A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C227 Chief He Was Here Too!

C227 Chief He Was Here Too!

3Fong Manlun said in surprise, "Is it really okay? "Thank you so much! "Auntie, please don't call me that. Just call me Manlun. "     0


Xu Yunxi curled her lips and deliberately said," young master Fong, I am Qi's godmother. "    


Fong Manlun said, "I have always treated Teacher Xu as my elder. I am happy to be called by my elder."    


Liu Yi could not help but shake her head and say, "What a sweet mouth!"    


Shen Qi had a helpless look on her face. "You guys are enough! Let's eat!"    


Everyone laughed and raised their chopsticks at the same time.    


It had to be said that when Fong Manlun really wanted to please someone, his rank was pretty high.    


After a meal, the distance between them instantly increased.    


Especially after the meal, he rolled up his sleeves and went to wash the dishes. This action made Shen Ziyao and Xu Yunxi very satisfied.    


A wealthy first Young Master could roll up his sleeves and do this kind of thing, even if he came with a purpose.    


A person who was willing to put down his pride for his goal must have great fortune.    


Shen Qi and the others finished their meal and gathered together to chat.    


Shen Qi's phone rang again. Shen Qi looked at the number and ran out with her hand on the phone.    


"Qi..." Hee Yining's voice came from the phone in grief, "Do you dislike that I am not handsome?"    


Shen Qi was speechless.    


What was this about?    


"If not, why did Fong Manlun look for you? Why didn't you let me go?" Hee Yining continued to complain, "Is he more handsome than me?"    


Shen Qi had a headache. "What nonsense are you talking about?"    


Hee Yining pressed the corner of his mouth gently. His phoenix eyes flashed with a strange luster.    


He had just received news that Fong Manlun had brought countless gifts over.    


To be able to make Fong Manlun pay so much attention, it could be seen that a new situation had occurred on Shen Qi's side.    


If he did not go over and take a look, how could he be at ease?    


"Qi, where are you now?" Hee Yining asked gently.    


"Uh, I'm with my mother." Shen Qi answered honestly.    


"Your mom?" Hee Yining's reaction was almost the same as Fong Manlun's. He thought quickly and reacted instantly. "You found your mother?"    


Shen Qi immediately said excitedly, "Do you know? "I didn't expect to meet my mother as soon as I arrived in P City. Yining, Do you know how happy I am?    


Hee Yining's eyes darkened. An unknown emotion flashed in his eyes. "I am happy for you too. You are really... "Why didn't you tell me when you found Mom? "As your son-in-law, how can you not see your elders?"    


Shen Qi stuck out her tongue in embarrassment and said, "I've been chatting and forgot. Senior brother also called me and only knew that I was at mother's place."    


Hee Yining smiled and said, "If you deserve to punish me, I'll punish you to warm my bed for the rest of my life."    


Even though Shen Qi was on the other side of the phone, her ears still turned red.    


After hanging up the phone, Hee Yining gently tapped the table with his slender fingers. He stared at the phone in his hand. After a while, he let out a sigh and said, "It seems like Fong Manlun has set his sights on my mother-in-law. He wants to replace me? Hehe. "Interesting."    


Little Chun stood at the side, silently waiting for the order.    


Hee Yining asked, "What did Fong Manlun bring?"    


"It was some daily necessities, household appliances, and so on." Young Chun replied.    


"Haha, young master Fong really knows how to read people's minds." Hee Yining smiled. "They live by the lake. I'm afraid some household appliances can't handle the pressure," Hee Yining said. Tell them to bring a generator. young master Fong's good intentions can't be let down easily. "    


Xiao Chun smiled. "Yes, CEO."    


"Xia. Hee Yining turned to look for the second Chief Special Assistant.    


Xia ran over with a melon in her hand. "President, what do you need?"    


Hee Yining saw the melon in Xia's hand and immediately said, "I will assign you a task."    


Xia quickly nodded and looked at Hee Yining eagerly.    


"I remember that there are quite a number of antiques and paintings in the mansion. Go and pick a few that are not of high value but have high appraisal requirements. Once they are packed, we will act together." Hee Yining ordered, "Be quick! When necessary, let them pack up and fly over to meet up with us."    


Xia chewed on the melon and left.    


Hee Yining felt really helpless about this lively chief special assistant.    


The four chief assistants had different personalities.    


Xiao Chun was calm, experienced, smart, and knew how to advance and retreat, so Hee Yining would bring him around when he went out to deal with everything.    


Xia had a lively personality, strong martial arts skills, and swift and decisive actions. She would always complete or exceed the tasks assigned by Hee Yining.    


Little Qiu had a gloomy personality and did not like to interact with people. That was why he was often sent out by Yin Sichen. Enforcing orders from all over the world.    


Little Dong was in charge of gathering information, so he rarely showed himself.    


These four chief special assistants were the people Hee Yining had selected before he inherited the Hee family.    


The four of them had also made great contributions in Hee Yining's battle for the throne.    


Xia immediately conveyed Hee Yining's order to the Hee family's mansion. Old Madame Hee happily agreed and asked butler Heh to prepare a generous gift for Xia.    


When Hee Yining was still on the road, Shen Qi leaned into Shen Ziyao's arms and slept peacefully.    


This was the first time since she was born that she slept peacefully in her mother's arms.    


She did not know if it was due to psychological effects, but Shen Qi slept very soundly.    


Shen Ziyao reached out and gently stroked Shen Qi's hair with a complicated look in her eyes.    


For some reason, Shen Ziyao was instinctively worried for Shen Qi.    


The Hee family was such a prominent family, would it be Qi's home?    


Although Qi did not tell her much about the Hee family, but as a woman, Shen Ziyao still instinctively felt a sense of danger lurking in the depths.    


If Qi was really happy, then why would there be a trace of sadness and helplessness between her brows?    


Shen Ziyao secretly made up her mind to take a good look at this son-in-law and see if he was really worthy of her Qi!    


When the sun was setting, Hee Yining finally arrived.    


Shen Qi had received Hee Yining's call early and specially ran out to welcome him.    


Because Hee Yining had brought a lot of things, Shen Qi wanted to go over and help put them away.    


If Shen Qi felt a little bad that Fong Manlun brought heavy gifts to her, no matter how many gifts Hee Yining brought, Shen Qi would only feel happy.    


This meant that Hee Yining attached great importance to his mother!    


Shen Qi was naturally the happiest.    


As soon as Hee Yining got out of the car, he saw Shen Qi standing obediently by the bridge.    


She was dressed in a long, elegant dress and was one with the surrounding environment. It was so beautiful that Hee Yining could not help but hold his breath.    


Shen Qi gave Hee Yining a sweet smile and said, "I came to pick you up. Are you still angry?"    


Hee Yining instantly smiled and his voice was low. He pretended to be serious and said, "Yes, you did well. You scored six points."    


Shen Qi stared at him coquettishly.    


Hee Yining immediately came up and asked in a low voice, "It's my first time meeting my parents. I'm so nervous! Will my mother like me?"    


Shen Qi was pale. He looked at her." She's already married and she still acts like this! "    


Hee Yining held back his laughter. "Then if Mom gives me a problem later, you have to help me!"    


Shen Qi glared at him. "No."    


Even though she said so, Shen Qi had already held Hee Yining's arm and brought him back.    


Hee Yining pinched the tip of Shen Qi's nose and followed her.    


There was a gentle breeze around them and the fragrance of flowers assailed the nose. They were enjoying the red leaves and the setting sun in the distance.    


Shen Qi casually asked, "The finals are over?"    


Hee Yining nodded. "Yes, everyone has already picked their favorite contestants. This match is also considered to be a happy one."    


Shen Qi said with some regret, "I am indeed lacking a lot."    


Hee Yining said, "It's okay. If you want to walk the path of designers, I will find other teachers for you other than Charles."    


Shen Qi shook her head and said, "Teacher Charles is enough. He is the top master that Hee family uses. It is not easy to hire someone who can surpass him. "Besides, my foundation is weak right now, so I don't need such high-end teaching."    


Hee Yining nodded and said, "It's good that you think so. It's better to be on solid ground than to bite off more than you can chew. "    


Shen Qi saw that Little Chun and the others were pushing big boxes and small boxes. She could not help but ask curiously. "What did you bring with you?"    


Hee Yining could not hide the pride on his face. "A generator, a lightning rod, and something to fortify the house. Didn't you say that the house here has been built for more than 20 years? " If we don't repair it properly, how unsafe would it be? "    


Shen Qi's face was full of surprise. "It is the first time other people see their mother-in-law. They always bring cigarettes, wine, sugar tea, and you actually bring a generator?"    


Hee Yining had a proud look on his face. "Fong Manlun has brought so many household appliances. If he doesn't have a powerful generator, he can only use it as a decoration, okay?"    


Shen Qi burst into laughter. "I see. I was waiting here."    


Hee Yining looked at Shen Qi with his phoenix eyes. "Humph, my mother-in-law. Do you need him to please her?"    


The two of them chatted and laughed as they arrived at the entrance of the temple.    


Little Chun had already instructed the workers to install the machines. Shen Ziyao walked out with a pot of tea. When she saw Hee Yining, her eyes were stunned. This man was a little too good-looking!    


While Shen Ziyao was stunned, Hee Yining had already taken the initiative to greet her. "Mom, I'm sorry I came late."    


Shen Ziyao first accepted the fact that her daughter was already so big, then she wanted to accept the fact that she suddenly had a son-in-law...    


This needed a buffer time.    


Shen Ziyao nodded slightly and said with a smile, "You are considerate. Those paintings are too expensive. I cannot accept them."    


"What paintings?" Shen Qi was still confused.    


Hee Yining smiled and said, "Mom, I heard that you studied painting abroad. So the paintings you brought this time are mainly Western works. These things are art in the eyes of knowledgeable people. In the eyes of those who didn't know it, it was just money. If you spend a little money, "Only those who can make Mom happy will feel at ease as a son-in-law."    


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