Sky War God

C3720 Good Fortune Saint

C3720 Good Fortune Saint

1The aura in the void was boiling. The energy that Ye Feng was releasing was constantly changing.    


That kind of unimaginable power was circulating continuously at this moment, reaching an extremely powerful level.    


This kind of terrifying power was spreading continuously in the void. The attack of the aura that was gathered became unusually pure, as if it was going to completely cover the entire world.    


Sensing such a powerful and terrifying power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.    


That kind of power that exceeded the limit seemed to have formed a real world, causing the entire spatial zone to boil.    


However, Ye Feng's current mental strength and condition were incomparably powerful. Facing such a terrifying pressure, he didn't have any fear.    


An incomparably powerful and sacred attribute energy was unleashed at this moment, causing the entire world to rumble.    


When he felt this aura, the energy in Ye Feng's body was circulating continuously.    


Especially the Divine Creation Art, it was unimaginably powerful.    


The force of creation that was hovering around Ye Feng's body was circulating continuously at this moment, and it was emitting a kind of energy that ordinary people could not understand.    


Such a powerful attribute also had an intense effect on the surrounding space, as if it was pushing the aura to an even more terrifying extent.    


The terrifying force in the depths of the void rushed onto Ye Feng's body, as if it was going to completely destroy his body.    


Similarly, an incomparably pure origin force had fused into Ye Feng's body, crazily washing his body and strengthening the origin force in his body.    


The light of ascension!    


When one ascended from the lower realm to the Super Dimensional Void, the aura that was gathered would constantly change in the spatial zone.    


During this process, the ascenders would have to bear tremendous pressure. At the same time, the source energy within their bodies would also undergo a transformation.    


An extremely powerful and pure energy with attributes instantly spread out, as if it was going to wash the entire world away.    


To ascenders, the power contained in space would cause them great harm. However, the light of ascension would also allow their bodies to be greatly enhanced.    


In this very short period of time, Ye Feng could already feel the aura in his body constantly changing, and the powerful energy contained within it had even reached an unimaginable realm.    


Silently circulating the Cultivation Method in his body, Ye Feng was also constantly controlling his own power.    


The three cores in his body had already found the source of his strength.    


That kind of terrifying aura that exceeded one's imagination had also become extremely terrifying in an instant.    


The core of the Confusion Spirit Orb suppressed Ye Feng's most important life world, the Myriad World that gathered the origin of chaos.    


The Myriad Demon Scripture, combined with Death God Battle Spirit and the Divine Dragon Battle Spirit, devoured all the energy in the world and created the Reincarnation Devil Realm.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's natal world had been split into two. It was emitting a power beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Such a terrifying aura was constantly circulating in the void, forming a unique aura that ordinary people could not imagine.    


However, the force of creation was still unstable. Not to mention, the Undying Bird Battle Spirit was still in a state of nirvana. The aura in its body was still circulating crazily.    


When he truly felt this kind of power, Ye Feng's eyes shone brightly. The source energy in his body had become extraordinarily powerful.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had become unimaginably powerful. That kind of attribute power that surpassed the limit was also circulating rapidly in the void.    


An incomparably powerful force spread out in an instant, forming an unimaginably powerful pressure.    


Facing such a terrifying pressure, Ye Feng didn't have time to think. He circulated his Cultivation Method with all his might, trying to resist the impact of the outside world.    


That terrifying force kept exploding in the spatial zone, forming a destructive fluctuation that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Faced with such a terrifying impact, Ye Feng's expression became more and more solemn.    


* Hong Long...... * A terrifying vibration resounded at this moment. There was even an aura that ordinary people could not understand that was spreading in the spatial zone.    


Seizing this opportunity, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant. The source energy in his body was circulating crazily, and it was emitting a kind of energy that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


A terrifying attribute force was circulating at this moment. All kinds of shapes were condensed in the depths of the void.    


A terrifying power bloomed at this moment, and the pressure it released even reached an unprecedented level.    


The terrifying fluctuation of the aura was also unleashed at this moment, causing the entire world to descend towards Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.    


Countless wild beasts were formed in the void, charging towards Ye Feng.    


Ye Feng could also feel an extremely terrifying destructive power on their bodies, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


An extremely terrifying destructive power was spreading in the void, forming an unprecedented impact.    


That kind of powerful and terrifying attribute power was unleashed at this moment, heading straight for Ye Feng.    


When he truly felt this aura, Ye Feng's expression became extremely cautious. The source energy in his body began to burn crazily.    


That kind of powerful attribute energy that exceeded one's imagination was unleashed at this moment. The source energy aura within his body became even thicker.    


In an extremely short period of time, Ye Feng took a step forward, causing the energy fluctuation in his body to become even more terrifying.    


In just a moment, the Divine Sword of Good Fortune appeared in his hand.    


The aura that was unleashed by the force of creation had become even purer, and the terrifying energy that had exceeded the limit kept spreading in the void.    


An extremely brilliant radiance bloomed at this moment. The sword light that Ye Feng slashed out had become extremely terrifying as well.    


The sharp edge of the sword was beyond imagination. It slashed towards those terrifying creatures, and the aura that it released became even more terrifying.    


At this moment, the fluctuations of the aura that had gathered from both sides had already violently collided with each other.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard at this moment. There was even a kind of terrifying force that ordinary people could not understand that was spreading continuously in the spatial zone.    


When he truly felt this aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


That kind of unimaginable power rushed towards his body, as if it wanted to completely destroy his body.    


In this very short period of time, the aura that was released from the depths of the void had become even more terrifying.    


Such a terrifying destructive power had descended upon Ye Feng's body. It was destroying his body bit by bit.    


However, Ye Feng's expression was still calm. The Cultivation Method in his body was circulating continuously, and he was even enjoying this feeling.    


An extremely terrifying destructive power was erupting within his body, forming a powerful aura fluctuation that became even more terrifying.    


After bearing such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually bright.    


That kind of attribute power that had exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment. The aura fluctuation that it formed was many times stronger than before.    


At this moment, Ye Feng took a step forward. All the energy waves in his body burst out.    


An unimaginably powerful force of creation was unleashed from Ye Feng's body, as if it wanted to cover everything in this world.    


The force of creation gathered the power of heaven and earth, resonating with the entire void.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could feel that the aura that was unleashed from the depths of the void had reached a terrifying level.    


That kind of unimaginable power was blooming continuously at this moment, reaching an unprecedented level.    


The destructive waves formed by the extremely powerful attributes were similarly unimaginably powerful.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone even brighter when he felt the destructive power that was beyond his imagination.    


At this moment, the pressure that was formed from the boiling aura had become extremely powerful.    


That kind of attribute power that surpassed the limit was unleashed at this moment. It could even be said that it wanted to completely destroy the entire spatial zone in a very short period of time.    


More and more power was gathering in the depths of the void, rushing towards Ye Feng's position, or even completely obliterating his body.    


Countless wild beasts were roaring furiously. All kinds of destructive aura had become incomparably terrifying.    


It seemed as if the heaven and earth had evolved into an endless amount of energy. All kinds of origin aura were changing, forming an extremely powerful Divine Beasts.    


What was even more terrifying was that Ye Feng could feel the aura in the void, as if it was trying to evolve into a powerful force with the source of the Laws.    


It was the Sacred Spirit!    


Ye Feng possessed a powerful Battle Spirit, and his own techniques were also quite complicated.    


It was precisely because of this that Ye Feng had a very deep understanding of the Battle Spirit and the Sacred Spirits. He was even clearer about the extent of their strength.    


The Sacred Spirits who possessed the Power of the Heavens and the Earth also possessed unimaginable talent. Once they engaged in a battle with them, the pressure they would bear would be beyond their imagination.    


The aura was spreading in the void, and the energy ripples it released were unimaginably powerful, as if it was going to devour the entire world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng saw a Fire Saint Spirit charging towards him.    


Its terrifying flame power was burning in the void. The terrifying aura it released was so powerful that it seemed like it was going to melt the entire spatial zone.    


This unimaginable heat caused Ye Feng's body to tremble. It was as if he was unable to resist this terrifying aura.    


If it was any other time, Ye Feng would still be able to fight them, but at this moment, the energy ripples emitted from the surrounding space had already exceeded their imagination.    


The energy of attributes that had exceeded the limit bloomed at this moment, and it even seemed like it wanted to completely destroy this world.    


Terrifying waves of flames were unleashed at Ye Feng. An incomparably huge flaming palm print landed on his body.    


Facing such an attack, Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all. He immediately unleashed the aura in his body.    


This was a terrifying fortune. The sword light slashed out from Ye Feng's hand, and an unimaginable power erupted from it.    


* Hong Long...... * A terrifying vibration was heard at this moment, and an unimaginable power was unleashed from the void. * Hong Long...... *    


Such a powerful and terrifying elemental force was continuously circulating in the void, causing the entire space to enter an extremely dangerous state.    


In the next instant, the sword light and the flaming palm print collided.    


The extremely terrifying destructive aura spread crazily in the void, forming a kind of powerful force that ordinary people could not comprehend.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could clearly sense the aura in his body. The energy waves were unimaginably strong.    


The terrifying flame power collided with him. The terrifying destructive power was expanding crazily in all directions.    


At this moment, the aura that bloomed in the depths of the void was unimaginably powerful.    


The destructive power that was beyond the limit bloomed at this moment. It had reached an unprecedented level.    


In the next moment, the destructive force that was formed by the extremely terrifying attribute also became extremely terrifying.    


It was as if a terrifying flame was descending upon Ye Feng, wanting to melt his body completely.    


When he truly felt this destructive power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant. The Origin aura in his body had reached its peak in an instant.    


Destructive ripples that exceeded his imagination kept blooming in the spatial zone. The destructive power that was formed had also reached an unprecedented level.    


A unique and powerful energy fluctuation kept blooming in the spatial zone. The aura that was released was also unimaginably powerful.    


At that moment, Ye Feng took a step forward. The source energy in his body was completely unleashed, as if it was going to cut the entire world in half.    


A force that had exceeded the limit of its attribute had completely unleashed its destructive force, and it had reached an unimaginable level.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out crazily, and the aura that was unleashed had reached a critical level.    


In the next moment, the terrifying flames were about to gather together and form an extremely terrifying holy spirit.    


How could Ye Feng give them such a chance? The energy in their bodies exploded at this moment.    


The destructive waves of the aura that was beyond their imagination were unimaginably powerful, as if it wanted to destroy everything in this world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng unleashed his incomparably powerful Devouring Power, as if he wanted to completely destroy this world in the shortest amount of time possible.    


No matter how fast the opponent's reaction was, the Devouring Power unleashed by Ye Feng was beyond imagination and could even destroy the entire world.    


Countless Destruction aura and the depths of the void bloomed, forming an unprecedented pressure.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds were released at this moment, forming a terrifying force that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The Devouring Power, which was beyond imagination, swallowed the power left behind by the Fire Saint Spirit in an instant.    


After that, Ye Feng quickly circulated the Cultivation Method, wanting to completely transform the energy.    


However, before he could completely suppress the power around him, a terrifying lightning bolt pierced towards him.    


It was not only the thunderbolt, there were also storms, sand, waves and sword lights. All kinds of terrifying attacks were condensed at this moment.    


At this moment, all kinds of holy spirits had been condensed around Ye Feng's body, and his body was emitting a powerful force that no one could resist.    


When he felt this aura, Ye Feng's expression became incomparably solemn, and even his body couldn't help but tremble.    


This pressure was too terrifying. Even in Ye Feng's current condition, he couldn't completely resist it.    


Although ascending to the Super Dimensional Void would result in a certain degree of disaster, the pressure that Ye Feng felt at this moment had exceeded the limit.    


"I understand now. You should intervene in the dark, right?"    


In that instant, Ye Feng also thought of the problem. The aura that had gathered in the depths of the spatial zone had really broken through a certain realm.    


Let alone Ye Feng, even if the other Sovereigns were to come, they would still be unable to resist such a terrifying attack.    


It was just that some Sovereigns who were not good at fighting would be torn apart by the surrounding Sacred Spirits at this moment.    


"So what if you've sensed it? Can you resist me?    


You disgusting bug. You're constantly extracting power from my body, and you're even saying that you're going to take away my Origin Energy.    


What you've done is the same as that Transcendor, disgusting and disgusting. "    


An incomparably vast voice sounded out in the void, and the aura that was being emitted had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


The will of the Super Dimensional Void descended at this moment and roared crazily at Ye Feng.    


"Someone like you will reach that level sooner or later. If I keep you alive, I will make you the same as them.    


I will never allow you guys to continue writing and drawing on me, changing my rules as you wish.    


Thus, you must die, everyone must die, I want to completely destroy this world, and then reform it"    


Upon hearing these words, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter. The source energy in his body had reached its peak in an instant.    


That kind of unimaginable power was spreading continuously in the spatial zone. The aura ripples that were released became even more terrifying.    


The aura that was unleashed by the force of creation boiling had also become unusually pure.    


The Good Fortune Divine Sword in Ye Feng's hand was also releasing incomparably brilliant sword light that kept slashing across the void.    


A terrifying sharp force was unleashed, causing everything in the surrounding space to distort rapidly. It even wanted to suppress all the energy fluctuations in the world.    


When he truly felt this aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


Every single move he made was condensed with incomparably terrifying energy fluctuations. Ye Feng also unleashed all of his energy towards those guys without holding anything back.    


In the next moment, Ye Feng took a step forward and appeared next to the lightning holy spirit.    


The terrifying sharp edge that had exceeded the limit slashed down at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


The strength of the Thunder Saint Spirit was also extremely terrifying. When it sensed Ye Feng's attack, it reacted instantly.    


A terrifying thunderstorm erupted at this moment, and the Sealing Power that was formed became unusually pure.    


The spatial zone was constantly vibrating and releasing aura, completely sealing off Ye Feng's position.    


The destructive force unleashed by the lightning had directly turned into countless chains of order, swimming rapidly in the spatial zone.    


It was as if the energy of this spatial zone was going to be completely suppressed in a very short period of time. It could even be said that Ye Feng would be completely sealed within it.    


At this moment, the Good Fortune Divine Sword in Ye Feng's hand slashed out dazzling beams one after another.    


The destructive aura was unleashed in the spatial zone, but at the same time, the force of creation was rising.    


When the two forces collided, Ye Feng felt that the aura in his body seemed to have some unusual change.    


At this moment, Ye Feng circulated the force of creation to its limit.    


The Undying Bird Battle Spirit was also behind his back, displaying its own form. Its pair of wings spread out and bloomed, emitting a colorful radiance.    


An incomparably powerful aura spread out at this moment. Due to a kind of power that ordinary people could not understand, it bloomed at this moment.    


Carrying this kind of power that exceeded the limit, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


The seal formed by the Thunder Sacred Spirit was instantly broken by Ye Feng.    


The power of thunder that filled the sky erupted at this moment, as if it wanted to destroy everything in the surrounding space.    


However, Ye Feng also unleashed his Devouring Power and swallowed the powerful energy.    


With the Confusion Spirit Orb in his natal world, he didn't care about the losses of the Myriad Forms World.    


The Devouring Power that exceeded his imagination was fully unleashed at this moment, wanting to completely destroy everything in this world.    


The strength of those Sacred Spirits was also beyond imagination. At this moment, the Destruction aura that had gathered had become even more powerful.    


At the moment when Ye Feng swallowed the lightning energy, the depths of the void trembled crazily once again, releasing an extremely terrifying destructive aura.    


* Dong Dong Dong * A terrifying vibration resounded at this moment. A force that was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people erupted in the void.    


The destructive power, which had surpassed the limit, struck Ye Feng's body in a very short period of time.    


No matter how powerful Ye Feng was, he couldn't resist such a terrifying attack. The aura in his body had collapsed at the first moment.    


What followed was an even more powerful destructive attack. The energy that was unleashed from the depths of the void was so powerful that it seemed like it was going to destroy the entire spatial zone.    


Ye Feng was also circulating his strength with all his might, but he found that his eyesight couldn't change anything.    


His body collapsed at this moment, and the ripples of the aura spread out crazily.    


The last ray of chaotic light emerged from the void. If one looked closely, one would find that it contained an incomparably perfect world.    


Ye Feng's natal world was exposed in the void at this moment. The destructive waves emitted from it also rushed towards him without any reservation.    


However, when the aura of the Confusion Spirit Orb spread out, the suppressive force formed by it became extremely terrifying. Any energy that got close to Ye Feng would be suppressed.    


The incomparably terrifying Devouring Power was circulating. The aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had reached a terrifying level.    


Ye Feng circulated his energy and continued to transform in the void. The aura in his natal world was also being consumed at a rapid rate.    


In that instant, Ye Feng had already walked out of his natal world. The energy waves that he gathered were even stronger than before.    


Such a terrifying energy erupted in the void, forming an extremely terrifying aura of destruction.    


The force of creation and the Nirvana Saint Flame surrounded Ye Feng's body, and the energy ripples they emitted were unimaginably powerful.    


A powerful force of Nirvanic Rebirth was unleashed at this moment. As long as Ye Feng's natal world wasn't destroyed and his spiritual will wasn't destroyed, he would be able to revive infinitely from his natal world.    


Even some powerful Sovereign Gods wouldn't be able to do such a thing.    


At this moment, the power that Ye Feng had displayed had reached an even more terrifying level.    


Before the Sacred Spirits in the spatial zone could react, Ye Feng took another step forward. The power of the Divine Sword of Creation was connected to the entire world.    


The will of the Super Dimensional Void truly hated Ye Feng to the core, but it had to admit that the power unleashed by Ye Feng was indeed powerful.    


The force of creation that Ye Feng casted connected with the heavens and earth. No matter how much the Super Dimensional Void resisted, it was useless.    


It could even be said that the power unleashed by Ye Feng at this moment was unimaginably powerful, and it seemed like it was going to destroy the entire world.    


* Hong Long...... * Terrifying rumbles resounded at this moment, forming an unprecedented pressure that circulated in the spatial zone.    


An extremely powerful destructive shockwave erupted within the space. Ye Feng also unleashed his power without holding anything back.    


The Power of the Heavens and the Earth that was gathered by those holy spirits was also unimaginably terrifying. Every single move of theirs could destroy Ye Feng's body once more.    


However, in the blink of an eye, the terrifying aura was fully unleashed. The destructive power that was formed became unusually powerful.    


Ye Feng's newly formed body had only unleashed a terrifying attack once, but it was once again destroyed by that terrifying force.    


However, in the next moment, Ye Feng's figure emerged from his natal world once again. The power he gathered was even stronger than before.    


The Confusion Spirit Orb kept rotating. His natal world was also devouring the terrifying energy of the elements time and time again, allowing his strength to reach a higher level.    


At this moment, the aura in the peak body had reached an unimaginable level. Countless destructive power were boiling with excitement.    


This kind of power that had exceeded the limit kept exploding at this moment, reaching a state that ordinary people could not understand.    


At this moment, the aura fluctuation that was released from the depths of the void was unimaginably powerful. It was enough to completely obliterate the entire world.    


In an instant, the energy fluctuation unleashed from the depths of the void had completely bloomed.    


The destructive force that had exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, causing the entire space to enter an extremely dangerous realm.    


The light in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually bright. The aura that was unleashed had also reached a certain limit at this moment.    


The extremely powerful destructive power was unleashed at this moment, causing the entire world to tremble crazily.    


With such an opportunity, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually strong.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy bloomed at this moment. A powerful aura that was beyond imagination burst out at this moment.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds reverberated wildly in the void. The aura that was being emitted also became incomparably terrifying at this moment.    


Seizing this opportunity, Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all. He immediately unleashed all of his source energy.    


After killing another Sacred Spirit and unleashing the Devouring Power, Ye Feng's body was also destroyed.    


The energy gathered in the depths of the void became stronger and stronger. The Devouring Power and the waves of destruction were unimaginably powerful.    


In just a short period of time, the aura that was released from both sides had become terrifyingly powerful, as if everything in the world was going to bloom at any moment.    


A terrifying rumbling sound could be heard. The powerful pressure that was formed from the vibration in the void had also reached its peak in an instant.    


When he truly felt this aura, the fluctuation of the aura that was released from the depths of the void had already reached its limit.    


That kind of energy that exceeded the limit bloomed at this moment, causing the entire space to reach an incomparably dangerous realm.    


This kind of continuous cycle kept repeating. Ye Feng kept killing the Sacred Spirit, but it was also destroyed by the Sacred Spirit.    



He released the source power of his body time and time again, devouring the most powerful attribute power in the world. Ye Feng could also feel the aura in his body rapidly transforming.    


However, an even stronger power had yet to be fully unleashed.    


Death came again and again, reviving from death. The Comprehension's Reincarnation Law also displayed its true strength at this moment.    


A unique power that was between life and death bloomed at this moment, allowing Ye Feng to have a deeper control over the cycle of reincarnation.    


At the same time, the force of creation and the Nirvana Saint Flame had also reached a very special state. The aura that was released from the depths of the void was unimaginably powerful.    


These two powers had made tremendous contributions to Ye Feng's resurrection. It was also these powers that allowed Ye Feng's body to be molded in the blink of an eye.    


At this moment, the energy ripples that bloomed from the depths of the void were unimaginably powerful. It was enough to completely suppress the heaven and earth.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard at this moment. There was even an aura that no ordinary person could understand that was constantly erupting in the void.    


The energy that had exceeded the limit was circulating continuously at this moment, forming an unprecedented energy fluctuation.    


When he truly felt this kind of energy, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant.    


After that, his body was once again destroyed, and the destructive aura that was formed rushed into his natal world.    


Currently, within the Myriad Forms World, there were countless types of elemental powers suppressed. The natural source Laws contained within were unimaginably powerful.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds reverberated continuously at this moment. The energy fluctuations that were emitted had even reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


However, Ye Feng's force of creation was still unleashed from the void, descending from the depths of the spatial zone.    


Especially the Undying Bird Battle Spirit. It was covered in seven-colored radiance, and its body was burning with the Sacred Flame of Nirvana. It was floating at the highest point of the Myriad Forms World.    


At this moment, the Undying Bird Battle Spirit was like the sun of this world, and it contained an endless amount of life.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could faintly feel a unique power. The aura in his body also erupted at this moment.    


The last kind of attribute aura that exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment. The destructive fluctuation that was formed was unimaginably powerful.    


When he truly felt this kind of power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy was unleashed at this moment, forming a destructive fluctuation that was unimaginably powerful.    


Surrounded by the Sacred Flame and force of creation, Ye Feng reconstructed his body, and the aura he released became even more terrifying.    




Right at this moment, Ye Feng let out a furious roar, and the Good Fortune Divine Sword in his hand slashed down once more.    


An extremely terrifying destructive force was unleashed from the depths of the void, creating an incomparably powerful force.    


In this very short period of time, the aura that bloomed from the depths of the void was unimaginably powerful, as if it was going to completely erase this entire space.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds reverberated in the void, and the ripples that were emitted from the aura became extremely terrifying.    


In the blink of an eye, four of the Sacred Spirits had been completely killed by Ye Feng. The Origin Source Laws contained within their bodies had also been gathered by him.    


The destructive aura that had surpassed the limit was circulating continuously in the void, forming an unprecedented wave of destruction.    


In an instant, Ye Feng had circulated the Devouring Power, unleashing all the energy in his body.    


The energy of the attributes that permeated the spatial zone was also devoured by Ye Feng.    


The Origin aura contained in the Myriad World had reached an unimaginable level. The energy ripples that were emitted from it had become unusually pure.    


At this moment, the aura that erupted from the depths of the void had become unimaginably powerful.    


That kind of attribute power that surpassed the limit was unleashed at this very moment, causing the entire space to be present. It boiled at an extremely fast speed.    


The radiance in his eyes became exceptionally terrifying. Subsequently, the destructive fluctuation that descended from the depths of the void once again erased Ye Feng's body.    


"I can feel it. It's this kind of power!"    


Ye Feng roared furiously in his heart. The aura in his body had reached its limit at this moment.    


The force of creation contained an extremely powerful aura, and it instantly suppressed the entire Myriad Forms World.    


At this moment, the incomparably terrifying and restless source energy was completely suppressed by Ye Feng.    


The energy ripples emitted from the depths of the spatial zone had reached its limit at this moment. The destructive power that was formed had reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes shone with colorful radiance. He didn't walk out of his natal world.    


However, the aura that was being emitted from his natal world was constantly fluctuating. It had reached an unimaginable realm.    


When he truly felt this kind of power, Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


The will of the Super Dimensional Void also sensed the unusual aura that Ye Feng was emitting.    


In that instant, he unleashed his power even more crazily, gathering all kinds of Law to form the apocalyptic storm and release it towards Ye Feng.    


It was as if he wanted to use this opportunity to destroy Ye Feng's body, soul, and even his natal world.    


However, Ye Feng wouldn't give him such a chance.    


A brilliant seven-colored radiance bloomed from the void, as if everything in the world contained a powerful life force.    


The chaotic radiance spread out in an instant and spread in all directions, as if it wanted to cover the entire space.    


Then, that pure and powerful energy wave spread in the void, forming a unique power that ordinary people could not understand.    


A terrifying rumbling sound reverberated crazily at this moment. The aura fluctuation that was emitted had reached an incomparably terrifying level.    


"You won't have the chance anymore."    


Ye Feng said in an extremely calm tone. In that instant, boundless dazzling light burst out from his body.    


In Ye Feng's natal world, the Undying Bird Battle Spirit spread its wings and flew.    


The sun that he had transformed into rose at an extremely fast speed, breaking through the Realm of Myriad Forms.    


"Let's evolve. The Creation Laws that belong to me, the convergence of all life forces between the heavens and the earth.    


Let me see exactly what kind of strength you possess."    


At this moment, the aura in Ye Feng's body was circulating continuously. The energy ripples emitted from it was so powerful that it couldn't be improved.    


That kind of powerful aura that exceeded his imagination bloomed in a very short period of time, forming an unprecedented pressure.    


In an extremely short period of time, the Undying Bird Battle Spirit had already displayed an incomparably terrifying attribute power.    


The Sacred Flame of Nirvana burned violently, melting the entire space.    


The incomparably powerful power of Laws boiled in this instant, emitting a terrifying power that ordinary people could not comprehend.    


Origin intelligence burned the space, intelligence boiled. All sorts of powerful aura were raised to the limit in that instant.    


When they truly felt this aura, the expressions of everyone present were incomparably shocked.    


They were unable to imagine what kind of level Ye Feng's strength had reached, and what kind of terrifying means he could use to activate the aura.    


At this moment, the will of the Super Dimensional Void had also sensed the level of Ye Feng's power.    


It was an extremely terrifying aura that could melt the entire spatial zone.    


The buzzing sound of the terrifying vibration reverberated continuously at this moment. The ripples of the aura were also erupting crazily at this moment.    


Finally, that extremely powerful attribute energy became incomparably pure at this moment.    


The melted energy and the powerful Laws that were emitted from the Super Dimensional Void merged together at this moment.    


At this moment, space was shaking and the world was opening.    


The Undying Bird Battle Spirit was exerting all of its strength, and the power it displayed was raised to the limit in an instant.    


The speed at which the force of creation was being raised had even exceeded Ye Feng's imagination.    


In that instant, a new spatial zone was opened up. The energy waves emitted from the aura had also reached an unimaginable level.    


Ye Feng's third life world was the Creation Saint Realm.    


It contained the power of the origin of chaos. It gave birth to all things in the world, and it explained all the fluctuations of the Laws in the Myriad World.    


It nurtured the limits of life and death, pushing the power of the demonic path to the limit, and it was also the realm of death that could devour all things, the realm of reincarnation.    


In addition to the purest life aura in the world, the ultimate domain formed by all kinds of spiritual wills, the Creation Saint Realm.    


The core of the All Creations revolved between life and death. The demonic path and creation originated from destruction.    


All the power of laws was raised to the extreme in that instant, and the energy fluctuations emitted were unimaginably powerful.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's natal world had been cultivated to the extreme, and the aura that was emitted from it had also reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, Ye Feng had also reached the peak of the Heavenly God realm.    


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