Sky War Soul

C135 Thunder Abyss

C135 Thunder Abyss

3Huo Chengzhi's expression instantly became conflicted. It was clear that Huo Hongchang's words had affected his mind, but very quickly, a red light flashed past his eyes. He could not help but growl in a low voice: "Impossible, there's already no turning back. "In order for my plan to succeed, I've burned away dozens of years of my lifespan. This is my obsession, and the motivation to support me in my survival!"    


Huo Hongchang clenched his fists tightly and bellowed angrily, "Huo Chengzhi, are you really going to be stubborn to the end?"    


"Brother, when I kill my way out of here, when I slay Xu Ri and become sect head, I will rule the sect together with you! Just as we two brothers looked forward to! "    


After saying this, Huo Chengzhi's hands quickly formed a seal, causing a large amount of shattered rocks and flying sand to be swept up by the violent winds, and condense in the air.    


Right after that, from within the enormous shattered rocks, several thick arms of stone statues suddenly extended out, pressing down from the sky with a loud bang. Rumbling sounds that caused the heaven and earth to change color could be heard.    


"Stubborn fool!" "Stubborn and unrepentant!"    


Huo Hongchang gritted his teeth as his entire body burned the sky, forming a gigantic flame net. The stone statue's arms that were pressed down from the sky were completely burnt into nothingness.    


When the arm of the stone statue completely disappeared, Huo Hongchang raised his head and looked. Huo Chengzhi's figure had long since disappeared.    


So that attack just now was just a pretense. His true goal was to escape.    


"Damn it!"    


Huo Hongchang clenched his fists, and created a huge pit in the ground. His eyes were filled with regret.    


Huo Chengzhi's personality was originally a bit more stubborn. If he was a little more concerned about after he failed to fight for the position of sect master and lost a bit more, he probably wouldn't have ended up like this.    


"Elder Huo."    


Xu Zhiheng and Tao Huan took a deep breath and walked over quickly.    


"Right now, the situation has developed beyond my imagination. Not only is Huo Chengzhi not dead, he is also brewing a scheme in the Thunder Fog. I must investigate this matter to the end!"    


He was very clear that he had to settle this matter in private. If it got to the level of a sect, then Huo Chengzhi's life would definitely be in danger.    


"Elder Huo!"    


A surprised voice came from afar, followed by a large group of disciples led by Gong Yanjie, quickly walking over.    


"You've finally appeared. Earlier, we …"    


Just as Gong Yanjie was about to complain, he was suddenly stunned. His eyes landed on Chu Yun and the rest.    


"Why aren't you guys dead?"    


Gong Yanjie's face was full of shock. He couldn't believe that Chu Yun and the others were actually still alive.    


"What? We didn't die? Is that strange?"    


Chu Yun's mouth had a hint of a disdainful smile on it. When Gong Yanjie had first split the convoy, he was too arrogant, and said that he was the only one who could survive. Unexpectedly, after a few days, more than half of the people on his side died, while himself was completely unharmed.    


"Damn things, consider yourselves lucky!"    


A hint of resentment quickly flashed through Gong Yanjie's eyes. He could already hear the disciples behind him whispering to each other.    


"Look, senior brother Xu and the others didn't suffer any casualties at all."    


"Sigh, if I had known earlier, I would have followed senior brother Xu."    


"If something really happens, Senior-apprentice Brother Gong won't be able to rely on it."    


Huo Hongchang turned his head to look at the seven to eight disciples behind Gong Yanjie, and asked with a pale face: "What about the others?"    




Gong Yanjie was at a loss for words. Facing the Elder Huo's questions, he simply did not know how to answer.    


"Elder Huo, when we were coming over, we were accidentally ambushed by demon beasts, so there were indeed some casualties."    


A follower of Gong Yanjie stuttered.    


"Nonsense!" I already told you that you all must unite. In the Thunder Swamp, only unity can survive, but you, on the other hand, stir up trouble the moment you enter. If all of you had united together, there definitely wouldn't have been so many casualties. Do you know that they all died because of you? "    


Huo Hongchang roared in anger, like a thunderclap.    


Gong Yanjie was stupefied. After a long while, he took a deep breath and lowered his head, "Elder Huo, I was wrong …"    


"I don't want to waste words with you. After we get out of here, I will punish you with half a year of cultivation resources!"    


Elder Huo snorted coldly and shifted his gaze away from Gong Yanjie.    


Gong Yanjie clenched his teeth, and stared at Chu Yun with venomous eyes. In his opinion, all of this was Chu Yun's fault!    


"Elder Huo, when we met Huo Chengzhi earlier, he revealed a part of his plan to us."    


Chu Yun found the right time and took a step forward.    


"There's such a thing?"    


Huo Hongchang was a little excited, and asked again and again: "What exactly did he say?"    


"He said that this medicinal field is the limit of what we can do. We absolutely cannot go any deeper." If he insists on going beyond the medicinal field and going deeper, he will kill us all. "    


Chu Yun recalled that Huo Chengzhi had indeed said this earlier.    


"Go deeper than the herb field?"    


Huo Hongchang raised his head and looked into the distance. After a few seconds, he was shocked and could not help but take in a breath of cold air.    


Hearing the four words "Thunder Abyss", all the disciples simultaneously felt a chill run down their spines.    


"Elder Huo, could he be hiding in the Thunder Abyss?"    


"That place is filled with roaring thunder and lightning all year round. Any living being that enters that place will be smashed to smithereens and turned into ashes!"    


Huo Hongchang was also troubled for a moment.    


The Thunder Abyss was the most dangerous place in the Thunder Swamp. There was a valley about a thousand meters long, and it was filled with thunder and lightning all year round. Any living being that entered it would be attacked by lightning, so it could be said that this was a forbidden area that no one dared to go near!    


The Thunder Swamp had existed for a very long time. Although Huo Hongchang had a lot of qualifications, he still did not know what was in the deepest part of the Thunder Abyss.    


In the past, there were a few geniuses with extraordinary strength and pride that wanted to go inside to investigate. In the end, all of them were killed within, and not a single one was able to leave.    


Moreover, the sect had clearly stated that disciples were allowed to enter to gain experience, but elders were absolutely not allowed to. Those who violated the sect's rules were to be killed without mercy!    


As an elder of a Sunscorch Sect, Huo Hongchang was naturally clear about this rule. He was currently struggling in his heart, what should he do?    


But if he did not go in and allowed these disciples to go, none of them would be Huo Chengzhi's match. He could only send them to their deaths.    


"When my plan succeeds, I will come out. I will kill Xu Ri and destroy Sunscorch Sect!"    


Huo Chengzhi's crazed voice continuously resounded in his mind. Huo Hongchang abruptly furrowed his brows, and firmly decided that even if he was punished by the sect, he must enter and see for himself!    


In order to enter the Thunder Abyss, one had to pass through a thousand meter wide Thunder Valley. If any living being appeared in the valley, they would be electrocuted. Only after passing through the valley would one enter the Thunder Abyss. All the disciples that enter the Thunder Valley will be given a Thunder Pearl. This bead can protect you and allow you to safely pass through the Thunder Valley.    


However, Huo Hongchang did not have the Lightning Avoiding Pearl on him, so if there was an urgent need, he could only return to the sect to retrieve it!    


Huo Hongchang made his decision very quickly. At most, he would just go back and retrieve the Thunder Pearl. If Huo Chengzhi really had a crazy plan, I can stop him ahead of time!    


The current Sunscorch Sect was vastly different from the past. If Huo Chengzhi dared to act recklessly, the only thing that awaited him was death.    


However, the prerequisite for him to get the Thunder Pearl was that there would be a disciple who would be willing to enter to explore it. However, under such circumstances, who would be willing to take the risk?    


How smart was Chu Yun, he knew what Huo Hongchang was thinking with a glance, and took the initiative to speak: "Elder Huo, I want to go in."    


In any case, he himself had come here to gain experience. No matter how dangerous the Thunder Abyss was, it would become a part of his experience.    


Furthermore, there was a phrase that went 'wealth comes from danger', and there must be some treasure inside that led Huo Chengzhi to plot against it.    


Seeing Chu Yun state his stance, Tao Huan immediately extended his hand out as well, "Me too!"    


"Junior Peach, Brother Chu."    


Seeing that, Xu Zhiheng looked to be in a difficult situation, he did not want to go deep into the Thunder Abyss to take the risk, to put it bluntly, it had nothing to do with him, there was no need to wade in the muddy water.    


"Senior brother Xu, I understand you."    


Chu Yun smiled and compared his heart to his own. Xu Zhiheng was indeed not obligated to accompany him in.    


"Thank you for your understanding, Brother Chu."    


Xu Zhiheng let out a long sigh of relief, and his expression became somewhat gloomy.    


"The Thunder Abyss huh? Since you're all going, how can I miss you?"    


Gong Yanjie swept a glance at Chu Yun, and then said proudly.    


"Damn, brother Gong, are you crazy? What kind of place is the Thunder Abyss! "    


The lackey on the side immediately turned pale with fright.    


Gong Yanjie sneered in his heart: Am I crazy? I'm not crazy! How can you idiots understand my thoughts? The Thunder Abyss is indeed dangerous, but if I follow closely behind Elder Huo, with his strength, he can definitely protect me! Danger often came with luck. Since this was a forbidden area, there were bound to be countless treasures inside!    


Gong Yanjie was already very unsatisfied with his gains from this trip to the Thunder Swamp, and seeing such an opportunity, his thoughts immediately stirred.    


He had to follow them in!    


No matter what, he had to follow them in!    


After a round of voting, only three people finally expressed their intentions to enter, Tao Huan, Gong Yanjie, and Gong Yanjie's good brother — — He Yi.    


Chu Yun was not a disciple of Sunscorch Sect, so he was not included in the list.    


Huo Hongchang's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Alright then, I'll go back to get the Thunder Pearl. Anyone who doesn't want to enter the Thunder Abyss, follow me! As for those who choose to stay, don't go around to avoid any accidents! "    


"Brother Chu, be careful!"    


Before Xu Zhiheng left, he cupped his fist at Chu Yun with a serious expression.    


Under Huo Hongchang's lead, the figures of the disciples swiftly disappeared into the horizon.    


When everyone had left, Gong Yanjie suddenly turned and stared at Chu Yun, his entire body releasing a dense Qi, his face sinister as he roared: "Stinky brat, you were truly arrogant previously huh. Now that Xu Zhiheng has left with the Elder Huo, let's see who can still protect you! "    


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