Sky War God

C85 Let Me Attack Three Times First

C85 Let Me Attack Three Times First

2Meanwhile, Ye Feng found himself in a strange predicament. He had previously cultivated the Will Refining skill to the Great Completion Stage, so he had some experience with the Body Refining Stage Cultivation Method.     1


In tempering his flesh, he had complete control over his physique. As a result, Ye Feng felt confident in his ability to cultivate the War God Body Refinement Scripture.    


"Trash will always be trash. Nobody has cultivated these two chosen sets of Cultivation Methods in a long time."    


Muttered a level 1 Qi Condensation warrior to Ye Feng sarcastically.    


This remark made Ye Feng frown a little. He fixed his gaze on the man who spoke.    


"A Body-Refining-Stage trash like him can't cultivate the War God Body Refinement Scripture. I heard ten years ago that a Third-Level Qi-Condensation warrior wanted to have a strong body, so he went to the Martial Arts Pavilion and picked this War God Body Refinement Scripture. Not only did he failed to get the strong physical body he desired, but he also went insane after he couldn't handle the suffering in his body and soul. His body eventually exploded, and he died! Nobody dared to cultivate the War God Body Refinement Scripture after that. That is until today when a trash from the Eighth Layer of Body Refining Stage overestimates himself and wishes to cultivate this Cultivation Method. He really has the nerve!"    


Another expert added. Everyone was caught off guard when they heard this. It turned out this War God Body Refinement Scripture had such a dreadful past.    


But if Ye Feng still decided to continue cultivating it, things might not end well.    


Ye Feng's brows wrinkled after hearing that expert's statements. He was surprised to learn that this War God Body Refinement Scripture had such a long history. It's no surprise it was shoved to the back of the bookcase and forgotten about.    


"Didn't you hear what I said? This Cultivation Method isn't safe or convenient to be cultivated."    


When the expert saw that Ye Feng was still refusing to put down the War God Body Refinement Scripture, he approached him and issued a warning. His words had a forceful tone to them.    


"I've made my decision. My choice is still this War God Body Refinement Scripture. You can't make me change my mind. All you have to do is keep your mouth shut."    


Ye Feng asserted firmly. Although this expert was reminding him, every word he uttered was full of scorn, so he had no reason to respect him.    


Ye Feng turned around and walked away without pausing after saying that.    


As the expert watch Ye Feng go, his face a little somber.    


"How does it feel to be ignored, Zhang Ming?"    


At this point, a young man named Zhang Ming popped up in front of him and made a mocking remark.    


"He has no idea what's good for him, and there's no reason for that trash to disregard me. Eventually, he will pay the price."    


Zhang Ming murmured through gritted his teeth as he watched Ye Feng's receding form. Shortly after that, Zhang Ming and the rest also left.    


"Senior, please have a look at this. I've already decided on my Cultivation Technique and Martial Technique."    


Elder Jing looked at Ye Feng's Life-Ending Spear Technique and the War God Body Refinement Scripture Cultivation Method. He held the two Cultivation Method sets in his hands, and a bright light flickered in his old eyes.    


"Don't say I didn't warn you, but cultivating these two types of Cultivation Methods is incredibly demanding. Many individuals struggled to master the Life-Ending Spear Technique's initial style. The second method is exceedingly challenging, while the third style is just impossible for cultivators at the Body Refining Stage to develop. Many disciples hadn't used the War God Body Refinement Scripture for ten years. I won't say much, but I can only tell you that the War God Body Refinement Scripture is not something you can cultivate based only on your passion. You'll have to take a significant risk."    


Elder Jing said earnestly. He was skeptical about Ye Feng's decision to use these two Cultivation Methods. After all, there had been several failures in the past. Who among those who desired to cultivate these two sets of Cultivation Methods wasn't a brilliant genius? They did, however, fail in the end.    


One person even went insane after he cultivated the War God Body Refinement Scripture. His body eventually exploded, and he died shortly afterward.    


"Are you certain you want to go with these two Cultivation Methods?"    


Elder Jing sought confirmation from Ye Feng.    


"Yes, I've decided already."    


Ye Feng smiled and nodded. He knew exactly what he needed.    




Elder Jing responded with a nod. "You have until the end of the month to return the two Cultivation Method books. Remember, if you can't cultivate, you shouldn't bother trying. Life is always the starting point for everything."    


"That's something I'll keep in mind. Goodbye."    


Ye Feng bowed and cupped his fists at Elder Jing. He believed the old man had nothing but good intentions for saying those words. Elder Jing wouldn't want him to cultivate forcibly since this might cause serious repercussions.    


"You're such a self-righteous trash. I want to see how you plan to cultivate those."    


Zhang Ming sarcastically stated to Ye Feng after he and a few Qi-Condensation young disciples joined Elder Jing. He couldn't get over the fact that Ye Feng had just humiliated him in front of everyone earlier.    


"You don't have to worry about it. You keep calling me trash, but what about you? Who are you, anyway?"    


A cold spark flashed from Ye Feng's eyes. He glanced at Zhang Ming, who had already offended him with his tirades, yet still refused to let him go.    


Zhang Ming sneered after hearing what Ye Feng said. He looked at Ye Feng contemptuously and said, "My cultivation base is at the Qi Condensation stage, level 1, and you are only at the Eighth Layer of Body Refining Stage. What do you even have to compare with me? Between you and me, there lies an unfathomable gap."    


"You're shameless!" Zhang Ming's audacious statements made Ye Feng sneer.    


"You must be at least eighteen years old! What a joke, since your cultivation foundation is only at Qi Condensation level 1! I'd be too ashamed to say it out loud if I were you. However, you're using it as an excuse to brag. What a farce! I'm embarrassed for you."    


Zhang Ming's cheeks flushed and his demeanor turned unpleasant after hearing Ye Feng's comments. Zhang Ming's heart looked to have been pricked by Ye Feng's sharp words. As he glanced at Ye Feng, his eyes were filled with horrible killing intent. Meantime, he was stumped on how to respond.    


"How can you brag about your cultivation speed when it's so slow? The reputation of the Tianxuan Mansion is being damaged by trash like you."    


Ye Feng's mockery went on. Without glancing at Zhang Ming when he finished speaking, he directly walked out of the Martial Arts Pavilion's main hall.    


Zhang Ming felt mad as he clenched his fists tightly.    


To prove his stature, he sought to humiliate Ye Feng. He didn't expect Ye Feng to humiliate him instead. He lost his dignity in front of all the people present at the Martial Arts Pavilion because of this.    


Ye Feng strode out of the Martial Arts Pavilion's main hall, ignoring Zhang Ming's response. Outside, Zhao Chen and Zhong Tao were already waiting for him, aiming to teach him a valuable lesson.    


"You finally came out. I thought you're going to stay inside and hide."    


Zhao Chen said sarcastically as he and Zhong Tao approached Ye Feng.    


"I don't like to bully the weak, so I'm giving you three chances to attack me first!"    


Zhao Chen took a graceful stance with his hands behind his back. It appeared Ye Feng didn't stand a chance of winning against him.    


"You want me to start with three moves?"    


Ye Feng sneered as his body's aura grew. Zhao Chen didn't need to be courteous since he had made such a request.    


"Mountain Quaking Palm!"    


Ye Feng yelled fiercely. Terrible elemental energy soon emerged from his hand. The Mountain Quaking Palm blasted out, and the void grew turbulent as the Spear Attribute united with the palm power. It seemed that the palm print was imbued with a tremendous amount of divine and earthly power.    


Zhao Chen's mouth twisted into a derisive grin. The demonic pupillae emitted a chilly glow, and his body shifted rapidly, avoiding Ye Feng's palm strength. However, he didn't start an assault.    


"First strike!"    


Zhao Chen counted. There was a certain calmness in his voice.    


A sound pierced the air shortly after that. A scary spear light darted out in front of Ye Feng the next second as if it were a destructive streamer. The spear's strength was unrivaled. Its speed was incredible, and it raced straight towards Zhao Chen's torso.    


Zhao Chen had just eluded Ye Feng's Mountain Quaking Palm strike, but the much more horrifying spear light had come before he could steady his body.    


Zhao Chen's expression changed significantly because of this. 'This lowly person has some strength,' he mulled over.    


Zhao Chen eluded the attack really quickly. His Martial Skill technique was highly intriguing. Zhao Chen's body was instantaneously penetrated by the spear light. However, it did not make touch Zhao Chen's body.    


"Second strike!"    


Zhao Chen continued to talk, although his tone was lower this time.    


Before long, a wave of star power emerged around Ye Feng. The surrounding space was engulfed by a massive Star Atlas. Ye Feng took a step forward, pulling countless afterimages behind him. Each afterimage was so real that it appeared Ye Feng's physical body had vanished at this very instant.    


Zhao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and his brows furrowed. Ye Feng's strength had exceeded his expectations, making him feel a sense of crisis that he hadn't experienced for a long time.    


"Stop trying to look mysterious. Come out if you dare!"    


Zhao Chen shouted angrily. As he vigilantly peered around, his handsome face radiated a frigid glow.    


However, there were waves of dazzling starlight behind Zhao Chen. The starlight condensed into the form of a person throughout time. It was Ye Feng.    


"Watch out behind you!"    


When Zhong Tao, who was watching the struggle, saw this, his pupils tightened, and he couldn't prevent himself from screaming.    


Zhao Chen was surprised and turned around fast. A stronger spear light entered his neck, bringing with it unimaginably destructive energy.    


The speed of the spear light was incredible. It appeared in front of Zhao Chen in an instant. Zhao Chen was taken aback. He'd long forgotten that he'd told Ye Feng that he'd allow him to assault three times. He swung his blade and collided with Ye Feng's spear light as he drew the longsword from his belt.    


The spear light clashed with the longsword. The spear light shifted from its initial location after a loud boom. Zhao Chen's neck was touched by it, and a large bleeding scar was left on his neck. The wound seemed to be terrible.    


"Oh my..."    


Many people stopped to observe the action at this point. They couldn't help but be terrified when they noticed Ye Feng's spear light had hurt Zhao Chen.    


"This spear technique is really powerful. I wouldn't be able to avoid that if it were up to me."    


Many folks silently pondered inwardly. They couldn't talk because they were so shocked by Ye Feng's might.    


"Zhao Chen is the Body Refining Board's number one expert. He, too, is hurt. The strength of this young guy is incomprehensible."    


Someone blurted out. Zhao Chen was only harmed because he evaded Ye Feng's three assaults although he didn't respond to them.    


Zhao Chen was a formidable opponent. Warriors from the Body Refining Stage were unfit to combat him. With a sweep of his palm, Zhao Chen could overpower them easily. It was even more unlikely that they could harm Zhao Chen.    


This showed how strong Ye Feng was.    


'This young man has a lot of guts. He even ventured to hurt Zhao Chen and the Young Prince. He must be fed up with life and wants to die soon!'    


Everyone thought inwardly. Their cheeks were flushed with awe as they realized Zhao Chen's true identity.    


No one could insult the Son of the Saint King, yet he was truly harmed today in the square of the Martial Arts Pavilion's main hall by the stunning spear of an Eighth Layer of Body Refining Stage young warrior. How could they not be shocked?    


"You even let me attack three times first? You're insane!"    


With his spear in hand, Ye Feng took a stance. His robe swayed in the breeze, and his expression was one of scorn.    


Zhao Chen had said that he would allow Ye Feng to attack three times, but he was compelled to charge at him to save his life.    


Zhao Chen's face was bleak. The look of astonishment on his face had not yet faded. "How could you have wounded me if you hadn't used an evil technique?" he spat bitterly to Ye Feng.    


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