Dragon Soul Battle Sovereign

C5580 Completely Panicked

C5580 Completely Panicked

3Naturally, these demons wouldn't believe what Long Yan said. Furthermore, ao Shan and Manwu had become traitors to the Demon Domain Star.    


"Since that's the case, manwu, don't bother with them anymore." Ao Shan pulled Manwu along. In any case, she wouldn't bother with those devils.    


They were still here because they wanted to help Long Yan clarify the matter of his father, Long Shuo. Thus, they temporarily moved aside.    


In any case, it had nothing to do with the Demon Domain Star anymore. They didn't want to return to the hell controlled by the Devil Ancestor.    


"Aoshan, manwu, you two damn little fellows. You betrayed us. Sooner or later, you will regret it. From now on, you have nothing to do with our Demon Region Star. You might even take away your identity as the Demon Spirit's Young Lord."    


"The elders of our demon race have entrusted you with an important task. Yet you treat us like this, betraying the Demon Region Star. You have been devoured by the devil, and from now on, you will be hunted down by the endless devil stars. There is no way you can escape from us. Just you wait. You will regret it. We must get out. After capturing you, we'll throw you into the Devil Prison Realm. We will never reincarnate! "    


The devils were furious and furious, and all of them started to roar ferociously.    


Their sharp blood-red eyes and roars made all of the humans feel a chill on their backs. They were overwhelmed with shock. Everyone in the world was dumbfounded. They had no idea how Long Yan had changed them. This was also a miracle.    


Those devil soul masters roared and screamed. The entire human race was so scared that they didn't dare to make a sound.    


Some of them were extremely scared. They were deeply afraid that they would rush out and bring disaster to the human race. At that time, they would be plunged into another world of misery and suffering.    


How did Long Yan do it? How did he make them undergo such a huge change? And it was as if they had listened to Long Yan's words. They had only been missing for half a day.    


No one could understand what was going on, but they had heard from them that it was Long Yan who had helped them escape from the control of the ancient devil. This had made them feel grateful towards Long Yan. What was going on?    


The Demon Domain Star had invested a lot of money this time. Naturally, they wouldn't let go of such a huge price. Furthermore, they were able to support the Dragon Imprisoning Demon Formation.    


Then, a great demon from the Demon Domain Planet suddenly said to Long Haonan, "Long Haonan, if you can help us now, we can give you even more strength to deal with the human race."    


They placed their hopes on Long Haonan. After all, the devil-devouring beast he controlled was extremely powerful. Moreover, it was also a very terrifying evil spirit monster.    


As long as they removed the binding power of the Ancestor Devil Heavenly Eye on Long Haonan and the devil-devouring beast, he would be able to work for them.    


In any case, they wouldn't be able to count on Ao Shan and Manwu, these two traitors.    


These Ogres were truly sinister and cunning, actually setting their sights on Long Haonan. This fellow just so happened to hate Long Yan and the thirteen Dragon Emperors. Let him get the five Dragon Balls for them, and also bring fatal killing to these Dragon Kings. In any case, the Dragon Kings could not move under the control of the Demon Ancestor's Heavenly Eye. They could only be killed.    


Previously, the Demon Devouring Beast had already obtained the power of the dead bodies of the five Dragon Kings of the Five Seas, so it was extremely powerful.    


"Not bad, I can move right away."    


Indeed, long Haonan began to gradually move, and the Devil Devouring Beast also began to flaunt its claws and claws to recover. He cursed these great demons in his heart. However, he was still very happy to kill Long Yan and the other Dragon Kings after this opportunity presented itself. This was equivalent to the cooperation between these devils and him.    


"Hahahaha, I'm going to complete my mission very soon. You damn Dragon Kings, and you brat!"    


Long Haonan could not help but feel excited and excited.    


The devil-devouring beast was inhumane. It was the cruelest evil spirit monster. It was about to make the Dragon Kings and Long Yan pay a heavy price. If Long Yan and the Dragon Kings were killed, they would naturally get the five Dragon Balls.    


"Long Haonan, as long as you can help us kill these human experts... Our Demon Domain Star will not treat you unfairly. We will even let you take control of the entire human race from now on. You can devour everyone here as you wish. We can even give you more power, to make you stronger. Because we have many corpses of experts... We can definitely help you forge many supreme experts, let you forge a Devil Devouring Beast army. "    


The conditions offered by these great demons were still very attractive, making Long Haonan laugh complacently.    


"Good, good, then we'll work together once more. I won't disappoint you, and I'll even help you capture those two damnable traitors. It's just that you have to satisfy my requirements."    


"Alright, then let's begin. Help us get the five God Dragon Balls and kill these people first. When the time comes, we'll make a deal." Long Haonan had reached a verbal agreement with them. Furthermore, he had completely removed the power of the Demonic Ancestor Heavenly Eye from his body, allowing him to move freely.    


At this moment, the humans of the world could already see that in the space where the demonic energy soared into the sky, those malevolent evil spirit tentacles began to twist and sway wildly.    


Furthermore, the Dragon Emperors were still unable to move. Countless of them were scared silly. Their faces turned pale, and everyone became nervous. Not even Long Yan could stop this evil spirit monster. Manwu and Ao Shan could only face death.    


No one could imagine that once this evil spirit monster started a massacre, no one would be able to stop it, kill it, and stop it. The catastrophe of the human race couldn't be avoided. This place would still be plunged into misery and suffering.    


"Why did it develop into such a state? Why?"    


Everyone fell to the ground in fear. Was the human race really going to be finished? They had all seen how terrifying the Devil Devouring Beast was.    


The Demon Region Star used the Demon Ancestor's Heavenly Eye to control these Dragon Kings. Furthermore, long Haonan was going to continue the slaughter. It seemed that these devils were really going all out.    


The Human Race would surely suffer a heavy price. Long Yan was originally their hope, but it was a pity that Long Yan was too weak compared to the Devil Devouring Beast. He couldn't change anything.    


Even if he had the strength of the Dragon Emperor, it was impossible for him to change anything. In fact, it was impossible for a miracle to happen this time.    


They could only wait for their deaths and accept the reality!    


The people in the world were extremely terrified. If the entire human race could escape this calamity today, they could only pray for the blessing of the Heavens.    


But, did the heavens exist? These human beings were merely ants. Who in the world could stop the Devil Devouring Beast? Countless people were frightened to the point of screaming and crying out loud.    


The Dragon Emperors were the guardians of the entire human race. Even they were unable to move. When they were killed, the entire human race would only become food for the Devil-Devouring Beast.    


"I'm still too weak, too weak. Why didn't you give me time? Why?" Long Yan panicked. He had never panicked before.    


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