Sky War God

C55 Chapter 55 Soul Refining Incantation

C55 Chapter 55 Soul Refining Incantation

0Everyone could feel a strange force wrapped around their bodies. Under the luminous light, the eight statues looked divine that gave the people the impulse to worship them.    


'These eight statues correspond to the eight people who reached the peak. What a coincidence. It's like the heavens planned this all along,'    


Liu Tianjie muttered under his breath. He looked around and saw the Sword statue. Since he was good at sword techniques, he chose this statue.    


Chen Aotian glanced in Ye Feng's direction as if he was watching him. He wanted to kill Ye Feng, but he was afraid of Qin Yanran's weapon, so he couldn't act rashly even if he hated him to the core.    


Chen Aotian turned his attention to the eight statues. Since he was a Qi Condensation Stage expert, he had quite the knowledge about these kinds of tests, and he knew what these eight statues meant. He slowly approached the Qilin statue.    


The Qilin Statue looked majestic and lifelike. The first battle that Chen Aotian had awakened was the Holy Qilin Beast. Therefore, his choice made sense.    


At the same time, Zhou Mubai started to choose which statue to take and stopped in front of the Roc statue since he owned a Green Rank Roc Battle Spirit.    


Shangguan Hong chose the statue of the Halberd. He had been cultivating the Halberd since he was young, and he wanted to learn something from it.    


Son of God's eyes were filled with bloodthirstiness. The Anaconda Statue he chose was related to the Battle Spirit he had awakened.    


Immediately after that, Feng Gan went in front of the Saber statue.    


"Let's choose as well,"    


Qin Yanran said to Ye Feng.    




Ye Feng nodded his head. Now, only the Ancient Ape and Vermillion Bird statues were left.    


Ye Feng didn't mind and chose the Ancient Ape Statue. Throughout the seven days he spent in the Tianxuan Peak, he felt that his physical strength had improved tremendously as well as the bones and muscles in his body. His physical body was almost perfect.    


This made him realize the importance of having a strong physical body. Right now, he seemed to feel a strong power from the Giant Ape statue. Perhaps the statue would be helpful in his body tempering.    


For Qin Yanran, she chose the Vermillion Bird statue since it had something to do with the cultivation method she was cultivating. Also, she had the Vermillion Bird attribute, to begin with.    


It was just like what Liu Yunjie said, eight people had reached the top of the mountain, and there were eight statues. It was as if everything had been deliberately planned.    


Just as everyone was about to approach the Statue's Comprehension, eight puppets descended at the same time. Their bodies were surrounded by powerful auras, and they charged right at the eight of them.    


Everyone's eyes were sharp. They instantly understood that if they wanted to get close to the comprehension, they had to defeat the eights puppets who seemed to be the statues' guardians first.    


Puppets were items refined by a Great Master Refiner, and they usually took the form of a human. Due to the preciousness of the materials, it was very difficult for a Great Master Refiner to find them. The price of a single puppet was extremely expensive. In the Zhao State, only a few major powers possessed a puppet.    


The Tianxuan Mansion was the top College Martial House in the Imperial City. It was normal for them to put these puppets to protect the trial grounds.    


The puppet didn't have a mind of its own, but its attack power was abnormally strong, and its defensive power was astonishing.    


In just a split second, the eight puppets launched their attacks at the eight of them at the same time.    


"We have to work harder!"    


Qin Yanran smiled at Ye Feng. She was facing a Body Refining Stage level 9 Puppet, which was about the same realm as her.    


"Be careful,"    


Ye Feng reminded Qin Yanran just as he dodged the attack of the Seventh Layer of Body Refining Stage Puppet in front of him.    


'I can't kill that trash for now. I'll start with this puppet first,'    


Feng Gan's eyes were on Ye Feng the whole time and saw how he and Qin Yanran were close together. This made him even determined to kill Ye Feng.    


He then faced the puppet and began to attack it. He was on par with the puppet's power.    


A great battle erupted between the humans and the puppets. Each of the puppets they were facing was at the same level as them, and its attack powers were as extremely powerful.    


After a short period of time, a loud sound echoed in the air. As Chen Aotian's violent palm power hit the puppet's head, its head exploded on the spot. It had lost all its combat strength.    


"So strong!"    


The rest who were still fighting their own puppet noticed the situation on Chen Aotian's side. He had defeated the sixth-level Qi Condensation Puppet in such a short period of time. His combat strength was quite terrifying.    


Chen Aotian didn't waste any more time and sprinted in front of the Qilin statue to start the comprehension.    


Meanwhile, on Zhou Mubai's side, the roc behind him shone and used the claw to attack. A large hole immediately appeared on the chest of the puppet in front of Zhou Mubai, and the puppet's body fell with a loud bang. Quickly, Zhou Mubai started the comprehension.    


Although he had just entered the Martial Mansion, Zhou Mubai's combat strength was not any weaker than the experts on the Body Refining Board.    


In another direction, Shangguan Hong roared furiously. He used the ancient halberd to attack, and the puppet's skull shattered.    


Liu Yunjie and the others also defeated the puppet in front of them and started the comprehension.    


Although the puppets were strong, these few people stood out from the hundreds of people who participated in the trial. As they walked all the way to the Tianxuan Peak, their strength was naturally at the top.    


"Looks like the two of us will have to work harder!"    


Ye Feng politely said to Qin Yanran. He had his attention on the other people to observe their combat strength.    


"Of course."    


Qin Yanran nodded. Her palm technique was like a vermilion bird. Her attacks were agile and aggressive. Very quickly, she defeated the puppet in front of her and started the comprehension.    


At the same time, Ye Feng slashed a sharp spear light across the puppet's body and pierced it. He stepped forward and stared at the huge and mighty statue in front of him.    


Ye Feng felt a strange force was floating around his body, seeping through his force. His mind went into a kind of ethereal state as if he had entered another spatial zone.    


There was nothing in the spatial zone, not even an aura. It was dead silent. The bright stars in the sky illuminated the land. Ye Feng was alone. He looked around but found nothing.    


He sat cross-legged and began cultivating. After an unknown period of time, the earth trembled and produced a terrifying sound. Ye Feng's body seemed to be trembling intensely.    


Ye Feng opened his eyes and slowly stood up. He looked in the direction where the sound came from and saw a figure of Giant Ape running towards him from afar. Its huge body seemed to be filled with explosive force. Heaven and earth trembled with every heavy step it took.    


'Demonic Beast!'    


Ye Feng could barely make out the words, and his eyes were filled with fear. In Ye Feng's memory, he had never seen a Demonic Beast with such a powerful aura before.    


'What level is this Demonic Giant Ape at?'    


Ye Feng thought. His body couldn't move. He knew that if this Demonic Giant Ape wanted to harm him, he might not even have the time to resist and would be crushed by it.    


But Ye Feng didn't budge from his spot. He just quietly stared at the huge Demonic Giant Ape that was rushing towards him.    


The earth continued to shake as the huge Giant Ape quickly arrived in front of Ye Feng. It let out a terrifying demonic aura in every breath it breathed.    


In front of the Giant Ape, Ye Feng's figure seemed incomparably tiny, as if a casual punch from the Giant Ape could shatter Ye Feng's body.    


Ye Feng had never thought that there would be such a terrifying Demonic Beast hidden within this mysterious Tianxuan Valley.    


"Why didn't you run away when you saw me? Aren't you afraid that I might kill you?"    


The Giant Ape looked down at Ye Feng with its huge eyes. Although it wasn't moving its mouth, it seemed to communicate with Ye Feng through the void and into Ye Feng's mind.    


Ye Feng's eyes blinked. Not only was the Giant Ape powerful, but it could also use the Divine Sense to communicate with him. Just based on this point alone, it was incomparable to those Demonic Beast that had yet to awaken their intelligence. Its strength exceeded what Ye Feng had expected.    


"I have never offended you, so why kill me? But of course, if you want to kill the innocent, I really have nothing to say about that."    


Ye Feng also used the Divine Sense to transmit his voice to the Giant Ape. His words were neither servile nor overbearing.    


"I don't need a reason to kill you."    


The Giant Ape's voice was rough and wild. Its entire body released an endless amount of energy as it spoke.    


" don't need a reason, huh?" Ye Feng slightly tilted his head to the side and continued, "The reason could be, it's because you are strong. If I were someone weak, you'd kill me as you wish. However, If I were stronger than you, then you must bow before me as well!"    


Ye Feng's words turned cold. Even if the Giant Ape could easily kill him with a single step, he did not know what it meant to submit. He wouldn't yield.    


"Now, there aren't many people who dare speak in such a manner in front of me. I won't kill you, but if you want to successfully walk out of this space, you have to rely on your own abilities. If you don't have the capability, you will only die!"    


The Giant Ape became somewhat angry at Ye Feng's attitude. However, it did not attack him. Instead, it casually threw a worn-out book into Ye Feng's hands, then said, "This is a set of Body Refining Stage Cultivation Method. I will only give you one day. You need to successfully cultivate the first tier of this set of Cultivation Methods within a day. By then, I'll test the results of your cultivation. If I am satisfied, you will pass. If not, you will have to face death!"    


Then without waiting for Ye Feng's response, it disappeared with no trace.    


'Only a day to cultivate the first tier of the cultivation method?' Ye Feng frowned. 'What kind of rule is this? And if I don't succeed, I will lose my life. Great!" he sarcastically exclaimed.    


Ye Feng's expression was ugly. He cursed at the starry sky to vent his anger. However, the Giant Ape never returned. No one in the empty space paid any attention to him.    


Ye Feng took a long breath and calmed his emotion. He sat cross-legged on the spot and began to flip through the so-called Body Refining Stage Cultivation Method that the Giant Ape had given him.    


The Cultivation Method was called "Will Refining skill." From the name, it was a typical Body Refining Stage Cultivation Method.    


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