A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C220 The Fierce Competition

C220 The Fierce Competition

4However, Black Fist did not have these restrictions.    


What the crowd saw was hot-bloodedness. It was a fierce collision.    


Seeing the blood, everyone became excited. They were all extremely excited and kept shouting the names of the contestants on the stage.    


Shen Qi really did not like this kind of occasion.    


Liu Yi also had a face full of emotion and said, "I suddenly feel lucky that I am a proper boxer and have not fallen to this stage. In this place, boxers are just slaves and do not have any dignity."    


Shen Qi nodded. "Yes. But everyone has to be responsible for their own path. " No matter what they chose this path for, it still makes people feel pity. "    


The boxer Hee Yining casually threw was pushed back by the opponent's punch. He laid on the ground and could not get up again.    


The surrounding crowd only cared about the money they had thrown. No one asked if the person was dead or alive.    


Many people threw items on the stage to vent their anger and emotions.    


The scene instantly became chaotic.    


Shen Qi felt her heart tighten.    


Liu Yi hugged her arms and also felt a little unhappy. "No wonder this place can only be underground black fist. It is too indifferent to the dignity of life."    


Hee Yining said lightly, "There is no other way. This is the rule here. If you want to play here, you have to follow the rules here."    


Liu Yi said, "Yes. When your arms can't twist your legs, you can only endure. These people are not qualified to fight on the international stage. They can only come here to consume their lives. Just like what Qi said, everyone had the right to choose their way of life. "But once you choose, you have to be responsible for your own choice."    


Hee Yining turned his head and glanced at Wen Yibo and Fann Sheng Fan Li.    


Fan Li touched her ear. She nodded at Hee Yining and said in a low voice, "They have started to move. We should retreat."    


Hee Yining nodded slightly and turned to Shen Qi and Liu Yi. "Forget it. We just need to watch this competition. There is no need to worry about it. Qi, since you don't like this kind of occasion, let's go somewhere else."    


Shen Qi indeed felt very uncomfortable and immediately nodded. But she still respected Liu Yi very much, "Yi still want to watch?"    


Liu Yi smiled and said, "I also came to see Black Fist. In the past, master always nagged at me about this and never saw it. Now that I see it, I finally know what Master meant by what he said to me in the past. After witnessing it, there's naturally nothing to be reluctant about. "After all, I'm not a gambler."    


Since Liu Yi had already said so, Shen Qi did not hesitate any longer. She immediately followed Hee Yining and the rest and left this fanatical room.    


When they came outside, the noise inside was still endless.    


When Hee Yining walked out of the door, Someone immediately came over to send Hee Yining and the others away.    


As they passed by, the person whispered in Hee Yining's ear, "I have already arranged the route for you. This place will be swept clean in about half an hour."    


Hee Yining nodded and drove the others away. He completely threw the clamor behind him.    


"The night is so good. Why don't we go and eat?" Fann Sheng stepped on the gas and chased after Shen Qi, who was sitting in the passenger seat. "Qi, there is a wild rabbit restaurant nearby. It is said that business is very popular. Do you want to go and have a taste?"    


Shen Qi originally did not feel hungry, but after hearing what Fann Sheng said, she really felt a little hungry.    


On the way back, Liu Yi snatched Wen Yibo's car keys and stepped on the gas to rush up. She shouted, "I am hungry, I am hungry, I want to eat meat!"    


Since Liu Yi said so, Shen Qi naturally would not have any objections.    


Everyone immediately went to fight supper.    


An inconspicuous small shop was on the roadside not far from the mountain peak.    


Although the shop was small, there were quite a number of luxury cars parked on the roadside.    


They were probably either planning to go up the mountain to play or had enough fun to come down and eat supper.    


Hence, the business was simply a mess.    


What surprised Shen Qi was that the moment she got out of the car, she saw Little Chun and Xia standing by the roadside with smiles on their faces.    


"President, the room is ready." Little Chun said with a smile, "It is by the side of the road."    


Hee Yining nodded. "Let's go in."    


As soon as they sat down, someone brought the midnight snack over one after another. Clearly, they had ordered it in advance. They could eat it as soon as they arrived, so they did not have to wait.    


Liu Yi had a large appetite and was very hungry.    


Hence, when the food was brought over, it was her who ate the most.    


Wen Yibo originally wanted to ridicule Liu Yi's appetite and then thought about the experience of being thrown on the shoulder twice. In the end, he was so sullen that he did not say anything.    


Shen Qi, on the other hand, felt that it was alright. She was purely accompanying Liu Yi to eat.    


As long as Liu Yi felt that it was delicious, she would give Shen Qi a serving. So Shen Qi just wanted to taste it and also ate a lot of things.    


A few cars sped past outside the window.    


The car was very fast and the license plate number could not be seen clearly.    


Hee Yining quickly raised his eyes to take a look. A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He said softly to the others, "The net is starting to close. How many things can we snatch this time will depend on whose hands are fast. "    


"Who else are we going to take down this time?" Wen Yibo could not help but ask, "Did you attack ahead of time?"    


Hee Yining did not say anything. Fann Sheng, Fan Li, smiled and said, "Yining never does things without purpose. We just need to follow Yining to pick up the scraps! Who cares who he beats!"    


Wen Yibo nodded. "You're right."    


Shen Qi looked up at them. "What are you guys talking about?"    


The four men immediately smiled and did not say anything.    


Liu Yi grabbed a rabbit leg and nibbled it as she said, "Who cares what they are talking about? They are all profiteers. What else can they do other than scheming? Come, Qi, this rabbit is really delicious. This leg is for you. If they like to play tricks, go and play. Let's eat ours! "    


Shen Qi reached out to take the rabbit leg from Liu Yi and placed it on the plate in front of her. She said to them, "We will leave M City tomorrow. Tonight's meal can be considered a gathering before we part ways. Do you want to drink a cup to celebrate?"    


"Okay." Fann Sheng said with a smile, "I like girls as straightforward as Qi."    


That night, Shen Qi thought Hee Yining, Wen Yibo, and Fann Sheng and Fan Li were all busy. Their eyes were twinkling and they were giving orders.    


However, Shen Qi was too lazy to ask and was too lazy to ask. After happily filling her stomach, she followed them back to the city center of M City.    


Hee Yining gave Shen Qi and Liu Yi a room and told them to have a good rest. They did not need to worry about the plane being delayed. He would send someone to take them to the airport.    


There was no other way. Hee Yining and the others still needed to host the final match of the designers' finals.    


So Shen Qi and Liu Yi slept happily until noon. After tidying up, Little Chun personally came to take them to the airport.    


Just before boarding the plane, Little Chun said to Shen Qi, "second young madame, the CEO has something to tell you. The president said that I will take care of everything. "    


Shen Qi's eyes flashed and then she bent over and nodded gently. "I know."    


Just as they were about to board the plane, Shen Qi subconsciously looked back.    


A familiar figure was leaning against a pillar.    


In the end, he still came.    


There were layers of ripples and sweetness in Shen Qi's heart.    


He said that he will never let me down in this life.    


He said that he was certain of himself.    


He said that everything had to do with him.    


Hee Yining, thank you for loving me so much.    


Liu Yi was very excited because she wanted to bring Shen Qi home.    


If it was someone else's eyes, That was an excited young man who wanted to bring his wife home.    




Liu Yi was a genuine and genuine woman!    


Furthermore, her sexual orientation was normal!    


"Qi, let me tell you. My mom loves girls like you the most!" If my mom buys you clothes, shoes, and bags, don't refuse. " Liu Yi started to talk non-stop about her mother when she got on the plane." If she dresses your room as a princess's room, you must not complain. That's right. This is my mother's scam, ah no. F * ck off my daughter's sense of beauty! "    


Shen Qi fastened her seatbelt and looked at Liu Yi in confusion. I don't think so! Most mothers are like this, right?"    


"Huh? Isn't this a trap? My God!" Liu Yi cried out in pain, "My mom did it before and threw away all my clothes and put on the princess dress in the wardrobe! Can you imagine it? When I was 15 years old, I called a bunch of kids over to celebrate, and I took a shower. My clothes were all gone! My classmates were waiting downstairs! I really had no choice but to put on the princess dress in the room! Imagine my classmates' expressions at that time."    


I don't know if Liu Yi described it too much. Shen Qi only slightly imagined Liu Yi wearing the princess dress and then couldn't help but burst out laughing.    


Really, it was too sexy.    


Liu Yi talked a lot and the main thought was that no matter what Xu Yuxi bought, Shen Qi only needed to accept it.    


The two of them chatted all the way to the destination, P City.    


When they got off the plane, Shen Qi saw a sexy lady with a seductive figure and very delicate makeup. She wore a pair of sunglasses and looked like a cold goddess. She had thick wavy hair and was standing there.    


When she stood there, it was a beautiful view.    


Countless people around her focused their attention on her.    


Liu Yi dragged the box with one hand and covered her face with the other. "My mom is already over 40 years old and she is still pretending to be a single girl! In this cruel world, there is no harm without comparison!"    


"Pfft." Shen Qi immediately burst out laughing, "Is there anyone who says that about their mother like that?"    


"You don't believe me? You will understand in a moment!" Liu Yi said helplessly.    


"What do you mean?" Shen Qi asked curiously.    


"My dad is here too. I think the four of us will have dinner together tonight." Liu Yi said softly, "Don't be too surprised when the time comes."    


Shen Qi did not have time to continue asking. In the next second, Xu Yunxi already noticed Shen Qi and Liu Yi.    


It could not be helped. Liu Yi's height was indeed a crane among chickens.    


"Little Yi, Qi!" Xu Yunxi took off her sunglasses and waved at the two of them flirtatiously.    


Shen Qi just had time to raise her hand and before she could say hello, she saw several men gathering towards Xu Yunxi and asking for autographs.    


Shen Qi's hand froze in the air.    


Liu Yi looked at Shen Qi sympathetically. "Is there no comparison and no harm?"    


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