Sky War God

C3712 Suppress Everything

C3712 Suppress Everything

1An incomparably terrifying aura erupted at this moment, causing the surrounding space to tremble.    


The terrifying aura that was beyond one's imagination was unleashed from Ye Feng's body, causing the surrounding aura to become incomparably dangerous.    


At this moment, the ripples of the aura that erupted from the depths of the void became incomparably terrifying.    


The Devouring Power that was beyond imagination enveloped everything around the peak body, and it even wanted to devour the source energy of the spatial zone.    


Facing such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng didn't feel any fear. Instead, he kept circulating the attribute energy in his body.    


At this moment, the terrifying devouring aura spread across the void. The ripples of the aura had reached an unprecedented level.    


The energy waves of destruction that exceeded the limit spread out in an instant, even causing the surrounding space to distort.    


When they felt this kind of power, the expressions of everyone present also changed.    


"Are you crazy?"    


The Ninth Elder was also shocked by Ye Feng's technique.    


The Devouring Power that was beyond his imagination was many times stronger than before, and the energy waves emitted from it had reached an incomparably dangerous realm.    


Once such a terrifying aura was unleashed, it would even completely suppress everything in the surrounding space.    


That kind of attribute strength that exceeded the limit frantically expanded at this moment. It even wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound crazily reverberated at this moment. Two completely different but equally terrifying Devouring Power spread out in an instant.    


When they truly felt the aura that was being emitted from it, the expressions of everyone present were filled with incomparable fear. They couldn't even imagine how the other party was able to unleash such a terrifying technique.    


Regarding the understanding of the Comprehension, the power that Ye Feng had unleashed was already quite terrifying.    


That kind of attribute energy that was beyond imagination was spreading crazily at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy this part of the world.    


An incomparably huge Heaven Devouring Toad appeared around Ye Feng's body. Its body was emitting a terrifying poison of devouring, as if it could completely corrode a person's soul.    


"Eleven, you are crazy!"    


At this moment, he could feel the power that Ye Feng was emitting. The faces of the Elder who was present turned extremely ugly.    


The terrifying aura of destruction was instantly enchanted, and it even said that it wanted to completely suppress and refine this entire world.    


The Devouring Power that exceeded one's imagination quickly condensed in the void, forming terrifying palm prints of destruction one after another.    


The powerful devouring aura erupted in the void to prevent corrosion, as if it was going to completely suppress everything.    


"Now, I'll give up everything you have and withdraw all of my power. We won't pursue this matter any further.    


No matter what the reason is, it's impossible for you to release such a terrifying power in the sect.    


Could it be that you want to completely destroy our Demonic Sect? "    


Ninth Elder roared furiously. The aura in his body spread out without any reservation, forming an incomparably huge barrier.    


When he unleashed his attack to suppress Ye Feng, ninth Elder did his best. He exerted all of his strength in an attempt to completely suppress the aura in Ye Feng's body in the shortest amount of time possible.    


An unimaginable wave of destruction spread out in an instant. Ye Feng didn't restrain himself at all. In fact, the aura in his body was even more powerful than before.    


At this moment, the power of the attribute that had surpassed the limit completely erupted at this moment, and it seemed as if it was going to completely destroy everything in the void.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds echoed in the void. There was even a terrifying destructive aura spreading in all directions.    


When they felt this kind of power, the expressions of everyone present were quite interesting. The source energy in their bodies kept exploding at this moment, unleashing an extremely terrifying power.    


The threat of death had already enveloped everyone's bodies, causing them to unleash their own power crazily.    


The window was constantly expanding towards their destructive power, causing the aura in the surrounding void to become extremely dangerous.    


However, the faces of the few Elder who were present turned even uglier. They couldn't imagine how crazy Ye Feng was at this moment, as if he didn't care about their own lives.    


An incomparably powerful energy fluctuation spread out in the void at this moment, as if it wanted to completely suppress and refine everything in this world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound reverberated in the void. An incomparably huge pressure of aura descended from the void.    


An unimaginably powerful aura spread out in an instant. It could even be said that there was an extremely terrifying attribute of the aura. At this moment, it was in a state of madness and confusion.    


The will of the Super Dimensional Void!    


It had unleashed a formidable power of the Sovereign God level within the Super Dimensional Void, and it had even unleashed such a terrifying destructive aura. It was simply as though it was going to completely destroy this entire space.    


Furthermore, even though the Demonic Sect had taken precautions to a certain extent, it hadn't reached the level of the Supreme Heavenly Realm yet.    


An extremely terrifying attribute energy spread out at this moment, emitting an unimaginable pressure.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds continuously reverberated in this instant, and it even emitted an extremely terrifying destructive aura.    


"Eleven, you deserve to die."    


An expert let out a furious roar at this moment. The source and energy in his body were boiling. It was spreading towards the depths of space-time at an extremely fast speed.    


That kind of attribute power that surpassed the limit spread out in an extremely short period of time. It was as if it wanted to completely refine everything in this world.    


However, Ye Feng's expression was incomparably calm. The Devouring Power that he released was still absorbing all the energy in this world, gathering it in his body.    


The pressure that existed in the depths of the spatial zone, which was beyond the limit, spread out in an instant. It seemed like it wanted to completely refine all the energy in the world.    


A powerful aura that exceeded one's imagination was unleashed at this moment. It even wanted to completely suppress the entire spatial zone in an extremely short period of time.    


Such a unique and powerful attribute energy was blooming continuously at this moment, forming a terrifying pressure.    


Seizing this opportunity, the attribute fluctuations that emanated from the depths of the void became exceptionally terrifying as well.    


The elemental powers in the Super Dimensional Void erupted wildly at this moment, and the will of the heavens and the earth descended without any reservation!    


When they felt such a terrifying destructive fluctuation, the expressions of everyone present turned incomparably ugly, as if they wanted to shred Ye Feng to pieces.    


The pressure that exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, and it seemed as if it was going to completely destroy the entire world.    


To the Super Dimensional Void, a Sovereign level existence was able to suppress a portion of its quintessence energy, and it was even constantly plundering the quintessence energy within its body.    


Thus, the damage that a Sovereign could inflict on him was absolutely beyond imagination. It was even to the extent that he hated it to the core, wanting nothing more than to kill all of these Sovereigns.    


Once he unleashed a power that surpassed the Sovereign God Realm, an extremely terrifying destructive aura would be emitted from within the Super Dimensional Void, and it would even completely obliterate everything in this world.    


It was at this moment that the destructive ripples that descended from the Super Dimensional Void had become exceptionally terrifying.    


Endless thunder howled, and there were even storms spiraling around. Flames rose, and torrential rain poured down.    


Endless scenes of destruction appeared in the sky, as if everything between the heavens and the earth was going to be completely destroyed.    


It was as if the end of the world had descended, and the world was filled with natural disasters. It was as if everything in the world could not escape.    


Moreover, countless doors were opened in the void. These doors emitted terrifying aura, and countless destructive ripples spread out in an instant.    


An extremely dazzling Light of Destruction bloomed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


That kind of unimaginably powerful aura was crazily unleashed at this moment. The destructive ripples formed by it caused one's soul to tremble crazily.    


When he truly felt this aura, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant. The Origin aura in his body was unleashed without any reservation.    


At this moment, the attribute energy that spread out from the depths of the void had reached an extremely dangerous level.    


The Sovereign Lords were affected by this aura as well. They frantically circulated the energy within their bodies, wanting to completely obliterate everything in this world.    


Even though it was said that the Master God realm had already turned the world within their bodies into reality, and was even able to emit a unique power that ordinary people would not be able to comprehend.    


However, under the pressure of the Super Dimensional Void, the Origin aura within their bodies continued to vibrate unceasingly.    


It was just that once they were found within the Super Dimensional Void, even the Sovereigns would perish completely.    


An extremely terrifying elemental power instantly spread out.    


An incomparably terrifying aura was unleashed in that instant, causing the surrounding void to tremble madly.    


At this moment, the energy that Ye Feng unleashed had also crazily exceeded the limit of the destructive power. It spread out in an instant, causing the entire world to circulate at an extremely fast speed.    


Countless destructive waves were unleashed at this moment, causing the surrounding spatial aura to become abnormally terrifying.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds spread out in an instant, causing the entire world to be filled with them. It circulated at an extremely fast speed, as if it wanted to completely suppress all of this.    


Facing these terrifying attacks, Ye Feng's expression was unusually calm. Therefore, the energy that he was able to release had been reduced by a lot compared to before.    


At the same time, the aura that erupted from the depths of the void had reached an incomparably dangerous state. It could even be said that there was a kind of aura that no ordinary person could imagine filling the void.    


Seizing this opportunity, Ye Feng suddenly took a step forward and completely spread out his Devouring Power.    


That kind of attribute energy that exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, causing the aura in the surrounding space to become incomparably dangerous.    


At this moment, the destructive waves formed by countless destructive power had reached an unprecedented level.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was released at this moment, causing the entire world to be filled with it. It spread at an extremely fast speed.    


The energy that Ye Feng had absorbed was thrown into his natal world, pushing the energy of his natal world to transform again and again, as if it was going to completely suppress this world.    


Such a terrifying energy kept exploding in the void, and it was emitting an aura that no ordinary person could imagine.    


That kind of energy that exceeded the limits of one's attributes was constantly emitting destructive waves, and it became extremely dangerous.    


The other two Sovereigns, Elder, had been circulating his power crazily recently, wanting to completely destroy everything.    


An extremely terrifying attribute aura exploded forth at this moment, forming an even more terrifying power.    


Two brilliant beams of destruction descended upon Ye Feng's location, as if they were going to completely destroy his body. * Hong Long...... *    


Ye Feng didn't have any fear when he felt such an attack. The source energy in his body had completely spread out, causing the entire world to be filled with it. It shook at an extremely fast speed.    


Naturally, he wouldn't let go of such an opportunity easily. The light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant.    


That kind of powerful strength that exceeded one's imagination was continuously unleashed at this moment. It even said that it wanted to completely suppress and refine all the aura in this world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound once again resounded.    


An extremely frightening destructive force spread in the void. It was even to the extent that it wanted to completely obliterate the entire world.    


The destructive fluctuations emitted by the Super Dimensional Void also boiled to the extreme at this moment. There was even a kind of energy that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people that erupted wildly at this moment.    


Faced with such a terrifying pressure, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant.    


His feet continued to move, and balls of Devouring Power condensed in his palm one after another.    


Regarding the Comprehension of the Demonic Sect, Ye Feng had gained a deeper understanding of it during this battle. His natal Battle Spirit was emitting a unique energy that no one could imagine.    


At this moment, the aura that erupted from the depths of the void was unimaginably powerful. It could even be said that it wanted to completely suppress and refine this world.    


An incomparably terrifying attribute energy spread out in an instant, reaching an unimaginable level.    


In his palm, one Devouring Power after another was released, forming a round ball.    


Those terrifying aura filled the void, displaying their own tyrannical means.    


Unique and terrifying fluctuations of the aura bloomed at this moment. It had even reached an unprecedented level, as if it wanted to completely obliterate everything in this world.    


In Ye Feng's eyes, there was an incomparably brilliant radiance. It was filled with destructive ripples in the void, and it had even reached an even more terrifying realm.    


At this moment, the aura that bloomed in the depths of the void had become exceptionally terrifying, as if it was going to completely destroy this part of the world.    


There was also the powerful destructive aura. It was unleashed at this moment, causing the entire world to be filled with it! It spread at an extremely fast speed.    


Seizing this opportunity, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant. It had even reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


"No, you're not Eleven!"    


After realizing this, the aura that was emitted from the depths of the void had become extremely terrifying.    


The unimaginable pressure was so great that it could even tear the entire space apart. The aura that was being emitted became even more terrifying.    


The unique and powerful attributes of the aura were expanding crazily at this moment, as if it was going to completely suppress the entire world.    


The pressure that surpassed the limit was unleashed at that instant. The aura that the Ninth Elder had unleashed became even stronger.    


After that, an incomparably terrifying Giant Elephant that could devour everything was unleashed from the Ninth Elder's body.    


An extremely terrifying devouring aura spread across the void, without any restraint.    


It was as if he wanted to completely devour Ye Feng in the shortest amount of time, refine him, and find Eleven's whereabouts.    


However, his plan was no longer feasible.    


When he sensed the aura, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant, and the aura that was emitted became even more terrifying.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng unleashed his own power. The aura in his body also changed completely at this moment.    


The Divine Dragon Battle Spirit appeared. It was a power that was close to the level of a Master God. At this moment, it expanded, and the Devouring Power it emitted became even more terrifying.    


In that instant, the ripples of the aura that filled the depths of space had already reached an incomparably dangerous state. There was no destructive aura that exceeded the imagination of ordinary people that was constantly expanding in the void.    


It was a unique power that was beyond imagination. At this moment, it erupted crazily, and it even displayed a kind of aura fluctuation that ordinary people could not imagine.    


A terrifying rumbling sound reverberated wildly at this moment. The aura that was being emitted became even more terrifying, as if it was going to destroy everything.    


That unique and terrifying aura had become exceptionally powerful at this moment. It even wanted to completely suppress this entire space.    


The Divine Dragon Battle Spirit released its own Devouring Power. Ye Feng also drew out his Saint magic spear.    


The Devouring aura that exceeded one's imagination spread out in an instant, causing the order of the surrounding space to become distorted.    


At this moment, the energy in the Super Dimensional Void became stronger and stronger. The ripples of the aura that it emitted even made people feel an unbearable pressure.    


In that instant, Ye Feng could clearly sense that the aura in the depths of the void had reached an incomparably dangerous realm.    


"How is this possible? The power of the Super Dimensional Void actually has such a reaction?"    


Under the change of the aura, even the Ninth Elder felt a tremendous pressure. It could even be said that the force of the void began to shift, locking onto Ye Feng's body.    


When he truly felt this pressure, Ye Feng's expression didn't show any signs of fear. The power of the world erupted at this moment.    


An unimaginably powerful aura spread out at this moment, causing the surrounding spatial energy to become extremely dangerous.    


In the next moment, countless destructive power exploded at this moment, forming destructive waves that reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


Ye Feng's figure was being stepped on by his feet. It was as if the aura and energy that was being emitted from the void had become exceptionally powerful.    


The last of the countless destructive power bloomed at this moment, forming a destructive aura. It was unleashed again and again, as if it was going to completely obliterate the entire heaven and earth.    


At this moment, the aura that bloomed from the depths of the void became extremely terrifying.    


That kind of unimaginable power was completely unleashed at this moment. It even wanted to distort the entire space.    


An extremely terrifying destructive light was unleashed at this moment, and it locked onto Ten Elder.    


That kind of unimaginable destructive aura exploded at this moment, causing the entire space to shake crazily.    


Even part of the will of the Super Dimensional Void had been drawn by him. The ripples of the aura became more and more ferocious.    


When they felt this kind of pressure, the expressions of everyone present became extremely shocked. They couldn't even imagine how Ye Feng had achieved such a level.    


Before he could fully channel his energy out, an even stronger force had already erupted from the depths of the spatial zone.    


The powerful aura in the Super Dimensional Void was spreading crazily at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


An extremely terrifying hole of destruction exploded in the void, causing the entire space to be torn apart at this moment, forming an even more terrifying aura of destruction.    


It was also at this moment that the ripples of the aura that bloomed in the depths of the void reached an unprecedented level. The destructive power that was formed also spread at an extremely fast speed.    


Terrifying rumbling reverberated in the void. Ye Feng's footsteps became even faster.    


Ye Feng was like an illusion as he freely shuttled through the spatial zone. The aura ripples that he formed also erupted continuously at this moment.    


Currently, Ye Feng's condition was still considered complete, but the Tenth Elder was unable to withstand this kind of pressure.    


The destructive aura that was beyond his imagination wrapped around his body, constantly destroying his soul.    


Even the destructive power that Ye Feng had unleashed was stacked on his body time and time again, as if it wanted to completely destroy his body.    


Feeling this kind of attribute that had exceeded the limit, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even stronger. On the contrary, the Tenth Elder couldn't withstand this kind of pressure at all.    


The unimaginable destructive aura spread out at this moment, forming an extremely terrifying power.    


An extremely terrifying energy fluctuation spread out in an instant, wanting to completely suppress and refine this entire piece of heaven and earth.    


Seizing this opportunity, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright. A destructive fluctuation that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people was being emitted from the spatial zone.    


The Saint magic spear in his hand not only emitted a terrifying Devouring Power, it also formed a terrifying sharp edge that pierced through the void.    


At this moment, the fluctuation of the aura that erupted from the depths of the void had reached an extremely dangerous level. Once it spread out, even this world would be completely cut off.    


The tenth Elder's reaction speed was also quite fast. He had already unleashed all of his energy at the first moment, and even started to absorb the energy of the Super Dimensional Space.    


To a Sovereign God like them, the strength they possessed was already extremely important. Once they were affected by the aura in the void, they might even suffer an even more intense backlash.    


Of course, there was another method that could change this outcome.    


If he was unable to withstand the pressure from the Super Dimensional Void, he could just give up on his own body.    


He could completely fuse the power within his body into this space, or even offer his own power to the Super Dimensional Void.    


This way, not only would he be able to increase his own strength, he would also be able to push his aura to an extremely terrifying level in an extremely short period of time.    


Although he would lose his freedom from now on, and would no longer be able to obtain any improvement from this world.    


However, being able to increase his strength in an extremely short period of time and no longer be threatened or oppressed by the future was also a choice.    


Elder indeed had great ambitions in the terrain, but at this moment, under Ye Feng's pressure, he had no other choice.    


Although merging with the Super Dimensional Void would cause him to lose his freedom, he could still keep his life.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could feel the terrifying aura emitting from the opponent's body, as if it was going to completely suppress his body in the shortest amount of time.    


The power of the attribute that had exceeded the limit erupted at this moment.    


The brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely brilliant at this moment. The aura in the north of his body was even more brilliant. * Hong Long...... *    




Ye Feng was quite surprised by the situation, but the source energy in his body started boiling at this moment.    


An extremely terrifying destructive power spread out at this moment. Ye Feng's natal world also blossomed with incomparably powerful radiance at this moment.    


On top of the Sacred magic spear, the Divine Dragon Battle Spirit circulated the Devouring Power and suppressed the entire space. After that, Death God Battle Spirit appeared behind Ye Feng.    


The aura of the Great Dao of Reincarnation spread out in an instant, completely separating the concept of life and death in the spatial zone.    


In that instant, even the power of Laws in the super dimensional void was affected to a certain degree.    


At this moment, the aura that spread out from the depths of the void had already reached an extremely tyrannical boundary.    


Terrifying rumbles reverberated continuously in the space, and the aura that was being emitted became increasingly dangerous.    


In an extremely short period of time, the energy ripples that spread out from this spatial zone had already reached an extremely terrifying realm, and it could even suppress the entire world at this moment.    


That kind of unimaginably powerful energy was circulating continuously once again. It was even emitting a kind of aura and pressure that ordinary people could not imagine.    


It was also at this moment that Ye Feng seized the opportunity. He clenched the Sacred magic spear in his hand tightly and forcefully pierced forward.    


Those terrifying techniques that once belonged to the Saint magic spear had completely merged into Ye Feng's hand. Every single move he made would emit an incomparably terrifying sharp force.    


The blood-red sharp edge that was unleashed at random was already much stronger than before. The aura that was unleashed at an unknown number of times had become extremely dangerous.    


When he truly felt this kind of power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant. The destructive force that was formed from the void seemed to be able to penetrate through the entire spatial zone.    


At this moment, a blood-red sharp light bloomed.    


The force unleashed by Ye Feng was irresistible. In an extremely short period of time, it penetrated through the opponent's body.    


The Tenth Elder's strength wasn't bad, but it was still slightly weaker than Ye Feng's.    


Furthermore, that incomparably terrifying energy wave was so powerful that it could even tear apart the entire heaven and earth, forming the aura of destruction, making it even more dangerous.    


It was also at this moment that the energy fluctuation unleashed by Ye Feng had reached an unimaginable level.    


An extremely terrifying destructive light erupted at this moment, and it seemed as if it was going to completely obliterate the entire world.    


In Ye Feng's eyes, an incomparably brilliant light bloomed at this instant. The destructive pressure that was formed became even more terrifying.    


The unique and powerful energy of the attribute had also reached an extremely dangerous realm when it was unleashed at this moment.    


Seizing this opportunity, the Origin aura within the peak body had also become extremely terrifying.    


That kind of attribute energy that exceeded the limit spread out in an instant. It even caused the surrounding aura to boil crazily.    


Unable to circulate his most powerful technique, the energy that was emitted from the entire space became extremely dangerous.    


Seizing this opportunity, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant, as if he wanted to completely suppress the aura in this world.    


The energy in Elder's body had been circulated to the maximum. However, under such circumstances, he couldn't resist at all.    


He could only watch helplessly as the energy in his body circulated continuously, and was finally completely suppressed by his opponent.    


The destructive aura that exceeded his imagination spread out at this moment, as if it wanted to completely refine everything.    


Such a terrifying power kept exploding out at this moment, and it even seemed like it was going to completely suppress the entire world at this moment.    


That unique and powerful destructive power was boiling crazily at this moment, but it was still unable to change anything.    


The terrifying destructive power instantly covered the body of the tenth Elder, making it impossible for him to continue circulating his body.    


The last destructive power that exceeded his imagination completely covered his body at this moment, forming an unimaginable pressure.    


When faced with such a force, the expressions of everyone present were incomparably shocked. They couldn't even imagine that Ye Feng's strength had actually reached such a terrifying extent.    


"Bastard!"     3


Ninth Elder was also furiously roaring. The aura in his body was unleashed without any reservation, wanting to save the Tenth Elder at this moment.    


All of his efforts were in vain. The aura that Ye Feng released and the means he possessed were beyond imagination. The power that was unleashed from his every move was beyond imagination.    


That extremely terrifying Devouring Power completely covered the tenth Elder in an instant, extracting the purest law fluctuation from his body.    


In that instant, the power of both sides constantly clashed. It spread out at an extremely fast speed, as if it wanted to suppress and refine everything.    


At this moment, the Origin aura in the peak body began to circulate crazily, and the fluctuations emitted from it became more and more terrifying.    


He took a step forward, ignoring the Origin energy that was being emitted. The destructive pressure that Ye Feng had formed had reached an unimaginable realm.    


"I have no grudges with you guys, the Demonic Sect. There are some things that shouldn't be settled with you guys."    


After entering the Demonic Sect, this was the first time Ye Feng had any thoughts of communicating with them.    


The energy in his body spread out in an instant, and the aura that was being emitted became even calmer.    


This unique and powerful attribute energy had also expanded in the void, and had also entered a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


However, at this moment, Ye Feng's words were no longer meant to communicate. Instead, it was a complete and utter humiliation.    


The terrifying aura was spreading in the void, and it was emitting a power that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


The unique and terrifying aura was unleashed at this moment, forming destructive ripples that wanted to completely suppress and refine the entire world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in this instant. There was even a unique aura that ordinary people were unable to produce that filled the void.    


"You have destroyed the structure of our Demonic Sect, and killed two of our Elder. Now, you are saying that you have no grudges with us. Who would believe such words?"    


A terrifying aura spread out in an instant. The energy ripples emitted from the depths of the spatial zone had reached an unprecedented level.    


This kind of unimaginable pressure spread across the void. It was a unique force that ordinary people could not withstand. At this moment, the aura in the void vibrated continuously, forming a unique and terrifying pressure.    


After bearing such a terrifying aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter, forming a destructive fluctuation that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


In an extremely short period of time, the destructive aura that was constantly vibrating in the void became more and more brutal.    


It was as if the power of the world was going to be completely suppressed by him.    


In fact, Ye Feng did indeed possess a powerful force that could suppress everything in the world. The aura in his body was boiling crazily at this moment.    


That kind of attribute power that exceeded the limit spread out in an instant. It even seemed like it wanted to completely obliterate this spatial zone in a very short period of time.    


"I already said that I have no intention of becoming enemies with you. I only want an answer here."    


Ye Feng's tone was still calm. The energy he was emitting had reached an extremely dangerous level.    


Just as he was about to unleash his own natal world, countless destructive power spread out in an instant, as if they were trying to suppress the entire spatial zone in a very short period of time.    


Terrifying rumbling sounds reverberated continuously in this instant. The aura that was being emitted had reached an unimaginable level of terror.    


At this moment, the aura that erupted from the depths of the void had entered an incomparably terrifying state.    


The will of the Super Dimensional Void descended at this moment, and it even said that it wanted to completely wipe out Ye Feng's body in this very short period of time.    


"Enough, get lost!"    


It seemed like the interference of the will of the Super Dimensional Void had completely infuriated Ye Feng.    


At this moment, Ye Feng unleashed the power of his own natal world.    


Death God Battle Spirit's aura spread out at this moment. It even said that it wanted to completely cut off everything in the surrounding space.    


The purple sickle that looked like a crystal streaked across the void, emitting a kind of aura that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The power of the Samsara Laws bloomed at this moment. It spread through the void at an extremely fast speed.    


That unique and powerful attribute power was released at this moment, causing the entire world to be present. It shook at an extremely fast speed.    


After a Great Completion Saint Spirit had mastered his own natal law, the means he could use had reached a terrifying level.    


In a short period of time, Ye Feng could use the power unleashed by Death God Battle Spirit to completely suppress the aura in the surrounding space.    


It was also at this moment that Ye Feng's power froze the ripples of the aura in the Super Dimensional Void.    


The experts in the Demonic Sect were incomparably shocked when they felt the destructive aura released by Ye Fang. They couldn't even imagine how Ye Feng had achieved such a feat.    


One must know what kind of powerful force was capable of contending against the fundamental laws of the Super Dimensional Void.    


How envious and fearful was it?    


At this moment, the aura that erupted from the depths of the void had already reached an unimaginable and terrifying realm. That kind of attribute energy that exceeded the limit even wanted to completely suppress this part of the world.    


Following this kind of unimaginable and terrifying aura, the expressions of everyone present became incomparably shocked. Some of them were even unable to imagine or understand the source of this power.    


After breathing a few times, ninth Elder's tone finally became calm.    


"What do you want?"    


If Ye Feng had made such a request at the beginning, no one would have paid any attention to him. In fact, they would have thought that he was joking.    


However, the means that Ye Feng had displayed was unimaginably powerful. Many of them even felt fear and shock.    


Under such circumstances, they didn't dare to be careless. They would definitely communicate with Ye Feng in the shortest time possible.    


It was even to a certain extent that they would have to complete the transaction with Ye Feng even if they lost a portion of their own benefits.    


After all, the means that Ye Feng had displayed at this moment was already very terrifying. Furthermore, the identity of the Great Completion Saint Spirit had also raised Ye Feng's status by a lot.    


"I want your twelfth Elder to devour the Demonic Sect..."    


After hearing this news, the expressions of the experts who were swallowing the Demonic Sect became extremely interesting.    


After that, before Ye Feng could completely control this aura, an extremely powerful force erupted from the depths of the void once again.    


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