A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C52 I Didn't Do It!

C52 I Didn't Do It!

0I didn't do it!    


Hee Yining opened his eyes and looked to the side. He saw a woman pretending to be asleep next to him. Shen Qi closed her eyes tightly. Her acting was not good.    


After stretching his arms, Hee Yining slowly got up.    


Shen Qi pricked up her ears and listened to Hee Yining put on his clothes and leave. Only then did she dare to open her eyes.    


She did not know that the moment she opened her eyes, she happened to meet Hee Yining's sparkling eyes.    


Seeing that Shen Qi no longer pretended to be asleep, Hee Yining stood up straight and said, "You're awake?"    


Shen Qi stuttered and answered, "Ah, yes."    


Hee Yining looked at her with a faint smile. "How did you sleep last night?"    


"Haha. Good. " Shen Qi felt guilty and slowly sat up from the bed. She did not dare to look into Hee Yining's eyes anymore.    


"Your suggestion yesterday is good. In that case, follow me to finish this design today." Hee Yining said casually, "I came to find Mr. Mo this time to build a new castle for him."    


"Me?" Shen Qi pointed at her nose and said, "But I don't know anything about architecture."    


"It's okay. I don't want you to know much. I studied architecture when I was a graduate student. I studied geology when I was a PhD student. This hill was very suitable for building a three-story building. "This way, I won't have to worry about not having enough room to sleep." His expression was as if he didn't remember what had happened yesterday at all.    


Shen Qi opened her mouth and immediately shut it obediently.    


She would never mention anything embarrassing again!    


"Get up. Xiao Chun and the others will come in to clean up in a while." After saying that, Hee Yining turned around and left the bedroom.    


Shen Qi dejectedly pounded the big bed and said to herself, "Shen Qi, what's wrong with you? Just... so disappointing! Sleep your sleep! That's right, why sleep on someone else's body? "No, I can't admit it. I won't admit it even if I die!"    


Shen Qi was extremely angry. She turned around, hugged her clothes, and quickly changed them.    


Just as she washed up and came out, she saw Xiao Chun ordering the two maids to come in and change everything in the room.    


Shen Qi saw the look in Little Chun's eyes that was a little meaningful and instantly reacted!    


Ah! It's broken. Could it be that he thought she had sex with Hee Yining last night?    


Oh my god!    


Shen Qi opened her mouth but could not explain.    


Shen Qi lowered her head and did not dare to look at Little Chun. She hurriedly ran out.    


As soon as she went out, she saw Mr. Mo walking towards her with a goose egg in his hand.    


Seeing Shen Qi, Mr. Mo immediately waved his hand and said to Shen Qi, "Here, today's goose egg."    


Shen Qi felt awkward. "Mr. Mo, can you not laugh at me?"    


What happened yesterday was really not what she wanted!    


Mr. Mo laughed for a long time before he said, "Okay, I will keep this goose egg for you. I will give it to you when you leave."    


Could he not mention this?    


Could it be that she would be ridiculed by others for the rest of her life because of this?    


"Alright, I won't laugh at you anymore. Come, let's go eat breakfast." Mr. Mo reached out and patted Shen Qi's head. He grabbed Shen Qi's head like he was teasing a child. "I will take you to the back of the mountain later and find a place you like."    


"Huh? Pick a place?" Shen Qi thought quickly. "Are we going to pick a place to build a castle?"    


"Yes, this mountain is mine. I will build it wherever I want. Yining said you were born to study aesthetics. I believe in your taste." Mr. Mo was tall and strong. He was a head taller than Shen Qi. Shen Qi could not see anything as she walked in front of Shen Qi.    


Shen Qi could only look up at the back of Mr. Mo's head and said, "Okay."    


Breakfast was very simple, but it was very nutritious.    


Many side dishes were wild vegetables picked from the mountain. Shen Qi ate happily.    


Hee Yining saw that Shen Qi liked to eat, so he quietly placed the plate in front of her.    


Shen Qi was so engrossed in eating that she did not notice anything.    


Mr. Mo, however, looked deeply at the two of them.    


After eating their fill, the group walked up the hill.    


Shen Qi then realized that the road leading up the hill led all the way to the top.    


"Mr. Mo, did you build this road yourself?" Shen Qi could not help but ask curiously.    


Mr. Mo could not help but feel proud. "Yes, I took my people and spent half a year to build this road. We built it from other places to the top of the mountain. I picked the road base myself. "    


Shen Qi gave Mr. Mo a thumbs up.    


Hee Yining turned to look at Shen Qi and said, "What kind of building do you think this is suitable for?"    


Mr. Mo also said to Shen Qi, "Yes, Qi, what kind of style do you think this is suitable for?"    


Shen Qi said, "Actually, it doesn't matter what style you like as long as you like it. Most of the buildings we see, It's basically all in groups, so the unified style is better. But around here, Other than Mr. Mo, there were no other people living within a hundred miles. There was no need to care about their style. The French style and the Russian style were good as well. The style of the German style was also fine, and the style of the Chinese style was not wrong. The house is for you to live in. "It is not for others to see."    


Mr. Mo grabbed Shen Qi's head again. "Haha, Qi is right. I like it!"    


Seeing Mr. Mo grab Shen Qi's head, Hee Yining felt an inexplicable itch in his hand.    


Last night, when she was sleeping on his arm, her hair was soft and felt soft. The faint smell of shampoo was refreshing.    


He suddenly wanted to try the feel of her hair again.    


When he finally reached the top of the mountain, Shen Qi suddenly had a playful mood. She shouted at the valley, "Shen Qi, do your best!"    


Shen Qi's voice echoed in the valley and spread far and far.    


Seeing Shen Qi being childish, On one side, Hee Yining smiled.    


"Take this opportunity." Mr. Mo gave Hee Yining a meaningful smile and patted Hee Yining's shoulder. "Shen Qi is not bad."    


Hee Yining just smiled and did not explain anything.    


Shen Qi suddenly stretched out her finger and closed her eyes to measure the scenery in front of her.    


Seeing Shen Qi's actions, Mr. Mo asked magically, "Does she also know about strategic heights?"    


Hee Yining looked at Shen Qi and said calmly, "You think too much. She is gesturing in the direction. I think she is lost."    


Sure enough, Shen Qi asked uncertainly after Hee Yining finished speaking, "This direction is to the west, right?"    


Little Chun and the others all silently turned around.    


President, you are really too wise and wise!    


Shen Qi nodded thoughtfully and said, "If the house is facing west, it will be sunbathing in the afternoon. We can build a large French window in the west direction. This way, it will be much warmer in winter."    


Mr. Mo sighed when he heard Shen Qi's words.    


He really thought too much!    


After looking at the seats, Shen Qi selected a few suitable places to build houses.    


After Hee Yining looked at it, he deleted three places.    


Because the geology of the three places was unstable, they were not suitable to build a building.    


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