Dragon Soul Battle Sovereign

C5930 The Eve of the Decisive Battle

C5930 The Eve of the Decisive Battle

4Long Yan had created miracles time and time again, and he was still so young. He had the greatest potential, and had become the publicly acknowledged number one genius of the Divine Dragon Empire Region. In fact, he had already become the ruler of the human race, the Dragon Emperor, a true hero. He had even become their backbone, the core powerhouse. It was him who had brought everyone's courage and mental strength... He made everyone hold on, infecting them with his actions... Furthermore, Long Yan had turned the tide of the tribulation this time. He had truly established the highest position in their hearts.    


Long Yan looked at the crowd and said, "Even if we can escape, we can still hide in the boundless sea of stars. But we can't ignore the lives of all the people in the world. Furthermore, as experts, we can't escape. We can only fight with our lives on the line. Because we have no choice or path of retreat. Even if the will of the Ancient Ancestor Demon is extremely powerful, however, we have to fight with our lives on the line. If we don't fight with our lives on the line, there's nothing we can do. The Divine Dragon Empire Region will also fall into an irrecoverable state! "    


After he finished speaking, he saw that everyone was listening attentively. No one refuted him. Long Yan continued, "We are all responsible for protecting the human race. Everyone knows this. There are trillions of lives in the four major races combined. They are our responsibility and responsibility to protect them. Our continent cannot be occupied by demons, because we have tens of millions of lives. We have to have our own beliefs, and that is to destroy them. Kill his demonic will. "    


For the sake of millions of lives, for the sake of not letting them lose their homes, for the sake of all their compatriots, we can only fight with our lives on the line to eliminate the evil spirits!    


"That's right, what Long Yan said is right. The Divine Dragon Empire Region has been in chaos ever since. Although we humans have faced a fatal crisis, we still won in the end. This is a miracle. We didn't lose, and we aren't weak either. The more furious the Ancient Devil was, the more likely it was that he wasn't completely confident. We can understand why he was so angry. In fact, it was because he felt guilty. Moreover, by fusing with the will of all devils, he was able to save all of the living beings of the three clans. This is a good thing for us, and as the top experts of the four great races, in order to protect us, we must unite. Only by doing so can we have hope... Killing Ancestral Demons is our mission!"    


Everyone nodded in agreement. They naturally understood this, but when they thought about that terrifying ancient ancestral devil, even though it was only a clone, it was still terrifying enough.    


"If we didn't contact the outsiders, the Spirit Race, the God Race, and the others... After all, this is a matter of life and death for our Divine Dragon Empire Region. They shouldn't stay out of it. If we had the Mutated Monarch God and the Spirit Lord God Kings, we would have been more powerful. "    


One of the Great Demon Kings said.    


Yan Mo Xie thought for a moment: "It's very difficult to convince them, because they didn't participate in this dangerous riot crisis. They didn't realize the terror of the Ancestor Devil, and they didn't even have that kind of consciousness. They wouldn't even think that once the seal was broken, it would be the complete annihilation of the Divine Dragon Empire Region. They wouldn't think that way. "    


No matter what, as long as the four families unite and resist together... This is not a small force, and the humans have won this time... It would also give everyone a chance to catch their breaths, and the human race would be able to settle down for the time being.    


All of this was because Long Yan had completed the final reversal.    


Even if the Ancient Ancestor Devil was powerful, all the top experts present couldn't give up, let alone lose the courage to fight.    


After all, no one wanted their race to fall into such a desperate situation. No one wanted to see their people die tragically in the hands of the devil.    


The top experts themselves were the race that protected them. They had such a responsibility and couldn't be shirked.    


For the sake of dignity, for the sake of survival, for the meaning of their existence.    


There was no way out. Even if they had to pay with their lives, they could not give up.    


Long Yan said in an imposing manner, "I will fight to the end with my life. No matter what you think, I don't care. However, I know that there is still a glimmer of hope in fighting to the death. If I give up... That will never escape the fate of death. I, Long Yan, swear once again. If I don't kill this devil, I swear that I will fight to the death. I have no regrets in death!"    


This was an incomparably solemn oath. It immediately stirred up everyone, all of them taking this oath, making everyone firm their confidence, not allowing them to shrink back.    


After all, the lives of everyone here weren't as precious as Long Yan's, because he was too young. His potential was tremendous, and he still had an infinite amount of room for development. But even he took the lead to swear that these were the top experts of the older generation. How could they shrink back? Even if someone really had an idea... But at this moment, Long Yan had completely shut up his mouth.    


Long Yan was full of heroic spirit, courage, and decisiveness. Such a resolute attitude made everyone excited. They were even more shocked by this young man's courage and persistence.    


"Alright, I'll support you until the end. Fight to the death!" Yan Mo Xie was the first to stand out. Her words were also very forceful and had a more representative quality.    


"Hahahaha, this old man can be counted as one. I also vow to fight to the death with the Ancestor Devil. In any case, I'm also an old bone. I'm willing to give everything I have, and I only want to do something meaningful for the people of the world in the end."    


The Time Dragon Emperor also laughed loudly and said.    


Everyone expressed their stance, and their attitudes were firm.    


At this moment, Little Black jumped out and said, "And me, isn't that the Ancient Ancestor Demon? Grandpa Black can kill him with a single slap. At that time, Big Brother will hand those two little girls over to me. Hehe... "    


When everyone heard this, they all laughed loudly. The atmosphere immediately became very harmonious.    


It was because everyone had made an oath and expressed their attitude. Their eyes were all filled with determination, and that was to fight to the death.    


Long Yan added, "Alright, we should be fine now. Seniors of the three races... You will lead your compatriots to return and settle down first. I think everyone should be more or less awake. When the time comes, you will still meet at this position. This is the place where we will fight to the death with the Ancient Ancestor Devil. We will not go anywhere! "    


All the top experts of the three races nodded their heads in agreement. They had great admiration for Long Yan. Their hearts were filled with gratitude towards him. Furthermore... His words... Not only could it affect the Dragon Kings, it could also affect their consciousness... This young man would affect the entire Divine Dragon Empire Region and become someone like his father. He would make the seven major races respect him.    


In this crisis of the human race, the demons were the ones who suffered the most casualties. Next would be the barbarians. The sea gods were secondary. In fact, the human race had the least casualties.    


This was because at the most critical moment, they were all brought into the five great defensive formation diagrams by the experts. In the midst of the chaos of war, they could also use stealth to travel through the Heaven and Earth Formation to come from the transfer point.    


This time, after the discussion of all the Dragon Kings, they would move all five of the Divine Dragon Palace to the safest place. There were also many old, weak, sick, and disabled warriors who were of little use. Transfer them to the Demon God Realm, the Barbarian Race, and the Sea God Clan.    


This also allowed them to temporarily hide from the limelight and allow all those who had the ability to participate in the battle. Warriors who could contribute their strength would stay behind and allow their loved ones to be protected. They no longer had any worries and would wholeheartedly devote themselves to the battle. After all, the main goal of the Primeval Demon Ancestor was to obtain the five God Dragon Balls. The human race was destined to be his number one goal!    


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