Sky War God

C81 He's A Big Talker

C81 He's A Big Talker

3"He's the one who took away my ability to cultivate. Brother Tong, you must help me!"    


Zheng Chao remarked, pointing toward Ye Feng. A flicker of hope shot across his eyes as he spotted Tong Dong and Zhen Liang.    


Tong Dong and Zhen Liang both had their gazes drawn to Ye Feng at the same moment.    


"Eighth Layer of Body Refining Stage!"    


Tong Dong's expression was one of scorn. He was dumbfounded why Zheng Chao wanted an Eighth Layer of Body Refining Stage to restrain his cultivation.    


Zhen Liang, on the other hand, was taken aback when he saw Ye Feng. His whole body trembled as if an unknown fear surfaced from his soul and found its way into his heart.    


'It's him!'    


Zhen Liang thought to himself. Ye Feng's arrival in his life would leave an indelible impression on him.    


Ye Feng had embarrassed Zhen Liang the most three days ago in that mysterious cave, leading him to endure a double blow to his body and soul.    


Although Zhen Liang recognized Ye Feng, he remained silent. The latter belonged to the Qi Condensation Stage, and if word got out that Ye Feng had vanquished him, he wouldn't be able to stay in Martial Mansion any longer.    


"Did you sabotage Zheng Chao's cultivation base?"    


Tong Dong inquired coldly as he approached Ye Feng simultaneously.    


"Why do you ask? Does this have anything to do with you?"    


Ye Feng retorted icily. He could tell that Tong Dong had vicious intentions, so he didn't find the need to be courteous to him.    


"You have a lot of guts! I don't care what type of shady methods you employed back then, but I'm certain you'll only fail in front of me,"    


Tong Dong scoffed as he heard Ye Feng's response. He looked arrogantly at him, believing that as an Eighth Layer of Body Refining Stage, Ye Feng lacked the strength to resist him.    


"I'm not here to fight you. However, you can get lost once I cripple one of your arms!"    


Tong Dong continued to be pompous in his speech. He hacked off one of Ye Feng's arms, as though he had already given him an amazing gift.    


"Tong Dong, being a contemptuous individual, deserves it by ranking eight on the Body Refining Board. As soon as he came, he told Ye Feng to chop off his own arm. Tong Dong appears to be planning retaliation against Zheng Chao!"    


Zheng Chao's strength was secretly regarded to be significantly inferior to Tong Dong's. Nobody expected Ye Feng to be a match for him.    


When Zhen Liang, who was standing to the side, heard what Tong Dong stated, his whole body shuddered violently. He wanted to say something to Tong Dong to get him to stop, but he hesitated.    


After all, if he got involved in this mess, he could possibly disclose what had transpired three days ago.    


"You're asking me to chop off my own arm?"    


Ye Feng had the impression that the guy before him was too good to be true.    


"Do you dare to defy me?"    


Tong Dong had a frigid expression on his face when he heard Ye Feng mention this. His aura grew stronger, wanting to suffocate him.    


Ye Feng's expression, on the other hand, remained unchanged. Tong Dong's imposing aura had no effect on him at all.    


"You're an absolute fool!"    


Ye Feng remarked cynically with a loud sneer. He stared at Tong Dong like he was looking at an idiot.    


Tong Dong was visibly humiliated. He couldn't help but be enraged since he knew who Ye Feng was talking about.    


"I'll give you a lesson since you're so adamant!"    


Tong Dong's aura became forbidding after talking. He stomped on the ground forcefully, causing it to quake. It appeared as though an unseen force had fallen onto Ye Feng's body as well. As though the world's end had arrived, the surroundings became unbearably repressive.    


"What's happening? What the hell is this?"    


Everyone was terrified by the sudden turn of events, and they blurted out, "Tong Dong is unquestionably a force to be reckoned with, even more so than the Body Refining Board. His strike is really powerful, and he had reawakened the Earth battle spirit. He could even borrow the earth's power to make his assaults immensely strong when he fought. What chance does this young man have against him?"    


It was exactly what everyone had predicted. Tong Dong's power was a grade above Zheng Chao's, and the Earth battle spirit was remarkably forbidding.    


However, Ye Feng believed that his attacks were ineffective. In the Body Refining Board, he had defeated the second and fourth-ranked experts, and he hadn't even used much strength during the fight. As a result, dealing with Tong Dong was not difficult for him.    


As he stood in the heart of the shocking force, Ye Feng had a frigid smile on his face. Meanwhile, Ye Feng's body remained motionless, and he stood with his hands behind his back. He was calm and relaxed, allowing his robe to flutter in the breeze, astonishing the onlookers.    


"He is so arrogant to be faced against Tong Dong's Earth battle spirit. I'm dying to know how he'll die."    


After witnessing the terrifying nature of Tong Dong's Earth battle spirit, one of the experts decided that Ye Feng had passed away.    




Tong Dong's face froze. Was it true that Ye Feng was unharmed by the Earth battle spirit's attack?    


"Boulder Strike!"    


Tong Dong roared fiercely. Innumerable massive rocks were being generated with a wave of his palm, creating a frightening sound. It was scary to see them crash through Ye Feng's body.    


"This attack is just so appalling. I'm not sure how long that young man will last!"    


The crowd's hearts were filled with terror. Such a catastrophic strike could not possibly be repelled. Ye Feng had to be dead!    


"Mountain Quaking Palm!"    


Despite the impact, the look on Ye Feng's face remained unchanged. The Mountain Quaking Palm blasted out, and its power even shook the sky. Terrifying noises continued to reverberate all over the place. The huge rocks were smashed by the force of a single palm hit, reducing them to dust.    


Meantime, Ye Feng rushed forward. His physique was like a meteor, charging at an incredible speed. He appeared in front of Tong Dong promptly and attacked him with his spear, the spear light moving lightning fast.    


The daunting spear light severed one of Tong Dong's arms, causing blood to spurt out. Tong Dong cried out in agony, and he fled fast after glancing at Ye Feng in disbelief.    


The spectators were taken aback by this unexpected spectacle. After using the Boulder Strike, Tong Dong's arm was sliced off by Ye Feng, who had the upper hand at the time. It was clear that Ye Feng's spear skill was formidable.    


"If you're going to cut off my arm, think about how you're going to defend yours in front of me!"    


Ye Feng remarked, smirking. He fixed his gaze on Tong Dong, who had a glum expression.    


He couldn't figure out why these individuals were so conceited. At some point, they sought to chop off one's limb or waste one's cultivation base. These statements were already insulting to themselves even before they could see the enemy's strength.    




Ye Feng's comments rendered Tong Dong speechless. His animosity for Ye Feng was palpable in his heart. How could he lose to the Body Refining Stage's Eighth Layer? It had to be a coincidence, right?    


Tong Dong had a similar idea in his head. The earth trembled as the aura on his body surged once again. The Earth's battle spirit had gone insane. The dreadful Fist Light had been released. Terrifying earth attribute energy flowed on his fist as if thousands of massive boulders were rumbling.    


"You have no idea what's good for you!"    


Ye Feng yelled angrily. His deep eyes become razor-sharp. As though it had cut through the sky, the spear light slashed through it. It contained a sliver of the state of transformation's power.    


Tong Dong cried out again, this time in agony. His second arm had been severed as well, and his blood splattered in midair. There was desperation in Tong Dong's eyes, and his whole body was weakened at this point.    


His arms were both broken. Even if his cultivation base remained, it was no longer useful. He would d end up being a total waste.    


The crowd's hearts were racing wildly as they witnessed this horrific event. They couldn't stop themselves from taking a deep breath.    


Tong Dong, the eighth-ranked Body Refining Board expert, possessed a formidable Earth battle spirit, yet both his arms were cut off. This was really too harsh.    


Zhen Liang's expression deteriorated as he watched Tong Dong. They were good friends, and now that they came here together, he could only stare at Tong Dong's arms that had been cut off by Ye Feng.    


"I'll chop off your head if you move again!"    


Ye Feng screamed angrily at Tong Dong. His statements were strong and overbearing.    


"Brother Zhen, help me!"    


The contempt in Tong Dong's eyes was palpable. His arms were both broken. Whatever he tried, he couldn't get rid of his animosity.    


Zhen Liang specialized in the Qi Condensation Stage. Zhen Liang would undoubtedly give Ye Feng a lesson if he attacked.    


Zhen Liang's body shivered as he heard Tong Dong's comments. He was at a loss for words for a time.    


Everyone's gaze was drawn to Zhen Liang. If specialists from the Qi Condensation Stage attacked, Ye Feng would have no choice but to submit. He'd have to pay a price that was much higher than Tong Dong's.    


Zhen Liang, on the other hand, had no option but to go forward for the sake of his face in such circumstances.    


He squeezed forth an even worse smile than when he was weeping. "Isn't it a bit too much for you to chop off my arm?" he remarked, looking at Ye Feng.    


"What did you say?"    


Ye Feng replied, raising his brows.    


"Could you please apologize to Tong Dong on my behalf?"    


Zhen Liang inquired hesitantly. He didn't want to insult Ye Feng, so he kept his mouth shut.    


"You're asking me to apologize to him?"    


A piercing light flashed in Ye Feng's eyes as he scowled slightly. He explained, "Who do you think you are? You have no right to say such ludicrous things to me. If you insist on interfering, I won't mind cutting off your arm as well."    


"Is he also planning to hack off Zhen Liang's arm?"    


Everyone's eyes focused on them. Zhen Liang was a Qi Condensation Stage expert with a level of power that no Body Refining Stage warrior could match. Ye Feng's remarks came out a little too smug.    


Zhen Liang's heart palpitated uncontrollably when he listened to Ye Feng's words, and beads of cold sweat broke out on his brow. It was exactly what he had expected to hear. Ye Feng was incensed.    


"Stop talking nonsense with him, Brother Zhen. Go after him!"    


Tong Dong had a nervous expression on his face. He was desperate for Ye Feng to pay the price, so he urged Zhen Liang to do something about it.    


Zhen Liang's face grew unpleasant, and sweat poured down his forehead at an increasing rate. He didn't know what to do for a while.    


"What are you doing, Brother Zhen? Didn't you hear what I said? Destroy him!"    


Tong Dong kept on urging him, yet Zhen Liang's delaying tactics really made him feel tormented.    


"Are you serious about not apologizing to Tong Dong?"    


Zhen Liang forced an unappealing grin toward Ye Feng, as if pleading.    


The others were taken aback and didn't know what was wrong with Zhen Liang. He was an expert in the Qi Condensation Stage. Was it necessary for him to do this to Ye Feng?    


Before long, a clear sound was heard, and they all saw Ye Feng smacking Zhen Liang. Almost instantly, Zhen Liang's face puffed up, and a visible palm print surfaced on his cheek.    


The crowd was also bewildered when they witnessed the exchanges. In front of everyone, the Qi Condensation Stage expert, Zhen Liang, was slapped in the face by an Eighth Layer of Body Refining Stage. It sounded absurd and hard to imagine.    


However, it was worth mentioning that despite his ability to dodge the slap, Zhen Liang stayed still and calmly absorbed it.    


"Get lost!"    


Ye Feng spoke again just as the crowd was still trying to comprehend the debacle before them.    


Many of them had stern expressions on their faces, fearful that Zhen Liang might lose his cool after being disgraced this way.    


The reality, however, was far different from what they had imagined. Zhen Liang not only did not lose his temper, but he even told Tong Dong, "Please don't drag me into this. I can't get involved. You will be held responsible for your own acts!"    


He departed after saying this looking dejected and humiliated.    


Zhen Liang harbored a great deal of animosity for Ye Feng, but he didn't dare to reveal it. He knew he would suffer if he lost his cool since Ye Feng's strength was unfathomable. As a result, he had no choice but to put up with it.    


"Brother Zhen."    


Tong Dong was perplexed by the riveting scene as well, and his thoughts went blank for a brief moment.    


"Zhen Liang is gone after that hard slap scared him away. Who is this young man that a Qi Condensation Stage warrior seemed so meek in front of him?"    1


Everyone shook their heads in incredulity. They couldn't believe such an impossible thing had truly happened.    


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