Sky War God

C3807 A Surprise Attack by a Demon God

C3807 A Surprise Attack by a Demon God

4The moment the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor devoured Heavenly Venerate Haochen, Ye Feng had returned to his own life world.    


Boundless chaotic energy surged. The aura between the heavens and the earth had already reached an extremely terrifying level.    


The incomparably powerful origin power was constantly circulating at this moment. The aura that was being emitted had already become unusually pure.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was released at this moment.    


Ye Feng didn't care about this at all. His attention was completely focused on the green mass of light in the center of the world.    


Boundless space-time emerged within the mass of light. Between the heaven and earth, a powerful aura was rotating, as if it was going to completely evolve this world.    


It contained the purest source energy of Gu Qingtian.    


This aura was constantly circulating between the heavens and earth, and the energy ripples it emitted had reached an unprecedented level.    


10,000 Gu Qingtian's source power was sealed within this Ares-class by Heavenly Venerate Haochen. The aura contained within was not weaker than Heavenly Venerate Haochen's.    


However, wanting to refine this source divine artifact required a massive amount of time and energy. This was not something an ordinary person could do.    


Even if Ye Feng had already grasped Wan Gu Qingtian's origin power, he might not be able to do it.    


The aura in the spatial zone was circulating continuously, and the energy ripples it emitted became even purer.    


When he truly felt the changes in the aura, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant.    


The unique aura circulated at this moment, and the energy it emitted became extraordinarily powerful.    


At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes kept flickering. The aura that was gathered here had become unimaginably powerful.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out at this moment, and the ripples of the aura became even more terrifying.    


In this very short period of time, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually brilliant.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy circulated continuously, and the aura that was being emitted from the heavens and earth became even more powerful.    


That kind of extremely unique energy was constantly evolving in the void, and the aura that was being emitted was indescribably powerful.    


The power contained within this peerless Ares-class was beyond imagination, as if it was going to completely suppress everything.    


Even the chaotic origin energy unleashed by Ye Feng couldn't do anything to him. It could collapse at any time.    


The green mass of light spun and shattered into endless space and time. Every fragment contained a huge amount of origin force.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's expression became more and more solemn.    


The three incarnations had formed, and the aura that was being emitted had become even purer.    


Especially the Azure Sky Incarnation, it was controlling the source energy in its body and circulating it continuously at this moment.    


The source energy that belonged solely to Wan Gu Qingtian was being released at this moment, pulling the root of the Azure Sky Divine Weapon.    


This kind of unimaginable power was circulating continuously at this moment, forming an extremely huge Divine Rune Array.    


But even so, the power that Ye Feng exerted couldn't affect the root of the Azure Sky Divine Weapon.    


"As expected of the Origin Divine Tool refined by Heavenly Venerate Haochen. It's not that simple to refine this thing."    


Ye Feng was also constantly sighing with emotion. The aura in his body circulated, forming a massive power.    


At the same time, the power of his Holy Demon incarnation began to move.    


The terrifying power of the Saint Devil was released at this moment, and the destructive aura that was formed shook the heavens and the earth.    


In this very short period of time, the power of the Saint Devil kept circulating, and it had even reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, that extreme destructive power was constantly erupting. The fluctuations of the aura that it emitted had already reached an unprecedented level.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had already surpassed the limits of terror, and it even wanted to suppress everything.    


However, Ye Feng's expression was extremely calm.    


Such a terrifying chaotic origin force was constantly changing under his control. The aura that was being released had reached an unimaginable level.    


* Rumble * A terrifying vibration was produced. At this moment, the pressure that was released became unusually pure.    


At this moment, the energy fluctuation that was emitted from the world had broken through a certain boundary.    


At the same time, the despairing aura spread out in an instant.    


The Saint Devil Soul Formation condensed another Saint magic spear in his hand. The Power of the Heavens and the Earth contained within was also quite terrifying.    


At the core of the Saint magic spear, Ye Feng also continuously circulated the Power of Chaos and directly embedded the Confusion Spirit Orb into it.    


The violent power of chaos, combined with the purest demonic attribute in the world, was able to display a terrifying effect in a very short period of time.    


The terrifying aura of Destruction was circulating continuously at this moment, unleashing an indescribably terrifying power.    


At this moment, the extremely terrifying destructive power was evolving in the void.    


The power of chaos and the power of the Holy Demon intertwined, forming an extremely huge Dharma Image.    


It was an extremely tall and sturdy giant, with countless eyes growing on its body.    


And in each eye, there was an extremely strange demonic path creature.    


It was as if all the demonic path cultivators in the world had been reflected on Ye Feng's body and eyes.    


Such a strange and terrifying demonic path Dharma emerged in an instant, causing the aura in the world to reach an extreme.    




A terrifying vibration resounded in that instant. The aura that was emitted caused the destructive power to wreak havoc crazily.    


The demonic path's dharma idol stretched out its palm and slapped down on the Azure Sky Divine Weapon.    


That kind of power that exceeded the limit was circulating continuously at this moment. It was even emitting a kind of aura that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


It was also at this moment that the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually strong.    


The terrifying destructive power circulated, as if it wanted to completely destroy all the aura in this world.    


At this moment, an even stronger will burst out from the Azure Sky Divine Weapon. Boundless fragments of the world gathered together, forming a giant with a blurry face.    


"Azure Sky Dharma Idol!"    


Upon seeing this scene, a noun emerged in Ye Feng's mind.    


Before this... Previously, Heavenly Venerate Haochen had also displayed his trump card in order to defeat the rulers of the various supreme realms.    


The Dharma Idol was no different from the one in front of Ye Feng.    


The destructive aura formed by the massive force of ten thousand Gu Qingtian had reached an unprecedented level.    


The power of the attribute that had exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment. It was so powerful that no ordinary person could match it.    


* Hong Long...... * Terrifying rumbles echoed out in an instant, and the ripples of the aura became more and more shocking.    


That kind of extremely terrifying destructive power was unleashed at this moment, forming an extremely terrifying aura fluctuation.    


Two incomparably powerful Dharma Idols collided at this moment.    


A terrifying rumbling sound reverberated in the depths of the void, and it was filled with an incomparably terrifying destructive aura.    


It was as if this kind of power was unleashed, wanting to completely destroy Ye Feng's body and his natal world.    


Facing this kind of pressure, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


The Indestructible Spirit Light sparkled. He circulated the power of the law in the void and unleashed it into Qi Tian's incarnation.    


At the same time, the force of creation that Ye Feng had refined earlier exploded at this moment, and formed a power that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


The unique and powerful power of the Laws was unleashed at this moment, and incomparably thick divine chains of the Laws appeared one after another.    


At this moment, the energy that the azure sky dharma idol possessed was sealed off.    


Ye Feng was able to exert even greater strength in his own natal world, or it could even be said that he wanted to completely suppress this world.    


The azure sky dharma idol was too powerful to fight against a complete world, not to mention the nature of the chaotic world and the suppression of Confusion Spirit Orb.    


At this moment, a terrifying aura appeared in the void, and it seemed like it was going to completely suppress everything.    


At this moment, the energy ripples formed by the flickering light in Ye Feng's eyes had become exceptionally terrifying.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded in this instant, and it seemed as if it was going to completely destroy everything.    


Ye Feng's attitude was quite calm in the face of this aura fluctuation. The source within his body was also circulating continuously.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void was unimaginably powerful, and it seemed like it was going to devour everything.    


The source energy contained in the Azure Sky Divine Weapon was trembling continuously. It seemed like it was going to completely destroy everything.    


However, in the next moment, Ye Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed something in the void.    


A unique will emerged on the Azure Sky Divine Weapon, and it contained the purest source energy of the heavens and earth.    


It was the will of the Myriad Gu Qingtian that was born because of Ye Feng's influence.    


When this kind of power emerged, the entire spatial zone trembled continuously, and the aura that was emitted became even stronger.    


At this moment, the two unique wills resonated and drew closer to each other.    


As the ultimate evolution of the power of space and time, the powerful life forms that were nurtured were similar to the aura that both parties possessed.    


However, the two of them had already been suppressed by Heavenly Venerate Haochen's power and were unable to completely release them.    


Now that they had escaped Heavenly Venerate Vast Chen's control, the aura that the two of them possessed also continued to condense at this moment, even reaching an extreme.    


In that instant, Ye Feng also activated his own Samsara Law, wrapping around the souls of the two of them.    


These two wills didn't have the concept of souls, but under the influence of the Samsara Laws, they were separated from the boundary between life and death.    


The spirituality of the heaven and earth converged at this moment. The aura that Ye Feng released had become unimaginably powerful.    


The unique fluctuations of the aura were evolving. The two souls were also circulating in the void.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes kept blinking. The aura that he was releasing had reached an unimaginable level.    


* Hong Long...... * Terrifying rumbles reverberated wildly at this moment, and the fluctuation of the aura had reached an unprecedented level.    


At this moment, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void became extremely unique.    


It was as if there was some kind of powerful energy in the Super Dimensional Void that had detected it and descended at an extremely fast speed.    


However, such a change was meaningless to Ye Feng.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy circulated continuously, and the aura that was emitted from the depths of the void became even stronger.    


The unique attribute energy was circulating continuously between the heaven and earth, and the aura that was being emitted was indescribably powerful.    


At this moment, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void had become extremely terrifying, and it seemed as if it was going to devour this entire space.    


"Extinguish for me!"    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes shone with incomparable brilliance.    


The force that had yet to descend into his natal world exploded in the void and dissipated into the boundless world.    


Under the effect of the Reincarnation Law, the two wills overlapped and merged continuously, emitting a unique aura fluctuation.    


The force in the void rotated, and the two soul wills were also reincarnated in Ye Feng's natal world.    


From then on, there was no longer the will of the azure sky in the world, only two more chaotic creatures.    


Without the support of the most fundamental will, the Azure Sky Divine Weapon could no longer resist Ye Feng's power.    


In an instant, the source of the power had collapsed, and was now under Ye Feng's control.    


The Azure Sky Incarnation circulated its own source, absorbing the powerful aura between the heavens and earth, and even refining all of this.    


While Ye Feng was refining the Azure Sky Divine Weapon, the Torch Dragon Divine Ancestor had also undergone a transformation.    


After directly devouring Heavenly Venerate Vast Chen and obtaining the most powerful spatial power in the world, the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor's gains were definitely not small.    


The aura between the heavens and the earth constantly circulated. Wan Gu Qingtian's source energy also converged in the direction of the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor.    


Boundless time energy flowed at this moment as an even more powerful force descended from the void.    


At this moment, an illusory river illuminated the endless time and descended upon Wan Gu Qingtian.    


A unique energy fluctuation was unleashed at this moment, and the aura that was unleashed had reached a certain limit.    


At this moment, the power of time devoured the entire Wan Gu Qingtian, and completely melted the aura within.    


The living beings that belonged to Wan Gu Qingtian felt the same kind of violent aura, and their hearts were filled with incomparable fear.    


One should know that there was no room for compromise in the war between the supreme realms.    


Once the experts of both sides unleashed their powers, they would even destroy all living beings in this world.    


Now, Heavenly Venerate Haochen had been defeated.    


Sacred Ancestor Zhulong had used the river of time to refine Wan Gu Qingtian. Naturally, he would not give these people any chance of survival.    


However, at this moment, the Zhulong Divine Ancestor's voice echoed between the heavens and the earth.    


"I have obtained the power of time and space and gathered the natural source of the world. I don't have any thoughts about living beings like you.    


If you wish to leave this space, all you need to do is silently recite it in your heart.    


Of course, if there are some people who want to do so for Empyrean Vast Chen and for the sake of your former world, I don't mind giving up my last drop of blood."    


Facing such a wild and violent pressure, the aura emitted from the depths of the void became even more terrifying.    


The power unleashed by the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor had already reached an indescribable level.    


Once it was unleashed, the pressure it emitted would destroy everything in the world.    


However, not many of the lives in Wan Gu Qingtian were willing to fight to the last moment for this world.    


In that instant, the endless spiritual light disappeared in this world and was sent to the Super Dimensional Void by the Zhulong Divine Ancestor.    


These experts were all existences at the Sovereign God level, and they were able to resist the pressure of the Super Dimensional Void.    


No matter how useless it was, the means they possessed would fuse into the world at this moment, as well as find the sustenance of other worlds.    


After sending away all the living beings, Sacred Ancestor Zhulong would not care too much about those who still intended to resist.    


The power of time that exceeded his imagination swept down at this moment.    


The long river of time flowed and absorbed the quintessence energy of the world. At this moment, it displayed an aura fluctuation that ordinary people could not understand.    


The power that exceeded the limit of the attribute spread out at this moment, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was released at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything.    


It was also at this moment that the extremely powerful attribute power spread out at this moment.    


Under the control of the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor, the world's origin energy began to be constantly refined and fused into his origin energy bit by bit.    


This long river of time was not the purest in the world. It was also the river that contained the source of the laws.    


Instead, it was formed by the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor using his own nomological powers to constantly cultivate and transform.    


It could also be said that this long river of time was Sacred Ancestor Zhulong's intrinsic world.    


Now, Sacred Ancestor Zhulong had entrusted this long river of time to the world. It was also finding a substantive foundation for himself.    


Once he completely devoured Wan Gu Qingtian's own origin energy, it would endlessly expand. It could even allow this long river of time to replace the foundation of the Laws of Time in the Heaven and Earth.    


In this process, any fluctuation was extremely important. It was impossible for the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor to be affected in any way.    


At this critical moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, an extremely tiny force appeared in the void, displaying a terrifying power that ordinary people could not imagine.    


The terrifying aura descended at an extremely fast speed towards the spot where the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor was, as though it was trying to destroy his advancement.    


At this moment, the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor's eyes flickered as the aura fluctuations emitted became even more powerful.    


The black and white interweaving radiance had even reached an extremely obvious level, enough to completely affect the entire world.    




A terrifying vibration resounded at this instant. The aura that was being emitted had already become indescribably powerful.    


That kind of attribute power that had exceeded the limit was continuously evolving at this moment, and was being released at an extremely fast speed.    


At that instant, it was as if Sacred Ancestor Zhulong was in another space-time. The aura that he had gathered at that moment could not harm him at all.    


The power in space was also constantly erupting from it, and the aura was becoming extremely powerful.    


However, the power that constantly descended was also persistently circulating.    


An extremely strange sharp edge pierced through the void bit by bit as it ruthlessly descended upon the spot where the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor was.    


Once such a force landed on the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor's body, the destructive aura it emitted would instantly break through his defense.    


At this moment, the terrifying fluctuations of the aura constantly evolved into an unimaginable power.    


In an extremely short period of time, the energy fluctuations emitted from the depths of the void had become exceptionally terrifying.    


"It's all over."    


An extremely tiny voice echoed in the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor's ears.    


"Your plan is indeed perfect. The sudden attack is also a little unresponsive.    


Unfortunately, our strength is also not weak. As long as you take action, we will immediately respond.    


Heavenly Venerate Haochen's death also has our conniving.    


One. We naturally know how to make a choice between a heyday Supreme Giant and a Supreme Giant that has yet to be promoted.    


Therefore, it's impossible for you to break through successfully. You should just die now. "    


As he spoke, the terrifying aura had already landed on Sacred Ancestor Zhulong's body, as though it was about to devour all the energy in his body.    


However, before this energy could be completely unleashed, the fluctuation energy in the void had completely erupted.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed in the void.    


Although this terrifying power was erupting, it was unable to approach the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor. Instead, it was suppressed by a violent power.    


"Have you asked me if you want to break through this boundary?"    


As the voice sounded, a Thousand Hand Thousand Eye demonic path Dharma Idol appeared in the void.    


The figure of the Ancestor of All Fiends slowly appeared between the heavens and the earth. The power it emitted was so powerful that it was undefeatable.    


Ye Feng's eyes sparkled crazily when he felt such a destructive power.    


That kind of attribute energy that surpassed the limit bloomed at this moment and spread at an extremely fast speed.    


The terrifying aura that the Sacred Demon Dharma had erupted at this moment, and it even seemed as if it wanted to swallow all of this.    


The extreme circulation of the destructive power also caused the face of the supreme giant hidden in the void to turn ashen.    


No matter what, he would never have imagined that the Ancestor of All Fiends would appear here and display such a powerful strength.    


It was also at this moment that the aura that appeared in the depths of the void had already reached an unprecedented level.    


The terrifying destructive power circulated at this moment, and the energy ripples it emitted became increasingly savage.    


At this moment, the Origin aura between the heavens and the earth started circulating, and it had reached an unprecedented level.    


That unique and powerful attribute energy was unleashed at this moment.    


Facing Sacred Ancestor Zhulong, this supreme overlord still had thoughts of assassinating him.    


However, in front of the Ancestor of All Fiends, he did not have the courage to move at all.    


The difference in strength between the two of them was not on the same level. If he continued to act recklessly at this moment, the final outcome would only be death.    


The aura between the heavens and earth erupted. That figure was also flickering rapidly, wanting to escape this dangerous environment.    


"Come as you wish, leave as you wish. Have you asked me?"    


The Ancestor of All Fiends had a look of disdain on his face. The aura within his body was circulating to form a terrifying power.    


This sort of power that surpassed the limits of one's attributes was constantly circulating at this moment. The aura that was being gathered was also quite terrifying.    


In that instant, an incomparably brilliant radiance appeared between the heavens and the earth. The power of the Holy Fiend was constantly being released.    


That kind of extremely powerful source energy had completely expanded at this moment.    


The thousands of palms of the Holy Magic Image reached out at the same time, grabbing towards that figure.    


The two kinds of aura collided in the void, and the power that was emitted had already reached a terrifying level.    


That kind of aura kept colliding in the void, and the destructive power that exploded out had become unimaginable.    


At this moment, the fluctuation of the aura that was born in the depths of the void had reached an extreme.    


The destructive power that was beyond imagination spread out at this moment. The pressure that it formed was so strong that it could completely destroy the figure.    


Facing such a change in power, the expression of the Ancestor of All Fiends was quite calm. It was as if there was no effect at all.    


That incomparably huge Sacred Magic Image emitted a power that no one could understand. It wanted to completely destroy all of this.    


"You forced me to do this!"    


That figure was also furiously roaring. The aura that it released was so powerful that it could not be described with words.    


At this moment, there was a powerful fluctuation of origin energy in the depths of the void. The energy that was released had become extremely terrifying.    


"Master, leave this guy to me."    


Ye Feng's voice suddenly echoed between the heaven and earth. The aura that was released had become incomparably terrifying.    


At this moment, the energy fluctuation between the heaven and earth had broken through a certain boundary, and was about to completely destroy everything.    


It was at this moment that Ye Feng's eyes sparkled, and formed a power that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


Three great incarnations appeared at the same time, and they possessed extremely powerful aura.    


The strength of the three avatars were linked together, sealing the surrounding space.    


Even the mighty one in front of him couldn't break through Ye Feng's seal in a short period of time.    


Not to mention the fact that Ye Feng possessed the power of the azure sky at this moment.    


The time and space had already been manipulated by him, and the power that was emitted from it had become extraordinarily powerful.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds echoed out at this moment, and the aura that was being emitted had reached a very unique level.    


Chains of Order appeared in the void, and the pressure that was being emitted was also vibrating continuously.    


"Senior, please show yourself. Hiding in front of me will be a disgrace to your dignity."    


Ye Feng's expression was calm as he faced the figure that was still hiding his true appearance in the void.    


His words had a strong penetrating power. Once it was spread out, it would be a scandal.    


That unique power circulated between the heavens and the earth, and the aura that was emitted became even more violent.    


At this moment, the aura that circulated within the space had already reached an unprecedented level. It could even be said that it wanted to completely suppress all of this.    


A terrifying rumbling sound reverberated wildly at this moment. The aura that was being emitted had already reached an extremely powerful realm.    


"So it's Senior Demon God. We're really fated to meet."    


When Ye Feng saw the formation of the Demon God in front of him, his eyes shone with endless light.    


In particular, the Saint Devil Incarnation was emitting extremely violent aura. In his palm, a Saint magic spear, this Ares-class, appeared.    


When he was in the Nine Heavens Realm, the demon gods had already used their strength to bully the weak and attack Ye Feng.    


However, he was still affected by other forces at that time, allowing him to win.    


Now that he was facing the Demon God once again, the aura that Ye Feng had gathered wasn't any weaker than his opponent.    


It could even be said that when this force was fully unleashed, the entire space was trembling crazily.    


The expression of the Demon God in front of Ye Feng was extremely ugly. The aura that was being emitted from his body was continuously evolving at this moment.    


That kind of attribute energy was unleashed at this moment.    


At this moment, the Origin aura between the heavens and the earth was circulating continuously. The energy ripples that it emitted became even stronger.    


The unique aura was displayed at this moment. It seemed to have evolved into an endless life force that wanted to suppress all of this.    


Ye Feng's expression changed when he experienced such a change.    


The Demon God controlled the Myriad Demon Heavens, and he had witnessed the evolution of most of the life forms in this world.    


Although Ye Feng had yet to understand what the source of this kind of power was, it still had a huge impact on the experts in the void.    


At this moment, the aura that appeared in the depths of the void had become even more violent, as if it was going to suppress everything.    


A unique and powerful attribute energy was unleashed at this moment, and it spread at an extremely fast speed.    


The aura's fluctuation that was beyond imagination was released at this moment, and the energy it formed was already so powerful that it was no longer a match for it.    


At this moment, an extremely pure attribute energy spread out, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything.    


Spitting out the violent Spiritual Energy between the heavens and the earth, Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


"This is more interesting!"    


Ye Feng sighed as he stepped forward with his Saint Devil Incarnation, and the power he emitted became even stronger.    


That kind of attribute power that surpassed the limit spread out at this moment, and even displayed an extremely powerful destructive aura.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out at this moment.    


That kind of aura fluctuation that exceeded one's imagination collided at this moment. It directly destroyed the form that the Demon God had evolved into.    


The continuous collisions of the two aura caused a tremendous change in the origin energy between the heavens and the earth.    


Such a terrifying aura appeared at this moment. It was even about to completely suppress everything.    


Terrifying energy fluctuations had evolved at this moment, and it had even reached a realm that ordinary people could not understand.    


That destructive aura had been unleashed at this moment, and it had even formed a power that no one could understand.    


The Demon God's expression was somewhat ugly. With the help of the origin energy of the Myriad Demon Heavens, he had already formed an endless Demonic Beast form.    


However, this power wasn't endless. In just one exchange, a form had already been cut apart by the Saint Demon Avatar.    


If this continued, perhaps even the Demon God itself might not be able to resist such a power.    


It would be slowly worn down by the aura between the heavens and earth, and perhaps even disappear forever.    


This unique attribute energy was constantly circulating in the void.    


Terrifying energy fluctuations were emitted at this moment, and it even became extremely terrifying.    


"Little thing, you are indeed powerful enough, but this is not a scene you can participate in.    


A battle between supreme authorities is not as simple as a child's play. If you dare to interfere, you will die because of it. "    


The warning of the Demon God was also bloody, as if it wanted to kill Ye Feng in an instant.    


However, Ye Feng's attitude was even calmer. He said slowly, "I have already killed you once."    


However, this sentence made the demon god's face turn ashen. The aura in its body was also unleashed without any reservation.    


That kind of attribute power that exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, as if it was going to destroy everything.    


In just an instant, hundreds and thousands of Demonic Beast began to be released. Each and every one of them possessed a terrifying strength.    


These figures were all meticulously cultivated by Fey Gods. Each and every one of them had a cultivation base at the peak of the Sovereign God Realm.    


There were even some who possessed the combat strength of a supreme overlord. It was not something that an ordinary person could bear.    


However, to Ye Feng, such an enemy was utterly meaningless.    


The Azure Sky Incarnation circulated its own strength and sealed the surrounding with the power of time and space.    


The unique fluctuations of the aura circulated, and the power it emitted became even stronger.    


At the same time, the Clearsky Avatar also unleashed a powerful technique, and the power within its body spread out layer by layer.    


Boundless Divine Chains of Order wove together at this moment, forming an incomparably huge formation that was powerful enough to suppress this entire space.    


The superposition of these two powers directly sealed off the battlefield, making it impossible for the Demonic Beast to escape.    


As for the Saint Devil Incarnation, it directly evolved its own Demon God Dharma Idol. The incomparably strange power of the demonic path spread out in an instant, even wanting to completely destroy everything.    


The destructive power spread between the heavens and the earth, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this space.    


Feeling such pressure, Ye Feng's eyes kept blinking.    


Every time the Saint Devil Incarnation used its power, it would kill a Demonic Beast.    


The aura in the space became even crazier, as if it wanted to destroy everything.    


"You're courting death! You're simply courting death!"    


The terrifying aura was unleashed at this instant. The pressure it formed had already reached an extremely shocking level.    


The fury in the heart of the Demon God could no longer be described with words. The pressure it emitted pierced through the void and covered Ye Feng.    


At this moment, the aura that had gathered in the depths of the void had become incomparably terrifying.    


That kind of energy that exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, and it erupted at an extremely fast speed.    


However, Ye Feng's expression became even calmer, and the aura that was being emitted became incomparably terrifying.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded at this moment.    


That kind of power that made people despair spread out at this moment, reaching an undefeatable level.    


In an extremely short period of time, the aura that was emitted from the heavens and the earth had broken through some kind of boundary, and was about to destroy everything.    


The fluctuation of the aura that Ye Feng had gathered had been released at this moment, and it had even reached an unimaginable level.    


The Demonic Beast that the Demon God had unleashed was continuously killed under Ye Feng's pressure, and there was no chance for them to resist.    


Every time they collided, Ye Feng would destroy the body of the Demon God time and time again, crushing or even completely shattering it.    


Such a terrifying aura erupted time and time again, causing the Demon God to feel even more furious.    


He was a supreme overlord, the true ruler of the Ten Thousand Fey Heavens. The strength he possessed was extremely terrifying.    


And he had never been bullied like this before. The aura in his body was unable to circulate at all.    


That kind of terrifying power was constantly circulating and changing between the heavens and the earth. It was even emitting a kind of aura that made people despair.    


A terrifying rumbling sound erupted at this moment, and it seemed as if it was going to completely destroy everything.    


That extremely terrifying destructive power was condensed at this instant.    


At this moment, every incarnation of the Demon God was approaching madness, and they were emitting a blood red glow.    


"You forced me to do this. Since that's the case, let's perish together."    


When he heard the Demon God say these words, the aura in the space began to vibrate continuously, as if it could collapse at any moment.    


In that instant, the incomparably powerful destructive power was unleashed, as though it was going to devour the entire world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound rang out in that instant. A power that ordinary people could not comprehend wildly erupted between the heavens and earth.    


It was also at this moment that Ye Feng felt a familiar aura.    


It was this kind of extremely pure and terrifying power that was wreaking havoc in the world.    


That kind of power surrounded Ye Feng's body, and there was even a kind of aura circulating around him.    


At this moment, Ye Feng also heard an extremely subtle whisper.     1


That kind of terrifying mumbling made Ye Feng's mind unstable. It even said that a strange aura was being emitted from his body.    


In this very short period of time, the power that was emitted from the depths of the spatial zone had broken through a certain boundary.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard at this moment, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything.    


That kind of terrifying aura was constantly circulating between the heavens and the earth, and the power it was emitting had reached an incomparably shocking level.    


"Chaotic Will!"    


Ye Feng woke up the moment he sensed this strange fluctuation.    


However, the words that kept echoing in his ears made it impossible for him to resist this kind of power.    


The only way to resist this kind of pure and terrifying power was to use the purest spiritual force in the chaotic world.    


"Bastard, how did this guy communicate with the chaosworld?    


If such power were to spread out, this world would probably be destroyed as well "    


Ye Feng was the clearest about what kind of force was contained within this strange chaotic force.    


If he allowed this aura to continue erupting, he was afraid that this entire world would be completely destroyed along with it.    


At this moment, the ripples of the aura that was emitted from the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable level.    


There was only one way to suppress the chaotic will.    


Ye Feng returned to the Chaotic World and borrowed the purest spiritual force to suppress the chaotic will.    


Otherwise, all living beings in the Super Dimensional Void would be affected by the chaotic will and turn into an indescribable monster.    


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