying in bed and recuperating for a few years, he gradually recovered to his peak condition.    


Although Mu Tu very rarely spoke of that matter afterwards, he always remembered it in his heart.    




Under the continuous suppression of the Devils, Norton opened his mouth and spat out blood.    


His tall figure seemed to be somewhat frail, and his strength was insufficient.    


Although Mu Tu was the same as him, both being in half-step sage, the only difference was that Mu Tu had already experienced the trick to step into the Manifestation stage.    


As for the Ghost Knight Norton, due to his limited vision, he would never be able to break through the half-step sage.    


That was the problem!    


As a result, Mu Tu gained the upper hand in the battle and suppressed Ghost Knight Norton from the beginning to the end.    


"I refuse to accept this."    


With his sword in hand, he walked towards Mu Tu step by step.    


Mu Tu's face was full of smiles, and upon hearing that, he raised his eyebrows: "So what if I die!"    


"Ten Thousand Devils Heaven Shaking!"    


With that said, Mu Tu's eyes turned cold and filled with killing intent.    


Devil after devil appeared in the sky, shooting a fierce light towards Norton.    


Norton raised his sword in a somewhat tragic way and stood straight in the air. "You will always be that crawling insect at my feet!"    




Under the pressure of the black light, like a divine pillar descending from the sky, Norton was pressed down.    


Following that, a continuous stream of black light descended, and for a time, the air was filled with the sound of heavy objects landing on the ground.    


In this way, Norton was continuously crushed by the black light.    


Yet another Chief Sovereign had fallen.    


Including the Great Witch Parwen who was killed in an instant, all of the four Chief Sovereigns of the Abyss were left with only Ranger Feng Yin.    


"Have you considered your options?"    


Mu Tu took two steps forward, and raised his eyebrows. "As this king's woman, it is natural that you can stay here, and at the same time, teach me the secret method to you that will allow me to advance."    


Her beautiful eyes stared straight at Mu Tu, and only after a long while did she answer him with a question: "You, are you serious?"    


Mu Tu nodded his head, "This king will definitely not joke about this sort of thing."    


Ranger Feng Yin's beautiful eyes swept the surroundings and his heart went completely cold.    


The other three Chief Sovereigns had already perished. He was the only one left of the four Chief Sovereigns.    


Those seventeen leaders, along with the Blood Roar and Jin Mantang, were all killed.    


As for the spatial tear, it was blocked by that old man, making it impossible for him to cross it.    


It could be said that he had no other way out.    


"Old Mu, are you serious?"    


Chu Yun was extremely surprised. He had thought that Mu Tu was only joking, and was humiliating the other party with his words.    


But now, it didn't seem like a joke at all.    


Mu Tu's attitude was extremely serious, he turned and looked at Chu Yun, and could not help but laugh: "Your eyes are not bad, when I first met the little girl Feng Yin, I had already fallen for her."    


Ranger Wind Concealment. The way she looked under the cloak was indeed a beauty capable of toppling empires.    


Other than her pale face and sharp teeth, her appearance was flawless.    


"Didn't you say that there were tens of thousands of concubines waiting for you in the Twelve Realms of Heaven?"    


Chu Yun blinked his eyes.    


Back then, when Mu Tu showed off these things to him, he was extremely complacent.    


Mu Tu coughed dryly, then said: "How can those trash be compared with the Little Girl Feng Yin!"    


"Be careful, you might not be able to control it."    


Chu Yun smiled slightly, and said casually.    


No matter what, this was Mu Tu's own choice.    


As long as he was willing.    


Whether it was right or wrong, time would decide.    


Ranger Feng Yin's beautiful eyes flickered. In reality, her heart was a mess and she hadn't thought about it at all.    


"And if I refuse?"    


Feng Yin's gaze swept across his surroundings. Right now, she was the only abyssal organism left.    


Alone and without help.    


She had gathered up her courage to ask this question.    


Mu Tu smiled lightly: "We will counterattack the Abyss Realm and completely eliminate it. It is obviously impossible for you to return home, but This King will not make things difficult for you. If you do not agree, This King will let you go! "    


"Let me go?"    


Ranger Feng Yin was obviously a little surprised, as he did not expect Mu Tu to say such a thing.    


Mu Tu nodded solemnly, but then touched his chin and laughed: "I will let you go, but what benefits do I get? The Abyssal Plane has been destroyed. Other than freedom, you have nothing. But if you stay and become This King's woman, not only will I be able to live here peacefully, This King will also pass on to you the method to break through, allowing you to experience a higher and broader world. "    


It had to be said that Mu Tu's words were very bewitching.    


The Ranger Feng Yin was originally somewhat moved, but after hearing these words, the scales in his heart tilted even more.    


After having lived for so many years, having seen all sorts of flourishing things and having personally slaughtered countless planes, he had long ago grown tired of slaughter and strife.    


However, she couldn't stop herself from standing in this position.    


Originally, she thought that after she exterminated the TaiGan boundary, she would cultivate the Blood Roar to take over from her.    


Now, it seemed that all of this had been for naught.    


In the final analysis, Ranger Feng Yin yearned for a higher level very much. Being Mu Tu's woman, was not a good thing.    


"I promise."    


Ranger Feng Yin raised his head again, his beautiful eyes filled with hope.    


She had lived for thousands of years, and at her level, love and affection no longer mattered.    


The Abyss Realm was destined to fall. No matter how one looked at it, being Mu Tu's woman was the best choice.    


"Congratulations Old Mu for bringing a beauty home."    


Chu Yun said faintly.    


In fact, he was not at ease with having Ranger Feng Yin stay in the TaiGan Continent.    


But since Mu Tu insisted on doing it, then let him be.    


Of course, he had to ensure that Feng Yin didn't pose any threat at all.    


These were all things that Mu Tu should worry about.    


Yi Lili turned her head, her beautiful eyes looking at Chu Yun with hidden bitterness.    


As long as one wasn't a fool, one would be able to understand the feelings within.    


Even if Chu Yun did not turn his head, he could still feel the gaze from behind, and his smile could not help but become a little stiff.    


"Chu Yun, what about you?"    


Yi Lili asked.    


She seemed to be hinting at something.    


Even Mu Tu knows how to pursue someone, why are you still like a piece of wood?    


Seeing Yi Lili speak openly and directly, Chu Yun rubbed his nose, feeling slightly embarrassed.    


After all, he wasn't prepared for this. He didn't know how to answer.    


Even if he wanted to find a dao companion, it should be Tang Zixian who would naturally be in front.    


Yi Lili, even if you have the love of my mother, you can't overtake her.    


It's not good to stand in line obediently.    


Of course, all of these were monologues inside Chu Yun's heart, and could never be said out loud.    


Chu Yun coughed dryly. Since it was so awkward, he decided to not say anything.    




stomped his feet in anger. He had always been very active when it came to other things, but unfortunately, between the two of them, he was stuck.    


However, she wasn't discouraged at all. On the contrary, she was becoming more and more energetic.    


For some people, once they met, they would live for ten thousand years in a single glance.    


He was a bit tempted, but once started, he was unable to find anything.    


"The Abyss, it was destroyed just like that."    


Old Region Emperor held his hands behind his back, as he looked at the spatial crack with a sigh.    


Here, he had countless memories.    


Once upon a time, in this place, countless heroes rushed into the group of Abyss Demon, killing with all they had.    


In the end, he fell inside and lost his life.    


Once upon a time, so many strong warriors from the TaiGan Continent were killed one by one.    



In the eyes of the Abyssal Chief Sovereign, slaughtering humans was as easy as slaughtering ants.    


But now, the character had changed.    


With a snap of his fingers, he had destroyed ninety-nine percent of the The Abyss Continent's high-ranked fighting strength.    


The Abyss, which could shake the world and roam the endless stars, was finally on the verge of extinction.    


"There were so many Heroic Spirits who died in battle in the past. This is the best consolation you can get."    


Old Region Emperor closed his eyes and placed his palm on his chest.    


The others followed suit.    


This was the most sincere respect for those seniors who had sacrificed their lives.    


"Ancestor, the The Abyss Continent is still not extinct."    


Chu Yun smiled and pointed to the spatial crack, "The Abyssal Monsters have a steady flow, densely packed and as annoying as ants. If they are not completely extinct, they will become a source of trouble in the future."    


"You youngsters should do these things."    


Old Region Emperor laughed. After entering the Manifestation stage, his comprehension of the world had changed yet again.    


If they were able to extend their lifespan, they would be able to step into a higher realm.    


However, the Old Region Emperor had long given up on pursuing extreme hot-bloodedness. He wouldn't risk his life for the sake of breaking through to the next realm.    


It was quite good to continue to train like this.    


"Then, let's make another trip."    


Chu Yun looked at Tang Shanhe and Tang Baichuan, and said unrestrainedly: "Back then, we said that when we return to The Abyss Continent one day, we would definitely come as a conqueror!"    


"That's right."    


Glimmers danced in the eyes of the duo as they nodded in agreement.    


"Then this time, let us go conquer the The Abyss Continent completely!"    


Chu Yun clenched his fists tightly, light flickering in his eyes: "I have come before, I see, I conquer! Feng Yin, you will lead the way! "    


Feng Yin silently nodded his head. She had already expected this to happen, so she made the preparations in her heart.    


TaiGan Continent level 1 after level was very complicated and messy.    


If he led the way, it would be much easier.    


Moreover, if he wanted to join the TaiGan boundary, he had to show the appropriate amount of sincerity.    


Mu Tu, Tang Shanhe, Tang Baichuan and Chu Yun were all in the realm of half-step sage, so they were not afraid of any schemes or tricks the travelling adventurer Feng Yin might pull.    


Under the guidance of Heroic Assassin, the few of them stepped into the spatial crack.    


Yi Lili snorted, her figure flickered, and followed.    


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