Sky War God

C3741 Heavenly Blue Myriad God Formation

C3741 Heavenly Blue Myriad God Formation

1Facing such a terrifying pressure, Ye Feng's eyes sparkled.    


An extremely terrifying destructive power was unleashed from his body. The energy waves emitted from the aura had reached an unimaginable level.    


This kind of energy that exceeded the limit kept exploding in the spatial zone, wanting to tear the entire spatial zone apart.    


The aura unleashed by both parties kept colliding with each other at this moment. The pressure created by the collision even caused the surrounding space to crack crazily.    


Facing such a force, Ye Feng didn't have any fear.    


The terrifying aura in the outside world was spreading crazily. The energy ripples that it emitted was also unprecedentedly terrifying.    


However, Ye Feng only released the Chaotic Origin Energy, and the aura in the void had become extremely terrifying.    


* Hong Long...... * Terrifying rumbles echoed out in an instant, and a terrifying force that surpassed self-restraint erupted in an instant.    


The destructive aura that was beyond imagination was unleashed from the depths of the spatial zone, as if it was going to completely destroy this part of the world.    


Facing such an extremely terrifying destructive power, Ye Feng also unleashed his own aura without holding back.    


The destructive power that had surpassed the limit was unleashed at this moment.    


Terrifying destruction and fluctuations kept erupting at this moment, bringing a certain impact to Ye Feng.    


The incomparably terrifying destructive power spread out at this moment, as if it was going to devour the entire heaven and earth.    


Everyone on the scene was also shocked by the power that Ye Feng had displayed.    


They simply couldn't understand why Ye Feng possessed such a huge power. It could even be said that the pressure unleashed by these people would be suppressed by him.    


A terrifying aura fluctuation erupted at this moment.    


"You think you can suppress me with just your strength?"    


Facing those Sovereign God level experts, Ye Feng let out a cold laugh as well.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy in his body burst out at this moment, as if it wanted to completely obliterate everything in the world.    


Relying on the fragment of the Heaven Realm behind him, the ripples of the aura within Ye Feng's body were incomparably thick, and the pressure it formed was extremely strong.    


All the people present couldn't help but sigh.    


"How could this fellow mobilize such a terrifying force? What kind of Cultivation Method did he cultivate?"    


"As expected of the person who is valued by the Heavenly Monarch. Only such strength is worthy for us to make a move."    


"Don't just stand there, attack him now and suppress him."    


As he spoke, there was already an even more terrifying energy fluctuation that was released at this moment, as if it was going to completely suppress the entire world.    


Feeling such an unimaginably powerful aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


The terrifying energy in the spatial zone pervaded the air, and the aura that was being emitted became even more terrifying.    


Powerful energies of different attributes moved about in the space, gathering the corresponding power of Laws.    


The destructive aura erupted at this moment, as if it wanted to swallow up everything in this world.    


Such a terrifying power constantly revolved within the space. The pressure it formed was also beyond imagination.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could feel that the power of the law that circulated between the heavens and earth had reached an unimaginable level.    


This kind of power that had exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment. It seemed like it was going to devour the entire spatial zone.    


Ye Feng didn't have any fear when he felt this kind of power.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy spread out. The aura contained in his body had already reached a level that ordinary people couldn't match.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could clearly feel that the energy in his body was undergoing an unusual transformation.    


In the blink of an eye, chaotic sword lights were unleashed one after another, as if they were going to completely cut off this spatial zone.    


Those terrifying attacks exploded at this moment, and the pressure they created had reached an unprecedented level.    


Faced with such a force, Ye Feng's eyes sparkled continuously, and the aura that was unleashed was even more powerful than before.    


* Hong Long...... * At this moment, such a terrifying force collided with each other. The rumbling sound of destruction resounded continuously.    


In the depths of the void, the attacks unleashed by those Master Gods were continuously blocked by Ye Feng.    


An extremely terrifying destructive power erupted at this moment, as though it wanted to completely obliterate everything in this world.    


Terrifying rumbles rang out continuously, and there were even extremely powerful destructive power filling the air at this very moment.    


Those Sovereign Lords looked at Ye Feng with incomparable shock, as though they couldn't believe their own eyes.    


That sort of extremely powerful destructive power was constantly circulating within the void. It was not something that a single person could unleash.    


At this moment, the power that Ye Feng was displaying was virtually limitless. It was as though it could completely envelop the entire world at any moment.    


This kind of terrifying power made everyone's expression turn serious, and the aura in their bodies was completely unleashed.    


The power of all sorts of Laws, the attribute aura that was brewing at this moment, had already become powerful to an undefeatable degree.    


Rumble rumble rumble! A terrifying vibration echoed out at this time. There was even a destructive force that surpassed the limits, crazily expanding.    


However, Ye Feng kept moving forwards. The aura released from his body was even more terrifying.    


"It's useless. With your current strength, you won't be able to defeat me.    


If you don't show me your true abilities, I'm afraid that all of you will be suppressed by me and become my research materials."    


Hearing Ye Feng's arrogant words, everyone present couldn't bear it any longer.    


"How dare you, Ye Feng? You are really arrogant. Do you really think that you can act recklessly just because you have mastered a little technique?    


Today, I will let you witness the power of the inheritance of our Wan Gu Qingtian. It's not something that a little guy like you can fight against."    


Someone had already taken a step forward before he spoke. The aura in his body was unleashed, pressing down on Ye Feng's position.    


An incomparably huge palm print was formed in the sky. The aura that was unleashed had reached an undefeatable level.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone brightly when he felt such a force.    


That kind of unimaginable and terrifying power emerged at this moment, causing the entire spatial zone to circulate at an extremely fast speed.    


Facing such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. He just raised his palm and struck forward.    


A wave of chaotic energy burst out, rushing towards the destructive palm print in the sky and colliding with it.    


* Hong Long...... * Terrifying rumbles resounded, and a force that ordinary people couldn't understand exploded in the void. * Hong Long...... *    


This kind of power, which surpassed the extreme, continued to expand at this moment, and even completely swallowed this space.    


The terrifying destructive force continued to spread, and the ripples of the aura that it emitted even caused people to feel an incomparable pressure.    


Not to mention those Sovereign Lords, even the peak experts present had incomparably solemn expressions on their faces when they sensed this aura.    


The powers that they were circulating were wildly erupting at this moment, as though they wanted to completely suppress this entire world.    


The destructive energy continued to expand, causing everyone present to feel the terrifying aura that Ye Feng was emitting.    


At this moment, the destructive power that erupted from the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable level.    


The destructive power that had surpassed the limit was circulating continuously at this moment, forming a unique pressure that they had never felt before.    


Many of them were unable to withstand such a terrifying destructive force, and they kept retreating.    


Such a terrifying aura erupted at this moment, and it seemed as if it was going to devour this entire space.    


Only Ye Feng's expression remained the same. The Chaotic Origin Energy in his body was circulating even faster, absorbing everything that was circulating in the spatial zone.    


It could even be said that the chaotic origin energy in Ye Feng's body was constantly circulating the Comprehension's Law aura to enhance his own essence.    


Sensing such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter. The aura that was being emitted seemed to want to swallow the entire spatial zone.    


Especially the person who was fighting Ye Feng. He felt an incomparable pressure, as if his entire body was going to collapse at this moment.    


A rumbling sound of destruction resounded in the void.    


The destructive power that had surpassed the limit, passed through layers of space and landed on his body.    


When they felt this kind of power, the expressions of everyone present became extremely shocked. It could even be said that someone was planning to rescue him.    


However, the power unleashed by Ye Feng was too terrifying. They were simply unable to utilize their own power to suppress this kind of source power.    


In an extremely short period of time, the aura that was unleashed from the depths of the void had completely destroyed the entire spatial zone.    


The expert who was fighting Ye Feng was also crushed by this terrifying vibrating power.    


At this moment, his natal world was releasing extremely powerful energy fluctuations, shattering all the aura in the spatial zone.    


After that, the expert walked out from the spatial zone. The aura that was released from his body became even more terrifying.    


However, after experiencing this kind of tempering, the strength within his body had become quite weak. He was completely unable to activate such a terrifying aura.    


The energy that he had consumed earlier was even more terrifying than he had imagined. It was likely that he would not be able to completely recover in a short period of time.    


Sensing this unique pressure, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void became even more terrifying.    


It was as if there was some sort of unique law between the heavens and the earth that was shaking at this moment.    


The pressure that was formed was as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Ye Feng also sensed the existence of this aura in the void. The source energy in his body was circulating continuously at this moment.    


"Come on, attack! Weren't you all very arrogant just now?    


I'm afraid that it won't be so easy to suppress me with just this little bit of strength of yours.    


It was Wan Qingjun who sent you here? Looks like he really overestimated you guys.    


I'm afraid that you bunch of shrimp soldiers and crab generals won't be able to do anything to me. You'd better get out of here as soon as possible."    


Ye Feng's arrogant words had completely infuriated everyone present. The aura in their group had completely erupted at this moment.    


An incomparably terrifying destructive power spread out in an instant, as if it wanted to crush the entire world.    


The destructive power spread out at this moment, and a colorful radiance emerged in Ye Feng's eyes.    


At this moment, the Nirvanic Sacred Flame was ignited, and the force of creation vibrated.    


The Undying Bird's Battle Spirit spread its wings at this moment. Colorful rays of light were released from the depths of the void, as if it wanted to completely suppress the entire world.    


Such a terrifying force, which was constantly circulating at this moment, had also reached an unimaginable realm.    


With the combination of Ye Feng and the Undying Bird Battle Spirit, the power that could be unleashed at this moment was absolutely beyond imagination. It was enough to devour the entire spatial zone.    


When they felt this aura, their expressions became incomparably solemn, as if they couldn't imagine that Ye Feng still possessed such a terrifying power.    


A rumbling sound of destruction resounded. An extremely terrifying destructive aura was expanding at this moment.    


"Don't hesitate anymore. Use the azure sky Myriad Divine Formation. We must kill him completely. Otherwise, we won't have the face to return to our sect and meet Elder and Heavenly Monarch Wan Qing!"    


Someone roared furiously. The aura in his body exploded at this moment, as if it was going to devour the entire world.    


An enormous Law aura was released from his body, causing the entire space to shake.    


A terrifying aura fluctuation spread out at this moment. It could even be said that it wanted to swallow up the entire world.    


When they felt this power, everyone present was incomparably shocked. But, they quickly understood the key to this.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy was unleashed at this moment. The aura in everyone's bodies was also exploding at an extremely fast speed.    


Ye Feng's expression became slightly solemn when he sensed the change in the aura.    


The fragment of the Heaven Realm behind him was continuously absorbing the powerful energy contained within the world. The aura that was being emitted from his body had also become extremely terrifying.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded at this moment. There was even a kind of energy that ordinary people could not understand that erupted at this moment.    


An unimaginable destructive force spread out at this instant, as if it was going to swallow the entire world.    


In that instant, the endless power of the Laws intertwined together, forming the Divine Rune Array. It had also reached an unprecedented level.    


When he felt this kind of power, Ye Feng's eyes finally changed.    


The aura in his body was constantly circulating, and the power it emitted had even reached an unprecedented level.    


The chaotic energy and the Nirvana Sacred Flame intertwined, and the ripples of the aura became purer and purer.    


It was as if a world had been born. Boundless energy of attributes surrounded Ye Feng's body, and the aura that was being emitted became even more powerful.    


That kind of energy that exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, and it could even be said that it wanted to completely suppress this spatial zone.    


Sensing the terrifying fluctuation of the aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant.    


The attribute power that had exceeded the limit expanded at this moment. It could even be said that there was an incomparably terrifying destructive aura blooming in Ye Feng's eyes.    


At the moment when Ye Feng fully mobilized his strength, an incomparably terrifying destructive power erupted from the depths of the void.    


The azure sky Myriad Divine Formation was formed at this moment. The aura that was released even made Ye Feng feel fear.    


The power of such a force had reached a terrifying extent. Every single movement of the aura was enough to shock everyone.    


A destructive energy erupted at this moment, and it seemed as if it was going to completely destroy everything in this world.    


An incomparably terrifying fluctuation of the aura spread out at this moment, as if it was going to obliterate the entire world.    


The radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter after sensing such a terrifying aura. The destructive fluctuation formed by it seemed to want to completely destroy this entire world.    


"Interesting. Now, it's truly interesting."    


Ye Feng's binocular flickered with an inexplicable radiance. The aura in his body was completely unleashed at this moment.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded at this moment. The pressure that it formed had reached an unprecedented level.    


At this moment, Ye Feng took a step forward. The aura in his body had completely erupted, as if it was going to crush the entire space.    


Countless destructive power circulated crazily at this moment, forming a force that ordinary people could not understand.    


A unique and powerful destructive aura erupted at this moment, forming a destructive power that wanted to destroy the entire spatial zone.    


Sensing such a change in power, the fluctuations of the aura formed deep within the void also reached its peak at this moment.    


A destructive power that exceeded one's imagination erupted at this moment, and it even said that it wanted to destroy everything in this world.    


The azure sky Myriad Divine Formation was a powerful array formation developed by Heavenly Monarch Wan Qing. It was able to gather the energy contained by all the myriad of gods in the world and condense it at a single point.    


When Ye Feng sensed this aura, the radiance in his eyes became incomparably bright. It was as if there was a kind of destructive power that surpassed the limit that spread out at this moment.    


The force of creation surrounded his body and resonated with the heaven and earth. The fluctuation of the aura had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


The terrifying destructive aura erupted crazily at this moment. The energy ripples that it released were so powerful that it was beyond anyone's imagination.    


When he truly felt this aura, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant.    


The destructive force that surpassed the limit enveloped his body, making him unable to move at all.    


However, at this moment, the Chaotic Origin Energy that was contained in the depths of the void erupted at this moment.    


There was also a kind of destructive power that had surpassed the limit that spread out at this moment, as if it was going to swallow the entire heaven and earth.    


The Chaotic Seal was condensed, and the chaotic aura surrounding Ye Feng's body... It once again condensed into the incomparably tall Chaotic Divine Mountain. An unimaginably powerful force erupted at this moment. It was as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


When they felt this aura, the expressions of everyone present were incomparably shocked.    


"What are you still standing there in a daze for? Attack!"    


In an instant, an extremely terrifying destructive power descended from the depths of the void.    


It contained the most terrifying destructive power between the heavens and the earth. The beam of dazzling light that fell from the depths of the void seemed as if it was going to devour the entire world.    


When they felt this aura, the expressions of everyone present were incomparably excited.    


This kind of destructive power that had surpassed the limit erupted at this moment, and it even seemed as if it was going to completely destroy the entire world.    


A unique and powerful destructive aura. At this moment, the pressure that was formed from the spreading of the aura was so strong that it caused people to feel an unprecedented shock.    


It was also at this moment that the Chaotic Divine Mountain that Ye Feng had condensed was shattered once again.    


Just like the light of Myriad Azure Sky Lord, the Chaotic Divine Mountain that was struck by this attack couldn't be reformed with the guidance of the Chaotic Dharma Seal.    


It was as if the chaotic origin force that Ye Feng had condensed had been completely wiped out, leaving no trace behind.    


However, Ye Feng didn't feel any pain. In fact, the energy in his body continued to explode at this moment.    


The condensation and destruction happened again and again. With the support of the fragment of the heaven realm, Ye Feng's chaotic origin force was almost endless.    


Even so, the energy contained in the heaven and earth had reached a terrifying extent.    


The aura that Ye Feng released had completely erupted at this moment. It could even be said that it had reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The destructive force kept circulating, and the pressure it released had also reached a terrifying realm.    


The destructive force that had exceeded the limit erupted at this moment, and it was enough to devour the entire world.    


"Is this the only method you have?"    


Ye Feng's voice was somewhat hoarse, as if he couldn't circulate any more powerful energy. However, the aura that he was unleashing at this moment was also incomparably shocking.    


The pressure unleashed by the azure sky's Myriad Divine Formation couldn't suppress Ye Feng at this moment.    


An extremely terrifying destructive aura was brewing in the spatial zone, but it still couldn't affect Ye Feng at all.    


At this moment, the fluctuation of the aura that was emitted from the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable realm.    


A terrifying destructive force erupted at this moment, and it seemed as if it was going to devour the entire world.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds reverberated in the air, forming a suppressive force that was released in an extremely short period of time.    


The aura that carried all of Ye Feng's strength spread out in an instant, as if it was going to devour the entire heaven and earth.    


The azure sky's Myriad Divine Formation was emitting a terrifying Divine Imprints, which was also completely suppressed by Ye Feng at this moment.    


At this moment, Ye Feng took a step forward.    


The terrifying destructive aura spread out in an instant, as if it was going to devour everything in the world.    


The pressure that exceeded the limit, the destructive power that kept exploding in the spatial zone, had become unimaginably powerful.    


It was also at this moment that the aura that erupted from the depths of the space was unimaginably powerful.    


Ye Feng's Comprehension of the Divine Imprint Power had reached an extremely profound level, as if it was going to swallow the entire spatial zone.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard at this moment, and a force that ordinary people couldn't understand was unleashed at this moment.    


The unique aura that was beyond imagination was unleashed at this moment, and it seemed like it was going to completely destroy everything in this world.    


At this moment, an incomparably brilliant light emerged in Ye Feng's eyes. Boundless Divine Imprint Power spread out around his body, and started to merge into the azure sky's Myriad Divine Formation.    


"This is impossible. How can he control the azure sky's Myriad Divine Formation?"    


The group of experts who were guiding the formation kept exclaiming. They couldn't even believe their eyes.    


They had already mastered the Comprehension of the azure sky Myriad Divine Formation. However, at this moment, it was still suppressed by the aura that Ye Feng had unleashed.    


Such a terrifying force was brewing continuously at this moment. The pressure it created was enough to make one feel despair.    


An unimaginably powerful aura was unleashed at this moment. The destructive power that was formed was enough to devour the entire spatial zone.    


When Ye Feng sensed this aura, the radiance in his eyes became extremely brilliant.    


The profound meaning of the formation contained within the azure sky's Myriad Divine Formation was definitely not something he could completely comprehend in a short period of time.    


However, he could rely on his powerful innate talent to directly merge the attribute energy contained within his body into it.    


Whether it was the Chaotic Origin Energy or the force of creation, the energy that they could unleash at this moment was extremely pure.    


If Ye Feng didn't show any obvious hostility, the azure sky Myriad Divine Formation, a unique formation that contained a few special characteristics, wouldn't cause Ye Feng to suffer any backlash.    


At this moment, the group of experts who were circulating the formation wanted to suppress Ye Feng, but Ye Feng's power had already integrated into the formation.    


Since they couldn't control the source energy of the world, the aura of destruction had already reached its limit.    


If they forcefully attacked Ye Feng, it would certainly cause the formation to shake, or even cause the formation that had just stabilized to collapse.    


At this moment, the energy waves of the aura gathered by the azure sky's Myriad Divine Formation was beyond imagination.    


If such a formation collapsed in an instant, the destructive power contained within would be able to completely destroy everything in the surrounding space.    


All the energy contained within this space would be completely obliterated by a terrifying aura at this moment.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone brightly when he sensed this energy.    


However, they couldn't do anything to Ye Feng without operating the formation.    


It could even be said that as Ye Feng went deeper into the formation, the aura he released would devour the source of the formation.    


"Now, the only thing we can do is to circulate the power of the formation and devour it."    


Very quickly, some experts had thought of a solution. The aura in their bodies exploded at this moment.    


An extremely powerful destructive power was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to devour everything in this world.    


That kind of unimaginable attribute energy spread out at this moment. It was as if it wanted to destroy everything in this world.    


The pressure formed from the spreading of the terrifying destructive power had even reached an undefeatable stage.    


The glow in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually bright when he sensed this kind of energy.    


The Law aura in the space began to surge. The energy fluctuations that gathered around him also began to wrap around his body.    4


Within the azure sky's Myriad Divine Formation, the unique Divine Imprints began to flow at this moment.    


The source Laws contained within were constantly circulating, and the aura that was being emitted was even purer.    


As he experienced the powerful energy contained within the formation, Ye Feng's eyes sparkled. The aura that was contained within his body could sense the profoundness of the formation.    


Such a unique energy allowed Ye Feng to fully utilize his aura, and the energy ripples that it emitted became incomparably pure.    


The endless Divine Imprints Profound Meaning was unleashed in the space of Ye Feng's consciousness, allowing him to have a deeper understanding of the formation.    


As the formation continued to operate, the energy ripples of the aura that was emitted from the depths of the void had reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


The terrifying power of the formation spread out in an instant, as if it was going to devour everything in this space.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in an instant. There was even a destructive force that exceeded the limit, and it was expanding at this moment.    


That kind of unimaginable power spread out at this moment, forming a unique destructive aura.    


The destructive power that had surpassed the limit exploded at this moment, and it even said that it wanted to completely destroy this space.    


In this extreme period of time, the energy ripples that were emitted from the depths of the void had also allowed Ye Feng to reach even more profound meaning of the Laws.    


The chaotic origin energy was circulating continuously. The aura that was being emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


When he truly felt this energy, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


The destructive power that exceeded his imagination spread out at this moment. It seemed like it was going to devour everything in this world.    


"Impossible. How could he participate in the operation of the formation?"    


"What exactly is going on? Why is the azure sky's Myriad Divine Formation absorbing the source energy in the void?"    


"Ye Feng has actually infiltrated our formation and combined our aura and void source.    


He's actually using the azure sky's Myriad Divine Formation to cultivate? How did he do that?"    


The experts who controlled the azure sky Myriad Divine Formation were also incomparably shocked at this moment. Some of them couldn't even believe their eyes.    


The fluctuations of the laws in the world were constantly erupting at this moment. The energy that was released was becoming increasingly terrifying.    


That kind of attribute energy that exceeded the limit spread out at this moment. It even gathered the most unique attribute of the heavens and the earth, the aura.    


It was as if such a terrifying destructive power wanted to obliterate the entire world.    


The destructive power that exceeded imagination bloomed at this moment. It even wanted to swallow this entire heaven and earth.    


A terrifying destructive power burst forth, forming an unprecedentedly powerful aura.    


Ye Feng's consciousness had already fully integrated into the azure sky's Myriad Divine Formation. Every single movement of his could mobilize the power of the Myriad Divine Formation.    


Once this formation was cultivated to the extreme, the energy that it could gather could even communicate with Heavenly Lord Wan Qing.    


At this moment, Ye Feng was in charge of the formation. He was constantly studying the formation. The profound energy had also ignited the aura.    


The azure power was constantly circulating, communicating with Wan Gu Qingtian, and guiding Heavenly Monarch Wan Qing's energy to descend here.    


The activation of this kind of extremely huge attribute aura at this moment had also alarmed many existences in the spatial zone.    


Those terrifying energy ripples bloomed at this moment, as if they were going to devour everything in the world.    


The terrifying destructive power erupted wildly, forming a unique undulation that was unimaginable to ordinary people.    


The destructive aura spread out, forming a pressure that reached an unprecedented level.    


Wan Qing Heavenly Monarch's attention was also shifted here, the aura fluctuations that were released becoming even more terrifying.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in an instant. There was even a kind of power that ordinary people could not understand, and it erupted crazily at this moment.    


The Laws of the Heaven and Earth were boiling in the depths of the void, and a unique power that ordinary people could not comprehend was brewing.    


That terrifying aura that surpassed the limit seemed to want to completely destroy this space. However, there was also a unique Power of life contained within that was enough to completely revive the entire space.    


Ye Feng had already cultivated his control of the summoning power to an extreme. At this moment, the power that he was mobilizing had even surpassed a certain boundary.    


In the next moment, Heavenly Monarch Wan Qing's eyes had locked onto the formation, and his aura had also descended.    


But soon, his heart was filled with doubt.    


"Didn't these people follow my orders to kill Ye Feng? What's their target now?"    


Heavenly Monarch Wan Qing's eyes kept scanning the void, and the aura that was unleashed became extremely terrifying.    


The terrifying energy ripples continuously vibrated in the void. The pressure that was being emitted was also quite formidable.    


However, no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find any trace of Ye Feng in the surrounding void.    


On the contrary, the source energy contained in that spatial zone kept exploding at this moment.    


The fluctuations of the aura that he had gathered kept merging into this array formation, causing the entire world to tremble crazily.    


Such a unique energy fluctuation caused Heavenly Monarch Wan Qing to be unable to help but notice it. The aura fluctuations in his body were constantly washing over this formation, as if they were trying to completely change it.    


Sensing this energy, Heavenly Monarch Wan Qing's expression also changed. He couldn't even imagine that the azure sky Myriad Divine Formation that he had passed down actually had such a special characteristic.    


When his attention was fully focused on the formation, he suddenly realized that there was already someone hiding inside, completely depriving the control of the formation.    


After that, Heavenly Monarch Wan Qing's expression became terrifyingly gloomy.    


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