Sky War Soul

C795 submarine sinking ship

C795 submarine sinking ship

33000 stared with his mouth agape, looking at Chu Yun in shock.    


Chu Yun gave a bland smile, pointed at Mu Tu whose four limbs were in the sky, and said: "Did you see that, even if I let him go, he's still not willing to leave!"    


"F * ck, what the hell is going on?! What can't this king break through the space!?"    


Mu Tu fiercely jumped up, pointing towards the sky, he angrily shouted.    


"Give up on that thought!"    


Chu Yun's eyes carried a hint of smile as he said: "You've said it many times, that the TaiGan boundary is an existence from the higher levels, so without the corresponding strength, you won't be able to break through the space and reach the endless starry sky."    


"How strong are they?"    


Mu Tu shuddered fiercely, to think that there would be such a thing, what a miscalculation!    


"Manifestation stage."    


Chu Yun sneered and looked at Mu Tu: If you do not reach Manifestation stage, you will never be able to leave TaiGan boundary!    


"Fuck, there's actually such a thing!"    


Mu Tu felt a deep malice in his heart. If he knew earlier, he wouldn't have come to TaiGan boundary!    


Not only did he not take advantage of the situation, he even almost threw himself in.    


He was suppressed as soon as he arrived, and after three thousand years, he was finally released. However, he had to be a slave to others, and now he wanted to leave. This was an extravagant hope.    


If one did not reach Manifestation stage, it would be impossible to leave the TaiGan boundary.    


Is there anyone who wants to play like this?    


"So, don't even think about escaping. Your fate is already linked with the TaiGan boundary."    


After Chu Yun finished speaking, he turned to Wang Qian and said, "Continue to lead the way."    


Wang Qian nodded, her beautiful eyes swept across Mu Tu, and flashed a smile.    


You can't even run when you want to. Interesting.    


"Old Mu, it's better if you stay behind. Work hard with us and search for a way to break through Manifestation stage together."    


Three thousand kengchi kengchi laughter, followed by a long body wandering around, bringing Chu Yun to a distance.    


"Everyone, f * cking imitated that smelly monkey's laugh!" Laughing your ass! "    


Mu Tu fumed with rage, gritting his teeth.    


Under Wang Qian's lead, they arrived at the center of the North Sea.    


"Monstrous beasts frequently appear in this region of the sea. The deeper you go into the sea, the stronger the Monstrous Beasts become."    


Wang Qian pointed to the blue ocean below and explained, "Especially the Dragon Abyss under the sea. The inside is so dark that you can't see your fingers. You must not be careless in any way. You must raise your spirit. After all, the deep sea represents the unknown! "    


With that, Wang Qian dove into the sea.    


Before her body could even touch the surface of the sea, the sea water automatically parted, forming a path that continuously extended downwards.    


The three thousand dragons let out a loud roar, then their bodies slowly started moving.    


As Mu Tu was walking at the back, it was obvious that he was a little distracted. The beautiful dream of going back was shattered, and it made him want to uncontrollably curse out loud.    


However, no matter how much one cursed, who could it be?    


He could only curse himself for being befuddled and not coming to TaiGan boundary.    


He let out a very helpless sigh and said, "Since we can't leave, then let's just stay here. Hopefully, Chu Yun can find a way to raise his Manifestation stage as soon as possible, so this duke can follow along and take advantage of the situation!"    


The deeper they travelled into the depths of the sea, the more they could sense the icy coldness and the profoundness surrounding them.    


The deep blue of the sea was no longer visible when he first dived into it. Instead, it was dark blue and blackened.    


There were countless numbers of demon beasts in the deep sea, and all kinds of demon beast fish came together like a storm.    


Wang Qian did not even bat an eyelid as she casually smashed the shoal of fishes with her palm.    


Blood rained down over the sea, killing thousands of fish in an instant.    


Their speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they had already arrived at the bottom of the sea.    


There was no longer any light here. It was pitch black, as if he was in the middle of a pitch black night.    


The deeper they went, the greater the pressure became. It was as though a mountain was pressing down on their shoulders, causing them to be unable to breathe.    




Right at this moment, a long tentacle suddenly shot out towards three thousand people.    


3000 sneered, easily dodging the attack of the tentacles. He opened his mouth and sprayed out a burning flame, burning the large octopus demon beast in front of him into a half-dead state.    


As if to show off, 3000 shook his body and released a fearsome dragon's might.    


The dragon's might spread out from the bottom of the deep sea. Wave after wave rippled and spread in all directions.    


Countless demon beasts felt fear and hurriedly fled to the far distance.    


There were no eyes left on the demonic beasts at this depth. They couldn't see anything at the bottom of the sea and could only rely on their external appearances to sense it.    


The might of three thousand dragons was truly shocking to these demon beasts.    




The rock in front of him suddenly started rolling. A gigantic whale beast wagged its tail lifelessly, fearing that it would run too late.    


"Hehe, it seems that my dragon's might is still useful at the bottom of the sea."    


3000 shook his head proudly.    


After all, he was a True Dragon, an existence at the peak of demonic beasts. Regardless of whether it was flying in the sky, running on the ground, or swimming in the water, everyone was extremely fearful of his dragon's might.    


This was a kind of demonic beast instinct that originated from deep within his bones.    


"We're about to reach Dragon Abyss."    


Wang Qian was at the forefront. Even in the dark night, her gaze was like a torch, penetrating the darkness.    


After diving for another few thousand meters, they finally reached an abyss.    


Wang Qian pointed to the crack a few meters wide and said, "Below us is Dragon Lake City."    


"Why is the entrance so small?"    


Chu Yun frowned, such a small entrance, there was actually a sunken ship?    


Wang Qian looked at the rocks around her and explained, "There was a violent earthquake at the bottom of the sea a few days ago. These rocks fell from the back."    


"Mm, let's go."    


Chu Yun nodded, extending his hand to touch the three thousand heads.    


In the three thousand senses, the body suddenly shrank and subtly dived into the submersible vehicle.    


After entering, the pressure suddenly increased by several times.    


Being within it, he could feel the immense force that was oppressing his body at any moment.    


It was fortunate that these people were all extremely powerful experts, and the bodies of ordinary warriors would have already collapsed long ago.    


"Gu gu gu!"    


Not long after entering the Dragon Abyss, a pitch-black monster fish that was as big as a mountain rushed over.    


It looked very ugly, and its body was covered with thick black scales. It opened its huge mouth and viciously bit at three thousand people.    


"This is a ninth stage Ascension Realm demon beast, Black Armored Giant Leviathan."    


Wang Qian rushed forward in a flash. Her beautiful eyes gradually became sharp. Her backhand transformed into an endless palm print that forcefully pushed away the black armored Giant Leviathan's majestic body.    




With a deafening sound, the black-armored Giant Leviathan was sent flying back by 10,000 miles.    


However, the black-armored Giant Leviathan was clearly very angry as it shook its head and rushed back.    


"I refuse to give you a toast, I want to drink a forfeit!"    


Wang Qian raised her finger and pointed it at the water. The water waves suddenly turned into a sharp long saber. It was about a hundred meters long and fiercely stabbed into the abdomen of the Black Armored Giant Leviathan.    




The Black Armored Giant Leviathan's abdomen was not surrounded by scales, but a large hole was ripped open by the saber.    


He screamed as he dashed towards the distance.    


"Still trying to run?"    


Wang Qian sneered as her ten fingers moved, transforming into various divine weapons that pierced into the Black Armored Giant Leviathan's body.    


"Chi!" "Chi!" "Swish!"    


As the black-armored Giant Leviathan was pierced by these endless divine weapons, the thick scales on its body were completely unable to withstand them. Its speed became increasingly slow, and its blood flowed through the sea for a long time.    


"Coo, coo, coo."    


Blisters began to bubble in the distant sea. Several one-eyed strange fish rushed towards the black-armored Giant Leviathan as if they had smelled delicious food.    




The black-armored Giant Leviathan cried out miserably; it no longer had the strength to resist.    


These strange fish swarmed over, gnawing on his body.    


"Let's go."    


Wang Qian retracted her hand without even looking at them.    


It had to be said that there were indeed a lot of demonic beasts in Dragon Abyss. There were at least three to five beasts at the ninth level of Ascension Realm like the Black Armored Giant Leviathan.    


Relying on his three thousand dragons' might, he dived all the way to the bottom of the sea.    


The surroundings became darker and darker, without even the slightest bit of light.    


"Almost to the end."    


Wang Qian's eyes were heavy as she continued to emit her mental energy to search the surrounding sea.    


This was already the deepest place in the South China Sea, but where was the sunken ship?    


"Let's decide first."    


Chu Yun ordered three thousand yuan, and jumped into the deepest part of the sea.    0


Beneath him were rocks and mud. There was no longer any way to climb down.    


Chu Yun jumped down from the top of the 3000 heads and stepped on the mud.    


This was already the deepest part of the ship, but he didn't see where the sunken ship was.    


Only then did Mu Tu slowly descend and laugh: "I guess I can't find it. In the end, don't I still have to rely on this king's Devil Heaven Eyes?"    


"Cut the crap."    


Chu Yun glared at Mu Tu, and continued to spout more nonsense.    


Mu Tu awkwardly retracted his smile, he muttered an incantation and suddenly used the Demon Heaven's Eyes.    


After using the Demon Heaven's Eyes, he slowly scanned his surroundings, not sparing a single inch of land.    


Chu Yun stood at the side, quietly waiting for Mu Tu's result.    


His Demon Heaven's Eyes were very strong, and if he wanted to, he could find anything.    


"Found it."    


Just as he was thinking about it, Mu Tu's excited voice sounded out.    




Chu Yun was a little impatient. After all, after he found the sunken boat, it meant that he could find the brush.    


"It's right under your feet!"    


When Mu Tu's voice fell, both of his hands were covered with terrifying devil energy, and he suddenly slammed them into the mud beneath his feet.    




The mud suddenly disintegrated, and even the rocks underneath began to crack.    


A mast appeared out of nowhere, closely followed by the hull of the sunken ship.    


So it turned out that the entire sunken ship had sunk into the mud, if not for Mu Tu's Demonic Heaven Eyes, they would not have been able to find it.    


"Is this the sunken ship that Senior Heavencraft spoke of?"    


Chu Yun's eyes flashed, he could not help but dig into the mud, revealing the original appearance of the sunken boat.    


This was a sturdy ancient ship. Even though it was suppressed at the bottom of the ocean and under the terrifying pressure, it was not damaged in the slightest.    


"It's here?"    


When Wang Qian saw this, a hint of joy flashed across her eyes.    


It seemed like all his hard work would be rewarded at this moment!    


It was only when Chu Yun stood on the deck of the sunken boat that he felt the thickness and width of the whole boat.    


Just as he was about to enter the cabin, his expression suddenly changed.    


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