Sky War God

C972 Sea Demon Cult Experts Have Arrived

C972 Sea Demon Cult Experts Have Arrived

1The Ships that was about to sink to the bottom of the ocean was actually repaired by Ye Feng using the Path of Divine Inscriptions. This was truly unbelievable.    


At this moment, everyone, including the crew members on the Ships were stunned. They looked at everything with disbelief in their eyes, and their bodies stiffened.    


Ye Feng didn't pay attention to the gazes of these people. He directly said to the crew members, "Continue driving!"    


After hearing Ye Feng's words, the crew members only reacted after a long time. After they saw Ye Feng's powerful strength with their own eyes, how could they dare to disobey him? They all bowed to Ye Feng and nodded, then quickly returned to their posts.    


The Ships continued moving towards the direction of the Wind Mist Realm. A crisis was completely resolved because of Ye Feng's formidable strength.    


The Ships was covered by a faint layer of Divine Symbol Light, and it seemed to be moving faster than before.    


The faces of the three Martial King level experts, who were not far away, became ugly. They began to regret in their hearts. If they had chosen to follow Ye Feng's orders like the four Martial King Realm warriors, they would have done so. Now, they wouldn't have ended up like this.    


"Sir, since the Ships has been repaired, can you carry us on the ship?"    


When the Ships slowly passed by the three Martial King level experts, the eyes of Martial King, who was at the third realm, lit up. He actually spoke to Ye Feng in such a manner.    


Before this, he had always been against Ye Feng and had said many harsh words. Now, in a situation where they had no other choice, he actually shamelessly begged Ye Feng to give them a ride.    


This caused many people on the Ships to cast disdainful looks at A martial king third level expert. Such a person with no backbone, even an ordinary Divine Martial expert would look down on him.    


Ye Feng's eyes turned around at this moment and swept across A martial king third level expert's body. He said, "Before this, I asked you if you were willing to listen to my orders. It was you who chose to leave. Now... The five of us will kill the Cetacean together, and after the Ships is fully repaired... Yet, all of you are thinking of returning to the Ships, and obtaining something without any effort. Do you think that's possible? "    


Ye Feng's words were very direct and very realistic. It was just as he had said, he had given everyone a chance.    


What was precious was that not only had he obtained the precious demon beast material, he could also continue sailing towards the Wind Mist Realm on the ship.    


If they didn't cherish it, they could only bear the consequences of making the wrong choice. Ye Feng was not a saint, nor was he a saviour. These people had to pay the price for their choice.    


After hearing Ye Feng's words, the three Martial King experts were stunned for a moment before they collapsed completely.    


On this vast Qingyou Sea, even if the three of them had the cultivation base of Martial King realm, without the help of the Ships, it would be very difficult for them to pass through this vast Qingyou Sea.    


If they used up all of their elemental energy midway, they would also sink the rock into the ocean, and become silent towards the powerful Demonic Beast in the deep sea.    


"Sir, what do you want? We are willing to give you all of our belongings, as long as you let us board the ship."    


Seeing that Ye Feng did not agree to their request, Then I want the face of a Third Realm expert to instantly turn into a pig liver. At this moment, he had no choice but to pull down his old face and plead with Ye Feng.    


"Didn't you hear what I said? Don't delay the speed of the Ships!"    


However, Ye Feng completely ignored A martial king third level expert's words and spoke coldly to him.    


The words that A martial king third level expert was about to say were instantly choked back, and his face turned red.    


He could only watch helplessly as the Ships slowly left, and gradually disappeared into the distance.    


"What should we do?"    


Seeing the Ships gradually leave, a Martial King level experts with an ugly expression asked the person at the third level of the Martial realm.    


"You asked me, who did I ask?"    


A martial king third level expert's expression was even uglier than a pig's liver. At his level, he was already at the Third Level of the Martial realm. There were very few people who could make him so embarrassed.    


Today, he had actually made a fool of himself in front of a Divine Martial realm warrior. Even if he could walk out of this Qingyou Sea alive, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to raise his head in the future.    


Ye Feng was still resting with his eyes closed on the Ships. Next to him, Yang Mingxian's crystal coffin was quietly placed there.    


Even though Ye Feng had removed the visual barrier, no one on the Ships dared to take another look at the crystal coffin.    


The four Martial King realm experts had respectful expressions on their faces. The entire Ships was extremely respectful to Ye Feng.    


Not only did Ye Feng save him, he also saved the lives of all the people in Ships, becoming a full-time saviour.    


No matter what thoughts these people had towards Ye Feng before, at this moment, they could only feel gratitude.    


Under the protection of the Divine Patterned Totem, the Ships advanced smoothly on the surface of the sea. After experiencing that crisis, the path ahead was unimpeded.    


Just like that, the Ships floated on the surface of the Qingyou Sea for nearly a month. It was precisely because of this that they entered the Sea Area that was under the jurisdiction of the Wind Mist Realm.    


During this month's time, the Ships that Ye Feng was in also encountered other Ships that came and went from time to time. During this period of time, he even passed by several incomparably large islands.    


The Ships had once rested on an island for a night before continuing forward.    


During this month, the people on the Ships were extremely respectful towards Ye Feng. Even the Martial King realm expert was extremely respectful towards Ye Feng.    


The entire Ships had made Ye Feng their savior. They carefully served him, not daring to be the slightest bit careless.    


This was the world. No matter where a person with great strength went, he or she would be respected by the world.    


Take Ye Feng for example. He was only a level 9, but when he displayed his strength that was beyond his realm, even Martial King would have to be respectful in front of him.    


The Wind Mist Sea Area was no different from the Virtualized realm Sea Area. It was just a change in the administrative region.    


The Ships that Ye Feng rode on kept moving forward in a straight line on the surface of the sea. Thus, the Wind Mist Realm Sea Area that they arrived at belonged to the Sea Devil Cult's control range.    


On this day, the Ships continued to move forward on the surface of the sea. According to the introduction of the crew members on the ship, their current location was not far from the Wind Mist Realm.    


However, at this moment, at the place where the sky and the sea met in front of the Sea Area, the shadows of several Ships actually appeared.    


These Ships were facing the Ships that Ye Feng was in. As the distance between them grew closer and closer, Ye Feng's people could clearly observe the specific situation of the few Ships in front of them.    


The other side had a total of four Ships. The four Ships were about the same size as the Ships Ye Feng was riding.    


These four Ships were almost filled to the brim with people. The aura on these people were very powerful, and there were many people from Martial King standing on them. It seemed like the line-up was quite powerful.    




A powerhouse on top of the Ships's eyes sparkled when he saw the Ships continuously approaching him.    


"Those Ships seem to have come from the Sea Devil Cult. I wonder why they have gathered so many powerhouses to go out to sea?"    


Someone recognized the identity of these Ships from the symbol on the sails of the other ship.    


The Sea Devil Cult was a relatively powerful sect on the coast of the Misty Wind Realm. They were formed by a group of pirates before, and they had gradually developed to their current scale.    


However, the people of the Sea Devil Cult still retained a trace of their pirate nature. They usually did all kinds of evil things in the Qingyou Sea Realm, and specially hijacked the Ships that came and went in and out of the Tranquil Ocean.    


Therefore, on this piece of Sea Area, the warship that the Sea Devil Cult was on had become a nightmare for those who came and went in the Qingyou Sea.    


Many people didn't want to meet the people of the Sea Devil Cult on the Clear Serene Sea, because that would mean destruction.    


As the four Ships got closer and closer, Ye Feng and the others could clearly see the experts standing on the deck.    


Ye Feng's eyes were sharp. His Divine Sense was also extremely powerful. When both of them were released at the same time, they could clearly see the strength of the other party.    


At a certain moment, Ye Feng's eyes fell upon a young man. This young man was thin and weak, and his body was extremely withered. His face was covered in a sickly yellow color. Ye Feng could tell who this young man was with just a glance.    


It was morbid youth, who was sent flying by Ye Feng's slap on the Ships, and was forced to jump into the Qingyou Sea by Ye Feng.    


He wasn't swallowed by the seawater, nor was he dead. Instead, he had descended in such a powerful manner.    


"We meet again. I didn't expect you to still be alive!"    


morbid youth's eyes carried an extreme coldness as he spoke coldly to Ye Feng. It was this man who made him struggle in the icy seawater. If it wasn't for his powerful magical weapon, he would have been swallowed by the seawater a long time ago.    


"It's you? I'm really surprised."    


Ye Feng's eyes fell upon morbid youth and said.    


He had never thought that morbid youth would be able to survive after throwing himself into the ocean.    


"The unexpected thing is coming after you."    


morbid youth had a proud expression. Not only was he still alive, he had also brought a large number of experts from the sect here, waiting for Ye Feng to arrive on the Ships.    


"Earlier, you killed my Sea Devil Cult disciple and forced me to throw myself into the sea. Have you ever thought that you would end up like this?"    


morbid youth asked Ye Feng coldly with an eerie qi on his face.    


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