Sky War God

C3734 Ye Feng's Attempt

C3734 Ye Feng's Attempt

1The pure energy in his body circulated at this moment. The aura ripples formed by the extremely powerful energy in the spatial zone had reached an unimaginable level.    


The means that Fairy Brahma possessed was also beyond imagination. The pure energy that gathered at that instant was even able to transform this space.    


It was also at this moment that the power that was emitted from the depths of the void had already become exceptionally pure, as if it wanted to purify the entire space.    


At this moment, the source energy of the world circulated, and the aura that was gathered had become unimaginably powerful.    


The means that Yi Boka possessed when cultivating the power of the ancient demonic path was also quite formidable. When faced with this kind of pressure, he immediately unleashed his own power.    


However, the aura of both parties was on a completely different level. The pure and holy power that Fairy Fan possessed seemed to be able to purify all the attributes of the world.    


Even the powerful aura of the ancient era was suppressed at this moment. It could even be said that it was unable to advance any further.    


When he felt this kind of power, yi Boka's expression was incomparably shocked. In an extremely short period of time, he had already unleashed his most powerful technique.    


This kind of extremely powerful attribute power was spreading at this very moment. It seemed like it was expanding at an extremely fast speed, wanting to completely suppress Brahma Fairy.    


However, that terrifying holy force also bloomed at this moment. The aura that was being emitted was even more powerful to an unimaginable extent.    


The two energies collided just like that.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard. It was as if the entire world was going to be destroyed. The energy ripples that were formed became extremely terrifying.    


Such a terrifying aura was circulating in the spatial zone. The energy that was released had become extremely unique.    


However, the pure and holy power unleashed by Fairy Brahma also possessed a power that ordinary people would not be able to imagine.    


That terrifying aura directly pressed down on the spot where Eboka was, as if it wanted to completely collapse his body in the shortest amount of time.    


When he felt this purifying force, eboka's expression was incomparably shocked. He couldn't even imagine that his opponent's strength had actually reached such a level.    


At this moment, yi Boka's aura was directly suppressed.    


The pure and holy power grasped by Brahma's Fairy spread out at this instant, and descended directly towards his location.    


"How dare you attack me at this time? Aren't you afraid that Master will kill you all?"    


At this moment, ibolka was no longer able to utilize the energy in his body. He could only use Ye Feng's name.    


At this moment, eboka was also looking forward to seeing how Ye Feng would shock them and make Fairy Fan stop.    


However, when she made this decision, she had already realized that it was impossible for her to break free from Ye Feng's palm.    


Therefore, she had also exerted all her strength at this moment, wanting to make the last effort for her own freedom.    


That extremely terrifying holy force boiled at this moment, and the aura that was being emitted became even stronger.    


Yi Boka was circulating the energy within his body with all his might, but he discovered that his techniques were completely useless.    


The extremely powerful holy power in the depths of the void formed a huge pillar of light that descended towards Epoka.    


"You think you can threaten me? If that guy didn't exist, who would be able to restrain me?"    


Fairy Brahma said loudly. The energy in her body was still continuously releasing the aura's fluctuation, which had become even more terrifying.    


At this moment, the energy that was being emitted from the world had become quite unique. The energy that was being released had also reached an incomparably terrifying realm.    


Ibolka only felt that the pure and holy energy had completely merged into his body, as if it was going to completely melt his body.    


The ancient demonic path in his body was simply unable to resist such a terrifying aura. It had already melted in an extremely short period of time.    


That kind of terrifying pain caused Ibolka's heart to wildly tremble. A teardrop flowed out from his eyes.    


At this moment, an incomparably pure aura was released from the depths of the space, as if it wanted to completely suppress the entire world.    


A unique and terrifying attribute energy was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely seal off all the energy in the world.    


The power of the ancient demonic path.    


The aura contained within this space had undergone a tremendous change. The source energy within had completely transformed into the power of the ancient demonic path.    


When he felt this aura, yi Boka's expression became incomparably shocked.    


At the same time, fairy Fan had also suffered an extremely powerful suppressive force, causing the aura within her body to become incomparably heavy, as if it was unable to continue circulating.    


Faced with such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes didn't change at all. He just calmly sat in the sky and watched everything indifferently.    


He had completely integrated his strength into this heaven realm. The aura that was emitted from his every move was beyond imagination.    


It was also because of this that his perception had reached an unimaginable level. Everything that had happened in this world had fallen into his eyes.    


Not long after he had left, fairy Brahma had already erupted with her own strength, wanting to break free from his restraints.    


Moreover, she was still secretly encouraging those cultivators, wanting to activate everyone at this moment.    


It was a pity that this was Fairy Brahma's method, and it had yet to reach its peak state.    


Or, it could be said that those experts couldn't break the seal set by Ye Feng at all.    


Even if they used all of their strength to break free, they still wouldn't be able to break free from Ye Feng's suppression. In fact, they might even be sucked out of their bodies by such a terrifying force.    


Only Fairy Fan, who had mastered many secret techniques, managed to break free from Ye Feng's suppression in an extremely short period of time.    


Even so, his every move was still under Ye Feng's control. There was no chance for him to escape.    


Just as Fairy Fan was about to succeed, the power of the ancient demonic path descended from the void, causing a huge change in the spatial zone.    


The Law and aura between the heavens and earth were wildly vibrating. The ancient Demonic Qi had also been raised to the limit in that instant.    


As they felt this unique attribute energy, everyone present was incomparably shocked.    


Only Eboka had a crazy look in his eyes.    


The power of the ancient era had descended at this moment. All of the Laws and aura in the world had been completely suppressed.    


This unique power even caused Ibolka to feel himself. It was as if he had returned to the power of the Laws of the ancient era, constantly filling up his strength, making his aura even more terrifying.    


Sensing the fluctuations of the aura, yi Boka's eyes kept flickering, as if he was trying to break free from the seal that Ye Feng had given him.    


However, just as he had this thought, Ye Feng's extremely cold gaze swept across the bottom of Yi Boka's heart.    


It was as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water on him in the summer, and he instantly woke up.    


Even if he fully exerted his strength, he probably wouldn't be able to change anything.    


The origin power of Eboka was simply unable to break free from the powerful aura between the heavens and earth. Instead, it would be completely suppressed by the power of space.    


And this energy came from Ye Feng.    


If Eboka really had any thoughts of rebelling, Ye Feng would be able to completely suppress it at the first possible moment.    


It could even be said that he would be able to take away the source energy in his body.    


Without Ye Feng's protection, he wouldn't be able to resist the law of the heaven and earth in the outside world with his tiny bit of strength.    


He was afraid that the Laws of the Heaven and Earth would completely destroy Yi Boka's body in the next moment, and he would disappear from this world forever.    


After waking up, ebolka also recognized his identity and status. He waved the whip in his hand and whipped those servants.    


"What are you all standing there for? Do you want to be completely wiped out?    


The director has already given the order for you to listen to my orders. You need to rebuild the master's palace now.    


If you continue to delay and fail to fulfill the master's request, then all of you will be punished together with me."    


After saying this, eboka also quickly waved the whip in his hand and ruthlessly whipped those people's bodies.    


The whip, which possessed the power of ancient times, also possessed an extremely special power at this moment.    


Every lash was a pain that touched the soul, making it impossible for people to resist.    


The experts present were all figures of noble status, and they had never experienced such torture before.    


At this moment, the blow they were facing was simply enough to make their souls tremble crazily.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void became extremely powerful. The energy ripples that it released had already reached an unimaginable level.    


Those experts had already recognized their identities. They had become Ye Feng's prisoners and slaves.    


If they did not fulfill Ye Feng's request, they were afraid that they would really be beaten to death by this Ibolka.    


Therefore, in order to live, these people had no choice but to start working.    


Not only these people, even Fairy Brahma was the same.    


Looking at what this Ibolka was doing right now, Ye Feng nodded his head in satisfaction.    


The aura in his body circulated at this moment, and the energy it emitted became even purer.    


The aura resonated with the heaven and earth, and the energy ripples it emitted had become unimaginably powerful.    


With the help of his chaotic origin energy, Ye Feng unleashed the Power of the Path of Demons from the ancient era.    


The law of the world was still targeting Ye Feng, as if it wanted to completely destroy this world.    


The energy ripples released from the depths of the spatial zone had also been raised to the maximum in this instant. The aura that was formed had become unimaginably powerful.    


That kind of attribute energy that had exceeded the limit spread out at this moment. It was as if it wanted to completely suppress and refine this part of the world.    


In this extremely short period of time, the energy ripples that were emitted from the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable level.    


The pressure from the depths of the space became even more terrifying, as if it wanted to completely suppress the entire space in the shortest amount of time.    


Ye Feng's strength had also reached its peak, and the aura he unleashed was also beyond imagination.    


At this moment, the terrifying energy that filled the depths of the void had reached an extremely powerful realm.    


With the help of the chaotic origin energy, Ye Feng continued to plunder the Origin aura in the spatial zone, using it to increase his own strength.    


Furthermore, there was a fragment of the Heaven Realm behind him, helping him digest the origin energy of the Heaven and Earth.    


The energy required for a world was simply unimaginable. Once it was fully activated, it would be enough to change the structure of the entire space.    


At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant. The aura that was being emitted had reached a realm that ordinary people could not understand.    


The attribute energy that had exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, as if it was going to swallow the entire heaven and earth.    


The Laws of the ancient demonic path collided with the Origin Laws of the entire world, and some inexplicable changes occurred.    


In order to fuse these two energies together, the price Ye Feng had to pay was absolutely not something simple.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the spatial zone had become exceptionally terrifying.    


The unique attribute of the energy was constantly circulating in the void, and the energy ripples it emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


When he truly felt this aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.    


The price needed to be paid to fuse the origin energy of the two eras between the heavens and the earth was indeed not small.    


This required Ye Feng to constantly absorb the origin aura between the heavens and earth to balance the two powerful Laws in the spatial zone.    


Even Ye Feng needed to know why the origin energy of the ancient era was destroyed, and how the Laws of the Heaven and Earth were rising.    


Sensing the fluctuation of the aura, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant.    


It was as if the collision of the two forces had made Ye Feng feel an unusual change.    


Facing such a change, Ye Feng kept trying, as if he wanted to completely grasp this part of the world in his hands.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out at this moment. The aura that was being emitted had already reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, the source energy of the peak body had reached a certain limit.    


At this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.    


The two Law aura in the world continuously collided at this moment. The impact that it emitted was even more unbearable for Ye Feng's body.    


However, such a change also made Ye Feng feel an unusual force. It was as if the entire spatial zone was constantly changing under the concealment of this aura.    


Terrifying rumbles reverberated continuously in Ye Feng's ears, and the aura that was being emitted became even more terrifying.    


The collision of these two forces had caused the aura in the surrounding space to become terrifyingly powerful.    


The collision of the Origin Source Laws had made Ye Feng feel the strength that was being extended out from the void, and what kind of extent it had reached.    


Such terrifying energy waves were constantly erupting at this moment. It was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


That sort of impact force was constantly evolving. It was the most fundamental change in the laws of the world.    


Once he could fully grasp this kind of power, the aura within the peak body would also be raised to the limit at this moment.    


It could even be said that with this opportunity, Ye Feng could push the Origin Source Laws drawn in this world to the realm he wanted to reach the most.    


He could integrate the power of the ancient and present laws.    


Although this was the ultimate goal for Ye Feng in a short period of time, once it was achieved, it would allow his power to advance by leaps and bounds.    


The constant stimulation of the aura in the outside world had also allowed Ye Feng to gradually grasp the source energy that belonged to him.    


The power of the demonic path in his natal world was also fluctuating continuously at this moment.    


The aura contained within the power of the Holy Demon, and at this moment, the energy ripples that were constantly emitted from it had already reached an extremely powerful level.    


When he truly felt this energy, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extraordinarily brilliant.    


The unique aura was constantly circulating in the void, and the energy it emitted was unimaginably powerful.    


The power contained within the power of the Holy Demon was constantly wiggling, and it was also emitting a fluctuation of power that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


However, before Ye Feng could completely suppress it, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void became stronger and stronger.    


An extremely special backlash landed on Ye Feng's body, as if it wanted to devour all the energy in his body.    


The intense pain almost made Ye Feng lose his consciousness. The aura that was being emitted from the depths of the spatial zone had become extremely unique.    


Terrifying destructive power filled his body, and the ripples of the aura had reached an unimaginable level.    


When he truly felt this kind of power, Ye Feng felt that his body could collapse at any moment, as if he would vanish into thin air in an instant.    


Facing such a pressure, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter. The energy gathered from his every move made him suffer tremendous torture.    


A terrifying vibration was heard from outside the world.    


The origin law of the heaven and earth shook once again, forming an incomparably huge palm print of destruction that descended towards the fragment of the heaven realm.    


The Undying Bird Battle Spirit soared into the sky and spread its wings, unleashing the incomparably powerful Sacred Flame of Nirvana.    


Colorful flames burned in the void, and the aura that was emitted was also quite pure.    


The two forces collided at this moment, causing the entire space to distort.    


The unique fluctuations of the aura were constantly circulating in the void, and the destructive power that was being emitted had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


When he truly felt this kind of power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant.    


That kind of attribute power that exceeded the limit spread out at this moment.    


The integration of the power of Nirvana and the force of creation had even caused a strange change to occur in the surrounding space.    


It was as if the entire world had already been controlled by the Undying Bird Battle Spirit, and it had awakened them once more.    


The power of the Laws in the world constantly revolved. The aura of the Nirvanic Sacred Flame also became even purer at this moment.    


The methods used by both sides had already reached an unimaginable level. Once such a power was released, it would absolutely cause a tremendous impact.    


At this moment, the aura that was unleashed from the depths of the void had reached an unprecedented level.    


A terrifying rumbling sound reverberated in this instant. The aura that was being emitted had reached an incomparably terrifying state.    


The origin energy of the world had become incomparably terrifying at this moment. The energy ripples that were being emitted from it had become extremely pure.    


The destructive aura collided with the Nirvana Sacred Flame, causing a unique change to occur in this world.    


When he truly felt this fluctuation, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


He had never thought that the transformation of the Undying Bird Battle Spirit would be so thorough. At this moment, it was actually able to compete with the Laws of the Heaven and Earth.    


That incomparably huge palm print of destruction was unleashed at this moment, as if it was going to burn the entire world.    


The radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became exceptionally terrifying when he sensed this kind of extremely powerful force.    


Since this world couldn't contain the origin energy of the ancient era, Ye Feng would follow the changes of the ancient era and open up a new path.    


If he could do this, the means he could use would become richer, or even completely suppress this part of the world.    


Once he reached this realm, he would also seal off the aura that he could release, as well as the power of his Saint Devil. All of these would undergo a huge transformation.    


Thinking of this, Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter, and he unreservedly released his own power.    


At this moment, the fluctuation of the aura had become incomparably terrifying.    


The Undying Bird's Battle Spirit spread its wings and soared into the sky, and a pure flame bloomed amidst the colorful radiance.    


The laws of the world were still relentless, wanting to completely destroy Ye Feng's fragment of the heavenly realm.    


This wouldn't do. If he wanted the Battle Spirit to resist such a terrifying impact, he would have to completely release the aura in his body.    


When he sensed this force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes had become incomparably brilliant. The energy waves emitted from the aura had become unimaginably powerful.    


In this very short period of time, the energy gathered in Ye Feng's body was once again affected by the aura from the ancient era.    


The terrifying fluctuation of the aura bloomed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely suppress this world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in an instant, forming an energy fluctuation that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The Undying Bird Battle Spirit was still flapping its wings. The Flame Qi it released had already reached an extremely terrifying level.    


Ye Feng's eyes lit up when he sensed the change in the energy.    


A terrifying pressure was released at this moment, as if it was going to ignite the entire world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out at this moment. The aura fluctuation that was released had already reached an unprecedented realm.    


When he truly felt this aura, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant.    


The Undying Bird Battle Spirit was still charging upwards, and it even caused a slight change in the fluctuation of the Laws between the heavens and earth.    


An incomparably pure attribute energy spread out at this moment. It even expanded at an extremely fast speed.    


When they truly sensed this terrifying aura, the Origin Source Laws of the world began to rapidly wriggle about.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy bloomed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely change the entire world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound spread out in an instant.    


The Laws of the world wildly trembled. The aura that was released had already reached an unprecedented level.    


That unique attribute energy spread out at this moment, as if it wanted to say something. It was as if it wanted to completely refine this part of the Heaven and Earth.    


The unique and terrifying power of the book fragrance was released at this moment, causing the entire world to be present. It spread out at an extremely fast speed.    


Moreover, the force of creation was also releasing the aura fluctuation that resonated with the heaven and earth, and it was so powerful that it reached an unimaginable realm.    


By relying on the common nirvana between the force of creation and the heaven and earth, the unique characteristic of the Sacred Flame had also started to revive the entire spatial zone.    


Surrounding Ye Feng's world of creation, the Undying Bird Battle Spirit had also created a new world.    


This world contained the ancient Laws of the Heavens and Earth, but it was completely different from the ancient era.    


The awakening of this aura caused some changes to occur in the entire world. It was as if some unusual power was constantly blooming, causing the aura in the surrounding space to change its foundation.    


The Laws of the ancient era were completely different from the Laws of the ancient era.    


However, as the Nirvanic Sacred Flame continued to revive, the fluctuations of power from the ancient era also began to distort with the world at this moment.    


The aura that belonged solely to Ye Feng spread out at this moment, causing the entire heaven and earth to tremble continuously.    


When he truly felt this kind of power, Ye Feng's eyes shone brightly.    


The power of the ancient law covered the fragment of the heavenly realm that Ye Feng had created, forming a unique energy buffer.    


Although there was a long distance between the two eras, the aura that was being emitted from the spatial zone was similarly unique.    


With this layer of buffer, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant. The aura that was being emitted had already reached an extremely powerful level.    


It was because of this kind of energy that the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually brilliant. Every single movement he made was releasing energy ripples that were absorbing the source energy of the world.    


With the help of the Undying Bird Battle Spirit, this spatial zone could be completely stabilized.    


The Law aura between the heavens and earth would no longer be able to track Ye Feng because of the power of the ancient era. Similarly, Ye Feng had also obtained a lot of information at this moment.    


The Origin Law of the heavens and earth had no consciousness to begin with. When his power was released at this moment, it caused the entire spatial zone to shake along with it.    


As he continuously absorbed the Origin Laws of the world, Ye Feng could also feel the aura in his body constantly changing.    


That unique energy fluctuation was constantly circulating in the spatial zone.    


After truly sensing this change, Ye Feng unleashed his Power of the Path of Demons.    


Although he didn't dare to use the power of the Saint Devil, Ye Feng could still use a lot of techniques.    


The Demonic Qi circulated in the void, constantly coming into contact with the power of the ancient demonic path. It was also undergoing a unique change.    


It was as if the power of the ancient demonic path was constantly circulating at this moment, strengthening itself at an extremely fast speed.    


After realizing this, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the aura that was being emitted also became terrifyingly powerful.    


It was obvious that the demonic path attribute in the ancient era possessed a power that ordinary people could not understand. It could absorb the Origin aura in the spatial zone and make itself stronger.    


What was truly resisting such a power was the natural source of the current era.    



It was as if it was a rebel who was rebelling against the orthodox power of the past.    


Such a transformation of the aura had also shocked Ye Feng.    


The unique energy of the aura was circulating. The energy of the aura, which had exceeded the limit, was also being released at this moment.    


It was as if the source energy of the world was undergoing an unprecedented transformation.    


That unique aura caused the source energy within the space to continuously vibrate, forming a unique attribute energy.    


A terrifying rumbling sound reverberated wildly at this moment. The ripples that were emitted from the aura also became purer and purer.    


There was indeed a certain degree of collision between the Laws of the ancient era and the current Laws of the Heaven and Earth. However, this sort of collision wasn't something that couldn't be stopped.    


With a single thought, Ye Feng had found the source of this energy. It was as if the aura within his body had been completely suppressed.    


After repeated attempts, Ye Feng was finally able to confirm that there was indeed a kind of energy in the spatial zone that could temporarily allow the two kinds of aura to coexist harmoniously.    


However, it was a very difficult task to find this kind of power.    


The glow in Ye Feng's eyes had also become extremely brilliant in order to stabilize this kind of aura. All the ripples of the aura that could be sent over also underwent a crazy transformation at this moment.    


The energy that was emitted from the depths of the void had become unusually strange.    


Even though Ye Feng was continuously refining the source energy, he was unable to make any changes to his aura.    


In fact, he wouldn't even be able to increase the power of the ancient demonic path in this world by a tiny bit.    


When he truly felt this change, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually bright, as if the entire world was undergoing a huge change.    


This change made Ye Feng's expression become even more cautious. The aura in his body kept circulating, and the energy waves emitted from it became even purer.    


After confirming the power of the Laws between the heavens and earth, Ye Feng retracted his aura. He didn't provoke the source of the energy in this world.    


Although he wanted to truly grasp that opportunity, he needed to be down-to-earth and combine the two powers together.    


Although the energy waves emitted from the depths of the spatial zone had exceeded the limit, it wasn't what Ye Feng needed.    


The energy ripples of the aura continued to spread. The energy that was released had also become unusually pure.    


Taking a deep breath, Ye Feng unleashed the aura from his body. The energy that was gathered had become even purer.    


Since it was confirmed that he couldn't completely refine this world, he wouldn't try to absorb the origin energy of this world anymore.    


After all, it wasn't as simple as he had imagined to completely merge these two energies. The aura that was emitted from it was also constantly increasing.    


As the aura fluctuations gathered in the space, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant.    


The long period of tension had also caused the pressure that Ye Feng had to endure to be somewhat huge. At this moment, the aura in his body began to expand.    


This feeling had caused the aura in his peak body to undergo a huge change. It even seemed like it wanted to tear apart this part of the world.    


The resentment in his heart seemed to want to destroy something in order to digest it. The aura that was being emitted also became extremely terrifying.    


When he truly felt this aura, yi Boka felt quite afraid. The energy that Ye Feng released was simply too terrifying. Once it erupted, it would be enough to completely obliterate his soul.    


Furthermore, it wasn't just him. All the slaves present were also incomparably shocked.    


They had already understood how powerful Ye Feng was, but they had never seen Ye Feng's strength before. How could he become so terrifying?    


The energy ripples released by the terrifying aura in the void were unimaginably powerful.    


It was as if the aura that was being emitted from the void had reached an extremely powerful state. The energy ripples that were gathered here were also extremely dangerous.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in an instant. The energy that permeated the depths of the void had become extremely pure.    


Under the supervision of Qingyi Boka with all his might, these fellows present did not have any carelessness.    


During the period of Ye Feng's seclusion, he had already renovated the hall that Yi Boca had just built.    


The building of Eboka was indeed unique in the ancient era, but it was not enough for Ye Feng.    


It could even be said that he could not accept the rugged aesthetic sense of the ancient times. He even felt a little disgusted.    


However, these people's recovery abilities were quite powerful now. In a very short period of time, they had already rebuilt a palace.    


It was in line with the aesthetics of the current era, and it also had the rugged style of the ancient era. The combination of these two powers made Ye Feng feel somewhat emotional.    


Feeling the atmosphere of this palace, Ye Feng's mood eased up a lot. The aura in his body was also circulating continuously at this moment.    


When they felt Ye Feng's gaze, the expressions of everyone present were extremely shocked. Some of them couldn't help but lower their heads.    


Ye Feng's voice rang in their ears. The energy that was emitted from his voice seemed to have completely merged with their souls.    


"I know that some of you here have a special identity and a powerful background."    


At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly spoke, and drew everyone's attention to him.    


Ye Feng continued, "I'm afraid those who have been calling for help for such a long time have already called for help. If there's still no response, it means that you have been abandoned.    


To be honest, you all have no value to me. I can only use it once or twice to repair the palace.    


Thus, your strength will bring me new enemies, and it will even allow me to continuously temper my own strength.    


This is the meaning of your existence. "    


When they heard Ye Feng's words, the expressions of everyone present had completely frozen. Their identities were indeed incomparably special, but they were unable to fully evaluate Ye Feng at this moment.    


"If there is someone beside you who can save you, I naturally won't mind. In fact, I will even hold a farewell party for you all.    


Of course, if their arrival will cause even greater mistakes, or even cause me to fall here as well, then don't blame me anymore. "    


As he spoke, Ye Feng's palm had already reached into the void, as if it was grabbing onto something in this spatial zone.    


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