Sky War God

C66 Chapter 66 Framing Him

C66 Chapter 66 Framing Him

3"How dare you!"    


Furious about what he said, Chen Aotian suddenly stood up, and the aura on his body rushed out violently towards Ye Feng, who was in the middle of the battle.    


Ye Feng frowned. He felt the pressure from Chen Aotian's Qi Condensation, but his body was still standing straight as if he wasn't affected at all.    


"I was just telling the truth. Is the Tian Ji Hall going to let Qi Condensation Stage people bully me?"    


Ye Feng sneered. Even in the face of Chen Aotian's mightiness, he didn't have the slightest fear. His voice was still as calm as before.    


Everyone was shocked by the King Qi that was revealed from Ye Feng's body.    


"What a load of nonsense!"    


Chen Xiangtian was really furious. He turned to Elder Wu and said, "Elder Wu, he killed dozens of his fellow disciples along the way to Profound Sky Valley Trial and outside the valley. Now, you have witnessed his arrogance. He simply didn't put the Martial Mansion's rules in his eyes. Elder Wu, how should we punish him?"    


Elder Wu's eyes revealed a sharp glint. He looked at Ye Feng and asked in a dignified manner, "Ye Feng, are you aware of your crime?"    


Elder Wu asked Ye Feng directly as if his crime had already been decided.    


'The one in charge of the court, Elder Wu, has already spoken. Ye Feng is so arrogant. How can he escape from the court's punishment this time?'    


Everyone thought. No matter who was right or wrong, it was Chen Xiangtian and the others from the Tian Ji Hall who had an advantageous position. Ye Feng was just an outer circle disciple of the Tianxuan Hall. How could he fight them?    


"Elder, what crime have I committed?"    


Ye Feng's eyes glinted with a cold light. He had already guessed that Chen Aotian and the others had invited the people from the Enforcement Court to deal with him. However, he had always been straightforward. How could he yield to them just like that?    


"You killed your fellow disciples and ignored their lives. You ignored the Rules of Battlestage as well. This is a serious violation of the Martial Mansion's rules. Even today, you have openly insulted Elder Chen. Do you not dare to admit these crimes?"    


Elder Wu's expression was cold. He was taken aback when Ye Feng dared to ask him a question. A sense of displeasure arose in his heart as he furiously raised his voice at Ye Feng.    


"Elder, do you have any proof that I killed my fellow disciples and ignored their lives?"    


Ye Feng continued to ask him. Everyone present held their breath. Every word of Ye Feng sounded so bold as if he was questioning the law enforcement of Martial Mansion. It was a very disrespectful action.    


"You have killed dozens of people, and you still dare to deny it?"    


Elder Wu's voice thundered across the hall. His tone was full of dignity.    


"Elder Wu is right. We can all testify that you killed your fellow disciples. Hurry up and confess!"    


Zhou Mubai suddenly chimed in. Several figures walked out from the viewing platform of the Tian Ji Hall with him.    


Those who stood by him were Feng Gan, Son of God from the Holy Church of Desire, Shangguan Hong, and the others. Each had a cold aura in their hands and their eyes were filled with unconcealable killing intent as they gaze at Ye Feng.    


Their appearance was to prove that Ye Feng was guilty.    


"Many of the people you killed came from Chen family, Holy Church of Desire, and Morning Sun Sect. How can you deny it? Confess already!"    


Shangguan Hong demanded as he stepped forward. He insisted on Ye Feng's crime.    


Ye Feng's eyes swept across Zhou Mubai and the others, and a dazzling cold light shone from his eyes. He didn't say anything to them and turned his gaze towards Elder Wu at the grandstand. "After hearing the one-sided explanation from these people, you sent someone to summon me and then came here personally to convict me?"    


Elder Wu's eyes flashed. His eyes seemed to be able to see through falsehood, and he hesitated for a moment. Ye Feng's calmness and steadiness surprised him. This was not something a sixteen-year-old youth should be in times like this.    


Elder Wu looked at him and replied faintly, "If you have anything to say, say it. Let's hear about your side."    


Ye Feng slightly nodded at him, then explained, "They were the ones who surrounded me first. If I didn't kill them, they would have killed me. Under these circumstances, do you think I should not resist and just let them kill me?"    


Ye Feng spoke with a clear voice. His tone was neither servile nor overbearing. What he said made sense.    


Elder Wu was speechless for a moment. If that was really the case, naturally, anyone else would fight back. After hearing Ye Feng's words, Elder Wu was speechless for a moment. If that was really the case, everyone else would fight back.    


"Elder Wu, don't listen to his nonsense. He killed so many people, so he naturally had to defend himself. I hope that the Enforcement Court can give those who died a fair explanation."    


Zhou Mubai stepped forward and insisted in a clear voice. He seemed to be full of righteousness and poise.    


Song Xinling felt complicated when she saw how Zhou Mubai went against Ye Feng. She did not understand why Zhou Mubai was doing this, and he did not listen to her advice at all. He was very stubborn as if he had completely changed.    


The Zhou Mubai she knew in the past had already left her.    


"Don't be ridiculous!"    


Ye Feng sneered. Zhou Mubai said such slanderous words in such a dignified manner. At this moment, Ye Feng couldn't help but admire his shamelessness.    


"I have nothing against those people. Why would I kill them? What will I gain from killing them? Profound Sky Valley Trial is plagued by crises, and I am alone. Am I going to make some enemies out of thin air?"    


Ye Feng said with a sneer. His words were clear and logical.    


"That's right. He already has a lot of courage to challenge the Profound Sky Valley Trial alone. Who would kill someone for no reason? Unless there's something wrong with this his brain, or he doesn't want to live anymore."    


Several people from the crowd backed him up. This caused Zhou Mubai's expression to turn slightly ugly.    


"Actually, the matter is very simple. It's all because these people here," Ye Feng paused and looked at Zhou Mubai and the others, "have been tempted by benefits."    


"These people coveted my eight Tianxuan Fruit, and they chased after me several times. Even after the trial ended, they went after me, surrounded me, and almost killed me on my way back to the Martial Mansion. That is why a great battle broke out between us. I killed dozens of them, even if my realm is low. Tell me, elder, am I guilty?"    


Ye Feng's words made sense. Even if Elder Wu wanted to punish Ye Feng directly, he could not find a better reason in such a short period of time.    


Just as Elder Wu thought of how to handle the situation, Chen Xiangtian suddenly scolded Ye Feng, "You are really glib-tongued! You have been charged with a crime. You have no room to defend yourself. Now, hand over the Tianxuan Fruits, cripple your cultivation, and get lost!"    


Earlier, Chen Xiangtian secretly bribed Elder Wu. He promised to give him some extremely generous benefits.    


Elder Wu had no reason to reject Chen Xiangtian. Besides, he had to consider Chen Xiangtian's honor.    


Compared to this, Ye Feng's life and death were not that important.    


Elder Wu gestured for Chen Xiangtian to stop, then said, "Elder Chen's words represent the will of the court. You killed your fellow disciples and humiliated your elders. You are so outrageous. You better confess!"    


Ye Feng's expression was incomparably cold. He had clearly explained his side, but it looked like Elder Wu had already decided who was right and who was wrong.    


It seemed that Elder Wu went against his conscience. He gave up on believing Ye Feng under Chen Xiangtian's encouragement and even forced Ye Feng to confess crimes that he likely didn't commit.    


Ye Feng was just a small figure. A small figure who was looked down upon and abandoned by others. In this world where strength and power reigned supreme, there is only iniquity.    


Chen Xiangtian was the Tian Ji Hall Elder, and his status was extraordinary. Elder Wu, who was in charge of the court, knew that he was distorting the truth, went along with his lies. Chen Xiangtian's words had overturned all of Ye Feng's reasonable excuses as if he wanted to punish Ye Feng.    


Chen Xiangtian ordered Ye Feng to hand over the Tianxuan Fruit and cripple his own cultivation before leaving. Why would Ye Feng agree?    


"Elder, I have already explained the matter clearly, but it seemed that you rather invert the truth with Chen Xiangtian's words. As the Law Enforcement Academy's elder, I ask you, have you been fair and just?"    


Ye Feng had seen through everything. Initially, he thought that Elder Wu would do things fairly, and so he placed his hopes on him. However, he didn't expect that Elder Wu was also a hypocrite. He knew the law but went against it and colluded with Chen Xiangtian and the others.    


Now, Ye Feng could only rely on himself.    


"How dare you!"    


Elder Wu shouted angrily at Ye Feng. He was still as dignified as before. However, his dignified image was just a facade to cover how ugly he was.    


"You have quite the nerve to question me. You shall receive the harshest punishment from the Enforcement Court."    


Elder Wu's expression was ugly. He urgently wanted Ye Feng to shut up.    


The reason he sided with Chen Xiangtian was because of his identity. Meanwhile, Ye Feng was just an outer circle disciple of the Tianxuan Hall who might have been wrongly accused. It didn't even matter if he wronged Ye Feng.    


Ye Feng's expression was cold. He had a hunch that today's matter wouldn't end well. With a bright light, the Dragon Guts Silver Spear appeared in his hand, and he unleashed the spear power.    


"You have all wronged me just because you have the privilege to do so. It doesn't matter whether I'm right or wrong since you have all decided the outcome since the beginning. However, if you want to kill me, you will have to show your true abilities. I want to fight with a cultivator under the Qi Condensation. If someone can defeat me, I'm willing to accept the punishment. Otherwise, you won't be able to hold me accountable anymore. How about this?"    


Ye Feng stared at Elder Wu and said his demands.    


His clear voice thundered in the hall, and everyone heard him. If looks could kill, everyone who went against him would be dead right now.    


"He's really confident to challenge all the experts under the Qi Condensation, which includes those people from the Body Refining Board. If he loses, he will take the punishment."    


Although everyone was shocked by Ye Feng's frivolous and confident words, some found him too arrogant.    


After all, he challenged all the people below the Qi Condensation to fight him by himself. How much courage and boldness did he have to say such words?    


"I promise you. If you win all of the challenges, I sentence you to not guilty."    


Elder Wu nodded and accepted his demand without any worries. There were many geniuses present. How could Ye Feng fight them alone? Once he lost, he would have to face the consequences. And at that time, he would have a valid reason for Chen Xiangtian's request.    


Right then, a young man from the direction of the Tian Ji Hall Faction flew onto the stage.    


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