President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C508 Didn't Let Him down

C508 Didn't Let Him down

4Tang Youyou felt that her idea was ridiculous. She was able to come up with this idea at this moment. She could be considered a genius.    4


But no matter what, since she boasted in front of Ji Xiaohan that she had a way to deal with the children, she must do what she said. Otherwise, Ji Xiaohan would probably look down on her. She even wanted to use the children's excuse to continue pestering him.    


Ah, Tang Youyou had never hated this man as much as she did at this moment. The one who said that she loved her was him. Now, the one who said she didn't love was also him. It was as if she had never made the decision from the beginning to the end. She was like a big fool. Following his decision, she floated up and down.    


Now that she had been kicked away by him, she could be considered to have realized the truth. She should stop daydreaming. Don't think that you can really be his wife just because you gave birth to two children for him.    


"Will the children accept it?" Tang Youyou was not sure now.    


If it was when she first met Ji Xiaohan and she chose any man, the children would not object.    


But now, she had been with Ji Xiaohan like a family for so long. She had too many beautiful memories and left too much joy.    


She was afraid that the children would not be able to accept the fact that she had fallen in love with another man.    


What should she do if they could not accept it?    


Could it be that she really wanted to continue pestering Ji Xiaohan for the sake of the children?    


No, she did not want to be such an annoying woman. The children could not accept it, but they had to accept it. She would treat it as a form of training for them as they grew up.    


However, the children were really too young. Such an outcome was too cruel to them.    


The sky lit up slightly. Uncle Yuan woke up and suddenly received a call from Ji Xiaohan.    


"Is there still no news of her?" The man's voice was hoarse. It was obvious that he had not slept for the whole night.    


Uncle Yuan quickly replied, "Miss Tang called me at three o'clock yesterday and asked about the children. She also said that she is staying at a friend's house now."    


"Friend?" Ji Xiaohan's eyes narrowed.    


Did she have friends?    


Which one?    


Why did he only know that she had a friend called Lu Xuanchen?    


Last night, did she live in this man's house?    


Countless information rolled out of Ji Xiaohan's brain within seconds.    


"young master, young master, are you okay?" Yuan asked. Uncle Yuan saw that he was silent and did not speak, so he immediately worried about him.    


Ji Xiaohan's expression was cold. "I'm fine. I'll go back later."    


"Okay. Are the children going to school today?" Uncle Yuan asked.    


"Don't send them. Let them play at home for a day." Ji Xiaohan was feeling very annoyed at the moment. He felt that his heart was about to crack because of jealousy.    


Did Tang Youyou find another man to treat her injured mood? She really knew how to play.    


Just as Ji Xiaohan's convoy returned to the entrance of the Ji Family, he suddenly saw Tang Youyou's sports car parked outside the main hall.    


His heart shook. He hurriedly called the driver to stop the car. He quickly walked towards the living room.    


However, just as he walked to the entrance of the main hall, he heard an unfamiliar male voice introducing himself.    


"Xiaonai, Xiaorui, it's nice to meet you. I'm your mommy's good friend since young. My name is Lu Xuanchen." The man's voice was gentle.    


Tang Xiaonai and Tang Xiaorui were already sitting on the sofa like two little sculptures. They did not move at all. Other than the pair of big black and white eyes that were still looking at the handsome handsome man in front of them, there seemed to be no other reaction.    


Tang Youyou, who was sitting beside Lu Xuanchen, saw that her child was stunned. She quickly reached out and patted twice. "Alright, you can't be so rude, understand? Uncle Lu will feel embarrassed when you look at him."    


Tang Xiaorui's big eyes flashed with a trace of panic and anxiety. Tang Xiaonai had already asked loudly, "Mommy, What are you trying to do by bringing this uncle home? Aren't you afraid that Daddy will get mad at you?"    


Tang Xiaorui frowned and began to look at Lu Xuanchen with a more scrutinizing gaze.    


In fact, he already knew about Uncle Lu's existence. She was his mommy's playmate when she was young. Besides, he had heard from his mommy that Uncle Lu was very good to his mommy. He almost became a couple.    


"Don't worry. Your daddy won't be angry." Tang Youyou thought of Ji Xiaohan and sneered in her heart. At this time, he was afraid that he couldn't wait to send her away. How could he waste his energy to be angry with her?    


Luo Xuanchen looked at Tang Youyou nervously. Actually, he was a little worried. Although he had received a call from Tang Youyou early in the morning and Tang Youyou had told him the general situation, Luo Xuanchen still lacked confidence when faced with these two pairs of innocent big eyes. After all, he was not their daddy and was afraid that they would not like him.    


Tang Xiaorui immediately tightened his little face and asked seriously, "Mommy. You just called this uncle back to make Daddy jealous?"    


Tang Youyou knew that her son's intelligence and intelligence were higher than her daughter's. It was within her expectations that he would have such knowledge at this moment.    


So she quickly reached out and held Lu Xuanchen's arm. "Do you think Mommy is that kind of person? Mommy can only apologize to you and announce this so suddenly, but you really don't have to doubt anything. Mommy is very serious now..."    


"It's Daddy... Daddy is back!" Tang Xiaonai's big eyes saw the tall figure standing at the door first. She quickly jumped down from the sofa and ran over," Daddy, you're finally back. Mommy brought other uncles home. She said she doesn't want you anymore! "    


Ji Xiaohan deliberately stood outside the door and hid half of his body. He naturally heard Tang Youyou and Lu Xuanchen's words.    


At this moment, his daughter's words made his heart tremble.    


Tang Youyou did not want him anymore?    


Very good. It seemed that in terms of feelings, he was not as ruthless and cold as her. Now, her actions and actions did not seem to disappoint him. She brought her childhood sweetheart into the house so quickly. She could not wait to let the two children acknowledge their relationship.    


Tang Youyou's expression froze when she heard her daughter's shout.    


Lu Xuanchen frowned and turned his face to look at Tang Youyou. Only he knew that at this moment, it was just a show.    


Tang Youyou asked him to help put on this show, but he did not seem to have any reason to reject her. Of course, he did not want to refuse either.    


He could not wait to see Tang Youyou break up with Ji Xiaohan.    


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