Sky War God

C3726 Ancient Devil Path Cultivation

C3726 Ancient Devil Path Cultivation

2The power of the ancient demonic path circulated within Ye Feng's body just like that, and the aura that it emitted was quite unique.    


As he silently circulated this power, he could always feel that the power of the ancient demonic path was constantly eroding his body. It was as if it wanted to completely refine all the power in his body.    


Sensing such a powerful aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


His Divine Sense was circulated to the maximum. The unique attribute of the aura was unleashed at this moment.    


Under the suppression of the Chaos Origin Energy, the power of the ancient demonic path was suppressed.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could clearly feel that the aura in his body was undergoing an unprecedented change.    


That unique and powerful energy spread out at this moment, as if it wanted to completely suppress the entire world.    


The clash of these energies made the pressure that Ye Feng had to bear become even more terrifying. That unique energy kept circulating in the void, and it was emitting a unique energy that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Feeling this pressure, Ye Feng's expression became more and more serious. The aura that was being emitted from his every move was unimaginably powerful.    


However, the power of the ancient demonic path was incomparably firm. There was an extremely unique concept contained within its circulation.    


The aura kept circulating, causing the energy in the surrounding space to become abnormally powerful. It was as if it wanted to completely refine this space.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in an instant. There was even an aura that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people that crazily erupted at this moment.    


That kind of attribute energy that exceeded the limit rapidly expanded in the void, as if it wanted to completely obliterate everything in this world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng combined the power of his natal world.    


The power of creation and nirvana was superimposed on the power of the world. The power of chaos and the power of demonic path and Saint Devil were superimposed on each other.    


The seal formed by the fusion of the three powers had reached an unimaginable level. The aura that was released had become even more terrifying.    


At this moment, an unimaginably powerful aura came from the depths of the void, completely suppressing this space.    


It was a power that surpassed the limits of all attributes, and it contained the secrets of the most powerful beings in the world.    


Even the ancient demonic path cultivation method was unable to suppress such a unique power, and it could only watch helplessly as its aura was suppressed.    


At the same time, Ye Feng's power was completely sealed, preventing them from causing any more trouble within their bodies.    


The aura that exceeded their imagination spread out at this moment, causing the entire spatial zone to become unusually pure.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded at this moment.    


When they sensed that Ye Feng had completely suppressed the power of the ancient demonic path, the experts below Myriad Demon Cliff went crazy as they circulated their own strength with all their might.    


The terrifying Demonic Qi started boiling at this moment, as if it was going to destroy everything in this world.    


Sensing this fluctuation, Ye Feng's expression became even more solemn. He raised his hand and unleashed a powerful pressure.    


The power of the Holy Demon combined with the Divine Rune Formations in the Myriad Demon Cliff, directly releasing a powerful energy that was beyond imagination. The energy of the aura had reached an unimaginable level.    


The furious Witch Daoists of the ancient era couldn't resist the aura at all. His body was suppressed in an instant, and he couldn't release any more energy.    


Of course, this also required Ye Feng to constantly utilize his own source energy to maintain the formation. Otherwise, these people would still be able to break the seal and affect Ye Feng.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the spatial zone had become unusually pure. The energy that was gathered here had even reached an unimaginable level.    


There was an endless radiance circulating in Ye Feng's eyes. It was as if he wanted to use his Comprehension to analyze the energy of the ancient demonic path.    


Unfortunately, such a powerful force was simply unimaginable, and it could even be said that it didn't belong to the present world.    


Even with Ye Feng's comprehension ability, no matter how powerful he was, he wouldn't be able to surpass the ancient time and obtain the power of the Comprehension.    


It was as if such an aura shouldn't exist in this world. Once it appeared, it would be completely destroyed by the law of this world.    


Silently circulating his own source aura, Ye Feng also realized how terrifying this power was. Even the aura in his body began to boil at this moment.    


The power of the ancient demonic path was like the fusion of primordial essence. No matter how Ye Feng decomposed and refined it, nothing would happen to them.    


On the other hand, after Ye Feng kept coming into contact with the aura, his power was affected to a certain extent, and began to change.    


It was as if the strength that he had painstakingly cultivated had already been plundered by the other party, and even allowed the power of the ancient demonic path to start adapting to the Laws of this world.    


Realizing this, Ye Feng's reaction was quite fast. He immediately suppressed the aura in his body.    


Layers of Sealing Power were unleashed at this moment, completely isolating the aura from the outside world, preventing the demonic path from making any contact with the outside world.    


At the same time, Ye Feng laid down the Reincarnation Law in the surrounding area. The energy he emitted had reached an extreme state, as if the entire space had been completely sealed.    


With the help of the Reincarnation Power, it blurred the boundary between life and death. It also released a destructive power that surpassed the limit, causing the power of the ancient demonic path to be completely suppressed.    


After doing all of this, Ye Feng finally let out a long breath. The shock in his heart could not be described with words.    


The aura in his body kept circulating at this moment, and the energy waves emitted from it became unusually calm.    


At this moment, Ye Feng had a deeper understanding of the power of the ancient demonic path, and he was filled with curiosity towards such a Cultivation Method.    


One should know how powerful the Cultivation Method that Ye Feng cultivated was. His control of his own strength had reached an unimaginable level.    


He was the only one who could devour other people's strength. No one could snatch away the source energy from his hands.    


But now, the power of the ancient demonic path had actually reached such a powerful extent. It was able to take away the source aura in Ye Feng's body.    


Just this alone was enough for Ye Feng to study it thoroughly, or even deeply study a type of power.    


Sensing the changes in the aura, Ye Feng's expression became even more solemn. The energy in his body kept circulating, wanting to break the power of the ancient demonic path.    


However, the fluctuation of the aura made Ye Feng even more cautious. The aura in his body kept circulating, emitting a kind of energy that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


* Rumble * A terrifying vibration resounded at this moment. There was even a powerful aura that was beyond his imagination that was continuously expanding at this moment.    


When he truly felt this kind of power, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became more and more unique. It was a power that exceeded the limit of the attribute. It spread out at an extremely fast speed.    


After repeatedly studying it, Ye Feng had no other way. The power of the ancient demonic path was integrated into one body, just like it was born naturally. There were no flaws at all.    


Even if Ye Feng tried his best, he wouldn't be able to change anything. In fact, it might even make him stronger, causing him to suffer from the backlash.    


"It seems like I won't be able to find any effect from this power. Then..."    


Ye Feng shifted his gaze to another direction.    


The Myriad Demon Cliff opened up another passageway for Ye Feng. After that, an ancient demonic path cultivator was sent up from below.    


This time, Ye Feng had carefully selected a person. Although his strength was comparable to his, he had a feeling of intelligence and intelligence.    


The moment he saw Ye Feng, the ancient demonic path cultivator didn't have any doubt on his face.    


He just kept circulating his cultivation base, gathering the energy of the heaven and earth, as if he didn't put Ye Feng in his heart at all.    


"Aren't you afraid of me?"    


The ancient demonic path cultivator glanced at Ye Feng, but didn't respond. He continued circulating his aura.    


However, this attitude aroused Ye Feng's interest. He unleashed an extremely unique force from Ye Feng's body.    


The chaotic origin force suppressed the surrounding void. The aura in the spatial zone was completely sealed by Ye Feng at this moment.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy spread across the spatial zone, forming a unique fluctuation that completely suppressed the entire spatial zone.    


The ancient demonic path cultivator was also unable to alter the fluctuation of the aura. He could only watch helplessly as the natural source energy fell into Ye Feng's hands.    


"What do you want?"    


Yi Boka also raised his head and asked Ye Feng in an extremely hoarse voice.    


Ye Feng still didn't respond. Instead, he accelerated the circulation of the Chaotic Origin Energy, as if he was going to extract all the aura in this spatial zone.    


Facing Ye Feng, yi Boka didn't show any anger. He only circulated his own origin energy and began to compete with Ye Feng for the aura in this spatial zone.    


However, Ye Feng had the advantage of the terrain at this moment. The energy fluctuations in his body were circulating continuously.    


A powerful force of attribute spread out at this moment, as if it was going to completely seal the entire world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in an instant. There was even an aura that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people that was circulating at this moment.    


Sensing this kind of power, Ye Feng raised the aura in his body slightly and completely unleashed it at this moment.    


This unique attribute energy continued to spread at this moment, forming an aura that an ordinary person could not understand.    


When he felt this kind of power, yi Boka also frowned slightly, as if he had never thought that Ye Feng's strength could reach such a level.    


However, his expression didn't change at all. The source energy in his body was still boiling. The power of the ancient demonic path had also shown his advantage.    


The energy waves unleashed by the ancient demonic path at this moment was even purer than Ye Feng's chaotic source energy.    


That kind of unimaginable power spread out at this moment, as if it was going to devour everything in this world.    


Unique and powerful aura of attributes spread out in an instant. In fact, it could even be said that it was going to completely seal the entire world within an extremely short period of time.    


Sensing such a powerful and terrifying power, yi Boka's expression didn't change at all. He was circulating the most terrifying demonic path attribute in his body.    


The two powers kept colliding in the spatial zone. Ye Feng could also feel that his opponent's aura was circulating continuously. The energy waves emitted by it had far exceeded his imagination.    


The terrifying and powerful demonic path's energy even brought a certain degree of pressure to Ye Feng, as if it was going to make the aura in his body crumble at this moment.    


At this moment, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the spatial zone had become extremely pure. It had even gathered the purest energy of the aura in this world at an extremely fast speed.    


"Let me see what's so special about your strength."    


As he spoke, an extremely powerful chaotic origin force was unleashed from Ye Feng's body, forming a unique force that ordinary people could not suppress.    


The chaotic origin force circulated, and the energy ripples it emitted was unimaginably powerful.    


The aura that exceeded his imagination exploded at this moment, and collided with the power of the ancient demonic path.    


At this moment, a terrifying rumbling sound echoed out. There was even a destructive fluctuation that no ordinary person could understand that was spreading in the air.    


Sensing this aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter, and the energy waves emitted from it was unimaginably powerful.    


At this moment, Ye Feng felt how terrifying that energy was.    


The power of the ancient demonic path contained a kind of destructive fluctuation that ordinary people couldn't understand, as if it wanted to completely suppress and refine this spatial zone.    


The source energy that was being actively condensed was the convergence of all the changes in one's own strength. It was even able to display the most terrifying aura in the world.    


However, when this energy was fully unleashed, it was directly sealed by the powerful energy contained within this spatial zone.    


At that instant, the terrifying power of the attributes began to spread. It even spread out at an extremely fast speed.    


An extremely terrifying destructive aura spread out at this moment, forming a destructive fluctuation, as if it wanted to completely destroy this entire world.    


The terrifying aura that had exceeded the limit was circulating continuously in the void, and it was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, the energy that was displayed in the depths of the void was unimaginably powerful. It was so powerful that it could even destroy the entire world at this moment.    


In an instant, that kind of attribute power that surpassed the limit erupted at this moment. The destructive fluctuation that was formed became even more terrifying.    


There was no change in Yi Boka's expression as he stared at Ye Feng. The energy that was emitted from his eyes had even reached an unimaginable level.    


"It's useless."    


Yi Boka suddenly said. His tone was a little strange. The aura that was contained in his voice was also a little surprising.    


"What do you mean?"    


Ye Feng was also somewhat puzzled by what Yi Boka suddenly said.    


"With your current strength, you won't be able to refine the power of my demonic path.    


The gap between you and me isn't something that can be broken through by some means. The power of the attributes inherited from the ancient era... It is something that your generation simply cannot imagine.    


Thus, all of your efforts now are meaningless.    


If this continues, the Origin Energy within your body will also be completely refined by me, and in the end, not a single trace will be left behind."    


Ye Feng's expression didn't change at all when he heard Eboka's reply. The aura in his body was continuously emitting out at this moment.    


At this moment, Ye Feng circulated the Chaotic Origin Energy and slowly pushed forward. The extremely pure Origin aura was constantly circulating in the spatial zone.    


In an instant, an incomparably heavy aura exploded in the void. The energy ripples emitted by it seemed as if it wanted to destroy the entire world.    


An extremely terrifying attribute energy erupted at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy this entire space.    


At this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually brilliant. The energy ripples that were emitted from his eyes seemed as if they were going to suppress the entire spatial zone.    


In the face of the attack unleashed by Ye Feng, yi Boka didn't have any fear. He slowly circulated the source energy in his body and unleashed it towards Ye Feng.    


The unique and powerful aura was constantly circulating in the void, and the energy ripples it emitted became even more terrifying.    


One could only see the destructive force that was formed by a power that exceeded one's imagination gathered in Ibolka's body. It was simply unimaginably powerful.    


At this moment, the aura that was emitted from the depths of the spatial zone was simply unimaginably terrifying.    


The power of the ancient demonic path was still boiling at this moment. It was as if a flame was burning.    


Ye Feng's chaotic origin power was simply unable to resist the aura released by the opponent, and it was ignited at this moment.    


That kind of attribute energy that exceeded the limit kept exploding at this moment, forming a terrifying force that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Unique and powerful attribute power frantically spread at this moment. It even spread at an extremely fast speed, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


At this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant. The energy that was emitted was unimaginably powerful.    


The aura that both parties possessed had become exceptionally terrifying. In an extremely short period of time, a terrifying source energy had erupted.    


Ye Feng could also sense that the opponent's technique contained an irresistible force. Once it was fully unleashed, the aura in his body would completely collapse.    


At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter. He could feel that the attributes of the aura had broken through some kind of boundary.    


"That's right. The power of the demonic path in the ancient era is indeed powerful. It's beyond my imagination. It even said that I can't resist it even if I use all my strength."    


Even if he used all his strength, he was still unable to resist the Chaotic Origin Energy that was released.    


The extremely powerful destructive might circulated continuously within the space, and it even emitted an unimaginable destructive fluctuation.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could feel the terrifying power of the demonic path's flames burning towards his position.    


However, he still didn't feel any fear. In fact, he was extremely happy to accept the arrival of such a power.    


The other party's attitude also puzzled Ibolka. He could not help but ask: "Are you crazy? This kind of power will completely wipe you out"    


However, Ye Feng's tone was calm. The power that he was emitting was even more shocking than anyone had ever felt before.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable level. It was a power that exceeded the limit of all attributes. It was spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


* Hong Long...... * Terrifying rumbles erupted in an instant. Ye Feng had fully activated the power of his natal world, pushing the aura that contained the origin power of chaos to the limit.    


A blurry sphere appeared between Ye Feng's hands. The chaotic origin energy circulated around it, and it was emitting a powerful force that seemed to be able to split the heaven and earth.    


Ye Feng slowly pushed the sphere forward. The terrifying destructive force erupted at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


The demonic path attribute energy that was gathered by Yi Boka could indeed incinerate the void. Even the chaotic origin energy that Ye Feng had gathered had no choice but to avoid its edge.    


However, the moment he circulated all the energy of his attributes, the energy that erupted from the depths of the spatial zone was unimaginably terrifying.    


It was also at this moment that the illusory image of the Confusion Spirit Orb unleashed its true power. The aura that it emitted had become exceptionally terrifying.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could clearly feel the unimaginable power in his body, as if it was going to completely suppress the entire spatial zone.    


That terrifying power was circulating in the spatial zone, and the aura that was being emitted became unusually terrifying.    


At this moment, the energy ripples that were being emitted from the depths of the void had become extremely powerful, as if it wanted to completely suppress the entire world.    


Silently circulating the source energy in his body, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter. The aura that was unleashed from his every move had become unimaginably powerful.    


At this moment, the energy fluctuation that was emitted from the depths of the void was unimaginably powerful. It was enough to completely suppress and refine this spatial zone.    


It was also at this moment that the chaotic origin energy gathered a terrifying energy that could split the sky and earth. In an extremely short period of time, it suppressed towards the location of the other party.    


That kind of aura that had surpassed the limit had also shocked Ibolka. He couldn't even imagine how such a power was formed.    


A destructive aura with a powerful will spread out in an instant. It was as if it wanted to completely destroy the energy in this world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were glowing brightly. The energy ripples that he was emitting had reached an unprecedented level.    


Yi Boka didn't want to be outdone. He exerted all of his strength to circulate the Origin Energy in his body, crazily mobilizing every bit of energy in his body.    


The energy of the ancient demonic path boiled, burning out endless flames. It was enough to burn the entire spatial zone clean.    


However, this kind of aura was still useless. It was still suppressed by this terrifying power in front of Ye Feng.    


In the end, those terrifying destructive aura collapsed. The energy that was released once again was unable to resist Ye Feng's attack.    


Ye Feng took a step forward, and the illusory image of the Confusion Spirit Orb stopped above Ibolka's head.    


The terrifying chaotic origin energy circulated continuously, and the energy ripples that it emitted had reached an extremely powerful level.    


At that instant, the energy ripples that gathered in the depths of the space became extremely terrifying, as if they were going to completely suppress the entire world.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone brightly when he sensed the terrifying aura.    


Relying on the Confusion Spirit Orb in his hand, Ye Feng asked with utmost sincerity, "If the demonic path of the ancient era was so powerful, why was it defeated by us?"    


Ye Feng's words were as light as a feather, as if they didn't have any strength at all. When they landed in Yi Boka's ears, it was like thunder.    


Although the power of the heaven and earth was powerful, there was still a limit to it. The source power of the ancient demonic path contained a power beyond the imagination of ordinary people, but it wasn't impossible for Ye Feng to suppress it.    


Cultivators like them had the most powerful means at this moment, which was the terrifying aura that was born when the destruction of the world was re-established.    


However, when such a force was fully unleashed, it was enough to completely destroy this space. Even the most powerful cultivator would be completely suppressed.    


Although the power of the ancient demonic path was powerful, it didn't possess such resistance. Once the world was destroyed, everything would come to an end. Even if they used all their strength, they still wouldn't be able to resist it.    


It could even be said that when the aura was fully unleashed, they would feel the source energy within their bodies rapidly collapsing.    


The despairing aura was continuously circulating within the space. The energy it emitted was so oppressive that it was impossible for anyone to withstand it.    


At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant. The energy ripples that were emitted from his eyes had reached an unimaginable level.    


"No, I don't believe it. You have only used some unusual means."    


It seemed like Eboka couldn't accept it. He was roaring with his hoarse voice.    


However, Ye Feng couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. He wasn't even satisfied with his performance.    


"What a joke. The Cultivation Method that we cultivate in this era is different from yours. However, the fact that we can suppress you under such circumstances is enough to prove that you can't keep up with the development of the era and have become weak."    


Ye Feng's voice was still as calm as before. It could even be said that he had dispersed the Confusion Spirit Orb in his hand with a wave of his hand.    


"Of course, in order to convince you, I can give you some chances. As long as you can defeat me, I will let you go.    


This time, I won't use the Confusion Spirit Orb anymore. I would like to see what other excuses you have. "    


To Ye Feng, the Confusion Spirit Orb was the strongest technique he had at this moment. Once the Confusion Spirit Orb was completely unleashed, he wouldn't even be able to imagine how powerful it would be.    


However, the technique that Ye Feng possessed was not only the Confusion Spirit Orb. The powerful energy contained in the depths of the spatial zone was also boiling at this moment.    


Ibolka simply couldn't believe what Ye Feng said. At this moment, he unleashed his most powerful energy.    


The powerful aura that was beyond his imagination was circulating continuously at this moment, and it was emitting an unprecedented energy fluctuation.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in an instant, and the terrifying flame energy of the demonic path was spreading in all directions.    


In the next moment, Ye Feng took out a transparent Longsword from the void. It was the force of creation Wheel, and the Nirvana Fire was burning.    


The Good Fortune Divine Sword was shining with a brilliant light. The aura that it contained resonated with the entire world, and it also contained a power that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


When he truly felt the fluctuation of this power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


Facing the flames unleashed by Yi Boka, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. He swung his sword without any reservation.    


The sword light bloomed and ignited the Nirvana Fire, colliding with the opponent's aura.    


Two completely different types of flames were constantly crushing each other at this moment. The energy waves emitted from the aura had also reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, both parties' strength seemed to have reached the limit. The energy ripples that were emitted from both parties were also crazily expanding at this moment.    


However, a unique radiance once again emerged in Ye Feng's eyes. That extremely powerful aura was unleashed.    


Although the force of creation that Ye Feng condensed didn't have the power to destroy everything, the aura he released was enough to split the heavens and earth.    


The entire spatial zone was shaking along with it. The energy that was being emitted became extremely pure, as if it was going to cut the entire world in half.    


With the help of the powerful edge of the Good Fortune Divine Sword, at this moment, the aura that was beyond imagination began to expand.    


The power of the demonic path's flames was completely suppressed at this moment. The aura that was being emitted from it also collapsed at this moment.    


A brilliant sword light spread out and locked onto Ibolka's body at an extremely fast speed.    


That kind of unimaginable and terrifying sharp power erupted at this moment, as if it wanted to completely cut off his body.    


However, the moment the sword light fell, it dissipated like a spring breeze and did not cause any more damage.    


Ye Feng's expression was still as calm as before. The aura fluctuation that was emitted from his body had reached an extreme at this moment.    


"You are also suppressed by me with the same flame power. This proves that your strength is only so-so."    


Such words, no matter how much Ebolka heard, it was incomparably ear-piercing, as if he was going to completely trample his face under his feet.    


"No, I don't believe it. You are definitely lying to me."    


Ebolka was still furiously roaring, and the power he emitted was even stronger than before. It was as if he was going to completely destroy this space.    


"I'll give you one last chance. If you still don't cherish it, then you'll never have to appear again."    


Ye Feng lost his patience when he saw Eboka being so ignorant of the current situation. The aura in his body expanded at this moment.    


An extremely powerful force spread out at this moment, as if it wanted to suppress the entire world.    


The Saint magic spear once again appeared in Ye Feng's palm. The demonic path's power was simply unimaginably powerful.     0


When the power of the Saint Demon bloomed, the aura that it formed was unimaginably powerful.    


The Power of the Path of Demons that belonged to Ye Feng circulated at this moment, displaying an aura that ordinary people could not understand.    


At this moment, the holy flame started burning. The terrifying power that it emitted spread at an extremely fast speed, as if it was going to completely destroy the entire spatial zone.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds continuously sounded out as the energy it emitted became extremely terrifying, as if it was going to completely destroy the entire world.    


The extremely powerful attribute energy spread out in an instant, spreading at an extremely fast speed, forming an unprecedentedly terrifying aura.    


Sensing the powerful energy contained within the spatial zone, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became more and more unique.    


That kind of attribute power that exceeded the limit erupted at this moment, as if it was going to destroy the entire world at this moment.    


At this moment, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void was unimaginably powerful. Even after Yi Boka burnt all the aura in his body, he still couldn't do it.    


Relying on the power of the world's life and death, Ye Feng pushed the power of the Saint Devil to the extreme. That kind of destructive aura that exceeded the limit was enough to completely destroy the entire spatial zone.    


However, the demonic path and flame power that Eboka released could not bear such a terrifying energy.    


The powerful energy of the ancient era couldn't withstand the destructive waves in the void under this condition.    


At this moment, the aura that Eboka had gathered had completely collapsed, and no longer had any strength to resist.    


Sensing the changes in the aura, Ye Feng's expression was also calm, as if he didn't take the other party's threat to heart at all.    


The terrifying tip of the sword was pointed at the opponent's skull. The waves of destruction that gathered were spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


"Are you convinced?"    


This pressure contained extremely powerful destructive waves, and the energy that it emitted was extremely terrifying.    


Although Ibolka didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that any kind of power Ye Feng displayed was enough to kill him.    


The Power of the Heavens and the Earth contained in the world's life and death was not something that an ordinary person could resist.    


However, such an aura was simply not something that an ordinary person could resist. To any cultivator, it was an incomparably huge burden, and it might even cause their aura's source to collapse.    


The power contained within the world's life and death was something that could only be produced by burning the source energy. Any expert would attach great importance to it.    


However, Ye Feng was also very familiar with the control of this kind of power. He didn't take it to heart at all.    


Besides, he was different from ordinary people.    


Most of the original aura had been burnt during the destruction of the other people's natal worlds. Even if the attack was unleashed because of this, it would be enough to kill the opponent and damage the original energy of the opponent.    


However, Ye Feng was different. He possessed three of his original source worlds at the same time. Under the circulation of the aura... Su Duye's recovery rate was three times that of the others.    


Although the terrifying pressure would affect his body to a certain extent, it wasn't fatal.    


As long as the three worlds didn't tremble at the same time and release the power of life and death, Ye Feng would be able to recover this power in a short period of time.    


"What do you want?"    


This time, ibolka didn't insist. The aura in his body was also continuously released.    


Ye Feng said calmly, "I want your ancient cultivation method."    


When he heard this, yi Boka couldn't help but raise his head. He looked at Ye Feng in shock, as if he couldn't understand what Ye Feng was doing.    


"You, didn't you already surpass us? Why do you still want the ancient cultivation method?"    


Ye Feng didn't respond. He just slightly leaned forward the Saint magic spear in his hand and pointed the aura at his soul.    


The demonic path World was circulating the power of life and death at this moment. Once it erupted, it would be enough to destroy the entire spatial zone.    


Ye Feng's voice was also very calm. He said seriously, "It's not something you should decide. You just need to give me the cultivation method that you know."    


Facing Ye Feng's coercion, ibolka finally had no way to resist. He slowly extracted a portion of the aura from his soul and sent it to Ye Feng.    


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