Sky War God

C3732 Fairy Brahma

C3732 Fairy Brahma

1The chaotic origin energy was boiling, and the aura that was being emitted had become unusually pure.    


Ye Feng's strength was naturally beyond imagination. At this moment, the strength that he had gathered had already reached an extremely powerful level.    


The energy that had exceeded the limit was condensed at this moment. The energy it emitted had also reached an unprecedented level.    


It was as if his body had already become an incomparably huge black hole, and the energy it emitted was enough to completely engulf this entire space.    


The extremely terrifying aura was unleashed from his body, and the destructive power that was formed became unusually powerful.    


When he truly felt this pressure, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually brilliant.    


Everyone present was also shocked by the aura that Ye Feng had unleashed. The source energy in their bodies... * Hong Long...... *    


That kind of extremely powerful destructive aura spread out in an instant, as if it wanted to completely obliterate everything in this world.    


All kinds of power of law converged at Ye Feng's position at an extremely fast speed, as if it wanted to completely destroy his body.    


Faced with such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng's expression didn't change at all. The source energy in his body began circulating continuously.    


At that moment, Ye Feng took a step forward and unleashed the aura in his body.    


The terrifying suppressive force was as if it was going to destroy the entire world.    


Rumble! Terrifying rumbling resounded at this instant, and it even formed an unprecedented unique force.    


In an instant, Ye Feng had already gathered all of his attributes, forming an incomparably huge palm print of destruction in the void. * Hong Long...... *    


This destructive palm print blotted out the sky and covered the sun. The aura contained within it had already reached an unimaginable level.    


The destructive power that had exceeded the limit erupted at this moment, as if it was going to devour the entire world.    


Meng Meng's terrifying vibration resounded at this instant. The unique power that it formed even caused one's soul to tremble.    


"That's impossible. What cultivation base is he at? How can he control such a terrifying power?"    


Someone exclaimed in shock, as if he couldn't believe that Ye Feng actually possessed such formidable strength.    


No matter what their mentality was, the strength in their bodies had been completely suppressed by Ye Feng.    


The Law aura between the heavens and earth became abnormally powerful in an instant, as if it wanted to completely take over their bodies.    


As he felt this aura, everyone present also released their own strength without holding anything back.    


In fact, it could even be said that the aura in their life's world had bloomed at this moment.    


A kind of attribute power that surpassed the limit spread out at this moment. The destructive aura that was formed was simply unimaginably powerful.    


All sorts of Origin Source Laws. In addition to the Origin energy contained within his life's world, the attack that was formed from burning at this moment was unimaginably powerful.    


At this moment, the energy gathered in the depths of the void had completely bloomed and formed the destructive power. It had also reached an unprecedented realm.    


The energy that had exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy the entire world.    


The power of both sides collided at this moment. A terrifying rumbling sound simply surpassed the extreme terror.    


At that instant, the power that was emitted from the depths of the rift had reached an undefeatable level, and the energy ripples it gave off were extremely pure.    


A powerful force that surpassed one's imagination was unleashed at that instant, as if it was going to completely destroy everything in the world.    


Such a terrifying attribute energy was completely unleashed at this moment, causing the aura in the surrounding space to be unleashed at an extremely fast speed.    


That kind of extremely powerful energy that surpassed the limit spread out at this moment, and the energy ripples that it formed became extremely powerful.    


"It's useless. This bit of energy that you all possess is simply not enough to contend against me.    


Since you have come to provoke me, and even want to seize my things, you must pay the price. "    


As he spoke, Ye Feng had once again mobilized his strength and ruthlessly crushed those people.    


"Do you know who we are? If you attack us now, you will have to pay a huge price."    


Someone said. The threat was obvious, as if they wanted to completely suppress Ye Feng to death.    


Faced with such a threat, Ye Feng's expression didn't change at all. The Origin aura in his body bloomed at this moment.    


Terrifying rumbles reverberated continuously at this moment. The energy that was being emitted had become extremely terrifying.    


At this moment, the destructive power that was contained in the heavens and earth had reached an unprecedented level. The energy that was being emitted had also reached an unimaginable level.    


The circulation of the chaotic origin force had also integrated into Ye Feng's instinct. Every movement of his would emit a terrifying pressure.    


The energy unleashed by the aura of Destruction had reached an unimaginable level.    


That unique and terrifying energy had reached an unprecedented level, and it was enough to completely suppress the entire world.    


"How dare you attack us? Do you know what kind of crime this is?    


Pay attention to our identities. If the faction behind us wants to kill a puny Heavenly God like you, it will be too easy.    


Hurry up and stop. Kneel down and beg us for mercy. Perhaps we can spare your life. "    


Upon hearing these words, Ye Feng was so angry that he burst into laughter. The aura in his body was unleashed without any restraint.    


An incomparably terrifying destructive power was unleashed at this moment, causing everything in the surrounding space to distort rapidly.    


"Don't you understand the principle of the strong preying on the weak? Now that I have already fallen into my hands, you still dare to be so arrogant?"    


Hearing these words, Ye Feng couldn't help but sneer and said, "Although your status is noble and respected, what does that have to do with me?    


Your strength is inferior to mine now, and you won't be able to use your means to completely control the murder. So, you will have to pay the price for this. "    


In an instant, Ye Feng once again unleashed an incomparably terrifying pressure, crushing towards the bodies of everyone present.    


A terrifying rumbling sound reverberated in the void, and the aura's fluctuation was even more terrifying.    


A destructive power like this descended onto the body of the expert who had just spoken.    


That expert thought that the strength of the expert wasn't too bad, and was even ranked amongst the top amongst the Sovereign Lords.    


In front of Ye Feng, there was simply no way for him to unleash such a terrifying power. Let alone fleeing, he wouldn't even be able to make a final cry or threat.    


An extremely powerful attribute of energy was unleashed at this moment, and it was extremely powerful.    


An incomparably powerful chaotic source energy spread out in the void. The aura it released had reached an unprecedented level.    


That expert was devoured by the energy that Ye Feng had unleashed. Everything in his body would be completely destroyed by the chaotic force.    


Such a performance shocked everyone on the scene, and they even felt an unprecedented fear.    


The aura unleashed by the collision of extremely powerful attributes had already reached a terrifying level.    


At this moment, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void had become extremely terrifying.    


The experts present were also affected by the aura unleashed by Ye Feng, causing the power in their bodies to be greatly affected.    


It was also at this moment that the aura that was unleashed from the depths of the void had broken through to an extreme state.    


That kind of unimaginable power spread out at this moment. It erupted at an extremely fast speed.    


When he truly felt this aura, the brilliance in his eyes became even more brilliant.    


Although he did not have a good impression of these so-called experts, the strength in his body was still affected to a certain extent.    


They were frantically mobilizing Origin Power, forming an incomparably chaotic mass of energy in the void.    


Once this terrifying energy erupted, even with Ye Feng's chaotic source energy, he wouldn't be able to resist it.    


Furthermore, these guys were different from the Void Wanderers.    


The Void Wanderers had a certain degree of control over the energy released from the depths of the spatial zone.    


Although they were born with a certain degree of destructive intent, the most important thing was to absorb the origin energy of the world.    


Currently, these guys were using all their strength not to defeat Ye Feng, but to completely destroy the world behind him.    


When Ye Feng felt this kind of power, the aura in his body was also vibrating.    


The energy that was being emitted became even more terrifying.    




Ye Feng furiously roared. The aura in his body also expanded at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


In an instant, the energy unleashed by both parties collided violently. The energy ripples were beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It spread at an extremely fast speed.    


Sensing this aura, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void had become extremely terrifying.    


That kind of attribute power that surpassed the limit... It was spreading at an extremely fast speed, as if it was going to devour the entire world in the shortest amount of time.    


A terrifying rumbling sound rang out in that instant, and the energy ripples formed had already reached an incomparably terrifying level.    


At that instant, the energy that was being emitted from the depths of the rift was fully unleashed.    


In this extremely short period of time, the Origin aura that was being emitted from the heavens and earth had already reached an unimaginable level.    


Ye Feng kept unleashing the power of the seals in his hands. The chaotic energy that was unleashed had also reached a terrifying state.    


That kind of energy fluctuation that was beyond the limit kept circulating in the spatial zone, spreading out at the fastest speed.    


In the next moment, the two terrifying aura collided with each other.    


The extremely powerful attribute energy even wanted to completely destroy the other party in an instant.    


"Since you don't want us to have a good time, don't even think about keeping the Heaven Realm fragment that you just obtained.    


Let me tell you something that will completely explode out with us. It will be enough to destroy everything around this space.    


The chain of explosions created can even completely destroy this void world.    


Although your heaven realm has a unique energy fluctuation, it even has its own energy circulation.    


However, it's impossible to resist such an attack. Just die with us."    


Among the crowd, among the people present, someone roared in anger. He immediately brought along those terrifying destructive power and unleashed an even stronger force into the depths of the spatial zone.    


When he truly felt this aura, Ye Feng's expression became incomparably solemn. The source energy in his body was circulating rapidly.    


It was at this moment that a terrifying rumbling sound echoed out from the void.    


This kind of energy that exceeded the limit seemed to want to completely suppress this entire world.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy was circulating. The power of the seal that Ye Feng casted... * Hong Long...... *    


Specks of chaotic light spread across the spatial zone. The energy ripples emitted from it seemed as if it wanted to cover the entire spatial zone.    


In a very short period of time, the energy emitted from the depths of the void had reached an extremely pure level.    


The terrifying destructive fluctuations collided wildly at this moment. The energy that was released had already reached an unimaginable level.    


The chaotic origin energy that was released from the void had also reached an extremely powerful level.    


A chaotic glow spread out in the void, as if it wanted to engulf the entire world.    


The extremely powerful elemental force was even more terrifying when it was released at this moment.    


At this moment, the destructive aura that filled the depths of the void was unimaginably powerful.    


The power of both parties collided, immediately producing a terrifying rumbling sound.    


At this moment, a brilliant light emerged in Ye Feng's eyes, as if it was going to cover the entire world.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy spread out at this moment, and the ripples of the aura had become incomparably pure.    


Faced with such a terrifying impact, Ye Feng's expression became cautious. Some of the Origin aura in his body kept circulating.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy spread out and formed an incomparably huge barrier. Not only did it defend against the terrifying destructive impact, it also protected the Heaven Realm behind him.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could feel that his strength had been greatly suppressed.    


The terrifying force in the depths of the spatial zone had also brought a tremendous impact to his body.    


* Hong Long...... * Terrifying rumbles resounded at this moment, and the energy that was released became exceptionally terrifying.    


An incomparably terrifying aura spread out at this instant. It seemed as though it wanted to completely destroy the entire world.    


The destructive force covered Ye Feng's body and spread out in a very short period of time, causing him to suffer a serious injury.    


The destructive power filled the air, and the energy ripples emitted from the depths of the void had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had reached an unprecedented level. The energy that had exceeded the limit had become unusually pure.    




The destructive force covered Ye Feng's body in that instant, and the impact it created became extremely terrifying.    


Squatting in that instant, Ye Feng felt as if all his internal organs had been struck by a destructive blow, directly evaporating from his body.    


All the bones in his body had been crushed by this terrifying force, and the ripples of the aura in his body had been completely suppressed at this moment.    


However, Ye Feng didn't feel any fear when faced with such a terrifying force. Instead, he was constantly circulating the powerful energy in his body.    


In just an instant, the Chaotic Origin Energy had completely erupted. This body of his shattered and turned into specks of starlight.    


After that, an even more terrifying Chaotic Energy emerged from Ye Feng's body. The energy that it was emitting had reached an unprecedented level.    


At this moment, the energy ripples that were emitted from the depths of the void had broken through a certain realm.    


Those terrifying destructive power were swallowed by the Confusion Spirit Orb, turning into pure chaotic origin energy that covered Ye Feng's will.    


At Ye Feng's level, his body was no longer as important. Once his body suffered a destructive blow, he could totally abandon it and search for a new body.    


Of course, he didn't need to do such a thing. He only needed to use his own origin power to change anything.    


The energy ripples released by the terrifying aura had reached an unprecedented level.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy spread out at this moment, expanding at an extremely fast speed.    


When they truly felt this aura, the expressions of everyone present became incomparably shocked.    


Just now, all of them had gathered their most terrifying techniques, completely sealing off the energy of the entire spatial zone.    


The destructive power that erupted at this moment was simply unimaginably powerful. It was not something that an ordinary person could withstand.    


Even the strongest experts of the Sovereign realm would be injured by such a terrifying attack. In fact, they might even lose a portion of their cultivation base because of this.    


But right now, Ye Feng was only circulating his body casually. This kind of power had already completely refined and absorbed that terrifying pressure.    


An extremely powerful destructive power spread out in an instant. It was an extremely fast speed, causing the surrounding space to distort along with it.    


After the destruction, the chaotic origin energy surged, and an even more powerful force emerged in the void.    


At this moment, an incomparably powerful aura of destruction spread out, as if it was going to devour everything in this world.    


When they truly felt this kind of power, it was already too late for them to be shocked. They could only watch helplessly as Ye Feng walked out of the chaotic scene.    


"So, this is all you have."    


As if dissatisfied with the power of these people, Ye Feng's eyes lit up even more.    


An extremely powerful destructive power was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely obliterate everything in this world.    


The destructive power that had exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment. It was as if it wanted to completely destroy all the aura in this world.    


When he truly felt this kind of energy, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.    


Countless destructive power exploded at this moment, as if they wanted to completely suppress this entire world.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy was boiling at this moment. The aura ripples that it emitted had reached its peak state.    


At this moment, Ye Feng finally spoke, "If you don't have any other means, then you can stay here forever."    


The terrifying aura burst out from Ye Feng's body. The energy waves it released had reached a terrifying level.    


At this moment, the energy that was emitted from the world had broken through a certain boundary, as if it was going to devour the entire world.    


A terrifying power with terrifying attributes spread out at that instant, and was unleashed toward the experts.    


However, a bright radiance suddenly bloomed from the depths of the void, as if it could purify all the filth in the world.    


Spots of holy light bloomed in the space, and the aura that was emitted was incomparably holy.    


After that, the starlight once again converged into white lotus flowers. The energy that bloomed in the void completely blocked the destructive power unleashed by Ye Feng.    


When he felt this energy, Ye Feng's expression turned slightly ugly. The aura in his body bloomed once again.    


Although the strength of this energy wasn't very high, the energy it was emitting had suppressed his attack.    


"Who is it?"    


Ye Feng let out a furious roar at this moment. The aura in his body burst out, causing the surrounding space to tremble crazily.    


The aura spread out in all directions, causing the surrounding space to become unstable.    


The power of the void spread out like a tidal wave. That unique and powerful destructive aura spread out in an instant.    


When they truly felt this terrifying power, the energy contained within the entire space began to vibrate crazily.    


The light barrier formed by the sacred white lotus was also swaying under this power, as if it could break at any moment.    


Ye Feng's expression became even more cautious when he sensed this aura. The source energy in his body... It erupted at an extremely fast speed.    


"Sir, there's no need for you to be so angry. This is just a small matter. Do you really have to achieve what you have today?"    


The white lotus flowers once again bloomed in the depths of the space. The aura that was being emitted became even purer.    


At the same time, a gentle and sweet voice sounded within the space.    


It was as if it had crossed an endless distance and echoed in Ye Feng's ears.    


"It's Fairy Brahma."    


Suddenly, someone cried out in alarm. His face flushed red as well, as if he was looking forward to something.    


An extremely pure aura bloomed in the space.    


Ye Feng could also feel the pure faith contained within the pure lotus flowers, as if it was the gathering of all kindness and beauty in the world.    


It was just a slight contact with this kind of power that made Ye Feng feel as if the power in his body had been completely purified.    


He was afraid that it wouldn't take long before the source energy in his body would undergo a huge transformation and reach a purer state.    


However, in the next moment, Ye Feng had already circulated the source energy in his body, completely blocking the aura.    


At that moment, Ye Feng's eyes were flickering with an incomparably dangerous light, as if he could rip his opponent apart at any moment.    


Indeed, the holy light contained an extremely powerful purifying force that could refine all the impurities in the world.    


But at the same time, when such a power spread out, the aura that was being emitted by the entire world would be completely purified.    


If Ye Feng used this force to purify his own attribute, it would be like opening a backdoor in his body.    


Once a conflict occurred in his realm in the future, Ye Feng was afraid that he wouldn't even have the chance to resist and would be directly suppressed by the opponent.    


Facing such an enemy, Ye Feng naturally wouldn't let it go so easily. The aura in his body burst out at an extremely fast speed.    


A terrifying rumbling sound instantly resounded in this place, and the energy it released became extremely terrifying.    


"It's quite easy to say. Why didn't they say such words when they wanted to kill me?"    


Ye Feng didn't have any favorable impression of that guy in the void. He unleashed the strongest power in his body. * Hong Long...... *    


Chaotic origin energy was unleashed in the spatial zone. The destructive aura that was formed had completely ripped the spatial zone apart.    


At this moment, the terrifying power unleashed by the countless destructive aura had also reached an unprecedented level.    


At the same time, Ye Feng's eyes lit up, locking onto a spot in the spatial zone.    


How powerful was the spatial law that the opponent had mastered? It was the Comprehension that the Seven Slaughter Devil Sovereign had brought with him.    


Although the spatial law that Ye Feng had mastered at this moment was less than 1% of the Seven Slaughter Devil Sovereign's, such a realm was not something an ordinary person could achieve.    


At this moment, an incomparably huge apocalyptic storm was rolled up in the depths of the void. The energy it emitted had reached an unprecedented level.    


In the depths of the void, holy white lotuses were blossoming, as if they were going to purify the world.    


In the next moment, the unparalleled expert could no longer withstand the pressure and had no choice but to escape from the space.    


The spatial law that Ye Feng had mastered had also exceeded the limits of terror. It was not something that the expert could resist.    


At this moment, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void had become unusually terrifying.    


Such a terrifying aura was enough to destroy the entire world in the void.    


At this moment, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void had become incomparably powerful.    


That kind of power that surpassed the limit spread out at that instant, as if it wanted to completely suppress and refine the entire world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded at this instant. There was even an unprecedented energy fluctuation spreading out at this moment.    


In an instant, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void had become exceptionally powerful, as if the entire world was about to be completely suppressed.    


Only when he truly felt this energy did Ye Feng realize the extent of his own strength.    


Ye Feng didn't have any good expression on his face when he saw his opponent appear. He just unleashed the aura in his body and pushed it towards his opponent.    


"Sir, why are you being so aggressive? I just don't like the battle between you two. I just want to mediate."    


Fairy Fan stood in the void. White lotus flowers were blooming around her, and the aura that she was releasing was becoming purer and purer.    


When Ye Feng sensed this power, the radiance in his eyes became incomparably brilliant, and the aura he released became extraordinarily pure.     0


In just an instant, that unique and terrifying aura expanded.    


In an extremely short period of time, the energy ripples that were released from the crazy combustion had already reached an extremely powerful stage.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded at this instant. The energy ripples that were released seemed to want to completely swallow this entire stretch of heaven and earth.    


That kind of unimaginable powerful force was unleashed at this moment. It was sufficient to completely destroy this stretch of the world.    


When he truly felt this aura, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter. It was as if the energy in his body had become exceptionally terrifying.    


"Mediation? What mediation is there? If they want to kill me, they will have to pay the price of death. That's all.    


Instead, you... Who do you think you are to interfere in my matters?"    


Ye Feng's attitude was also quite nasty. He wasn't a person who would show compassion to the so-called Brahma Fairy.    


If this guy insisted on becoming his enemy, Ye Feng wouldn't hold back at all. He would kill him in the shortest time possible.    


Upon hearing Ye Feng's words, fairy Fan furrowed her brows slightly, seemingly dissatisfied with Ye Feng's attitude.    


However, before she could say anything... There's already someone roaring in the depths of space.    


"How dare you speak to Fairy Fan in such a manner? Don't tell me you want to die?"    


A group of people walked out from the void. The aura on their bodies was extremely terrifying, as if they wanted to completely suppress the entire world.    


The aura that was unleashed by the terrifying energy that permeated the world had already reached an unimaginable realm.    


When this energy was fully unleashed, the energy that had exceeded the limits of all attributes had also reached an unimaginable realm. It was released at an extremely fast speed.    


A terrifying rumbling sound instantly resounded. The energy ripples that formed had already reached an extremely dangerous stage.    


At this moment, the powerful energy ripples circulating between the heavens and the earth had already broken through a certain boundary, as if they were going to completely devour this part of the world.    


"Fairy Brahma is a great scenery of the Super Dimensional Void. The talent and talent she possesses is not something that a country bumpkin like you can care about at all.    


Apologize for your rude words immediately. We can also forgive you on behalf of Fairy Brahma for once.    


If you still don't repent, The only thing we can do is to completely suppress you under the Netherworld and never be able to turn the tables."    


Upon hearing these words, Ye Feng's expression became rather strange. The aura in his body bloomed without any reservation.    


That kind of unimaginable power spread out in an instant, as if it wanted to completely obliterate everything in this world.    


A unique and terrifying Chaos Origin Energy was unleashed, causing the space around it to be filled with a unique pressure.    


Ye Feng looked at those guys with a cold gaze and said coldly, "Ignorant bastards."    


As if he was in no mood to waste any more time with these people, a brilliant light emerged in Ye Feng's eyes.    


After that, it was as if Ye Feng was shuttling through space, unleashing his most powerful technique.    


Chaotic origin force bloomed, turning into stars that filled the sky, spreading across the void.    


The terrifying aura spread out at this moment, as if it was going to destroy everything in this world.    


"Go to hell!"    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng unleashed those destructive stars, as if he was going to crush those experts to death.    




Ye Feng's actions seemed to have completely infuriated Fairy Brahma. Her body was emitting incomparably brilliant and holy light.    


At this moment, the aura between the heavens and the earth bloomed, and the energy ripples formed by it blocked Ye Feng's attack.    


The number of destructive stars that Ye Feng had created was innumerable. The terrifying aura that was unleashed had reached a point where it could no longer advance.    


However, that Brahma Fairy was also controlling the source energy of the heaven and earth, completely blocking the aura that Ye Feng had unleashed.    


When he truly felt this kind of energy, a brilliant light emerged in Ye Feng's eyes.    


That kind of unimaginable power spread out at this moment, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything.    


A unique and terrifying aura was unleashed at this moment.    


In front of every destroyed star, a pure lotus flower bloomed, blocking the terrifying power.    


Ye Feng had never thought that this Brahma Fairy had such a terrifying force. She was able to completely block all the attacks unleashed by him.    


However, this didn't make Ye Feng feel discouraged. The energy in his body was unleashed at a rapid speed.    


The destructive force that surpassed the limit spread out in an instant, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded at this instant. The energy that was released had already become incomparably dangerous.    


In an instant, an extremely terrifying attribute energy burst out from the void, as if it was going to devour the entire world.    


"Sir, what you've done is too much. I can't allow it.    


I will immediately stop and apologize to these Friends. I can let bygones be bygones and even speak up for you.    


But if you continue to be so stubborn, I can only teach you a good lesson in their place. "    


When he heard the other party's words, Ye Feng revealed a disdainful expression. He even said that he didn't take such words to heart.    


"What a real joke."    


Ye Feng's eyes became colder and colder. The aura that was being emitted had reached an extreme.    


"You think you are worthy of making me lower my head? Who do you think you are?    


They might be able to call you fairy, but it has nothing to do with me.    


If you dare to stand in front of me, don't blame me for killing you! "    


Just as Ye Feng said this, a towering killing intent burst out, as if it was going to devour the entire world.    


When they felt the sharp killing intent coming from Ye Feng's body, the expressions of everyone present were incomparably shocked. They couldn't even imagine that Ye Feng had such a terrifying energy.    


* Hong Long...... * Terrifying rumbles resounded in an instant. The energy ripples that were emitted had reached an incomparably dangerous level.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the heavens and the earth had become extremely terrifying.    


The destructive power that had surpassed the limit instantly expanded and spread out at the fastest speed.    


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