Sky War God

C3534 Surround

C3534 Surround

4Just as they were about to reach the Heaven Swallowing City, Ye Feng suddenly realized that there was some kind of special force hidden in the void, as if it was waiting for something.    


Similarly, there was a strong malicious intent in the force. It was staring at him, bringing tremendous pressure to Ye Feng.    


The energy in his body started circulating spontaneously. The chaotic energy surrounding him had formed a unique force, as if it was going to devour everything.    


The chaotic energy was unleashed, swallowing all the elemental energy that was approaching him. Within his sea of consciousness, the Divine Sense was surging continuously. The mental energy that was unleashed caused the Divine Sense that those people had released to suffer serious injuries.    


A series of muffled groans was heard from the void, causing an obvious disdain to appear on Ye Feng's face.    


"All of you, come out. What are you hiding for now?"    


His voice was cold, and at the same time, it carried a powerful vibrating power. It was constantly unleashed, as if it was going to slash out all the energy from the void.    


Sensing the pressure unleashed by Ye Feng, everyone's facial expression turned slightly ugly. The source energy in their bodies was also trembling slightly.    


Although the divine sense that Ye Feng released wasn't very strong, the force contained in it still had a certain impact on them. Some of them had even been exposed from the void.    


At this point, there was no longer any need for them to hide anymore. All of them revealed themselves and released the aura in their bodies.    


Six ancient God experts were standing around Ye Feng. The aura radiating from their bodies had reached a terrifying extent, and they were ruthlessly crushing towards Ye Feng's position.    


Ye Feng's expression became a little cautious. The attribute energy in his body was circulating on its own. The two pieces of Ares-class were vibrating continuously.    


When he realized this, Ye Feng also understood that the strength these people possessed was definitely not that simple.    


Compared to the Keeper in the trial ground, their strength wasn't much weaker, and they posed a huge threat to him.    


After understanding the situation, Ye Feng's eyes became serious. He said in a cold tone, "Who are you people? Why are you attacking me here?"    


A terrifying pressure was unleashed from Ye Feng's body, bringing a trace of pressure to everyone present.    


"Kid, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you have some skills and fortuitous encounters. You should know that in this world, the strength of an expert is the greatest reliance."    


Among the six people, a muscular man said. On his face was a strange pattern, like a terrifying scorpion.    


As he spoke, he looked at Ye Feng with disdain. The strength in his body had become unusually violent, as if he was going to tear Ye Feng into pieces.    


However, Ye Feng didn't show any signs of fear. It was just that the energy in his body had reached a certain limit as it circulated continuously, ready to explode at any moment.    


His eyes narrowed slightly, and a terrifying light flickered within them. The pressure that was emitted from his body had reached a ferocious realm, and it seemed as if it was going to condense into a solid form.    


Under such circumstances, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. The source energy in his body was continuously unleashed, making him look even taller.    


"So, you all came to me because someone found me unpleasant and wanted to use this opportunity to teach me a lesson?"    


The radiance in his eyes became abnormally brutal. There was even a type of brutal aura that was unleashed. The terrifying pressure had already reached an unimaginable level.    


"He's already a dead man. What's the point of knowing so much?"    


On the other side, a white-haired old man suddenly spoke. His hoarse voice sounded like it came from the depths of Ye Feng's soul.    


Ye Feng could also feel a terrifying spiritual pressure coming from his body, as if it was going to rip Ye Feng's soul apart.    


Even Ye Feng had to treat such a powerful spiritual pressure seriously.    


As the chaotic force circulated, it had already protected his entire body.    


"That's right. If we attack now and kill him directly, we'll naturally be able to provide an explanation to the young master. As for the master, he wouldn't care about such a person. "    


As they spoke, the aura on the bodies of the six men burst out at the same time, crushing down on Ye Feng.    


The pressure of these six men merged together, almost solidifying into a solid form. The terrifying pressure had reached an unimaginable level, pressing down on Ye Feng's body.    


At this moment, the aura on Ye Feng's body exploded. The terrifying force tore the void apart.    


Facing such a terrifying pressure, Ye Feng didn't restrain himself. The terrifying energy in his body erupted instantly. The pressure that was emitted from his body had reached an incomparably ferocious state.    


The two terrifying aura collided in a very short period of time. A terrifying rumbling sound echoed in the space, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.    


It was also at this moment that a cold light burst out and pierced towards Ye Feng's direction.    


The terrifying force of the sharp light had reached an unimaginable extent. Even the surrounding space couldn't withstand such a terrifying sharp light. It kept breaking apart.    


Ye Feng's reaction was also very fast. He immediately circulated the force of creation in his body. Combined with the power of the Sword Dao, he unleashed it continuously in the void.    


In such a short period of time, Ye Feng drew out a transparent divine sword from the void. The force of creation circulated around his body, and the terrifying pressure it emitted was beyond imagination.    


He waved the Divine Sword of Good Fortune in his hand and collided with the cold light.    


A terrifying sound of metal colliding was heard. Countless sharp lights were unleashed, causing the surrounding space to shatter.    


The expert who unleashed the attack thought that he was extremely powerful and could easily suppress Ye Feng. However, when these two energies collided, the terrifying aura wasn't as simple as it seemed.    


The pressure that Ye Feng could exert with the Good Fortune Divine Sword was beyond imagination. When the sharp edge collided with the cold star, two completely different powers erupted at this moment.    


He felt a terrifying sharp force rushing into his body. The terrifying energy contained in the sword was wreaking havoc in his body, wanting to tear his body apart in the shortest amount of time.    


The corner of Ye Feng's mouth curled up slightly. There was no fear at all. The Qi and blood in his body started circulating crazily at this moment.    


The qi and blood golden core was like a sky full of stars. The power that erupted from it had reached a very high level, suppressing the attribute energy in his body.    


In just an instant, the outburst of Vitality power fiercely suppressed the chaotic attribute power, and then sealed it in his body.    


The qi and blood force in Ye Feng's body was circulating continuously. The destructive pressure released by his opponent was also being worn down in a short period of time. It had even become the medium for him to refine the qi and blood force.    


That expert's expression was also rather ugly.    


The cold star he released was slashed back by Ye Feng's sword. Although it wasn't damaged, there was a powerful vibrating power bursting out from his body, causing him to take a few steps back.    


There was also a strange energy that lingered in his body, like a maggot that was attached to his bones. It was impossible to get rid of it.    


Currently, Ye Feng's force of creation had already been cultivated to a high level. Once it entered a person's body, the energy it could unleash would be incomparably powerful.    


Even if it couldn't damage the body of another person, it could still restrain the opponent with just this power.    


As time passed, the force of creation would continue to devour the opponent's life force, allowing this force to reach an incomparably terrifying state.    


At this moment, the opponent was also frightened by Ye Feng's energy, and his facial expression was extremely ugly.    


However, he wasn't the only enemy of Ye Feng.    


Just as Ye Feng suppressed the destructive power in his body, a terrifying spiritual attack landed on his body.    


The terrifying illusion descended directly into Ye Feng's sea of consciousness, wanting to tear apart his spiritual defense in the shortest amount of time.    


At this moment, the eight Divine Sense crystals in his sea of consciousness glittered brightly. Various kinds of Divine Sense were unleashed, unleashing a terrifying power.    


The spear light was sharp, the sword light was shuttling back and forth, the Divine Dragon was roaring, and the phoenix was dancing in the air, tearing apart the illusion completely.    


After that, a terrifying devil soul emerged. The phantoms of all living things in the world were constantly being born and destroyed, and the Power of space was shuttling back and forth, casting such a terrifying divine sense attack into the opponent's consciousness.    


Before the old man could react, these attacks had completely erupted and vanished into his sea of consciousness.    


The chaotic radiance flashed and disappeared, but it brought a huge blow to the old man.    


The divine sense crystal of Ye Feng contained the power of divine sense. Each of them was no weaker than an ancient giant god.    


When these eight types of Divine Sense were combined together, the power unleashed was beyond anyone's imagination.    


Even the ancient Giant God that cultivated the power of the soul was somewhat unable to withstand it.    


The old man was severely injured at this moment, and his divine soul was on the verge of shattering. He immediately circulated the power in his body, wanting to use it to defend against Ye Feng's attack.    


But even so, he had no choice but to take two steps back.    


Because he had fully mobilized the divine sense, Ye Feng had indeed been delayed for a period of time. Even if it was only for a split second, it would still be fatal in a battle like this.    


It was also at this moment that the tattooed man who had spoken earlier, and... The terrifying pressure emitted by the other ancient giant god was enough to completely destroy the surrounding space.    


At this moment, Ye Feng seemed to be unable to react in time. He could only watch helplessly as the two of them rushed towards him.    


Both of their fists and legs contained terrifying energy. The pressure that they emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


If Ye Feng was hit by such an attack... No matter how powerful he was, he would still be blown up by such a force, and his body would be destroyed.    


Such a terrifying destructive attack could land on Ye Feng's body at any time, and he didn't seem to have any chance to resist.    


It was also during such an urgent moment that Ye Feng's eyes sparkled with countless rays of light, and he was even lightly stepping on the ground.    


In just an instant, Ye Feng's figure flickered like a phantom. His body moved sideways in the direction of the old man.    


The power of the Spatial Properties had been fully utilized by Ye Feng. The effect of the Spatial Properties was even more terrifying.    


It was at this moment that Ye Feng suddenly felt that the violent energy in the surrounding space had reached a terrifying extent.    


The power of storm and flame was unleashed crazily, covering his body.    


Such terrifying energy had already reached an unimaginably powerful realm. Even the surrounding space was trembling crazily, as if it could be torn apart at any time.    


Ye Feng's body couldn't withstand such a terrifying attack. Numerous wounds were left on his body by the wind blades, and the flame energy was seeping into his body.    


However, Ye Feng's expression didn't change at all, as if he didn't put these attacks in his eyes.    


At this moment, the attribute energy in Ye Feng's body suddenly erupted.    


Chaotic phenomena appeared behind Ye Feng. The terrifying scene of the world constantly being born and destroyed alternated until it finally turned into a deep and undetectable chaotic world.    


The release of the chaotic energy immediately suppressed the surrounding spatial fluctuations. There was also a powerful energy that pressed down, as if it was going to swallow all the attribute energies.    


The power of Ye Feng's Chaotic Force was terrifying. The power it could release was beyond imagination.    


The storms and flames surrounding him couldn't pose any threat to him. In just an instant, he was completely engulfed, leaving no trace behind.    


Upon seeing this scene, the remaining two were also shocked. The attribute power they controlled was also suppressed by Ye Feng.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes became firmer and firmer, as if he was going to merge with the Divine Sword of Fortune. The power unleashed by the sword was many times stronger than before.    


As the sword light moved, it arrived next to the old man. It was a terrifying sharp force. It was as if it was going to cut everything in the world in half.    


Facing such a terrifying attack... The old man's expression changed rapidly as the origin force circled around him. His own Divine Sense was exploding with a terrifying force.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes seemed to be reflecting the scene of hell. Countless vengeful spirits and evil spirits were grabbing at the old man.    


In that instant, it was as if the door to hell had been opened, and the old man was being guided to hell forever.    


Hell Heart Sutra, seamless Hell!    


Death God Battle Spirit was also released by Ye Feng at this moment. The withering force that was released from him shocked everyone present.    


The divine soul of that old man was indeed powerful, but when he attacked Ye Feng just now, he had already suffered a blow. His divine soul wasn't as complete as before.    


Currently, these vengeful ghosts and devils had gone through the refinement of Death God Battle Spirit. Their strength was extraordinary. Even an ancient giant god would be affected by them.    


The exchange of blows between experts could naturally be changed in an instant.    


At the moment when the old man lost his senses, a terrifying sword light seemed to have passed through an endless space and landed on his body.    


Such a terrifying aura... The power it contained had reached an unimaginable level. The pressure it emitted was extremely ferocious.    


Even the other experts were stunned for a moment under this kind of intimidation. Then, they reacted and unleashed a terrifying attack to stop Ye Feng.    


They wanted to use this opportunity to save that old man.    


But it was already too late.    


Ye Feng controlled the sword light and pierced through the center of the old man's brows. A ray of sword light of fortune slashed towards the old man's soul. The terrifying power it released was crazily stirring in his sea of consciousness.    




The old man let out a deep roar. The Divine Sense that he controlled was still struggling, trying to get a chance to live.    


At this moment, violent wind and fire energy intertwined. Two destructive palm prints descended from the sky. A few cold stars bloomed from the void and surrounded Ye Feng from all directions.    


Such an attack was many times stronger than the previous one. The destructive power contained in it had reached an extremely dangerous realm.    


Ye Feng's eyes revealed a subtle change of expression when he sensed the destructive power within the attack. However, there wasn't a trace of fear in his eyes.    


He circulated the attribute energy in his body and unleashed the Power of space, changing the position of the old man and himself.    


If the old man was still in the heyday, even if Ye Feng's spatial energy was doubled, he wouldn't be able to reach such a level.    


However, the old man had lost all ability to resist. He could only watch helplessly as his spatial energy was converted.    


Those terrifying destructive attacks landed on the old man's body. An incomparably powerful destructive power burst out, forming a storm that engulfed his body.    


At this moment, all of the old man's resistance was meaningless. His body and soul were completely destroyed.    


The expressions of the other experts became extremely ugly when they saw this scene.    


No matter what, they would never have thought that Ye Feng would possess such a terrifying technique. The Power of space he used had actually reached such a profound level.    


Furthermore, the old man was killed. The only person who could affect Ye Feng's reaction was also killed. The remaining five people no longer had the ability to restrain Ye Feng.    


"Bastard, bastard!"    


The tattooed man's face turned red. The scorpion branded on his face seemed as if it was going to come alive. Violent aura was crazily released from his body, making him taller than before.    


However, Ye Feng looked at all of this with an indifferent expression. The strength in his body was constantly condensing, as if he didn't put him in his eyes.    


He raised the Divine Sword of Good Fortune in his hand and locked onto the man who had unleashed the Wind Attribute Strength. He said with a smile, "You will be next."    


Combined with Ye Feng's cruel expression, it made the ancient giant god's hair stand on end, and his entire body couldn't help but tremble.    


If the old man was the only one who could interfere with Ye Feng's movement... The wind attribute ancient god was the only one who could affect the Power of space.    


Once he was killed, no matter how strong the others were, Ye Feng would be able to kill them one by one through the spatial energy.    


At this moment, an incomparably powerful pressure was unleashed from the void, locking onto Ye Feng.    


Such an aura had reached an unimaginable level. It even had a huge impact on the surrounding space.    


Ye Feng's body couldn't help but tremble at this moment. The qi and blood in his body also boiled.    


This also made Ye Feng's expression become more and more solemn. Such a terrifying pressure and aura were definitely not simple.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng waved the Divine Sword of Good Fortune in his hand and merged with the sword light, slashing out crazily.    


Sensing the sharp force in the void, the ancient giant god who used the Wind Attribute Strength panicked at this moment. He no longer had the courage to face Ye Feng.    


In just an instant, such a terrifying sharp force was unleashed in all directions.    


Everyone on the scene was shocked by such a terrifying aura. The tattooed man was even more furious. He wanted to stop Ye Feng in the shortest amount of time possible.    


When everyone was rushing towards the wind-attributed ancient giant god, Ye Feng's sword light of fortune suddenly changed direction and rushed towards the expert closest to him.    


Cold stars were dancing in the sky. That expert's heart was instantly enveloped by boundless fear. Without any time to think, he summoned all the cold stars in the sky to protect himself.    


However, Ye Feng's sword light of fortune seemed to be constantly changing between the real and the fake. Its speed had reached an unimaginable level.    


In just an instant, those incomparably powerful cold stars were cut off by the sword light of fortune and extinguished in the void.    


Then, the sword light circled around this powerhouse, and it was already clear that he had disappeared without a trace.    


The Creation Sword Light revolved within the body of this ancient Giant God. The power that it released had already reached an unimaginable terrifying boundary, crazily destroying his body.    


Especially the special ability contained in the force of creation, it kept extracting the life force in his body, causing him to lose all his life force in the end.    


The few people on the scene were stunned by Ye Feng's terrifying technique. They had never thought that he would have such a strange technique.    


In such a short period of time, two ancient giant gods had fallen in Ye Feng's hands. This made the rest of them extremely angry.    


The power of the divine soul used by the old man could restrain Ye Feng's movements to the greatest extent. As for those cold stars, they were extremely powerful. Once they hit Ye Feng, even the ancient gods wouldn't be able to withstand it. It would also pose a huge threat to Ye Feng.    


Now, these two had fallen in Ye Feng's hands. The remaining few people's eyes were filled with fear.    


Right at this moment, Ye Feng's figure appeared. Not far away from them, the chaotic energy around his body had become thin, and even the chaotic phenomenon had become dim.    


At this moment, Ye Feng was breathing heavily, as if he was going to run out of energy at any moment.    


This caused the remaining four to have other thoughts in their minds. All kinds of energies in their bodies were circulating crazily.    


Such an energy exploded within their bodies, and the power it unleashed was beyond their imagination. Furthermore, they had unleashed their most terrifying power, and the pressure it gave off was even more terrifying.    


At this moment, four kinds of powerful pressure had landed on Ye Feng's body. An incomparably huge fluctuation of origin was unleashed, firmly locking onto Ye Feng's body.    


Such a terrifying pressure would affect even the powerful ancient god, but Ye Feng remained indifferent.    


The Chaotic Force in his body was circulating continuously, and the Qi and blood in his body were surging crazily. The Divine Sense kept colliding with each other, causing Ye Feng's aura to improve again and again.    


Even his body had become taller and bigger.    


Now, after leaving the White Jade Divine Pagoda, Ye Feng's Myriad Transformations Divine Ability had disappeared without a trace. Even the Chaotic Force was unable to devour all the energy in the world.    


Even though Ye Feng's strength was beyond imagination, it was still greatly depleted in the battle against the ancient giant god.    


Currently, Ye Feng was facing six powerful ancient giant gods. The fact that he could use lightning techniques to kill two of them was already the limit of what he could do.    


Especially the sword strike that he used to leap in the void just now, it had consumed most of the energy in Ye Feng's body, which was why it could bring out such a powerful effect.    


It was virtually impossible for him to face the remaining four people.    


At this moment, he could only circulate the energy in his body continuously. If he wanted to recover more energy in the shortest amount of time, he might still have the strength to fight.    


The destructive power that erupted from all four directions at the same time was unimaginably powerful. The seal on the space had also reached an extreme point.    


It wasn't that they hadn't used such a method before. It was just that Ye Feng had sufficient energy at that time, and the source energy he controlled was enough to pry open the Law of Space.    


However, at this moment, the energy in Ye Feng's body was weak, and the pressure that erupted from all directions was too strong. Even Ye Feng couldn't do anything about it.    


Ye Feng's eyes reflected the changes in the four directions. He exerted all of his Divine Sense in an attempt to see through the flaws in it in the shortest amount of time.    


However, the tattooed man and the other man had vigorous Qi and blood, and their bodies were in perfect condition. The pressure they released was the strongest. Even Ye Feng's heyday didn't have absolute confidence that he could break through their defense.    


It was even more so at this moment.    


Even if Ye Feng gathered all the energy in his body onto the Good Fortune Divine Sword, he wouldn't be able to affect these two Body Refining Stage ancient giant gods in the slightest.    


On the other hand, Ye Feng could still cause some injuries to the other two.    


Of the remaining two, one of them used the power of the storm, and his speed was extremely fast. He had just been locked onto by Ye Feng, but now, his movements were extremely fast and unpredictable, making it impossible for him to catch them.    


As for those who used the power of the flames, each of their attacks was incomparably violent, especially when they were surrounded by countless fire rings. If they collided with each other, terrifying flames would erupt.    


The two of them had chosen a completely different method, but for Ye Feng, this was a completely different method. Both of them were the best choices.    


"Little thief, go to hell!"    


At that instant, a terrifying fist descended from the sky. An extremely terrifying pressure was unleashed in the air, causing the entire space to explode with a loud explosion.    


No one could resist such a terrifying power. Ye Feng could only mobilize all of his strength, waving his fist to meet the attack.    


Ye Feng's punch seemed to be in a hurry, but the force contained in it wasn't very strong. It was afraid that the moment it came into contact with the punch, it would be crushed into pieces by the violent force.    


However, it was also at this moment that the two fists collided. Ye Feng's figure seemed to have turned into an illusion, and the tattooed man pierced through it.    


At this moment, the brawny man had already sensed that something was wrong. Just as he was about to unleash his aura once again, he was stomped on his chest.    


At the same time, the afterimage left behind by Ye Feng turned into a pitch-black devil light that covered the burly man's body.    


The power of the demonic path! At this moment, it started circulating, creating endless illusions that completely surrounded the figure.    


The Huanmo was unleashed at the first moment. Combined with the Devil Dao power and Divine Sense, it caused the burly man to be trapped in it, and he wouldn't be able to break free for a while.    


The Illusory Demonforce that Ye Feng cultivated was also unimaginably powerful. At least, no one in the same realm could break free from his illusion technique.    


Ye Feng also borrowed the force of the strong man's body and pushed his speed to the limit.    


An extremely powerful force of attribute was brewing in Ye Feng's body. It turned into strands of chaotic qi and entangled the Good Fortune Divine Sword.    


This made the already powerful Good Fortune Divine Sword even sharper than before.    


Borrowing the power of primal chaos to suppress it, any type of power would be cut in half by the Good Fortune Sword Light.    


In this short period of time, Ye Feng had already arrived at the side of the expert who was using the flames.    


The moment the sword light collided with the ring of fire, the expert wanted to detonate the ring of fire at the first possible moment. However, due to the suppression of the chaotic force, the force contained in the ring of fire couldn't be fully unleashed.    


This also caused the expert's expression to become doubtful. He hesitated for a moment.    


It was also at this moment that Ye Feng used his powerful movement technique to pierce through to his side. The Good Fortune Divine Sword pierced through his chest, leaving behind a terrifying sword wound.    


The force of creation and the Chaotic Qi intertwined. The energy left behind was extremely difficult to deal with. It didn't give the opponent any chance to react.    


After succeeding in his attack, Ye Feng didn't give the opponent any chance to escape. Like a drowning dog, he swung his sword backhanded once again.    


This time, the sword light was bright and powerful. It landed on the expert's body at the first moment.    


The terrifying power of the sword light landed on the expert's body at the first moment.    


The force of creation connected with the heaven and earth, bringing the power of this sword attack to an incomparably terrifying level. This kind of sharp force was terrifying even to Ye Feng.    


The strength of that expert was also extremely powerful. He immediately activated all the aura in his body. A monstrous flame energy erupted, and the power it released was incomparably terrifying.    


In an instant, all of the energy was being compressed at a rapid speed. The energy that was unleashed by the flame energy had also become incomparably condensed.    


The two terrifying attacks had already reached the limit. The pressure that they emitted collided violently.    


A terrifying explosion took place in the air.    


The terrifying destructive power spread in all directions crazily, as if it was going to destroy everything in the void. * Hong Long...... *    


Thousands of stars were reflected in Ye Feng's eyes once again, and there were even Chaotic aura appearing in his eyes.    


The Divine Sense erupted, causing the energy in his body to explode completely. His aura also became unusually violent.    


Ignoring the powerful vibrating power, Ye Feng slashed out with his sword. A brilliant light of fortune covered the entire world and the body of that expert.    


The Sword Qi moved back and forth in his body, eventually extinguishing the life force in his body. Even the source energy in his body was shattered by the force of creation.    


But at the same time, Ye Feng was also completely exhausted. All of his energy was suppressed by the aura, and he no longer had the ability to affect other places.    



It was also at this moment that a terrifying pressure erupted from the bodies of the other three experts once again, and it was unleashed in all directions at an extremely fast speed.    


No matter how powerful Ye Feng was, he couldn't resist such a terrifying pressure. An extremely powerful destructive power was crazily descending upon him.    


Being struck by such an attack, Ye Feng couldn't help but let out a miserable shriek. His entire body was trembling as if he had been struck by lightning.    


Within his body, his bones, internal organs, and cells were all severely damaged. The aura was also crazily declining.    


It looked like it could fall at any moment, and his life was in imminent danger.    


It was also at this moment that a ball of flame suddenly ignited on Ye Feng's body.    


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